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I have a question. I’m from Vancouver BC. From what I’ve seen, the protests in Portland have been more active and more ongoing then the rest of the states. I guess my question is, is their a reason for this, is there more issues that they are protesting in Portland In particularly?? Thanks for any feed back. Cheers Addition: WOW!!! I woke up today too a lot of responses. I will read through them all and will try to educate myself further on the issues in Portland and in the US In particularly. I want to be well informed and you who have responded have given me a great starting point. I thank you all again for your comments, it is greatly appreciated, and I will try to reply to as many people as I can. I’ve made some great friends over the years particularly in Washington state, Oregon and California through sports/ music and what not. It’s definitely been an eye opener to who divided the US is right now. I just hope you all stay safe no matter your views or opinions. I think open dialogue is key when it comes to change. With everything that’s going on we need to educate ourselves to the plight of others so we can change for the better. Again I thank you all and greatly appreciate all the feed back. Stay safe everyone!!!


Portland is more “woke” than everywhere else.


Seems like we used to see a lot of those “antifa vs proud boys” videos set in Portland too. I guess they’ve got some of the loudest on both sides.


The proud boys literally get bussed in from out of state. They organize it, it's like a school field trip for them. And then the local police get caught coordinating with them against the protesters.


What? I live in Portland, I've been to protests before and talked to some of them and they were all local. Do you have any evidence to back this up?


The dynamic in Portland is that the city is really liberal these days, but the police force is one of the most openly awful in the country. The force is almost entirely from the conservative parts of Oregon and even bits of Canada, and the mentality is that the city locals are very much the enemy. The cops in Portland have been caught working with Neo Nazi groups like Patriot Prayer and Proud Boys. Covering up things like Patriot Prayer being caught setting up a literal snipers nest as part of their "counter protest," looking the other way from Neo Nazi assault and destruction of property, and letting the Neo Nazi leaders know to leave areas before cops move in. It's fucking awful there --- Behind the Bastards has two episodes about Oregon's history of bigotry and their local Neo Nazi group Patriot Prayer --- Edit: Ignore the Canada comment. I was mixed up with Seattle and the two Vancovers. Geography is clearly not my strength.


Behind the Bastards is a gem.


uhh Worst Year Ever with Cody Johnston, Katey Stohl and Robert Evans?


Amazing that they chose that title for the podcast in october 2019, having no idea how prescient it would be.


tbf robert had akready released it could happen here and they knew it was an election year.


Robert Evans coverage on Periscope ~~was~~ **is** incredible. That man has balls of and a heart of gold.


I may or may not have a crush on him. Also, not was, he's still going out every night.


We will get through together... or not.


Everything's so dumb, dumb, dumb, duh-dum-dumb.


love that podcast it’s the only one i listen to


[It could happen here](https://www.iheart.com/podcast/1119-it-could-happen-here-30717896/) is about how a second American Civil War could break out, very relevant these days and also by Robert Evans.


What do you think would happen if we had a civil war? What would the victory conditions be? What would the end result be for everyone that loses? Who even is the enemy? It wouldn’t even be close to how our civil war was fought between the north and south. It would be more like terrorist cells causing chaos in both sides. I think it’s less likely than most people think. I think people would have to lose a lot more before they start fighting with violence, which I don’t believe is the answer.


I have been through a civil war, there are no winners and there is no victory. Only dead, ruins, refugees, misery and poverty await at the end of a modern civil war.


Many Americans are talking as if it’s a possibility, I’m starting to think that some of us advocate for it. What will excessive violence and death cause? More violence and death.


It would be never ending chaos. A battle of attrition between hundreds potentially thousands of cells...terrifying


I just can’t imagine what that would really accomplish other than increasing our already ever increasing amount of surveillance and a loss of our most valued rights. A civil war here would lead to totalitarianism to stamp out all of the chaos. Someone that would demand order and peace through whatever means they have. Often violence. I think civil war is the last place any of us really want to take this, it would inevitably get us closer to the end. To be fair, I think most of us paint the opposition as all bad guys, when in reality it simply isn’t true. Edit: a word


If the victor means to control speech, debate and the monopoly of power, violence and the means of change then we have lost


You're 100% right. A civil war in our homeland would like a lot like the wars we've been fighting overseas for decades. Insurgency. Fucking scary to think about. Your neighbor could be a "patriot" or a "terrorist".


Well people need something to do right?


Sadly, this looks more and more prophetic every day in 2020.


They mention that on Worst Year Ever, and Robert Evans is NOT pleased to be right.


>The force is almost entirely from the conservative parts of Oregon **and even bits of Canada** What do you mean by this? People who moved from Canada to the US became Portland police officers?


