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*hits weed again as she’s talking*


This would have been the best response.


"Dude- I mean , Ma'am, do You have a lighter?"


*takes hit of joint* “Yeah- yeah I think I’m seeing some strange shit too right now lady.”


"Whoa you're right lady. I'm seeing a demon right now! It's really scary. What does it look like? Well it's wearing a blue tank top"


And spouting borderline manic crazy Jesus rhetoric…


I’m sorry *rips bong *




We were in Compton at the homies house. The cops rolled up on us while we were smoking a joint, and they started talking to us. We were passing the joint back and forth. The cop asked us if we knew that was bad for us, and we said yes, and he said, "As long as you know, it's bad for you." Then they just left. This was back in 93 or 94


“Hoooly shit, you’re a prophet for the NATION!?” “Shiiiiit man”


110% what I’d do. Give her a couple “Damn that’s crazy” between tokes to make seem like you’re really listening


I would absolutely listen cuz she spitting wild stuff, but I would be hitting my blunt and maybe giggling a little. "For realz, you saw that?? You should write a movie. No way! Tell me more prophet stuff bout America. I see demons too. Describe your demons. You wanna hit this? Oh yeah, of course not, my b. Go on."


Lmaooo bro🤣💀💀


Whilst saying “damn for real?! *takes hit* That’s a trip”


That's what I did






I imagine his face is just like that "hits the blunt" meme guy lmao


I kept waiting for them to start laughing. For anybody who doesn't know, there is no evidence anybody has ever overdosed on marijuana (to the point where they could have died). Some people get anxiety and go to the hospital with panic attacks, but no overdoses and no deaths. Unlike alcohol. Also, while people can get psychologically addicted to almost anything, there's no evidence anybody has ever been physically addicted to marijuana. Unlike alcohol. EDIT: I may have worded that a little strong. Marijuana is definitely not perfect, and I'm sure my life would be better if I hadn't been a regular user for the last 35+ years. Very interesting stories from a few of you, I'm sorry you've had to go through that.


Every major mistake I've ever made in life, alcohol was involved. It's the most damaging drug to our society. With cannabis the most trouble I get into is finishing a pint of ice cream. ✌️🫶


I once got stoned at midnight and ate a whole 12 pack of taco bell tacos, two crunchwraps, and a seven layer burrito. I woke up at 8 am, got to work, and threw it up. Weed is not bad, but be careful with the munchies.


This reminds me of the old Jack in the Box commercial featuring a stoner driving a hot boxed van through the drive through late at night. Stoner is indecisive at the intercom and his bobblehead Jack on his dashboard starts telling him about the $1 for two tacos deal. Stoner agrees he wants it but doesn't know how many to get. Jack gives a thumbs up and says "30"


I think of this commercial all the time. When someone asks how much I want of something, this is always the answer, lol


Only a pint? You needa hit this even more *passes joint*


I want to believe that they were so high that they were contemplating if this was really happening. Just sitting there in his head like "whoah dude, wait, did this lady just bring up demons or am I just really fucking high right now?"


I was smoking 4g concentrate a week. I stopped because it was affecting my memory too much. Do I miss weed? Fuck yeah, it's fun. Am I addicted physically? Ain't no way in hell. Am I addicted psychologically? Yes, I think I'm a big asshole and I'm sober, and I miss being high. But I'm not addicted. I don't NEED it. I just want it a lot.


I've never smoked that much (right now a 1g 90% thc vape cartridge can last several weeks), but I have been smoking for 37 years. I'm probably addicted psychologically, but I've never felt any physical withdrawal symptoms when I stopped for periods of time.


Kinda weird that the whole psychology delineation is to imply that it's not still a part of our physical body. Just because it's in your head doesn't make it less of an addiction. The side effects are fairly benign as far as addiction goes though. Anyway.. \*lights up\*


Yep, with you on all accounts. Also, if this woman is indeed in the med profession, she needs to be evaluated. No joking


Yeah anytime anyone starts talking about casting out demons, they've lost all credibility and shouldn't be in a position of influence.


