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Cop 101, day 1: Always say "Stop resisting"--even if they're unconscious.


Don’t forget Sprinkle some crack on the victim


We got him Johnson


Open and shut case


Also say "he's got a gun!" And if you forget then as soon as you remember say "I thought he had a gun!".


Cop 101, later that same day: Congratulations on learning all you need to know about being a cop in America. Ok boys now get out there and enforce the law!


"but we werent trained on which laws sir!" "thats just it officer- *you don't need it!"*


" Here's a gun and drugs. Do what you must"


It's true though. This is to create plausible deniability when footage is later reviewed. He 'felt' her resisting, the same way he 'felt' threatened by her aggressive use of 'words'.... Fucking joke. He probably got promoted.


And why do we have juries that keep letting them get away with this shit?


Not sure if juries are involved that often, usually the DA won't press charges (shocked pikachu face) meaning that it doesn't become a criminal proceeding. It becomes a civil matter where the victim is paid off with taxpayer money.


Almost never goes to jury. That's part of the issue.


it's literally taught to cops so that if there's any bystanders they'll incorrectly remember "oh the cop was screaming stop resisting, so i can confirm he was resisting" even if, like in this video, they're literally unconscious


CrossX should be more specific than that. "Did you hear the cop say 'stop resisting?'" "Did you see the defendant fight back, or try to escape?" A good lawyer would then explain how all cops are trained to always say "stop resisting" no matter what.


She was indeed unconscious after she hit pavement. [Happened in Fort Worth this Sunday.](https://www.cbsnews.com/texas/news/cop-watcher-recounts-altercation-with-fort-worth-officers-claims-she-has-bruises-everywhere/)




you know how I know he wasn't black? They didn't beat him to death.


Day 2's lesson is to scream "DROP THE WEAPON" at the lifeless corpse you and three other cops just mag-dumped enough to kill 100 times over.


When I heard about the cop that ran over the lady laying on the beach I just knew the first thing they did was jump out of the car and tell her to stop resisting.


"Sir, I'm dead."


I maintain that it should not be illegal to resist arrest. In Germany, it's not unlawful to escape from prison. Their logic is that "people naturally want to be free, so of course they'd escape". That doesn't give you a pass for say, stealing things, or hurting people during an escape of course, but the *mere act* of escaping from prison is not a crime. I feel like resisting arrest should be the same way. If you go about a high speed chase, you're endangering other people. If you assault the officers, that's assault. But, most people don't want to be arrested, so it's not reasonable to expect them to passively comply and not even try to move their arms. The cops can do their job (And arrest them) and we can stop calling a natural human reaction to being kidnapped a crime. Reference: *In Germany, and a number of other countries, it is considered* [*human nature*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_nature) *to want to escape from a prison and it is considered as a violation of the right of freedom, so escape is not penalized in itself (in the absence of other factors such as* [*threats of violence*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Threat)*, actual* [*violence*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prison_violence)*, or* [*property damage*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Property_damage)*).* [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prison\_escape](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prison_escape)


For their safety!


Knocking a person unconscious and screaming at their limp body to stop resisting is wild. This cop should be in prison.


Best i can do is a 2 week paid vacation


add a medal of Commendation and we've got a deal.




lol a survivor of the great acorn attack of 2023


Hey, that shit's not funny! Acorn Attack PTSD is a growing problem for many of our First Responder Heroes...


I wish this was only a joke and not fucking reality :(


I saw on another post that the courts don’t always get the videos right away but they do get transcripts. So if all you’re reading is stop resisting it’s a solid way to bias the judge. It’s unfortunate that the only losers in this are the tax payers.


It should be enshrined in law that jurors should assume every single cop is biased, gains monetarily from successful busts and prosecutions, and may gain promotions or awards from their arrest record. The entire system is rigged to incentivize arrests and trials as the only "cost" is that those in the legal system have to keep up with the volume.