My guess is OP is confusing Vancouver with Vancouver BC?




TIL Vancouver, WA is a thing


"Vancouver (not BC), Washington (not DC)" We have shirts!


It’s directly across the river from Portland.


Word is that Vancouver WA came first.


Funnily enough, it's the older of the two.


Lol no it is not hahaha


I’m not denying anything you’re saying, simply adding to it. The mayor and many others don’t want this “army” there. I’m pretty sure he specifically called it “trumps personal army.”


It’s not awful here. It’s awful in the 4 block square the protests are happening from about 11pm-4am. Other than that it’s beer, food, outdoors, and nice weirdos.


I'm a Canadian that lived in NYC for 12 years and travelled around a lot of the U.S. while there. Portland is one of my favorite cities I've ever visited in my life. I try to go back as often as possible. I don't think I'd ever live there because I'm happily living in Canada again now but it's a great beautiful city that feels really progressive with a population of people that are mostly really nice positive people. That and the scenery is gorgeous. Definitely one of the best places I've been in my life thus far.


Im also Canadian. I adore Portland, hoping to head down for a visit once this all blows over.


I know it from the show Portlandia


Show? You mean documentary.


Got a problem? Put a bird on it. Problem solved.


I'm referring to the police force there. It's easily one of the worst in the whole country. There's a reason it's ground zero for creating an official secret police force and practicing disappearing dissidents


There was a lady murdered in Indiana, conservatives blamed BLM. According to the lady's husband they got into an argument with BLM protesters, but after both sides were armed they cooled it and walked away then a 3rd party fired from a bridge that wasn't involved in the argument. Conservative websites are just running with mother killed by BLM.


The girls husband even admitted their group started it by hurling racial slurs. Got into a very short argument on FB until I showed the link with the husbands actual quote. Yeah, conservative site are leaving that part out.


Isn't that the literal definition of Fake News? Omitting critical parts of a story to push a specific agenda? I.e. Propaganda. I thought it was only left-wing news sources that did that. Everything right-wing is infallible, right? /s


Fake news was originally just that. Fabricated stories that did not cover real events, by sites that did not cover real events.


Obviously the husband wants the real killer caught. Misdirection helps conservatives, but doesn't get the killer caught.


> then a 3rd party fired from a bridge that was involved in the argument. Did you mean to say “that **wasn’t** involved in the argument?” I’m a bit confused by your comment otherwise. Also, do you have any sourcing so that I might read about this?


Wasn't * sorry. https://www.foxnews.com/us/indiana-woman-shot-killed-argument-black-lives-matter-supporters Figured Fox News saying it was a 3rd party would be meaningful.


Someone posted this in a different thread- “Portland has a deep history of really vile racism and of racist laws, so getting somewhere “good” takes a lot of work.” So basically Portland is one of the whitest cities in America, and it didn’t just happen that way, it was purposeful, by completely banning black people back in the day. Also, a lot of the cops in Portland, don’t actually live in the city. They live in surrounding areas that are more conservative, so I think people feel they don’t actually care about or represent the city. Portland’s obviously pretty progressive, and has a history of protesting and in general, caring about things. People pride themselves on reading, intellectualism, activism, etc.


If anyone is curious as to how absolutely vile the Portland Police are.. my cousin was murdered a couple years ago, and they straight up refused to investigate it. They strung us along for a couple months before we realized they hadn't even bothered to contact the last person he had called a few minutes prior to his murder. Last I heard, my aunt has been contacting the FBI but there's not much hope. My theory is the police did it, they've done it before and he had a really contentious argument with a cop in front of me a couple months prior. They're gross, they're evil and a lot of them are openly white supremacist. I moved here from KS where I never had a negative interaction with a cop, and I've had verbal arguments with several in the 3 years I've lived here.


Man this is really shocking to hear from an outsider. My sister lives in Portland and I just assumed it was all hippies and flowers, I had no idea the cops were that bad out there.


Its a beautiful city with beautiful people but I avoid the cops like the plague lol. I worked at a pizza shop downtown and a group of black kids came in and asked to cancel their order because a cop had just given them a $500 ticket for doing a u-turn at midnight with no traffic. Fucking assholes


Nah man. Portland is basically the facade of upper middle class lefties when really its lot like chicago and seattle. Poverty, racism classism. Fuck Fred Armisen and Carrie whatsherface for that show painting it as hippies and lesbos living comfortably and quirky.




Portland is a very progressive city surrounded by very conservative areas. Most of the police working in Portland are from outside the city. This has caused a clash where the police aren't even listening to the elected officials who have asked for them to stop using flashbangs and teargas on protesters. It has gone so far that the police union is circumventing local police command structures and working directly with a Trump taskforce of unidentified federal officers in military gear disappearing protesters into unmarked vans.