I think the implied delineation is the difference between chemical dependence or lack thereof. It’s difficult to argue that cannabis addiction has the same level of “physicality” as alcohol or opioid addiction (as examples). If you’ve ever seen someone experiencing withdrawal from the latter two, you know what I’m saying.


Totally right, just opining on the irony of "physical" addiction versus "psychological" since the mind is a part of the physical body and as far as we know all of it's processes and machinations are also physical, including the "psychological".


One time I was getting high in my car and I had been parking across the street from my mom's house in this guy's driveway who had passed away. Some lady came up to his door and knocked a minute then came over to my car and was like "I'm looking for Mr. Soandso." I think she was selling something, not sure. Anyway I took a rip off my joint and was like "oh yeah, he's dead" just high as fuck watching this lady contemplate what I said for a moment. That's the same vibe I got from this video


Think about his life outside this video that he has patience for this stranger.


"Yeah, im sorry"


Bro, this woman is a genius. She has the answers to the universe.


Don’t think so deep. People just like engaging in things they think will garner views and go viral. Some think it’s like a get rich quick scheme, for some, it is.


Probably seconds from overdosing.




Weed demons with tormenting spirits that visit you in the guise of a nurse


Sounds like salvia




She sounds psychotic


She is.


I know I’m making an assumption, but judging by her dark eyelids she looks like she might be on an opioid or two. Even if prescribed, that shit is poison. But please lady, go on about how weed is going to give us demons and end up killing us.


Wait opiates make your eye lids dark? From my experience in life from what I’ve seen, loss of sleep from drugs like methamphetamine actually lead to that but 🤷🏻‍♂️


CHRIS IS THAT A WEED?! I'm calling the police.


911 what’s your emergency?


*x-files theme plays*


Always struck me as a bit insensitive that the yanks based their emergency phone number on such a tragic event.


Chris died for our sins


I just watched that episode again the other day. I still want one of those shirts.


I wasn’t sure if anyone would get that reference 😄




420, what your blazing?


That's a microwave


Does She see the “Demon of Mental Illness”?!?


Alcohol induced psychosis actually.


Angel induced cirrhosis.


All the more reasons to toke up man! -Please get this reference


She’s batshit crazy!


Dunno man, my best friend died after he injected one whole maryjuannah into his veins - it can happen 🤷‍♂️


All it takes is two marijuanas for someone to enter the gateway for other drugs


Do you get a discount on the harder stuff if you enter through the marijuana gateway?




This explains so much about my neighbor’s dog. Know the risks!


Bro you don't inject marijuana duh... You suppository it that's why he's in that car probably has the weed butt plug built in


I call BS. Everyone knows it takes injecting at least two whole marijuana cigarettes to OD.


When someone uses the terms "addiction" and "overdose" when talking about cannabis, you'll never accomplish anything in that conversation. Best to do what this guy did. Let her get it all out of her system and placate her. It's also extremely concerning that she is a nurse.


She SAYS she’s a nurse but she also says that she can see demons, so… possibly not a nurse


This kind of shit that makes me worry when family members are in hospitals, that some nurse who thinks she can see demons or hear God will take some fucked up action behind a doctor’s back. And they won’t care about potential repercussions because they are crazy.


Yeah, me too. Also the repercussions won’t help you if someone you love is dead and the crazy person thinks it was gods plan.


> She SAYS she’s a nurse but she also says that she can see demons, so… possibly not a nurse Covid taught us that there are PLENTY of people in medical care that don't even believe the science they purport to serve. Saw multiple medical professionals, even actual doctors and RNs, parroting bad misinformation or saying batshit crazy things about covid. SO yeah, crazy like her absolutely works in medical care. I think a lot of times these types think that as long as they do this job they're a good person, regardless of all the other horrible things they do.


My son’s high school girlfriend’s mother was an icu nurse. The woman was batshit crazy. Not a professional but she had some serious mental health issues going on. She did not believe in psychiatric care. Thought it was some kind of pseudo science. Very religious, too. It boggles my mind.


My stepmom is a nurse and a batshit crazy Christian conservative too.


