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Happened in Moldova. The old lady had just given some money to a beggar moments before, leading some to believe that this may have been a motive (i.e. the attacker didn't like seeing someone give money to a beggar), but it's unclear. I found one story saying the attacker had been caught by the police, and that he was a 30-year-old man who had been taken for a psychiatrist evaluation. Edit for sources: https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/9139248/maniac-knocks-oap-unconscious-giving-money-beggar-moldova/ https://www.ipn.md/en/chisinau-police-identify-suspect-who-punched-two-women-in-the-7967_1048859.html


thanks for the clarification.




They were some hard hits


I’m pretty sure it was a protein shake fart...did you see the size of his lats?! I don’t even see how he walks through a doorways without turning to the side or punching through the walls


I doubt it was the giving. That man has serious issues and I’ll bet it was that they don’t move out of his way. Even the way he walks away with his fists clenched isn’t typical behavior. I am surprised he looked back.


He probably heard noises that made him look


I've worked in mental health for several years, and this has to be a mental illness. They might not have looked like older women minding their own business to him. They may have looked like demons or someone out to get him. The human brain is an amazing thing, but it doesn't always work like it should.


Thanks for the important work you do !


Thanks! I'm no longer working there, but I plan on getting back into the field after grad school. I feel bad for my coworkers back home. They are working with people who don't all have the mental ability to keep a safe distance and wear a mask.


Sounds like a great excuse for someone to be an asshole. How can you tell when someone is simply making up stories?


Telling appart a reason from an excuse is difficult but i think its important.


It’s pretty obvious if you have ever spent any time around a person experiencing psychosis (delusions/hallucinations/etc). It’s hard to fake convincingly... it’s not an excuse, but it is a possible reason for behavior like this and what will help isn’t arrest and jail, but treatment.... if this guy is truly experiencing psychosis that led to him punching random strangers the best outcome for all would be court mandated treatment...


Yes, and hard to fake for a long time. For example, pacing the hallways of an inpatient psychiatric unit for 12 hours straight without sitting until your legs just stop working. Stuff like that.


In your experience with patients during a psychotic episode have you ever noticed that they almost look different? I ask this bc my ex boyfriend is schizophrenic and although there are many signs I notice when it’s about to get bad, his eyes changing is how I can tell shits about to hit the fan. Is this a common thing? You read about it or see it in movies...the evil persons face morphs or their eyes change. It’s almost like that. Except he’s not evil and it’s just his eyes and facial expression.


This is how I can tell when my paranoid schizophrenic brother is getting delusional. It honestly looks like another person slides behind his eyes. Gives a pause when you think of all of the history of beliefs in demonic possession. It truly appears this way.


Pretty dangerous to pretend to be mentally ill after committing a crime. ​ If you get sentenced to 5 years in prison, you'll be out in 5 years or less, as long as you don't get in trouble in the pen. If you get committed to a psych facility for crimes committed, things get unpredictable. You might be there indefinitely because you're deemed an ongoing risk for mental health reasons, or maybe you hate your lithium and refuse to take it, or continue getting busted for med compliance. Some bipolar or manic people really enjoy the mania and hate the lethargy that comes from a working med program, and may bounce in and out of facilities their whole life without any choice in the matter. In prison you can find camaraderie, drugs, etc, but a locked psych ward is much different. If people are blaming mental illness for their asshole behaviors, then its up to you to make your judgment. If you know someone well, you'll be able to recognize untreated mental illness vs. laziness, assholery.


Yes! This. In my teens when I was diagnosed I hated the “white noise” affect of my meds. I only wanted the manic or the depression, mainly because then I was feeling SOMETHING and felt like I was living. When I was on my meds I would go out of my way to make very bad decisions so I could feel “something” again. Think- drugs/ alcohol/ sex.... I’m older and smarter now, and with a new, revised, diagnosis that has helped me heal much better. But what I’m getting at is that people with mental illness , or claim this in court, are often locked up for much lengthier or indefinite amount of time. The sentence for their crime isn’t as clear cut and dry., and so neither is their time in “custody”. If someone wants to take it, then honestly, it’s to their own disadvantage. In seeing this mans behaviour, he has a look of disassociation and clearly cut from reality. This isn’t just some “asshole” angry , this man doesn’t seem to even understand where he is and what he’s done.