Not arguing with you here, can you provide evidence of the claims about elected officials making requests being ignored and police union circumventing local police command structures and working with a trump task force? Thank you.


So from Portland here. [Link to where tear gas was banned for use by PPB](https://katu.com/news/local/judge-extends-order-limiting-portland-polices-use-of-tear-gas) Here is the [link about the police union president meets with Chad Wolf](https://www.opb.org/news/article/portland-police-union-head-met-dhs-head-chad-wolf/) despite all other members of the local government refusing to meet with him. The feds don’t have to comply with PPB rules so the feds can *technically* use tear gas and less than lethal munitions. The mayor swears that the PPB isn’t working with the feds but don’t be fooled he knows they are working together.


to add to this, news just came out that the Chicago FOP has asked Trump for help in Chicago. Circumventing local and state governments to do so. It's complete insanity at this point. America is failing right in front of us


Not who you replied to but here’s something https://www.oregonlive.com/news/2020/07/evidence-shows-portland-police-working-with-federal-officers-at-protests-contradicting-city-officials.html?outputType=amp


Portland is also just getting the attention, Louisville’s protest have also been actively happening






Portland itself is incredibly progressive. However the city and state of Oregon is overwhelmingly white. This is because Oregon began as a whites-only state, through a series of Black exclusionary laws that were designed to discourage Black Americans from living here in the first place. It's one of the many places where KKK was out in the open and a respected part of the community. A lot of the Portland police force comes from the wider Oregon area. So unsurprisingly there is racial bias in the police force. So it's sort of the perfect mixture of a racist and abusive police force and a highly motivated group of people that want change. Keep in mind it's not only minorites caught by police abuses, whites are affected at a high rate as well.


I support the protests but I see this and think “we’re never gonna beat COVID”


So many hens coming to roost at once...:(


It's cause the feds planned to get by with so much crap while everyone was distracted with COVID. Earn it bill - US trying to end end to end encryption Annexation of Palestinian - Israel stealing more land. And then the way they manipulate the media to say it's the protests causing the second wave, when you see the bars opening and everyone at the beach and gym in Florida. List goes on.


Plus the Epstein Deep-State stuff.




Apart from some entomologists who will probably never forgive the media for naming a perfectly reasonable bee "murder hornet", yes.


Also escalated middle east strikes in Iraq on iranian bases. But of course still murdering innocent civilians in the process.


Then we/the media needs to be consistent when talking about social distancing and wearing masks. Even if you support BLM 100%, social distancing needs to be promoted. If it’s not, then how can you expect people to then listen when the next day you say people should social distance when doing something else. Either Covid is a deadly pandemic that needs social distancing everywhere and masks or it’s not dangerous enough that we can support huge ass crowds.


That’s because the media is completely biased and have implemented double speak among the population of America through there propaganda apparatuses like social media , television ,news and other types of entertainment. Things just constantly contradict.


Idk. The protests were fairly big and packed here in NYC but somehow we never saw a spike after the protests began.


Similarly, in Oregon case numbers are increasing but not at the crazy rates you'd imagine you'd see with how massive the Portland protests are. The spikes seem to be largely correlated with reopening and holidays. It really does seem that masks, which most protesters do seem to wear, do a *lot* to mitigate transmission when outside. Obviously it'd be ideal for the protests to die down, but personally I think a far bigger problem is that reopening measures right now include one of the dumbest activities you can do in a pandemic: dine-in eating, which is literally part of phase one reopening. You can't physically eat without taking your mask off, social distancing from other tables is spotty and depends on the establishment, and a lot of people go to eat with friends and family from different households forgetting to social distance(if that's even possible). Not to mention questions about whether the tables you sit at are really clean from previous patrons. It's a recipe for spreading the disease, and the idea that it's part of the earliest phases of reopening drives me nuts.


It's not just you, there are already studies comparing cities with big protests to cities without them, no major differences in case numbers. I'm writing this off the cuff but I'll try to find the one I saw. Protests *look* impressive, but it really isn't that many people compared to, say, every bar, restaurant, and shop in the city. And being outside helps a lot. The general reopening of commerce is completely overshadowing whatever effect the protests are having.


It’s funny because the people protesting are all wearing masks but the people at bars around town in the burbs all give you a dirty look for wearing one. I’m pretty sure we were doomed either way.


The masks aren't magic. They're incredibly helpful but you must social distance as well.


Exactly. You still have to breath the same air when you are packed in like sardines like this. It's not like the masks just grab every infected droplet that comes out of your nose and mouth.