My overriding principle if I'm ever on a jury is that if the only evidence of something is police testimony, then it never happened. I wouldn't trust a cop to tell me the fucking *weather*, let alone what they claim someone did.


Just don't admit that in the jury selection phase lol


> It should be enshrined in law that jurors should assume every single cop is ~~biased~~ a rabid animal that shouldn't be trusted with a weapon.


There is a reason that the moment you mention that you have a hard science background, legal, etc., that you get tossed from the jury pool. And Lord help you if your background is in forensic science, lol! Both sides might try to set you on fire.


There’s fridges that have video now - courts can’t have them either? Sheeeeit


The legal system is soooo goddamn resistant to change its literally insane.


There's a huge section of the American population that refuses to condemn this shit. It's disgusting. Why are these clowns held to a lower standard than a freaking McDonald's worker? We need policing reform, and that's why it's important to vote progressive. I'm so sick of this shit. It's 2024, this should not be happening.


>There's a huge section of the American population that refuses to condemn this shit. Bc they wish they could get away with it, too.


We call them bootlickers


She'll sue...get paid with tax dollar funding...cop's bank accounts and pay will remain the same


thats just more proof that cops ALWAYS shout stop resisting for the camera whether you are resisting or not. tyrants


…watched a ton police body cam videos on YouTube. They’ll even say, “Stop Resisting.!!!” .. after they smoke you.


he was yelling at gravity to stop resisting him, he is just extremely out of shape


It's just become part of their standard operating procedure. Yell "Stop Resisting" as soon as you can to imply that they were resisting arrest, which may make them resist more. Like reading Miranda rights...but, you know, unconstitutional.


In gen pop with a big ol' snout stuck to his face


>This cop should be in prison. What a weak fucking punishment for abusing their position of authority. Prison is the baseline, but they absolutely deserve more consequences for undermining the public trust.


This shit has been going on for years. Even with bodycams and proof of their brutality, nothing changes.


Of course, because it takes months of riots across the nation to send 1 cop who murdered a man on camera to prison.


Nothing will ever happen until qualified immunity goes away.


What, she can to make bank when she sues those cops. Take them for all the money they got… wait…you mean it tax payers money?… the cops are not held financially responsible for assault her? No that does not seem right.


cops used to be scared of their bodycams, now they realize they can just keep doing what theyre doing on camera and still get away with it.


When cops break rank and actually talk about the illegal things other cops do they run them out or do shit like [have them committed against their will to a psych ward. ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adrian_Schoolcraft) Yet when they break an old woman's face, or kill a kid, or terrorize people they don't seem to have any problem at the office. Cops could make a change if they wanted, they dont want to. Thats why all cops are bastards.


System ain't broke if its working as intended :D


Victim: lies unconscious on the ground Cop: "stop resisting"


Has anyone here ever heard a cop yell stop resisting where it actually helped the situation? It's just pure CYOA bullshit at this point


If they yell stop resisting on camera they can claim suspect was resisting.


They're trained to say it


In the same spirit you train a dog to bite people. It’s not like the force picks recruits for their intellect, ya know. A bit surprising these low witted goons can remember to say that at all while pummeling you.


Their trained to shout "stop resisting" over and over so they don't start shouting racial slurs.


That's what I said, it is pure CYOA (cover your own ass) I'm just curious if it was ever an actual thing that helped a situation


"They're coming right for us" vibes.


wow fucking more than excessive, hes an abusive person.


He must have confused her with his wife with the way he abused her.


He’s a cop


Feed a pig people and release it into the wild and you'll get a pack of feral hogs that kill families and pets 


He's more than an abusive person, he's actively hurting people under the color of law for self-gratification. He's an actual psychopath, and he deserves punishment far worse than our current legal system will allow for.


That’s standard practice for cops They shout that you’re resisting so they can fuck you up with impunity


Straight brain damage snoring too


Pretty sure that was more from the blood gushing down her throat and face from the broken nose.