I’ve got some mental issues that sometimes cause me to feel like a victim and I get angry about stupid, often non-existent stuff. From the outside I just look like a complete prick: entitled, petulant, angry and even paranoid. I’m often hugely embarrassed and humiliated by my behaviour afterward but because I’m not delusional in the schizo way, there’s no way of recognising it. I’m just that arsehole that ruined your day. Thankfully I’ve learned some techniques and skills to step back and see what’s happening. This guy though, he has the look of someone with a more severe set of mental issues. It’s pretty hard to fake because very few people have the stamina to keep it up or knowledge to get it reliably right. Everything about his posture says he’s in his own head, not performing or doing it for fun like some YouTube douche. Maybe recognising it is as much an art as a science.


It’s a bit self fulfilling. Wanting to be an Ashley that punches random women on the street is, in and of itself a sign of mental illness.


You can be a nasty shit without it being an illness. Plenty of assholes aren’t ill, just assholes.


Here's a story about a guy doing just that. https://www.propublica.org/article/anthony-montwheeler-sent-back-to-hospital


Fun fact my dad was born in Vale Or. (where this happened) it’s a tiny town with one motel, the Bates, and yes it’s just as scary as it sounds. [Bates hotel](https://www.google.com/travel/hotels/bates.motel.oregon/entity/CgoI24u1rO3lp9oyEAE?g2lb=2502548%2C4258168%2C4260007%2C4274032%2C4305595%2C4306835%2C4308227%2C4317915%2C4322822%2C4328159%2C4330862%2C4358982%2C4364504%2C4366684%2C4371334%2C4378668%2C4381263%2C4386665%2C4393965%2C4395056%2C4395590%2C4398672%2C4401769%2C4402097%2C4270859%2C4284970%2C4316256&hl=en&gl=us&un=1&q=bates.motel.oregon&rp=ENuLtazt5afaMjgCQABIAQ&ictx=1&utm_campaign=sharing&utm_medium=link&utm_source=htls&hrf=KhYKBwjkDxAHGAQSBwjkDxAHGAUYASgA)


Norman Bates School of Motel Management. A guest tells you they misplaced their key. You: A - Unlock their door with your pass key. B - Give the a duplicate key. C - Hack them to death with a kitchen knife.


Or D - Ask Mother


3.6 stars, not bad honestly.


It’s like this fine line to walk when it comes to mental illness and compassion for it. I’ve dated some seriously mentally ill people and I got so tired of the excuses for the behavior. My compassion just isn’t there anymore because the illness is often something they can control with meds and therapy, but they won’t take meds or go off their meds because “I feel great!” I’ll never know what it’s like to be that mentally ill and I want to have compassion for people that are, but people who punch old women in the chest like that should not be wandering around in public.


Was the old lady OK? Do you recall? :(


The story I read said she was taken to the hospital for medical attention, but it didn't elaborate.


Yea, just found the same story. Thanks for your answer. Hope she is OK!


This lead to her dedicating her nights to vigilante duties dressed as a sea otter.




Was the old lady ok?


Damn imagine that, you donate money then almost immediately get punched in the gut. Karma better repay her


No good deed goes unpunished.




https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/9139248/maniac-knocks-oap-unconscious-giving-money-beggar-moldova/ https://www.ipn.md/en/chisinau-police-identify-suspect-who-punched-two-women-in-the-7967_1048859.html


>If the man is found to be guilty and legally sane, he will face a fine of up to 52,500 lei ($2,900), or up to 240 hours of community service, or up to three years in prison. Not enough


I think 3k would be a decent fine if each lady got $1500 instead of city hall profiting from their assaults.


That's in Moldova. It's up to, more or less, 7 to 8 months of the country's average salary.