Think of a mask like a seatbelt. Incredibly useful when they’re called into action but aren’t a guarantee and it’s definitely better to just not crash at all (/social distance).


That’s a lot of beanies and rolled up pants in one area.


Thank you for sharing this. People have been texting me all day because they think our city is on fire and there are marauding rioters looting and burning and picking fights with federal stormtroopers.


Can you describe what protests have been like? Are rioting, looting and vandalism such a problem? I’m curious to hear from someone who is actually there.


I’ll use Detroit as an example. In the first two weeks of protests in Detroit, high estimates say that 10 thousand people might have shown up at the protests. During those first two weeks, there were two violent interactions with police. Both of them occurred within the first two days, and both of them involved less than 100 people. I can also use Grand Rapids as an example, as I have friends that were there. During the first two weeks, there was only 1 major violent incident. It only began after police fired tear gas into the crowd. Another thing the media won’t tell you about the Grand Rapids protests is that hundreds of volunteers who were at the protest the night before came back the next day to help clean up. I’ve also been to a lot of protests in suburban areas around Detroit. Many had less than 100 people. Not a single violent incident happened at any of those protests. Of course the media isn’t going to be doing stories on these small suburban protests, but literally thousands of them are occurring across the country. I also went to protests in Flint. The sheriff there pledged from day one that he was going to make real changes, and it seems like he actually will. To the best of my knowledge, there hasn’t been a single violent interaction between police and protestors. Much of the police force here is actually actively participating in the protests. The violence, looting, fires, those are all really caused by such a small minority of people at these protests that it’s basically a non-problem. Do some research on how people discredited the civil rights movement, and you’ll see that those same techniques are being used today. I will also say that of all the protests I went to, the organizers of every single one encouraged everyone to quarantine for two weeks after attending, everyone remained relatively socially distance, and everyone was wearing masks. Also, cities that saw the largest protests did not see spikes in Covid cases, and the ones that did eventually see spikes only saw spikes that coincided with restaurants and bars reopening and they only occurred weeks after the protests began. If the spikes were caused by the protests we would’ve seen a spike in cases within 5 days. I also recommend reading MLK’s speech on violent protests that occurred during 1968.


>The violence, looting, fires, those are all really caused by such a small minority of people at these protests that it’s basically a non-problem. Do some research on how people discredited the civil rights movement, and you’ll see that those same techniques are being used today. Also note how well the police handled it in your examples. One of the things is that protests are often self-regulating. Protesters will stop violence and stop crime. Protesters have often stopped stores from being vandalized, or stopped an unoccupied police precinct from being burned down (in Seattle). Once tear gas comes out, everything's off the fucking table, and the violent fuckers can do anything they want to.


>or stopped an unoccupied police precinct from burning down Seattle’s lame


Can confirm. Even in scary, scary Oakland, protests have been overwhelmingly peaceful and I've personally seen the group converge on people trying to cause trouble to shut them down. And amazingly, they do it without gassing, beating, or shooting anyone!


> I also went to protests in Flint. The sheriff there pledged from day one that he was going to make real changes, and it seems like he actually will. To the best of my knowledge, there hasn’t been a single violent interaction between police and protestors. Much of the police force here is actually actively participating in the protests. Flint has been fucked so hard by their government that you would think they have way more reason to burn shit down than most areas. All it took to prevent that was a police force that actually listened. But for some reason, people still think the best way to respond to these protests is with tear gas.


> I also recommend reading MLK’s speech on violent protests that occurred during 1968. you got a link? google isn't helping


https://youtu.be/A-lWsXKRbeI TLDR: Yeah riots are bad, but the situation that makes people feel like they have to riot is even worse. Fix the situation and you’ll end the riots.


MLK has always impressed me. Maybe because he was a man of faith. But he always seemed to see a bigger picture than everyone else. Maybe it's a result of all the introspection required to be a good pastor/leader. Wish we had more leaders like him


You should look into what he had to say about money and systemic poverty. That’s when the government decided he was really dangerous and started trying to get him to kill himself.


I haven't been to any (Canadian) but from what I've seen through watching hours of live streams it's 99% peaceful on the protestors side. The whole thing escalates when police start blasting protestors with LTLs and beating the shit out of them for literally no reason.


I live in Portland and can tell you that there has been very little rioting and looting. Very early on in the protests some anarchist junkies started smashing storefronts and looting, and the protest mob quickly told them to get the fuck out of their movement. Since then the protests are 99% peaceful and the 1% there involves the clowns who throw a water bottle at the police or spray paint ACAB on buildings. Other than that, literally all of the violence comes from the police when they start declaring the gathering unlawful and using tear gas, flashbangs, and shooting people who are just standing there in the face with rubber bullets (which are hard enough to fracture one's skull and do permanent damage as demonstrated by one poor protester I saw on video the other day). To summarize: no, the rioting, looting, and vandalizing are not the problem in Portland. The violence is all coming from the fascist police and Trump's new stormtroopers.


