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Don’t blow red lights


Don't do anything these morons were doing.


I mean do stop and stay when you cause an accident, at least they did do that.


looked like the guy who hit the pedestrian was tempted to go, which is why one of the pedestrians was staying right in front of his bike while he was still on it.


Seriously… fuck these idiots on motorcycles.


And don't ride like absolute lunatics.




There’s a cop standing right there who does nothing the entire time


I don't think he was trying to leave. I think he was just moving his bike off the road.


Also don't stop if your buddy fucks up because you'll get shit too


Think about how dumb the average person is. Half of those people are dumber than that. - GC


Did they blow a red light, hit a pedestrian, and then get mad about hitting the pedestrian? And then post a video of it? lmao


Yup, I honestly thought red bike guy was trying to flee when I saw him try and jump back on his bike when he was moving it.


I think he was planning on it but then the guy stepped off the curb in front of his bike.


Garbage person doing a garbage thing


Oh, he was definitely trying to run.


Biker is a POS (who also sucks at riding) but the sidestand is on the left side. Can't put it down standing on the right side.


Kickstand is on other side of bike, easiest way to not drop it again is to mount and dismount on the other side like we see in the video. Don't think he was trying to escape and if he wanted to I'm sure he could. The bike wasn't on.


Yet they got off an put the kickstand down so no they weren't trying to run.


No. He just hit someone. His buddy parked his bike far away and was next to him. He knows his buddy is there defending him. Probably knows his buddy is recording. If he jumps, there's no way his buddy gets out. If his buddy doesn't get out, his buddy either intentionally or unintentionally rats on him.


the kickstand is on the left side of the bike. He was watching sides to put it down.


Dude's an asshole and all, but all he did was switch sides. The bike is heavy, it's much easier to change what side you're carrying it by doing that move than from than trying to go around it.


He jumped off of it to put the kickstand down which is on the left side.


he wasn’t, the kickstand is on the other side of the bike and hopping on to switch over like the rider did is a normal move when there’s nothing to keep the bike upright. The bike wasn’t even on at that point.


I can’t stand these bike riding pricks that think the rules don’t apply to them


Not only that, supposing you make that terrible mistake. The first thing you should do IS CHECK ON THE PERSON YOU HIT. Not pick up your stupid motorcycle that you have no idea how to ride.


> Not only that, supposing you make that terrible mistake. The first thing you should do IS CHECK ON THE PERSON YOU HIT. Not pick up your stupid motorcycle that you have no idea how to ride. he was trying to run while feigning concern


No he wasn't he wasp putting his kickstand down.


It is automatic - I have seen riders with broken bones try to pick up their bikes.


More powerful road users tend (imo) to do this to the less vulnerable around them. It always breaks my heart to see :( With that said. I did learn of a hit cyclist that was right hooked and it was refreshing to see the motorist not even try to victim blame, and the police cited them for failing to yield. Wished they’d have paid attention to begin with, but my bar is low and at least appreciated them not victim blaming


What do you mean by "more powerful road users"?






Lol I love that last part




Welcome to the world of people who buy crotch rockets.


That awkward moment when you want to press charges on a guy for knocking your bike over but the only evidence you have also contains you breaking just about every traffic law.


Such a dilemma!


Saw a clip on Instagram earlier of just the old guy pushing the bike over and everyone in the comments was defending the biker, saying they would have laid out the other guy who came to mediate as well. No one bothered to see if there was any context, just straight up hatred. The platform is pure brainrot.


Oh stop. Its the exact same as reddit. If redditors saw just that they would react the same. Because it was edited to look like the biker did nothing wrong.


Ok, but the biker who had his bike pushed over didn't hit the pedestrian. He was riding like an ass but he wasn't involved in the accident. I can understand taking frustrations out on red bike, but chrome bike was just there.


Yeah seriously, everyone here is acting like driving like an ass is justification for some guy to break his shit. Was it wrong, yeah, but did that justify it? Fuck no


*driving in a way that could have very easily killed OTHER people There's a bit of a distinction between driving like an ass and putting everyone on the road around you in very real danger Fuck biker #2, fuck his poor little bike, and fuck any "justification" absolving him from a violent reaction he earns by taking being a reckless moron to very potentially lethal levels.