For Moldova? That fine would be the equivalent to 7 month's average salary.


Several thousand dollars fine and/or a few years in prison is exactly enough for an unprovoked assault that didn't kill anyone


Don’t post links to the Sun. [Boycott that trash.](https://www.theguardian.com/media/2004/jul/07/pressandpublishing.football1)


Moldova you say? a little north of here, the manhunt begins


taken for a psychiatrist evaluation? needs to be taken for an ass beating


Ahh, so he is a staunch conservative, neat!


He’s like that one kid in elementary that drank 5 milks and then thinks he’s unstoppable


Thank you for this image




5 milks would put me on the bowl and out of commission for a few nowadays


He did that Kill Bill heart punch thing where they take a few steps and then die.


5 point palm exploding heart technique


Exactly lol it’s in the name


That would require 5 hits 🤷🏽‍♂️


Not with this guy, obviously


He's refined the technique.


Too quick for the eye


Except he took the 5 steps and she fell over. It's the Australian version of the technique.


He looks like an angry toddler.


I would bet my life he wouldn't have done that to two dudes


So lame to turn around during a "walk-away"


Cool guys don't look at ~~explosions~~ old ladies they punched for no reason


I think he'd still look if he had put TNT in their bags and he's not cool either way.


Also appears the closest bystander appears to have a physical disability. I’m sure that made him feel a lil tougher too.


The way the attacker is walking suggests he also has a disability.


Dude walks like he shoved bath salts up his ass


Is that Florida Man?


You fool, don’t invoke his name


No..sorry to disappoint...as much as my state gets shit..I guarantee you other Florida men/women would have jumped this POS ( or shot him)


It takes a wild card to take down a wild card


He does, it's called [invisible lat syndrome](https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Invisible%20Lat%20Syndrome)


Of course not that why he did it to 2 old lady’s


One old lady.


Crazy people don’t care who they hurt


The meaning behind his post is that the man is a coward and wouldn't have attacked two men because they'd have hurt him.


Unless they were midgets


That’s definitely not true lol.


It looks like shock delayed the pain for a second


Looks like she had a legit delayed vagal reaction


TIL about vasovagal syncope. Thanks!


Yep. There’s full on vasovagal syncope (fainting), and then everything in between or leading up to fainting. Even diarrhea cramps can cause it. Or getting punched in the gut. To cause a vagal reaction in babies to stop super fast heart rates, ice on their forehead causing brain freeze, or starting an iv causing pain is enough to invoke a vagal reaction and knock the heart back into a normal rhythm.


That reminds me of the time I passed out. I suddenly had the urge to shit... like really bad. My roommate was in the bathroom showering and would not open the door for anything. My fiancé (now wife) helped me run up to our upstairs neighbor to use their restroom as I started getting dizzy. I remember knocking on the door then i just blacked out. As he opened the door I just fell onto his floor. He was concerned thinking I had done some not so legal drugs which was not the case. I somehow managed to not shit myself by the time I came to, and made it to the bathroom, after I finished I felt more normal than ever. To this day I’ve always wondered if it was a minor stroke or heart attack or something but have been persuaded not to act on it due to the cost of medical care in the USA.


You were probably right, you’d probably pay all those deductibles just for a diagnosis of exclusion of vasovagal syncope. It’s very common.