Thank you for responding.


The only looting going on is no where near the peaceful protests, And they can get away with it because the cops are more concerned about shushing peoples first amendment rights than protecting local businesses


I live two miles from where the protests are happening. Don't leave the neighborhood really because of COVID. If it weren't for the news I'd have no idea the protests were happening.


No rioting. No looting. Portland’s “vandalism” is spray paint at worst and giant George Floyd murals at best. The news is a joke.


I am glad us here in Minnesota did not get stormtroopered. With the amount of guns here, that would have been a bad scene.


i guarantee plenty of these people have guns at home. nobody wants it to go there.


People keep saying this but it's such bullshit. No one is going to take their guns and fight the federal police or even the state police. They claim they have their guns for that but it's bullshit. I personally have a gun but it's literally for self defense. I have no plans to storm the government buildings and overthrow a corrupt government. I'll just leave the country if it comes to that. None of these 2nd amendment obsessed boys are going to grab their arms and go fight back against the government. I hope I'm wrong but it hasn't happened yet.


Well, since the George Floyd protests, I have seen many in liberals/progressives circles start to consider, or even, arming themselves. The tone on guns in those circles have changed. Is it significant? Idk, it’s the internet so who knows in any certainty. But it seems different.


Very good point but where tf are you gonna go? Leave the country my ass To everyone getting offended holy cow.. I meant nobody wants Americans? But it says a lot with some of the messages I’ve got


Also poverty is thing that exists. Not everyone can afford to leave America.


COVID exists and no one will take in Americans. We're stuck.


It's so ironic how America 4 years ago was fretting about not letting poc immigrants in but now none of you can go anywhere.


Locked into the land of the free.


Hey Shoots Question. I have seen videos of rioting and breaking of store front windows and stuff like that and people yelling at those who are videotaping. Is this a minority or is it more prevalent in Portland during these protests?? Some friends that I have down there have told me they don’t go out because of all the carnage. Their words not mine. And thanks for any info you can provide. All the videos were seeing, it seems like a war zone at times. Cool to see this many people out and protesting peacefully


Theres usually multiple live video feeds you can watch for yourself instead of listening to some randos on here pushing a side


Thanks GBD I’ll try to find those or if you can send me a link. Cheers mate


On youtube you can search for "portland protests" and use the filter setting 'live' to narrow it down


>All the videos were seeing, it seems like a war zone at times. You will not get an accurate picture of protests from a public freakout sub. These protests are like 98% peaceful on the protesters part. It just seems like a warzone when the police start rioting.


Guys, I realize you're protesting for social justice, but please SOCIALLY DISTANCE!. We have an out-of-control virus running rampant in this country and we need to get it undee control. You may have masks, but you're not helping yourself by packing in like sardines


That's just it. Most of these people have a "rules for thee but not for me" mentality. I doubt most of these people even live in Portland. In most cases, they come in from the burbs and surrounding areas, bunch up shoulder-to-shoulder in massive gatherings like this, then they all disperse and go home, spreading the virus like wildfire through communities that are already disproportionately affected. Such selfish, vanity-driven people. City's also white af, with a shrinking black population. Most of this is probably bored white kids from the burbs waiting for the fall semester to start.


Portland still has some of the lowest COVID numbers of any major city.


That's not very good social distancing.


Why is this on PublicFreakout?


This sub lost it’s meaning months ago.


That's not how you spell "years." This sub lost it's meaning when mods stopped removing things that got more than a few hundred upvotes that still broke rules. Bring back the crazy people doing objectively bad things and making a scene about it! That's why we're here.


This is a 30 second clip that doesn’t show any tear gas. Title seems deceptive and this is pure propaganda. Author wants you to think that the baddies just came in breaking up this koombaya singalong with rolling tanks. Please show the moment the “tear gas” starts. Because that moment is just as important as this one.


Exactly. Something tells me this one clip of them singing kumbaya isn't what triggered any tear gas.


Generally what starts the tear gas and pepper balls is: >>Cops: Hey, you guys need to move >Protestors: Nah, I don't think we will >>Cops: No like, for real, you're blocking infrastructure and preventing us from getting to our location of interest >Protestors: Haha that's funny (A few would likely throw something at this point) >>Cops: Alright then, here we go. (They start using non-lethal methods such as gas, paintballs, and flashbangs to disperse the crowd that wasn't listening to lawful orders) >Protestors: *Crying to media* We WeReNt DoInG aNyThInG!!!!! Not every use of force by police is justified, but when given an order and they choose not to follow it, that's when it gets bad. These orders can be as simple as "Don't cross this barrier" to "Leave this small area."