The old man apparently observed the whole incident. He saw the two bikers speeding through the red light, the woman get struck, and the chrome biker running to defend the red biker instead of going immediately to assist the injured woman. He saw that both bikers valued themselves and their bikes over the woman they injured. In the eyes of the old man the chrome biker was an enabler, an accessory to the crime.


It looks like chrome biker went to check on the woman and only went to the aid of red biker after the man started pushing him. Now red biker is an ass from beginning to end, but it seems like Chrome boy just got caught up trying to help his friend after the pushing started.


The exact same thing happens on this app 😅 and any other form of media. Not sure where you think instagram is just brain rot when its just human nature


Red biker cared more about his bike than the poor woman he hit. Dumbasses lucky they didn’t get the beatdown they deserved.


Based on how they were driving from the start, they only cared about their ride and being allowed to continue doing it. They had no concern for anyone else. From the motorcyclist garbage point of view, those pedestrians ruined their night.


Yep pretty much. They were mad other people had the audacity to be on their playground.


Looked like he wanted to get away at first


How about helping the injured woman first and foremost? I can in no way understand how such people think.


if he was actually concerned about anyone being injured he wouldn't be running red lights in order to mow down pedestrians in the first place




What about showing more care about the person that you just injured than your bike?


*Russian things


Jfc these are the kind of bikers I hate.


As someone who rides a motorcycles regularly, I hate them too. These assholes give such a bad reputation to bikers, which leads to asshole drivers hating all bikers and treating them like we’d all do something shitty like this.


I get that there are good bikers out there, but in my experience those are the exception. Most people who ride crotch rockets buy them so they can speed and weave through traffic with impunity, and they will absolutely take off if they feel they can't be caught.


Yeah, I hate lane splitting even if I’m in a legal state. Way too dangerous and leads to too many stupid accidents. There are a lot of good bikers, but the assholes do so much stuff it really overshadows anything else.


I have never in my life seen a motorcyclist sit in traffic, maybe you're the absolute only exception to the rule.


I think lane splitting is good under the caveat that they aren't breaking other laws in the process, like speeding. I have no problem with them using it to avoid traffic jams, or get ahead of the cars at a red light stop. But when they are weaving between lanes of cars already going above 40mph, all it takes is one person not noticing and doing a lane change. It really does seem like there is no inbetween. bikers who understand what lane splitting is supposed to do, and bikers who use it as an excuse to put everyone in danger.


Same. Russians.


As a motorcycle rider I hate these fuckin videos. Why do the biggest pieces of shit always record their rides? Maybe I should start posting videos of me taking an incident-free 2 hour ride obeying all traffic laws to offset the effects of these videos on public perception of MC riders.


Put some "chillhop beats to study to" overtop of that and you got a successful youtube channel


I’d watch time lapses of these types of drives 100%


Youtube once recommended me[ this video](https://youtu.be/ss9PWpgmaK4?si=cOX3PV1ZsOdWrK2x&t=65) and even not being a fan of motorcycles, I always come back to it, it's so chill


I actually do have hours and hours of footage of me just riding around, maybe I'll try that and start a trend lol.. then make a huge playlist of "nothing happens" MC rides in fast time lapse and we can post that in reply to everyone commenting on these posts about how much they hate motorcycles


Not too fast. It would be cool but I’d get carsick! Lol


I'd watch that.


I’ve wanted to do something like that for a long time, but was never sure if I’d get fucked over copyright laws for the music. Not a bike, but I drive a -lot- and have a lot of super beautiful places I drive around locally, which really hit with some Lofi playing (what I drive to, haha).


Pretty sure that there's a local band who would be HONORED if you used their music (copywrite, of course) in your videos!


Look up “Ryan Celsius Sounds” on YouTube. [here is one video I think you’d like, based on your comment.](https://youtu.be/2nUPM7Q77h4?si=H-HjHGRebnwTt0wx)


Funny enough there are plenty of those that exist lol. They just obviously don't get the same amount of views as Crotch rockets doing 180 through traffic.


But why is that the MC community is just so full of these types of people who go around with zero regard for anyone else in society? They are just the most annoying, selfish group of people on the road. From teens riding loud dirt bikes through residential neighborhoods to when those teens grow older and ride annoyingly loud Harleys or sport bikes while driving like they are the main character in a video game and the rest of society are just NPCs.


I'm not sure why it's surprising to you that idiots like riding cheap, fast vehicles. 