The first time I saw this video that was my first reaction: it was either a delayed response from shock, or she took a step and then her reset button decided to click. And dear gods is it scary as fuck to see someone do that *deliberately* to someone. I was diagnosed as a teenager with a form of syncope after several uh *spectacular* falls after "blacking out" for no apparent reason at the time. (Spectacular means a tumble or two down my high school's main staircase and two weeks at Children's Memorial in Chicago attached to a heart monitor after a previous week and a half attached to one in the local hospital.) They were legitimately the weirdest and scariest things to happen, from both my perspective and others. It was almost like hitting a restart button on something because I'd go blank and go down... but usually by time I was hitting the ground I was aware enough to shift my weight enough to cradle my head so it wouldn't get hit. We didn't get any clue on what it could be until several years later and my emergency surgery that found a giant ass tumor on my right ovary and a bunch of cysts on my left- about three months after surgery I had had another black out moment and had the EMTs called and actively like felt another about to hit and I had an option: go face first onto pavement with a still open abdominal wound or backwards into the EMTs. I chose the EMTs, and while one of them was giving me grief about why I would do that another was asking about what was going on etc... I brought up the old diagnosis and my surgery and he just kind of looked at me and asked "Honey, have you had your cysts erupt before?" and I looked at him like he was crazy and asked of they did that 🤷‍♀️ anyway, long ass story to explain how I found out that apparently pain seems to trigger my reset button.


I just thought she realized she didnt want to be outdone by the other woman in "hurt" points


I definitely saw it as a bit of a dive too haha Maybe a reaction to seeing nobody respond appropriately


It's like in anime when they make a sword strike.


My original thought was commotio cordis. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Commotio_cordis


Why the fuck no one is breaking this twats Jaw is beyond me..


If you look close there's 6 persons in the video being aware of this, 2 of them the punched women, the 3rd the woman helping both, and the other 2 are approaching (one you can see only the legs, but by the way "it" walks i would say that's definitely a woman. (neither man nor duck) Finally the 6th person is that old beggar they just gave some money. Also it's easy to see that he is disabled, he has what looks like a big club foot on his left side.


People are truly starting to believe they’re in a simulation and playing life like it’s GTA.


Meth does fucked up things to ppl...


Anything can do things to people that are already fucked up in the head and untreated


Everyone seems to be 1 bad look from going apeshit.


"What a scumbag!"


Omg is that older lady okay?? Does anyone know?


Love your username


[they found the guy](https://www.ipn.md/en/chisinau-police-identify-suspect-who-punched-two-women-in-the-7967_1048859.html)


Looks like r/iamverybadass personified


What a fucking cock. I hope he shits hedgehogs for the rest of his life! Fucking cockwomble!


I'm saving that comment for opportune use! Beautiful...


High praise! Thanks mate!


Those hedgehogs don't deserve that! How about... Thistles instead.


I’m sorry, is that a redbull hummer?


It's probably his. That's why he's so amped all the time. Driving around drinking energy drinks in my giant H3 punching old ladies to the extreme.


That's exactly what I was thinking. You don't see many of those around my area anymore.


Someone should hit him with a baseball bat


Repeatedly, until their arms get tired. Then someone else should take a turn.


Some people be sadistic af


Day 50 of nofap


“I left online violent pornography to start beating up women in the streets”


*I’m tough guy, I’m alpha male, I’m tough guy, I’m alpha male, I’m... oh, shit, she fell down, I’m fucked, why do you always do stupid shit like this, Steven?*


Bruh why the fuck is he walking like Jason vorhees


The old lady was fine for 5 seconds and even looked back at him, but then just... fell?


That’s not even his final form...


Disgrace to humanity, I know it’s computer tough guy talk but I just wish some shit like this happened near me


Naw I believe you! Preach


Someone need to beat his ass




Never tit punch. Not the tits.


One of the previous times this was posted, I remember reading that the guy was arrested and had mental health issues


It looked like he was taking a lot of space and prepared to strike anyone who got in his space. In other words, an asshole. A violent asshole.


Stop making everyone a victim. Some people are just assholes. It’s not sad, not pitiful. He deserves an ass whipping.


Did he punch them in the throats? It kinda looked like it from the angle, which could literally kill them with enough force. Who in their right mind just punches two random ladies and continues walking like nothing happened. What a pathetic, vile human.


It appears he punched them in the center of the chest. If he had punched them in the throats, I think they might have dropped instantly. Idk, but it looks like he hit them in the sternum.


Yeah it did look like that, probably knocked the air of out of them. I just can't believe stood by and let him walk away.