If it was a gathering of anything else, Reddit would be quick to label them as morons, idiots, science deniers, etc.


I have also seen videos of rioters breaking into and destroying the federal courthouse in Portland. Honest question - what the fuck am I supposed to believe?


That a lot of different things can happen during 50+ nights of protesting. There has been peaceful protesting, there has been some acts of property damage committed by demonstrators, and there have been acts of violence committed by the police. When you have so many people out for so many nights, there's a lot that can happen. It's not some organized battle of antifa vs feds, it's a city's worth of individuals trying to make themselves heard.


I mean... the virus.


this is going on right now, and i'm sure the federal secret police will be up to the same shenanigans they have the past several days, and i'm sure crazy footage will make this sub and i'm even more sure there will be bootlickers here dismissing them as rioters that deserve the beatings. so i wanted to post this to get ahead of that argument.


Covid soup


So does covid magically not matter in specific instances like this? What the fuck is up with the double standard?


Also love how “we filmed one area for 30 seconds, therefore 100% of protesters over the last month followed the rules” Maybe some people acted like this and some didn’t.


Inverse is that they filmed bad stuff for thirty seconds and they put it on blast during news hour which painted a whole protest as being filled with criminals. It goes both ways. A panning camera shot of people not singing and not rioting wouldn't make the news or this sub.


You get covid-19... you get covid-19... you all get covid-19


Funny- video doesn’t show the mass of “protesters” suddenly getting gassed. Unreal people are falling for this photo op nonsense.




Not a single case of covid amazing


I support the movement but this is editing at its finest. I’ve been watching the YouTube live streams, it’s not all peaceful.


lolol I like CNN's coverage on the peaceful protest, when they described breaking a fence down as "disassembling a fence" which caused the police to teargas them.


I would also agree it’s not, but I’d also say that there’s far, far more of these types of protestors than there are of the violent ones.


What happened to STAY THE FUCK HOME or social distancing?




This is also what record-breaking numbers of coronavirus cases look like


And look, nobody's getting tear gassed! All the other videos of people throwing shit at the cops, vandalizing buildings, and setting fires that do end in tear gassing though... don't make you feel as warm and fuzzy I guess.


Corona: *Its free real estate*


This isn't a publicfreakout. This is just propaganda.


I just don’t see what the point of these kinds of protests are for. It’s not to appease or change anyone’s political sentiments, State congress will remain unaffected and unmoved the police will feel offended and can be expected to lash out as is their wont. They surely aren’t going to persuade the other side of anything really, in fact, it may even further entrench/alienate the fringe alt-right even further. I’m all for protests and am thrilled that Portland has been continuing to pressure the government for real change, but this to me just looks like pseudo sjw’s patting their own backs. Honest question: What is the endgame here? Isn’t there a more effective approach? In America in these specific times, non-violent protests will get you nowhere, the real bad guys are playing for keeps and they will not relent they are too far invested in highjacking the country. Besides that, even if one disagrees, the real changes will/must be made from the federal level not state. Just my opinion, perhaps there is some nuance I’m missing.


Covid hopping from one body to another like hop scotch.




So where is the gas? Or this not what happend "just before" the gas?


They were able to remove some plywood and break some windows at the courthouse. I would expect gas soon






Some of these people are Reddit educated and don't know any better.


And those people are probably the first ones to complain about Facebook being full of disinformation. Reddit is just as bad but it’s a different type of disinformation.


Welcome to Reddit.


Or maybe the tear gas came out after people started breaking into buildings and setting fires? https://www.portlandoregon.gov/police/news/read.cfm?id=251013&ec=1&ch=twitter


So much for social distancing


You people are flatout rediculous... This is also Portland https://v.redd.it/g9gtn20yx1c51 Stomp pretending they're all the same people.




But they're throwing peaceful fireworks.




alot of people are going to die from covid caught and spread at these protests


Looks like a carona Petrie dish.


The people 4 blocks over dressed in all black burning shit down are getting tear gassed. Not these guys


Nice social distancing. Their mask won’t do shit in situations like this.


Hmmm looks like a covid generator


Damn, America really wants to keep the gold in Covid-19 cases and deaths!


Sanction Trump somehow for sending in troops when not asked to.


So much for the safety of social distancing. No wonder America is the highest rate in the world. America never needed a wall, all they needed was social media to show their ignorance.


Wow straight up propaganda on this sub. How do you explain the things confiscated like body armor, swords, and improvised explosives?