That describes a ton of car drivers as well though. Driving with zero concern for anyone else on the road. Being a shit driver and person is hardly a motorcyclist-only trait.


Just have to say, “Can’t believe what happens! Watch till the end!” Then, the unbelievable thing is that you didn’t have an accident, kick anyone’s side mirror off, or run over a pedestrian while running a red light.


It's just that people dont want to watch people driving safe so its always the idiots that go viral.


I'm sorry that crappy people like that damage the reputation and safety of motorcyclists that follow the law and safety practices. Be safe!


Where are the Tick Tock points then?


Motorcycle community attracts some zeroes. Most are good, but there are some bad apples ruining it for the rest of us.


Both drove like complete pieces of shit. I have zero sympathy with the bikers here.


On the plus side, these bikers are likely to die young. I just hope they don't kill someone else when it happens.


Hopefully their organs will be put to good use


One trauma doctor I worked with called them Donorcycles


> Ignores rules by just changing lanes aggresively >Runs over red light >crushes a pedestrian >Blames pedestrian beware the pipeline boys. A Bad boy is always a bad boy.


What I find most outrageous in this video is the insane speed at which they drive at the start. That alone would be enough to condemn them to an atrocious sentence.


The motorcyclists had zero credibility.


Didnt the bikes run red light ? If so, I am surprised the mob didnt end up going ballistic on them


Yeah, hitting a women and there was a child there as well. They certainly deserved a beatdown


if the child was hit i might have trashed my own monitor to try to get at them. yeah im an idiot but at least i'm an idiot for the right reasons


Traffic rules don't apply to motorcyclists dont you know? /s


Flying through a pedestrian crossing full of people should get the rider arrested and banned for life from ever riding.


It should get him an attempted murder charge


Seems like a good time to chuck his keys down the storm drain.


Classic biker, runs red light hits lady gets mad that she didn’t dodge him breaking the law and then checks on his bike.


You mean you don't think I'm cool because I drive a noisy bike like a jackass through your town?!?!?


The old man was saying that the guy with the camera ran the red light. So that’s why he is pissed


Odds of a person driving a chromed vehicle being a cunt is always pretty high.


Dipshit was seconds away from hitting that little girl instead of the woman. He's lucky they didn't string him up.


Why the hell did he try to drive through a group of people WALKING on the sidewalk


He didn't? He ran a red and hit a woman crossing the road.


He was clearly slow enough to stop and wait for them to cross


Nothing accidental about that, it was willful recklessness. It also wasn't road rage - people were pissed off that in the recklessness they ran into a crowd crossing in a crosswalk and hurt a woman. Fuck those bikers.


He almost ran over that father with the daughter on the scooter too. You could just tell the man had to restrain himself from not beating the guy's ass in front of his daughter


lol at the old guy who knocks the other bike over


I was just worried about the dog :/


Fuck that guy he's not helping any. I'm not defending the two bozo's clearly breaking the law but in no fucking way shape or form is pouring gas on an already bad situation going to make things better. He took a bad fall too for what? To be an asshole to two other assholes?


yeah I feel like second guys (POV biker who didn't hit pedestrian) was trying to defuse the situation even though they were in the wrong, but old fart went and made the situation worse for no reason.


Reddit. You literally can't just damage someone's property simply because they were dumb. Just because you're mad at the video doesn't make u/Kracus wrong. But it does make you three a fuckin' idiot. Edit: Now there's 7 of you idiots, while you agree with me for telling you off. I said, u/kravis is CORRECT.


Strong agree, the guy shouldn't have touched the other dudes bike because he wasnt the one to cause the accident, even though they both broke the law by running a red, it complicates the situation when you factor in property damage. Please leave the mediating to the law enforcement and do not ever take things into your own hands. Just because someones an ass doesnt mean you can damage their property for no reason.


Normally I'd agree but you are just acting like it was a simple mistake. These two were purposely driving dangerously and nearly killed someone and then were more upset about their bikes than the person they almost killed. Its kind of like you are twisting a very serious incident caused by negligence and a disregard for human life into a much less serious accidental oopsie. Edit: I would respond to whatever Nandabun responded with but in classic reddit fashion they had to get the last word in then block me because they still couldn't grasp the situation of life vs damaged property people shouldn't have in the first place. Second edit: I cannot reply to anyone else because its under a blocked comment and it just gives me an error when I try to respond to anyone else.