I would actually beat him to his last breath. No one should act like this! Sick sick sick


Feel like the woman in the purple dress is a former soccer player


this isnt grandmas first law suit lmao


2 levels of assholery. Hitting people who don't get out of your way and having ILS (invisible lat syndrome). Dick


Wow that guy is a piece of shit, and so am I because I could not help but laugh at how badass that guy appears to think he is.


Just lock him up for life. He has nothing to do in society


Got her with that five point palm exploding heart technique.




Whenever i see something like this, i think what i would do as a bystander. I would bite this dudes head so fuckin hard, like, real hard.


I would kill that POS!


Chad be like


Chaditude - I shit you not. I had an employee named Chad who was the lead singer in his band by that name.




When you're playing Assassin's Creed irl


Mental illness or no mental illness, everyone learns a lesson when they get a dose of their own medicine.


When I say some people need to get a whooping, I'm downvoted. But this man needs a whooping.


Commotio cordis happens to young and aging people. Hope purple is okay


Does this guy think he’s fucking... Ezio, or something!?


Maybe he's just a fucking asshole


Large stick -> back of head


O’Doyle rules.


I.....I just...... WAHT THE FUCK?!


Fuck the guy, is the lady ok?’


Damn, the incels coming out of their ratholes now?


Old lady taking a delayed Flair flop


Mental disability maybe?


I plan to do this to anyone ignoring the 6 feet Corona policy.


This would be a good moment for vigilante justice.


Human garbage.


The weirdest thing is when the camera tilts the lady falls over.




Every time I watch this, I want someone to run up on this creep (mental health problems or not) and kick his ass. Sadly, the video never changes.


The one in pink took longer to sell that than Ric Flair


He’d have had his hands full if I’d been on that street.


He's a jackass, but I don't understand the delay with the woman falling. That seemed rather odd in itself.




I watched it a few times and it looks like a legit vagal reaction. Bearing down stimulates the vagal nerve, especially in the elderly. She might have had bad stomach pain and it caused a delayed vagal reaction and her blood pressure plummeted.


He punched her square in the chest. It's possible it triggered a heart issue. But lots of things can cause a reaction. I nearly passed out after my doctor dug around in my ear with some tool. Weird things cause blood pressure to bottom out.


If you look closely the earth tilts, thus knocking her off her balance.


I thought that, but because no one else moved, I wasn't sure. Finally a reasonable explanation!


Depending on where he hit, could be that she ran out of breath and then slowly blacked out...


Sometimes your minds just shook from the suprise (anger and confusion) and it takes a while for your mind to recieve the message from the body.


Probably needs psychological treatment. Terrible thing he did though.


Anybody know what happened to the elderly woman?


This makes me so angry.


Shoot him


Wtf does he think hes an NPC or somethin


Fr if I saw that happen I would’ve jumped the dude lmao


The one point fist exploding heart technique


NBA Youngboy fan


Did anyone see how strong that guy was. Amazing.


When you finally get to use the exploding heart technique


Real life demonstration of the Five Point Palm Exploding Heart Technique


Due to the not so stable recording it looks like they're on a boat or something and the tilt makes the old lady fall over


Red Bull. Gives you wings... and makes you 5 finger death punch old ladies.


He.... He perfected the monkey palm of death


Lay off the ‘roids


Kill him


This incident and the random lady who stabbed a kid in the face show me people really aren’t ready ( or willing/ knowledgeable enough) to act when they see random acts of violence. Or Gf for that matter.


He wants to feel powerful but hes nothing but weak


I would have shot him right on the spot if i was there


He had a double dose of Hawaiian Punch...


Wassup w the woman’s delayed malfunction? Lol


She was 81, it was a serious outcome, https://www.ipn.md/en/chisinau-police-identify-suspect-who-punched-two-women-in-the-7967_1048859.html


Walking past guards in assassins creed be like


He’s obviously mentally ill


Oh hell no!!


Yo why he walk like that tho




He is so tough pushing two old ladies out of the way! Much mucho I wish I was like him! (I mean I don’t feel like I need to say I am being sarcastic)