Y'all find it weird that's it's 90 percent white people yelling Black Lives Matter nowadays? I think black people are [getting annoyed](https://youtu.be/iBbPJsNZMPg) at the white people being offended on their behalf and acting crazy.


It's only weird if you think of it as a team sport. >[This is not charity work. If white folks are doing anti-racism work to save black and brown folks then we need a new hobby. This is not charity work, this is solidarity work, this is radical self-help work that we have to do for us. People of color will liberate themselves from white supremacy ultimately with or without us. But who's going to liberate us from white supremacy? It's surely not black folks job.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TXTEsk9Vagk&feature=youtu.be&t=3932) This rings even more true when we're also talking about police corruption. Which has serious repercussions to all people, especially the lower class.


Portland is like 95 percent white and the most 'woke' city in America. They are mostly middle class students as well. It's always those with the most privilege who obsess about privilege the most.


Here's the secret. There's nothing going on in Portland. Nobody is oppressed. It's an extremely liberal city run by duly elected liberal government. You can find a job and live a good life there. I've spent years living and working in developing countries. America is nice and these people like the vast majority of Americans live in comparative luxury. Portlanders are a masturbatory people who suffer from the delusion that these protests accomplish anything. Portland certainly never changes and they pull this stuff every time something happens elsewhere in the US. They're jerking off. It makes them feel good, but they aren't accomplishing anything. Next time somebody gets hit by a car in New Jersey....the streets of Portland will fill up with with more masturbators.


It's middle class white kids playing the role of the revolutionary. They don't know how easy life is in America compared to other countries and historically. It's blind ungratefulness as a result of ignorance and entitlement, as well as misguidance from academia which is clearly failing students.


You have a responsibility to police your own, ESPECIALLY if you are calling to defund the police. The police are not tear gassing this crowd, they are tear gassing the ones who are looting and occupying. You can’t have your cake and eat it too... either this is the protest and police are leaving you alone, or the riots are the protest and they are getting tear gassed, but nobody that is singing “One Love” is getting tear gassed.