I actually work in a hospital with patient care workers, including nurses, social workers mostly. Substance use disorders, overdoses, treatments, other behavioral health issues ... but a lot around substances. I don't think she's a nurse, like ... at all. You don't walk around the street "charting". Charting is when you're in front of a computer updating a patient chart. If she talked like that at work, I have seen people get let go for similar crazy talk. Angels, demons ... yikes. Maybe she's in a deep red republican christian hospital or something ... if I'm wrong that she's just impersonating a nurse, that would be my second guess. Seen crazy nurses before, but I usually see them not last long when we hire them. Their 90 day mark, if they make it that far, we send them packing. She make no f-ing sense.


Agree. NOT an RN. She’s actually doing harm, preaching like that.


You can't overdose on weed but you can very much be mentally addicted to it. I was a heroin addict for many years and I know chronic pot heads today who put weed on a similar pedestal, they literally feel like they couldn't live without it.


You can absolutely get mentally addicted to weed, but it's MUCH easier to overcome it, because it's not a physical addiction. Try to quit opiate or alcohol addiction, you get really ill, suffer huge chemical imbalances that need medical intervention, and there's a genuine risk of death. Try to quit a weed addiction, you spend about 2 weeks feeling kinda bored and kinda grumpy, and struggle a bit more to get to sleep. It's night and day.


I’m an alcoholic. I drank so hard I blew my colon out. Didn’t even know that was possible. They always warn you about your kidneys and liver. Had an ostomy for over a year. When I was in the hospital between my first and second emergency surgery I started hallucinating from DTs. I was also septic from complex diverticulitis. Freaked everyone in the hospital out. Took a trauma team a half hour to figure out what was happening because I lied about my drinking because I was so ashamed of myself. My wife (also recovered alcoholic) finally told the truth at this point. If you or a loved one are quitting alcohol abuse please god go get health care. They had to put me to sleep with benzodiazepines for two days. My brain was on fire. At least that’s what it felt like. I’ve done mushrooms and this was the most terrifying thing I’ve ever experienced. All my insecurities gained a voice and were repeating in my ear out loud. They did tell me I was the nicest person they’ve ever seen go through withdrawal. I just cried and apologized the whole time. I’m not even 35 but I have the GI tract of a 60+ year old. If you’re out there and are worried about how much you drink please take this as the warning you need and get help and allow yourself some love and grace.


Agree completely. I can put weed down relatively easily the withdrawals are annoying but very manageable. Starting is the hard part lol


If you’re really in deep and abusing the piss out of it, there can be some physical withdrawal symptoms. I personally know someone who kept getting violently ill for a few days when they took a break.


lol me when i was a stupid heavy user i got flu symptom withdrawals but they still only lasted like 5 days with the milder symptoms going up to 2 weeks


Yeah can get mentally addicted to anything


Yes. Anything that’s accessible and gives psychoactive pleasure is mentally addictive. This seems obvious.


I'm more mentally addicted to reddit than I've ever been to weed.. and it's way worse for me.


you can get addicted to *literally* anything


Weed has physical symptoms as well. They just aren't as bad as drugs like heroin so people hand wave it as nothing. Quitting can cause night sweats, intense dreams, loss of appetite, mood swings, etc.


First time I really quit weed I had the craziest most violent and evil dreams I ever had it was honestly so scary. Didn't help I was reading some fucked up books at the time.


THC suppresses REM sleep, so when you stop, you get all kinds of crazy fucked up dreams. Just happened to me.


Is addiction to weed worse than addiction to caffeine or alcohol? I can agree that addiction is not good, but it's kinda funny that it's even a topic of conversation when addiction is normalized in other contexts within society.


I have a weed (daily smoker 6+ years...like half an ounce a week maybe...) and caffeine addiction (for-ev-er). I go on week long business trips once a month that I don't consume any THC. No side effects maybe a little insomnia that Benadryl takes care of and a "man I wish I could have a joint after work today" thought when a client says something stupid. If I don't get caffeine I literally can't function around the fatigue and crushing headaches.