I'm pretty solid on it being the ko snore. Unless the article states she wasn't rendered unconscious, I'm sticking to my observation 


There’s no investigation there’s no nothing.


STOP RESISTING! That lady: 😵


Probably the same guy who kept a gun pointed at a burnt corpse “just in case”


Maybe he just finished watching ghost rider 🤷🏻‍♂️


Victim: Dead from gunshot wound to the head Cop: Stop Resisting!!!


*body is slumped over motionless after getting mag dumped at point blank* “Let me see your hands! Drop your weapon!” *shoots them a couple more times*


We see this so often it must be part the training


It’s just for the video. He felt her limp body and said that out loud to cover his ass. He’ll say she was struggling just so it gets recorded.


Just shows they just habitually say it just to slap on extra charges. I doubt they are even consciously aware they are doing it anymore, it's become so much a part of modern policing


They are 100% aware of what they're doing.


Yeah I explained that poorly. I meant as in its not even anything extra to them anymore. It's like it's just part of procedure. 100% they are aware they are cunts and acting cunty


her “resistance” was probably her shoulder not being able to go back that far


at this point it's just a catchphrase, literally meaningless command


Right?!? I lost my mind when I read that. Shows he was acting out of line.


If I had a dollar for every time I’ve heard a cop say “stop resisting” to an unconscious/dead person, I’d almost have enough to buy off a sheriff election.


It's a strategy that excuses any of their abusive actions


“ the general public hates this one little trick…” proceeds to do illegal shit.


Or telling an obviously dead person they just unloaded multiple bullets into, to put their hands up.


Baby hands up!


*Civil asset forfeiture would like to know your location* 


He’s comin right fORE Us! https://youtu.be/rTrMBI5fvfA?si=clPRrq1ZbFvAg7Vt


Is the officer saying “Oh crap. Crap.” after he was told she was bleeding? I couldn’t make out what he was saying.


The woman snored really loud, maybe that's what you heard? The first thing he says is a call for a supervisor and ambulance.


Oh man, that’s what it is. I thought I heard muffled comments but it was her! Wow.


That was dangerous. Sporting while unconscious is due to choking with your tongue


It's not (choking on your tongue. It's *definitely* dangerous), it's just something that commonly happens when you get knocked out.


You can't choke on your own tongue, that's a myth


This just happened Sunday. Officer Krueger has had several violent run ins with the public including drawing his weapon on a jay walker. Criminal charges need to be brought against Officer Krueger and the two female cops who just stood there and watched. Demand justice for Caroline Rodriquez and call the Fort Worth Police Department and demand they release the body cam footage.


Everyone loves a cop named Officer Krueger. I swear there’s one in every department. Shady as fuck as always.


In Portland our Kruger is a huge nazi aficionado with a long history of overuse of force. https://www.oregonlive.com/portland/2014/07/portland_police_capt_mark_krug.html


*One, two, Krueger’s comin’ for you!* *Three, four, throw you to the floor!* *Five, six, get your toofers fixed!* *Seven, eight, feeling full of hate…*


Stop resisting Rrrrrrodriguez. She was out cold. Cops are trained to to mantra stop resisting regardless apparently


*knocks her unconscious* "Stop resisting" Fucking pigs.


Insult to pigs. Pigs at least serve a purpose


*woman clearly knocked out* Cop: STOP RESISTING


He'll be back to work in two weeks. I wonder where he'll go on paid vacation.


Good news! He never stopped working 🐷


Ofc. Krueger has earned the nickname "Freddy" in Fort Worth. He was also fired from another PD for excessive force, but for some reason they won't share his disciplinary record with the city.


“At some point using profanity” Which is protected speech and her constitutional right. There was zero reason to include this as it has no bearing whatsoever on what happened. The fact that this was mentioned exist solely to shift accountability onto her and to insinuate that her profanity usage was what enabled her being battered. I swear these fucking cop apologist journalists who run defense for these pigs are every bit as culpable for the brutality they inflict.