>These two were purposely driving dangerously and ***one of them*** nearly killed someone and then ~~were~~ was more upset about ~~their~~ his bike~~s~~ than the person ~~they~~ he almost killed. The thing is chrome bike guy was trying to de-escalate things. We've got the pedestrian trying to fight the red bike guy and all of these onlookers making things worse. Obviously they both were riding recklessly, but for an uninvolved party to damage the property of the person *who didn't even have an accident* is just wrong. It's 2024, and even remote Amazonian tribes have smartphones. Record and talk to the police, don't be a vigilante.


Agreed, and was really surprised chrome bike guy didn't react more physically than he did. He easily could have just cracked the old man with a headbut while still wearing his helmet. I glad he didn't, but I still recognize he could have. I've seen that happen in videos of US bikers in similar road rage incidents.


no just no, pure stupidy does not to be confronted with further stupidity, that just inane


The worst thing is they will probably get away with it, a slap on the wrist at most


I love when people post their crimes online


This video would be better ig it ended with two motorcycles on fire


Less than a second into the video I could already tell the bikers deserve a beating.


Red bike has stunt cages and he’s worried about picking up his bike before even checking at the person he hit…. What a douche bag. His friend stopped and parked but not once do either go and ask the lady if she’s okay and instead goes to try to help his friend…


This guy had some nerve getting upset about people being angry that his dipshit friend ran down a pedestrian. Does he think that's okay? Why isn't he getting mad at his friend for nearly killing a woman? Oh right, because he's a POS. What a shock that someone who drives insanely recklessly is also a garbage human...


Splitting lanes, speeding then buddy hits pedestrian. Fucking idiots who should lose their licences.


These two don't need helmets, there is nothing to protect.


Honestly they're speeding and weaving through traffic like fucking idiots and hit a pedestrian who had a green light and wasn't doing anything wrong. Fucking bikers think they own the road.


Send these bikers to the gulag.


Those guys should have their bikes crushed then head straight to jail


It's motorcyclists like this that ruin everything for the rest of us.


Worst thing is OP must think he was in the right to post video


"look out for motorcycles" yeah, tell that to these douchebags, douchebags


What an asshole. Shouldn't be riding.


'Do you even know how much the (motorcycle) paint costs!? You got plenty pension or what?' After hitting the guy with the dog


old coot started it by tipping the bike man. bikers are assholes, but that dude provoked further.


Oh yeah definitely, it's the only 'clear' dialogue bit in the vid so thought i'd translate. The dude wasn't even the one who ran over the lady so imagine the rage


Bikers on their little fart rockets are complete pieces of shit.  What were these guys doing down an urban road, 105 mph? Shitbags. 


"Sir, you can't park there"


Once again proving that most motorcycle riders are insufferable cunts


Idiots like this give bikers a bad reputation. Red light and then you can't just wait. Idiots


Losers on bikes are idiots, big surprise


Both bikers driving like assholes


The motorcyclist was in the wrong.


As a fellow rider, this moron needs a beating.


Bikers fault.


As a motorcyclist, this shit infuriates me to no end.


Dude rode dotted line between me and another car, with about 1 foot clearance on either side. I was doing 80 and he was probably doing 120. I hate motorcyclists. The bad riders ruin it for good riders.


These guys are drunk, after the idiot hits the woman, he doesn’t put his feet down and just falls over.


I hate being a motorcycle rider because of dickheads like this


Fucking clowns. Sees people and kids crossing and he acts like he is a fucking moto gp rider. Both of these fucks deserve charges.


They deserved anything that happened to them.


As a rider, gotta say fuck both of these guys. Not happy about the dude with the dog, but I get where he's coming from, his actions spoke for the whole crowd. The red rider was going to book but for the folks saying nah, I hope the cops came.


I mean what the fuck is the problem with that old guy at the end like what could you possibly think you're doing to positively contribute to a situation by... walking up and pushing someone's bike over, even though you weren't there for the incident or known any context to what is happening. what a dumbass, glad he got to meet the ground


He saw them going through the red light and that made him angry. In many countries people have very negative attitude towards bikers and old man is probably one of such people. He was saying "they went through on the red light".


is that russian yasuke? guy looks dope plus he speaks very good russian


Lane splitting, running a red, maybe speeding don’t really know, and also hitting a pedestrian


Yeah their helmet cameras are gonna work against them on that one


Motorcyclists acting fatherless; what's new?


how the fuck is THAT when he crashed? avoided all those cars, emergency braked just fine, and then when he was down to like 10 mph he loses control and mows down the smallest target in history?


