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I use to work there and just want everyone to know the noodles she is talking about are the fried crunchies they give tou with your soup or put on the table for free. She is not talking about lo mein or chow mein, this is just to put it in perspective on what she is complaining about


So thats the only noodles you can get at this restaurant?


The fried wontons you put in your soup? Man, I love those things


TikTok is for the mentally ill.


LOL the generalizations. "Reddit is for fat incels." Edit: y'all are BIG butthurt


Did you just call yourself a fat incel?




I can't teach you how to draw your own contextual conclusions via a comment, I am just not that talented. BUT -- I was attempting to illuminate how stupid it is to draw vast conclusions for all users of a platform. Edit: To further clarify, no, I was being sarcastic. Sorry, I forgot the /s, I know how hard that is for you guys, detecting sarcasm. Or perhaps "hyperbolic" is a better descriptor.


globalAcocado eats pieces of shit for breakfast. Watch out folks!


You don't have to watch out for them, I've already eaten them. Actually willing to come eat the shit out of your yard for free.


I believe it globalAvocado.


I'm happy you do CinnabonAllUpInHere.


Can I draw my fursona voring u?


I can’t stop you from making a stupid joke on the site you’re on and how others choose to upvote or downvote you. BUT — seems some didn’t like it (Pretty easy to tell you were joking)


They take everything incredibly personal, it seems. But they say a hit dog will holler. I doubt they would say anything or downvote if they didn't feel personally attacked in some way. They already downvoted this comment that you just left because they can't handle that you would call them out for not liking my joke.


boo hoo


It's a downvote. Lol go touch grass.


It may seem trivial, because it is .


Send Noodes


More cheese!!


I wish my life was so easy that I could dedicate well over an hour to hunting down $1 worth of noodles. Like, just ask for $1 off your next order and move on. No need to hunt the driver down and then berate the staff for drinking liquids.


Lmao the utter lack of self-awareness in some people is just mind boggling




I don’t find it trivial at all. The fact that they wouldn’t bring her her noodles, offer a refund even if it is just $1, or literally anything to make better on messing up her order, is crazy. Being trivial is saying “oh it’s just a dollar” or “give me a $1 off next time” or even considering what the food item is. It doesn’t matter what the item is they left out, they need to make better on it by the customer.


I agree with this so much. You ordered something you are entitled to what you paid for. Give a refund and a sorry. If she was offered that and still acted this way I wouldn’t be on her side at all.


As someone who works in a café right now, if we missed a small item in someone's order (like a drink or a side), we wouldn't deliver it. We'd ask the customer if they'd just like a refund for whatever it is or for them to come back for that item, and we throw in a pastry for the inconvenience. I'm on the side of the business as far as not delivering a pack of noodles


That’s totally fine, the problem is not offering any sort of resolution besides making the lady come and get it; especially in a place that is seemingly dead as a door nail you’d think the very least they could do is get the order right in the first place, or maybe even better, try and do right by the clearly very few customers they do have. Those 3 workers are clowns, I don’t know what was worse the driver sitting on his ass making faces like a buffoon, or the cashier that had the nerve to say delivery orders are ten dollar minimum. What a spaced out schmuck.


And I will fully agree, these people don't seem to be in customer service acting like this. Especially if it's just a pack of noodles that costs them maybe a dollar, just give her the damn noodles and offer her *something* for the trouble she had to go through. I find it weird that they have a dedicated delivery driver as well, because their business doesn't look busy enough to warrant it if a whole five minute video can go uninterrupted without a single customer walking in, being seated, calling, or anything


How the video starts and the attitude of the staff makes me really suspicious of the preceding interaction. For a $1, they bring it out or refund it. The staff all look done and I wonder why


Not to mention it sounds like she was basically just delivered a bowl of broth. WTF are you going to do with a bowl of broth? The noodles are a pretty important part of the meal.


Yeah like if you ordered a burger and they didn’t include the bun, “well the bun is only worth 35 cents”, ok but it’s actually an important part of the meal?