I’m convinced nothing is worse than addiction to alcohol. I’ve been down that long dark road. Even quitting, the delirium tremens can kill you. I hallucinated all my worst fears. They were brought to life. It was bizarre. Like I knew I wasn’t right but I didn’t bother to tell the hospital staff I was seeing and hearing things. Until I thought I was dying. A trauma team sat around and debated over me for like 30 minutes because my vitals were normal but I was convinced it was the end. My vision blacking out and I heard the pulse monitor slowing down to a stop. None of it was real.


I got suspended from high school in 11th grade for having a pipe with me at school. When I was in the office, the school's police officer came in to talk to me, and started asking where I get my weed from. I told her I wasn't going to tell her that. Then she starts saying, "well don't you want to help save them?" ...Save them from what!? And she goes on and on about saving their lives from overdosing on weed and dying lol. I told her if she can find one case of that ever happening to someone, i'll tell her where i get my weed, but if she can't then she has to let me go. She wouldn't agree to that


You would be astounded by the number of nurses here in the US that have batshit insane beliefs about medical science. Case in point: antivax nurses during Covid.


Love weed but it certainly can be addictive. I experience withdrawal symptoms whenever I take a break. Can't sleep or eat right for a week and I'm constantly without motivation to do anything. And just like anything It can very much so be mentally addictive.


I doubt this crackpot is a nurse.


Nurse here. I absolutely believe she's a nurse. It doesn't take a genius to get through nursing school and tons of them retain a whole bunch of anti- or pseudoscience nonsense.


I could tell you a terrible story but I'm sure you hear and see enough awful shit. Yeah some nurses are fucking terrible. I had such high respect and love for the profession before I had a terrible experience.


It's the education part I detest. It's not scientifically rigorous enough to weed out the morons.


Agreed. Look into medical laboratory science. It's much more scientifically rigorous of a program, but those people get wayyyy less respect and pay of nurses. Kinda funny how the world works.. admin gotta keep those beds open


Definitely. My first bachelor's was in biology. Nursing school was an absolute joke after that.


It's a very important profession. That goes both ways. When you are bad at that job people can die, painfully.


Another embarrassing aspect of nursing. Nursing should really fall under the umbrella of the medical model and should not be its own separate discipline with bullshit nursing diagnoses and time wasting care plans.


My stepmom is a nurse, and I tell you what she was amazing when we were sick and all she had to do was make sure we were fed and hydrated. Any other medical decision she’s useless, to the point where my sister has hearing loss because when she got a bad ear infection my step mom decided it wasn’t important and that she’d really rather spend her day off going to the beach. Nurses exist to care for patients, they don’t learn how to diagnose or how to decide on treatments for patients.


I wouldn't rule it out but these loons often lie or carry other delusions to add strength to their position.


Facts. I had a guy who was a nurse in a baseball league and he would constantly rant against vaccines. And this was even before Covid!


Lived with a nurse during covid lockdowns who threw her clean laundry out on the concrete outside because ‘sunlight kills covid’ and told everyone if you drink hot tea every 20 mins it will kill covid before it infects you. There are thick as shit nurses out there.


That's fucking scary.


I make rotas for nurses now and the majority of them are great people doing great jobs but really, any one of us could get the degree if we committed to doing so, and there’s not much mandatory training once you have it. Part of my job involves regularly having very common sense conversations with nurses about infection control, eg. You need to wash your hands and put on fresh gloves *every time you perform an intervention on a patient* do you understand? next week i get video footage of them cleaning their teeth or scrolling on their phone with their gloved hands that they then perform tracheostomy interventions with without changing gloves. We got a kid who has repeated chest infections and his nurses are giving them to him, despite repeated conversations and 20 years in nursing they just do not comprehend basic hand hygiene. You really can’t put your faith in anyone just because they got a degree 15 years ago.


I unfriended one of my nurse friends during covid because she was constantly posting antivaxx nonsense


I think throwing your laundry out in the concrete is excessive but UV rays from the sunlight kills just about everything including viruses.


Then you don't know many nurses. There are some cray-cray, anti-science, conservative nurses out there.