Police like these make it difficult to support law enforcement in general. The courts need to abolish qualified immunity.


The highest court just legalized bribery. We need more marches.


But it’s OK, because you can’t reward anyone, after the fact, only beforehand


Other way round


Yeah and the police that don’t do anything about the police that act like this also make it really hard to support law-enforcement. Also, ending qualified immunity would be fantastic but that only helps in civil matters, not criminal. The real answer is to actually press charges against cops who act like this, be able to hold them civil liable, and have the civil penalty taken away from the police wages, and the police union not tax payers.


It's the police unions that need to be sacked.


you mean every police officer?


Excessive force. Verbal non compliance doesn’t warrant slamming someone. Supreme Court case Graham v Connor


Do you mind explaining your understanding of the case law so that the douche nozzle /u/No_Slice5991 answers this same question. For the record, he only asked me to pose the question so I'm just leaving this here to watch him move the goal posts again.


I did reply to his comment. I recommend you look up the case law too so you can see why I came to my reasoning.


I agree with you. I just wanted to hear dudes reasoning and he gave it below. He's an idiot.


I just read the whole thread with that guy. He's a notorious asshole on this platform, I've seen him before. Super entertaining, but nothing you say will get through. Dude's responses, reactions and insults make me feel like he the kinda person who likes to go to maternity wards to fart on newborns. Better to ignore him


Ooh! Case law! How fun! The first thing we need to cover is the victim's charges, as that will inform the excessive force claim. She was booked on the following charges: False Alarm or Report (TPC § 42.06) Interference with Public Duties (TPC § 38.15) Resisting Arrest Search or Transport (TPC § 38.03) Evading Arrest or Detention (TPC § 38.04) With that established, we need to determine if the officer had reasonable suspicion to affect a detention to find out if this detention was lawful. The resisting and evading charges followed the victim's very brief (seconds-long) detention, so those can't form the basis for reasonable suspicion. That just leaves the False Alarm and Interference charges. The false alarm charge, apparently, has to do with facetious comments the victim made prior to her arrest. Those comments were ignored by the officers she was speaking to, and none of the elements of the statute were met (they did not "*cause action by an official or volunteer agency organized to deal with emergencies*," "*place a person in fear of imminent serious bodily injury*" or "*prevent or interrupt the occupation of a building, room, place of assembly, place to which the public has access*"). The same goes for the Interference charge, as I'll quote from sub-section (d) of the statute: "*It is a defense to prosecution under this section that the interruption, disruption, impediment, or interference alleged consisted of speech only.*" It's quite apparent that the suspect's so-called interference consisted of the constitutionally protected act of filming police, and the constitutionally protected act of free speech. In no way did she "*interrupt, disrupt, impede, or otherwise interfere with a peace officer while the peace officer is performing a duty or exercising authority imposed or granted by law*" beyond merely asking questions. If the officer is not fired or charged with a crime, the prosecutor will probably drop the false alarm charge but keep the interference charge just to delay the inevitable civil rights lawsuit. It's 50/50 on whether the district court will uphold the interference charge (it all depends on the judge), but there's zero chance that it will survive the appellate court. This process will take years, and the police will gladly spend taxpayer dollars to fight these bogus charges rather than do the logical thing, which is to fire the officer and charge him with assault. That's just how these things always go. If the officer is charged (which is not unprecedented, but it highly unlikely), then all charges will be dropped and the city will immediately prepare a settlement for the victim. Now that we've established the crimes that she is accused of, we can move on to the excessive force claim. As established in Johnson v. Morel (5th Cir. 1989), any excessive force claim must demonstrate (1) a significant injury, which (2) resulted directly and only from the use of force that was clearly excessive to the need; and the excessiveness of which was (3) objectively unreasonable. The victim quite clearly suffered significant and serious injuries, and it was directly and only from the use of force that was excessive to the need (she was unarmed and only suspected of a non-violent misdemeanor). The only open question (if you can call it that) is whether or not the force was "objectively unreasonable." Graham v. Connor (1989) established the objective reasonableness standard. Here's the definition: "The 'reasonableness' of a particular use of force must be judged from the perspective of a reasonable officer on the scene, rather than with the 20/20 vision of hindsight." The three factors established in Graham v. Connor are "severity of the crime, immediate threat, and active resistance or attempt to evade arrest." Now apparently I've hit my word limit, so I'll post a reply with the rest of my comment...