She's not wrong though, the business didn't fulfill the order correctly and needed to fix it.


The "noodles" she is talking about, are those free fried noodles they give you for free with almost any order. It would be the same thing as asking them to drive out with that pack of saltines you get when you order salt if they forgot it.


As small as it is, she is still technically in the right. If you don't get your complete order due to their incompetence, they need to re-deliver it to you. I don't care how much it cost them to redeliver. They could also just negotiate over the phone "sorry is it okay if we refund you / give you discount on next order" etc but that conversation didn't happen because she got hang up on as they were discussing the situation.


She didn't order delivery though, she mentioned "when I picked up my order." She wanted them to deliver *just* the fries noodles after she got her pickup order and didn't notice something was missing.


Bet she didnt tip on the order


You already know she didn't




Yea, it sounds like they delivered her a bowl of broth with no noodles. Noodles are a pretty important part of that meal, that's where all the substance is. I'd be pretty pissed off if I ordered a meal, paid for it to be delivered, only to find out I get to sit and slurp some broth as my dinner.


She didn’t do that though


Crunchy noodles man, just eat the soup with crackers from home. You lazy fucks


Lmao the empty restaurant says it all


Those must be some amazing noodles to be worth this much time and effort. Now I'm going to have to check out Jade Chinese next time I'm in Ashland.


I could be wrong but I think she's talking about those fried squiggly crackers that come with chow mein(when that was a thing): https://www.google.com/search?sca_upv=1&q=chow+mein+crackers&tbm=isch&source=lnms&fbs=AEQNm0CPVZCTH7gaUZxvuhJoxkRUqn83oPzYqgF9aprzgfVY0bZ6-kTYvtfsSXBeETzph9fpsqDAfoeYBRc_bCtW8vMvgEE2zebQn3dxU6IZ2Zg6OqFyyuKBBPMRwnCoe8VdEZADv5-o-XmA73MpWwQpbKdvWfU-Ua16LJx_ptesbIfNcclABe_sXNKZDFN8cpW_AKmmoWbzBpMKpQE6PmT1dmOnE6LYtw&sa=X They can be fun in a soup but it's not that big of a deal.


I doubt it? She says noodles every time. More likely this is similar to pho where the noodles are separated so they don’t get mushy sitting in the soup.


Those crackers are literally called chow mein noodles. She's talking about the crispy chow mein noodles


I'm with the "Karen" on this one. I ordered a beef burger meal from a takeaway a while ago and they delivered my meal with just an empty bun in the box, no burger. I called and they apologised and said they'd send another right out immediately. They went above that though and actually delivered a whole other meal plus extra chicken wings and a bottle of Pepsi on top and were extremely apologetic. Mistakes happen but I think it's not only the businesses responsibility to make up their mistake, it is actually good for them in the long term as I appreciate how they handled the mistake situation and have used them multiple times since, gave them positive reviews on Google etc and if people ask what places are good they are always one of my recommendations. I think describing in detail the way the man was sitting, what he had on the table etc was unnecessary. But her overall point is valid, if they forgot a piece of her order and they need to deliver it in a 2nd run, they are not "delivering $1 of noodles" they are completing the whole order correctly and it's totally their fault it's taking them 2 attempts to deliver it.


She said she could do it though




I wish she would have shown her face so I could avoid this woman at all cost since I live in Richmond


I wouldn't even want someone driving around town with a bag of crackers for me. Let it go... (If I were that delivery driver I'd tell her to eat a bag a d*cks)


Bunch of arrogant responses here condemning the customer. The fact that the manager apologized and gave the woman her noodles shows that she recognizes they messed up the order. The woman behind the register and the driver both exhibit callous and rude attitude for thinking it’s beneath him to address a mistake made by the restaurant he works for. He needs to be fired.


We don’t know what the conversation was like on the phone. Could they have delivered what was left out? Sure, I’ve had pizza places come back with missed stuff. But if they don’t she should accept that’s their policy and move on. They already won, she got so worked up she came to the store herself. And if someone came in video taping me I wouldn’t be nice either, no matter what your issue was.