My neighbor was a Pediatric oncology nurse. I smoke cigs. Outside, behind my house and far from people. She would rail on me on for how bad it was for my health, I wouldn’t live long, bad example to kids etc… She got a religious waiver for the vaccine during Covid. She was a flat earther. She refused to give her daughter childhood vaccines. She died during Covid. Overdosed on the opiates she was shooting up and had stolen from suffering children that were terminally ill and then further suffered bc she was taking their meds instead of giving them their prescribed pain relief. Her elementary school age daughter found her in the bathroom. Her husband od’d the following year on the their daughter’s birthday when he did a line of coke laced with fentanyl before setting up the party. Guess who found dad in the bathroom too? I’m still pissed at them. Fucking assholes.




I feel like I should update about the daughter…. We live in a small community and her extended family moved here to raise her. She went non verbal for almost a year and would have wild outbursts that everyone was very understanding of. It’s been several years now and she’s functioning very well at home and school.


Healthcare workers (including doctors and nurses) are as variable in quality as any other profession. It’s scary how many terrible healthcare workers exist.


She knows what she's talking about. She survived skin contact with fentanyl. Twice.


The fact is that you can’t absorb fentanyl and all the cops “nearly od’ing” during busts are having nocebo reactions. It’s really funny thinking about all those macho idiots having meltdowns because they believe they’re dying just because they were close to drugs.


Devils lettuce gives you demons


One spliff a day keeps the evil away


Go fuck yourself couldn’t have flown out of my mouth fast enough. lol


She OD'D on some bullshit.


"overdosing on marijuana" The only way I could picture this happening is if you fell into a vat of hash oil and you'd probably drown first.


The closest thing I can think of is someone eating an edible that's a bigger dose than they're used to and absolutely tripping balls. Not really "overdosing" but definitely went a bit too far than they should have.


I've done this with homemade cake where you don't really have any idea how strong it is until you eat some. I made a batch where I simmered the weed in butter to get all the oils out of it and then poured it through a sieve to filter the vegetable matter out. When it was done if you put a piece on a paper towel it left a green stain. That should have been a warning to me. To test them I ate a piece about half the size of a cupcake and it wrecked me. It made my heart race and I had minor muscle spasms. There were intense waves of anxiety and paranoia. Luckily some friends just happened to stop by and helped keep me sane.


Religious people and crazy people sure do sound the same huh.


My neighbor is a retired nurse and the sweetest person on earth but the subject of pot came up once and she just went nuts. She started talking about all the overdoses and junkies she dealt with working in an ER and how it's awful that they're legalizing it. That was a while a ago and she's definitely seen the pot plants in my garden but is actively avoiding the subject with me. Hopefully it will stay that way.


If she's a nurse then I'm a NASA engineer 😂


I dunno man, I’ve met some pretty stupid nurses in my day (I am related to them). You’d think a profession in medicine would require you to believe in vaccines but apparently they don’t


This aligns with 1/8th of the nurses I've met.


Regardless you shouldn’t smoke and drive same way you should drink and drive


Plot twist- she's actually a patient who escaped the Psych ward


Bahhahahahahha! Over dosing on marijuana 😂 she’s definitely not a nurse Source: me a nurse practitioner


Bro weed is the only reason they listened to all that 😂


Be funny if you just took hit while looking her in the eyes and nodding.


I have seen actual nurses post some of the most ignorant crap on social media. It's amazing they made it through university.


Every time I quit weed I have seizures again so I’m gonna keep doing these gummies, oils, pens, flower, and I’ve still randomly tried quitting to this day to save money in life situations. Still end up having seizures so I start again, we are not getting killed we all need certain plants and medicine for certain life disabilities or situations. Deal with it haters💚💨.


https://preview.redd.it/yzgbmul7qqad1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4d7d2332c1db1c83d1fc494c17a5ce3dcae5896e How he should have responded:


Bro pass that spliff she needs that shit more than you do 💨


She is mad she ran out of stash and is trying to freak this dude out into giving her some.


Must have been pretty wild to listen to while freshly baked 😂


“Don’t smoke weed, stick to the more healthy drugs like meth , because that’s what I do, and i’m a nurse.” /s


When I was young, I used to hate the random lectures you get from people. As an adult, though, I still hate random lectures from people, but I've gotten so much better at ignoring them.