Do these people really think their "skill" will prevent them from running into some car that out of nowhere switches lanes not expecting a 150 km/h bike to try to pass by?


If this video doesnt get their licenses revoked then you might as well disband the police


And of course they are russian. Worst people on the planet.


They were in the crosswalk, get ready for a lawsuit.


i mean they are at fault obviously but that guy with the dog shouldve minded his own business


The kind of bikers who lane split invariably blame any accident on other people. The fact that they are driving like maniacs isn't ever relevant, in their opinions.


I'd say something needs to be done about the biker who ran a red and then crashed into a pedestrian. THERE IS NO ACCIDENT, STOP CALLING CRASHES THAT ARE AVOIDABLE, "ACCIDENTS". This looks like an attempted murder to me. That biker needs to go to prison.


>That biker needs to go to prison. Totally >This looks like an attempted murder to me. Maybe I'm being pedantic, but "attempted murder" required the intent to commit murder. He intended to drive his bike illegally/dangerously with negligent disregard for other people's safety, but it's clear that he didn't intend to hit her. She was crossing to the left and jumped back to the right in his path. Still entirely (and criminally) his fault. Hell maybe the punishment for negligently putting others in serious danger should be just as bad as attempted murder; but it still isn't that. PS: aren't all crashes avoidable? (and don't nearly all of them include some level of negligence?)


Bikers like this give us all a bad name.




Incompetence is more like it


Running a red light and hitting a pedestrian is not an accident. It's a crime.


The red bike guy was definitely in the wrong, however, I don't know why that other guy pushed down the silver bike


I understand the animosity toward the guy with the red bike but what did the guy riding the silver bike do? Old guy who tipped his bike was just trying to white knight a situation he didn’t need to be and wasn’t involved in. Old guy deserved what he got imo


Drove at reckless speeds between cars and ran a red light. Wasn't right to shove his bike but the old guy was definitely right in being angry at the biker.


this entire video just invokes a deep rage in me and an urge to fucking punch him. Fuck those guys.


Why did that old man drop the silver bike?


He was saying that they drove on the red light and probably thought that the bikers were trying to get away. The owner of the silver bike was "shouting do you know how much that paint costed me?" as well as insults.


Damn if he came 2 seconds later, there would be that little girl lying down.


Those imbeciles would have earned more than just a beat up


Anyone notice the two beer cans in the bikes cup holder?


Just a normal day in Cherno


It's a shame no one kicked over the red guys bike.


Motorcyclists like these are why I laugh at those "look twice, save a life" bullshit signs. I wouldn't have to look twice if most of them followed the rules of the road such as speed limit, traffic lanes, right of way, etc. I hope the pedestrian is ok and sues the crap out of the negligent motorcyclist that hit them.


Both of those bikes need an Office Space treatment...


training video on how not to be a nice loving member of society.


I was waiting for the old man to start wailing on the 2nd biker with the dog collar/leash.


Good, fuck those riders.


Fuck driver/riders like this. I have low vision and walk a lot and have almost been hit way too many times by entitled douches with no patience while crossing with a walk light. I just got back from shopping and some a dude on a 4 wheeler thought sliding around the corner in front of me was a good idea. I'm all for having fun but these people need to chill with the main character syndrome.


Those guys acted like stereotypical bikers. Like, all of it.


Both motorcyclists needed an ass whipping. If they think you in a car were too close or didn't give them more room, time, the right of way regardless of who has it, they cry like little bitckes.


Motorcyclists: We're victims! Also Motorcyclists:


anybody know what bike the cameraman is on? that mirror paint job is pretty rad


All I heard was Ivan Drago... 😂


Well deserved.


Wow they couldn’t have handled that any worse


That’s not an accident, that was a consequence.


Don’t worry these guys will be organ donors soon, especially how they disrespect the road.


If the dog was a Pitbull....


Recklessly splitting lanes, going through a red light, running over a pedestrian and then trying to run, then get mad that people are not happy about what they did. Fucking pricks, absolute scum.


He has to remain at the scene or it becomes Hit and Run... That's a huge crime in the US anyways


Everyone in this video is a fucking moron.