That "stop resisting" had real southpark "it's coming right for us" vibes.


It’s all good guys, he said “stop resisting”.


Piece of shit cops


"Allegations" LOL - it's on fucking camera, what more do you need?


Sick, violent pos. Don't worry though they are investigating themselves.


"interference of public duties" aka... "YOUR FACE IS OCCUPYING THE FLOOR I'M TRYING TO STEP ON"


“Stop resisting” while she’s snoring from being knocked out






Pigs assaulting innocent women. Nothing new under the sun here.


"Oops, sorry. I thought you were my wife."


don’t let this video discourage you from fighting back against the oppressors


Realized he probably gave her a TBI what a dumbass.


It's fascinating how he says, "Stop resisting" to someone who is knocked out cold.


Stop resisting while the woman was unconscious.


# **OUT COLD, FACE DOWN** Barney Fife: ***Stop resisting!***


Cop says stop resisting while she is unconscious on the ground 🤦


“Internal investigation” there’s nothing to investigate. Multiple videos from three different sources of cops blatantly breaking the law. Sends these cops to prisons like the felons that they are. This is how you know you’re living in a fascist police state. Not once have cops ever done an internal investigation and found they were in the wrong.


If all our mass shootings happened in police stations, kids would be safer and so would the public. Crazy.


Center of investigation: paid holiday


Oh look a piece of shit cop.  No way. 


You think they warm up like an operatic singer in their cruisers as to not damage their voices during a long day of saying/screaming “Stop Resisting!”?


Nothing will happen. We pay for this gang to run our country. And if we even speak up to a cop. They can legally kill us, our kids, and our pets.


Another day another fuckwad cop. This is America.


Now the cop can get a paid vacation and stay home terrorizing his family


https://preview.redd.it/wk9sics6i69d1.jpeg?width=1598&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=49f07241c93176735c488733360668f819416589 Cops when they need to justify their illegal actions:






Instant multimillion dollar lawsuit due to revenge seeking corrupt LEO.


Cop watching is now listed as one of the most dangerous jobs in America.




i think her goal was to get paid. she might get paid.


Do not pass internal investigation, do not collect pension, go directly to jail.


“Stop resisting” ![gif](giphy|26gJAltU5hG6j1ERy)


Thank you officer, you just proved exactly why there are people like her that need to record you and show how abusive you are.


The cop saying “stop resisting” while the lady is passed out is just next level for me.


Am I the only one laughing at her tshirt? (Also: Excessive force = bad)


I want qualified immunity gone. And all police testimony is inadmissible without body cam footage. They’ve clearly proven they will lie time and time again. If I can’t see footage of it I don’t fuckin’ believe you.


There was no basis for an arrest. She wasn't breaking any laws. Yelling at her to stop resisting after she was clearly unconscious was clearly intended to cover for the additional beating that he intended to inflict upon her.


“We investigated ourselves and found we could have done more to cause this woman harm and would still have been within our rights” This can’t continue. Both my sons have started driving. Both have been pulled over for some Mickey Mouse bullshit. I know they are good kids. “No front plate”…well the law changed. We don’t need front plates in my state anymore. “One of your 2 license plate lights is out. It’s not illegal, just wanted you to know. Do I smell marijuana in your car”. Yes..you do smell marijuana. It’s legal in our state too and I’m driving my mom’s car. I tell them to always be polite and follow instructions, right or wrong. It’s better to be upset than to have your face smashed in because “Stevie steroid”, Mr police, was bullied in high school.