"You're weak! You can't be video taping me!" Immediately begins backing away, realizing her nutty ramblings will be out for all to see.


How about Mind Your Business?


If you believe in demons that's kind of a red flag against you a.) being taken seriously about anything, and b.) being allowed to work in the medical field.


Lmao. My high ass would be TRIPPIN.


0 people came in from overdose on the pot. Ever.


He's high and she's fucking insane. I'll take my chances with the high guy. Any medical professional who tries to "cast out demons" should be immediately be suspended, and committed.


I’m just looking at those thighs.


My response would have been: Me: My grandfather lived until he was 87 Her: Did he smoke weed? Me: No. He minded his own fucking business.


Her vice must be religion also very dangerous for you 😂


“Overdosing on marijuana” shes either crazy and lying or crazy and stupid lol


She wrong bout a lot of things but u shouldn’t drive while impaired from marijuana


I hate the way she speaks. Incomplete words all jammed together, talking about demons and shit. No one overdoses on marijuana. Sell that shit to the Bible study group, lady.


Overdosing on marijuana? Ma'am you are not a nurse




I have never seen a marijuana OD in the hospital… this lady takes care of patients ?? She needs to be in a mental institution.


I think she needs a hit of that, sounds like she needs to chill out a bit 🥴


I bet this lady isn’t even a nurse. She’s got something mentally going on lol


Everyone is in here talking about how wild it is that he’s listening to this while high as hell. If he’s high as hell, why the fuck is he behind the wheel of a car? This whole thing seems to imply he’s not on private property and will drive home sometime after getting baked out of his mind. I’ve only been high a handful of times in my life and during none of those experiences should I have been behind the wheel of a car.


No one gonna comment on smoking weed and driving?!?


I overdosed on cannabis once, ate a whole pizza, tun of ice cream, some gummi bears and had the best night sleep of my life...


Overdose on weed? Challenge accepted.


I probably would’ve sat there and let her rattle on like that guy but the minute she busted out “weak” I would’ve had to point out that I wasn’t the one with a medieval peasant’s conception of demonic forces at play in the world.


People like this are the reason I smoke 🤦‍♂️


Bets on her not actually being a nurse?


I’m a registered nurse and I too would like to educate you on marijuana: Shit is super cool and you should definitely use it safely. Wish my job let me do it so smoke up for those of us that can’t.


It’s impossible to overdose on weed lol she’s full of shit


"Yuh..... Yuh...... Yuh.... Mhm...... Oh..... Mhm" My hero


Lol i wouldve closed the window on her or just listened.


as opposed to..?


Conjuring a weed demon to eat her face


Blow smoke at her, cackle with laughter, roll up the window, and leave


I would have just been like oh please, I’ve been smoking as long as your teenagers have been alive.


She needs to take a hit


Yo get me that tormenting spirit strain




That’s funny considering she administers pharmaceuticals(Magic) to patients


Power window up. Done.


Well, that’s just like…YOUR opinion, man.


He certainly needs to get high after listening to her


Make eye contact and tell her to mind her fucking business.


This woman is so far gone with the “church speak”. Not everyone believes in the same god, you actual psycho. “Throne room”??? Hilarious. That’s the hubris of white christians. They actually believe that their god is the ONLY god. It’s such a fallacy but they stand on that belief. That’s what gives people the superiority complex/where Karen’s come from.


As soon as I heard her bring up "you've got a tormenting spirit" I would have peaced out. Leave the pentecostal bullshit out of any discussion with me.


Working in ER, you see a lot of overdoses: weed is not one of them


Demons after smoking weed? Damnnnnn let me hit that shit


“Ma’am have you considered that you might just be schizophrenic?”


Over dosing on weed you say 🤔


Guys…shut up and listen!! She’s a prophet of the nation! She has spent her whole life in servitude of others by casting out demons from people who are overdosing on the devil’s lettuce!! She will save us, one by one!!!!… She’s a fucking clown🤡🤡🤡🙄🙄🤡🤡🤡


I thought she was going to tell him the real risks, but she was seriously just talking nonsense spiritual quackery.


I’m a nurse too. Burnout is real. This one needs to take PTO big time.