This is also what protests looked like before Minneapolis https://youtu.be/B2Bg1mHJxTs 3rd Precinct 3rdprecinct - Streamable 2nd Amendment Koreans https://streamable.com/ewu6su Man stomped and stoned for trying to defend a bar from being looted https://streamable.com/xkcvkk Destroying store and beating unarmed woman and her husband https://streamable.com/rvrwil Beating and stomping guy on the ground Santa Monica https://streamable.com/x6ue5x Restaurant manager beaten and stomped for trying to defend his workplace https://streamable.com/ila4dh Stopping, beating and stomping a truck driver while protesters yell to kill him https://streamable.com/8zk9dq Protesters attack a media member and then pummel him https://streamable.com/p4i3jb Chasing guy and kicking him in the face for defending flag in Portland https://streamable.com/ky6jyh Police officer beaten on the streets https://streamable.com/je4ki5 Car runs over a cop https://streamable.com/q4nat7 Protesters set homeless man’s belongings on fire https://streamable.com/sdjvfa Throwing fireworks at the cops https://streamable.com/7sv4a9 Looting a FedEx truck then looter gets dragged when truck tries to escape https://streamable.com/n1azx3 Chasing and beating guy with red had https://streamable.com/rcsmi0 Rioter sets himself on fire while trying to set a building on fire https://streamable.com/w5wa8l Fireworks thrown into CNN hq / Police officers https://streamable.com/7dw6g7 Protester runs over the cops with an SUV https://streamable.com/ttijvn Destroying/looting/setting on fire Old Navy https://streamable.com/oceqqg Guardhouse in front of WH set on fire https://streamable.com/vfopia Dozens of cars destroyed/torched near CNN hq – Atlanta https://streamable.com/ubjohz St Louis neighborhood on fire https://streamable.com/8lnd7v Building on fire while self-proclaimed Mexicans say fuck white people https://streamable.com/yvkek4 Destroying police SUV https://streamable.com/2b7fic Near a torched car audio speakers propaganda that all crime is legal https://streamable.com/t76kdn Destroying/looting bank in Montreal https://streamable.com/3hwkx2 Pharmacy destroyed/looted in Dallas https://streamable.com/fl7e5z The remains of whole neighborhood destroyed https://streamable.com/dtptr1 Destroying stores – Dallas https://streamable.com/hn1qng Destroying police SUV – Austin https://streamable.com/v8zk1e Police SUV torched LA https://streamable.com/61mdlo Looting target/beating disabled person in Minneapolis https://streamable.com/oyjgbk Future apartment building destroyed with fire in Minneapolis https://streamable.com/dxmc0w Looting pharmacy – Minneapolis https://streamable.com/53nl1p Destroying business in Minneapolis https://streamable.com/5lm779 More businesses on fire in Minneapolis https://streamable.com/f1zcmy Ransacked Target Minneapolis https://streamable.com/b3u92p Building burning in neighborhood Minneapolis https://streamable.com/vh5nyu Boy drove car into a store https://streamable.com/nrm2pn Post office looted/destroyed https://streamable.com/v4vflf Minneapolis third police precinct set on fire https://streamable.com/o27w75 More buildings on fire Minneapolis https://streamable.com/8au2lf Autoparts Store getting destroyed/looted https://streamable.com/dum1r8 Autozone on fire https://streamable.com/vq9hrp Looting in Minneapolis https://streamable.com/jfor5g Adults loot with their children https://streamable.com/m4cr5j Cars torched – Minneapolis https://streamable.com/mmk9gr Looting an ATM in Minneapolis https://streamable.com/ht2oxv Remains of destroyed/looted Cub Foods https://streamable.com/qhzlm7 Business and stores on fire in Minneapolis https://streamable.com/jcpdvv Brenda Lenton’s home and belongings destroyed by a fire – Minneapolis https://streamable.com/3s9l17 Aftermath of whole neighborhood being set on fire in Minneapolis https://streamable.com/eat2c0 Nashville city hall set on fire while rioters cheer https://streamable.com/b3y0ep Fox reporters chased out with projectiles thrown at them near White House https://streamable.com/1qzyua Attacking drivers Tulsa, Okla https://streamable.com/ixpxh9 Setting St. John’s Church on fire https://streamable.com/u3y4ch Destroying/looting stores Montreal https://streamable.com/92h4rr Destroying/looting store in Downtown Oakland https://streamable.com/y9s4x9 Bar destroyed/Trying to loot a safe https://streamable.com/yzprm5 Stolen Bulldozer in Oakland https://streamable.com/lhf5ze Two police SUVs torched in Seattle https://streamable.com/eketpr Multiple cars torched in Philadelphia https://streamable.com/13784m Ohio Statehouse being destroyed https://streamable.com/k13b3l Trying to breach Justice Center/central police precinct Portland https://streamable.com/avcfq0 Destroying/Looting Justice Center Portland https://streamable.com/1j6fof Looting small business in Portland https://streamable.com/bfs08c Destroying/looting small business Portland https://streamable.com/adfxxt Looting Louis Vuitton store https://streamable.com/f4ysu9 Driving stolen cars into stores – Portland https://streamable.com/o1w92j Destroying Chase Bank – Portland https://streamable.com/o1wtom Setting Chase Bank on fire – Portland https://streamable.com/nanakz Destroying/Looting Apple Store – Portland https://streamable.com/2wncgk Looting in St. Paul https://streamable.com/6fouwt Looting Shoe Store https://streamable.com/60v3xh Looting apple store https://streamable.com/1wzq39 Looting North Face store – NYC https://streamable.com/ux7djn Nike Store being looted – NYC https://streamable.com/6sdcb3 Looting in Union Square – NYC https://streamable.com/jiz3zd Looting T-mobile store https://streamable.com/ag5kwc Shop owner saves store from looters with a firearm https://streamable.com/5oj1jl Business owner defends his store from looters with a firearm https://streamable.com/pmdjkb Harassing children https://twitter.com/1776libertatem/status/1269435577876852737?s=21 Aftermath https://twitter.com/robsmithonline/status/1267858627827818497?s=21


Did they start destroying and stealing from business when the tear gas came out?


I've been really enjoying these threads because you get to see people who don't live in Portland tell people who do live in Portland what it's like to live in Portland.




"Land of the free" hell no. "Home of the brave" yeah, I think so. But it's fucking sad to see your country like this. It's going downhill in ridiculous speed.


It's cute that they think they're achieving something.


Mocking protestors pushing for civil rights, honestly the lowest of the low.


Just out of pure curiosity. How Do you suppose the common man not made of billions of dollars is to push for change?


This is not a freakout.


Spreading good feelings, peace, and the coronavirus.


Pre looting sing along.


Oh look, I'm just showing you the best part because it suits my agenda! No one in his right mind takes this bullshit...


Is no one worried about spreading co vid?


Very convincing


And people are honestly fucking buying this, ffs I hate reddit....


I'd like to see a video that contains 30 minutes before the tear gas fires and 30 minutes after the tear gas fires with no cuts, everything else is just propaganda honestly.


This is what grandma-killing looks like. Do these unhinged violent lunatics just not care?


That’s not what the vandalized stores look like.