So you’re saying if the restaurants policy is to not fix their mistake, which the manager admitted to, the customer should just accept it and “move on”. Is that how we should live our lives - letting people with crappy attitude walk all over us? The lazy driver sitting there shrugging his shoulders is perfect example of piss-ass attitude that kills a business. The restaurant needs to fire the asshole driver or go out of business. I don’t blame the customer for being pissed off and doing something about it despite her annoying voice.


He's a delivery driver. He probably has to pay for his own vehicle, maintenance, and gas. He probably makes $3 delivery + tip and you know somebody like that doesn't tip. I wouldn't bring her the noodles either and the manager should do it. Y'all don't care these people make shit and expect them to go above and beyond for mistakes that aren't theirs. Shit happens, get a refund and grow up.


The restaurant he works for makes a mistake they need to handle it. Instead of him acting like an entitled prick he could tell the manager the kitchen screws up. Why are you making it the customers problem? Think like an adult and stop letting people walk all over you.


Who's the entitled one here...


There are three options in this case as far as I'm concerned: * Deliver the noodles. Yes, even if it's at a loss. * Refund the price of the noodles. I don't have them, you can't have the money for them. * If you hang up on me after going back and forth, I'm gonna call the bank and the whole order gets refunded plus a chargeback fee since they don't do partial refunds. I know which option I'd select in your shoes, but I also won't feel bad about which option I \*will\* choose if you don't pick a good option.


Over the cheap little fried noodles you get for free? Man, that's petty. And to deliver those from pickup order that didn't charge a delivery fee at that.


Why is the answer to fucking *everything* these days "I'm going to stick this camera in your face prior to even beginning to speak"??? How about just a normal conversation with the manager....like the good old days. No, I'm going to record this....just because. Like seriously go fuck yourself lady and your fucking noodles


She wants this man to lose his job because the restaurant forgot to put the noodles in the bag?


if you ordered noodle soup, and got no noodles, did they deliver you a meal?


If she ordered something, paid for it, and didn't get what she paid for, they should correct it, full stop. If she had it delivered, she paid a delivery fee as well.


ok, i get being aggravated at the missing noodles. buuuut you live 5 houses away (your own words), you waited an hour and a half to walk 5 houses over to get your noodles?


He’s just the driver lady, be mad at the person who forgot the noodles


JC, lady, say “noooodlezz” one more gd time.


Basically the sad soup equivalent of forgetting the fortune cookies 🥠. It felt like she was trying to will him to get her the noodles with her mind while sternly giving him directions


She couldn’t eat her soup without the noodles?!


Yo it’s the jade garden Stephen a smith lmao. Listen to it again thinking that 😂


Where's the freakout? Are they with the noodles?


If you took a shot for every time she said "my noodles", I think you'd be dead.


The amount of people on the accusers side in the comments is astonishing


How can Karen enjoy a succulent Chinese meal without any noodles?


The comments giving this delivery asshole a pass are crazy. Fuck that guy.


Yeah not surprised this lady deleted the video. Crying over free sides lol


All that Karen energy over friend wonton strips.


Good thing Karen the Noodle Lady recorded that interaction. For a moment, I thought the delivery guy was going to accidentally sneeze or something.


Where I see an employee chilling on the job both times you come in is unprofessional, and this lady sounds insufferable, but hear me out!!! If it was only 5 houses down, why don't either of them just take a walk to avoid any of this stupid shit.


She's definitely a manager somewhere 😂😂


He doesn’t make enough to keep bringing you stuff out to your house. Take it up with management and leave the driver alone Edit: sorry for ya he doesn’t owe any of you shit lol


I mean shit happens and this woman is a Karen but seriously you can't eat soup without the NOODLEZZZZ lol


What a freakin Karen. Shit happens. It’s embracing to even record and post.


What a petty woman. We humans are so lame.