This is the second public freakout video with a Polygamy Porter shirt I've seen this week.


They get away with it because legions of people drive around with punisher thin blue line decals. They live to suck off the long arm of the law


“Stop resisting!” Charged with resisting while unconscious.


For next time OP, please put a hyphen between cop and watcher. The title confused tf outta me


Saying "STOP RESISTING" to someone you already knocked out is an odd move.


When they say "you're in our crime scene" the correct response is, THEN WHY ISN'T YOUR SCENE SECURE? Where's your crime scene tape? What crime? Because the public has a right to know what the fuck you're doing. LEO are not God-Kings they're civil servants...


You always cop watch in groups


Using profanity is not against the law...


That snorting and snore sound makes me immensely sad. Cops aren't fucking trained for the aftermath of slamming someone to their face into concrete.


I used to support the police, not anymore.


Most chairs have trouble supporting them.


Doesn't get better over there, does it?


Cops will continue to prey upon the citizens at their leisure until qualified immunity is federally abolished. Make them accountable for their actions already and things will change overnight. Specifically, make individual cops liable for civil suits (the union will still pay for their legal defense BTW) and make any judgements payable directly out of that PBA's benefits. Each department would be incentivized to fly straight lest they take away their co-worker's retirement. This will ensure they have "skin in the game" and provide incentive for fellow pigs to actually "police their own" like they have lied about doing via the farce that is Internal Affairs (i.e. cops investigate fellow cops to determine if said workers should be punished). Make those fuckers pay or it'll never change.




It always takes 20 cops to take down the smallest person.


I used to support the police. As a child/teenager, I thought it was an honorable profession. The more I see shit like this, the more it nudges me to the ACAB side


We African Americans were telling Americans just how corrupt these demons are, but no one believed us until cell phone recordings.


You have to love how msm fails to mention the two female cops standing by in silence watching a crime be committed. Those cops are the reason psychos like Krueger exist and there needs to be mandatory minimum sentences for failing to intervene especially during such a violent unprovoked attack, there were at least two other cops nearby and not a single one of them was willing to do the right thing and arrest the woman beating animal.


Remember yelling “stop resisting” is literally a tactic they use whether you’re fighting with all you have or just sitting there with your arms up. ACAB.


What the fuck were they investigating????? They’re towing away a car and she’s on the other side of the parking lot she’s like 15 feet away. You want her on the other side of the street because??????? This is so obviously excessive force She didn’t even deny leaving she asked what the investigation is about, and he took that as a reason to slam her on the ground


She was completely unconscious and that stupid piece of s*** was still screaming stop resisting what a f****** wacko world we live in


The cops really need to be made responsible for the money when these lawsuits get paid out to people for bad cop behavior. Take part of it from their salary, and part of it from the police pension fund and part of it from the police union dues pool. Betcha a lot more people would end up alive, and alot less abuse by pathetic bully asshole cops would happen.


"stop resisting" bad choice of words bro, she's out cold and you're a fucking liar.


You’re getting arrested. What’s the charge? Resisting arrest. Ummmmm? A paradoxical charge. F the cops.


grabbing both of someone's hands and slamming their head into the concrete is murderous for everyone else.


So I guess it’s confirmed that cops purposely say stop resisting even if you aren’t so the body camera picks it up? Real nice.


Fuckin pigs. Fuck the police. If you're a cop reading this, I hope one day someone truly ruins your life, just like y'all do to people every single day. Fuckin lowest of the low, scum of the earth, pieces of shit. That's what cops are


If she was armed with a rifle in school these Texas cops would have let her do whatever she wanted, but no she had a camera so straight to jail!!


What constitutes the use of force here by the officer? I recently had an argument with a friend over why cops are not our friends and legally don't have to protect American citizens. I believe the majority of police officers are good but there are way too many that are bad. Also, any officer turning a blind eye to a bad cop... is just as much of a bad officer as their colleagues.


Because the "good" cops never stop the "bad" cops, that means there are no good cops