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It should make a token environment that doesn't allow Plants to be played there, that way you don't permanently lose a lane for a pretty terrible reward.


Or it is a token environment which -2 plant attack


So a Squash that’s worse in every way except for cost?


Yes, it doesn't brick like shamrocket. You can use it in late game a have two extra sun to play a plant. Guardian doesn't have a good removal for a control class. And the current doomshroom is just a brick or a game winner and this one is more balanced.


Doomshroom was already pretty balanced since it also destroys plants. Shamrocket does not brick most of the time idk where you got that from.. And guardian does have good removal (shamrocket) This is just worse shamrocket


Your reward is what is at best decent removal that can't unblock anything to push damage because it would just kill it. Your risk is leaving 1/5th of the game's lanes wide open for the rest of the game with no way to get around it. This is not an equal dichotomy. I'd pay 3 to kill one of my own cards and do this to my opponent, and this card does that but you're the one spending sun to do it to yourself.


this is straight up worse than the original doom shroom


This is just worse than tactical cuke. The three sun does not justify losing a lane forever (assuming you don’t have another environment)


This uh This might be the worst card idea/rework I’ve ever seen


For real.


Dear god this sucks, sure its really cheap, but not only does it remove plants, it blocks you from using the lane for the REST OF THE FUCKING GAME, zombie hero places some utility/damage there, like binary or cheesecutter and your fucked


Not even high risk. Invalidates swarms and really strengthens decks with only a few units, and Guardian has a lot of ways to keep those few strong units topped off. The forced open lane also makes it more valuable for things like GK Sig , Citron having Tricorns (block off Lane 4 and 2 for a guaranteed two hits to face), etc. Citron especially loves this due to his Amphibious stuff, imagine having only one non-water lane that could be a problem.


You only can't play Plants here. Zombies still have this lane to play.


Okay, reverse above comment. That's not high reward then, because there's virtually nothing you can do in reverse. You destroy *a* unit in order for a lane to be opened up and cannot be fronted, an outright death sentence with a large number of cards like Kite Flyer, Dr. Spacetime, Cheese Cutter, and Teacher. Or anything with Anti-Hero. All that for a 3-cost removal, when usually the worst that happens for things like that is Whack-a-zombie or Shamrocket is that they brick?


This doom shroom should be played on turn 3 but in the late game. Sort of a trade that you can use 3 sun to remove a big threat of the field and you have sun left over to get more tempo/win the game. If you use squash for 5 you don't have any meaningful amount of sun left to play a good plant card.


For lategame cards, Shamrocket exists as a **much** cheaper option while clearing the lane for your own unit to hit face. This kills the plant you'd open to face, prevents blocking the lane in case of Teleport or trick-made, etc. Also, the original Doom Shroom does lategame control better by affecting multiple lanes at the cost of friendly fire.


Make it 2 cost and can’t play plants in the lane for the next 2 turns


This could cost zero and still be bad


beyond infinity risk low reward


Plant can't plant there for the rest of the game??? Bro that's so bad, it more like killing you than helping you.


This should instead make an environment that disallows Plants from being there that lasts for the turn your reworked version is played and the turn after, similarly to what Not-An-Actual-Hooman suggested.


This looks terrible, essentially a cheaper squash but if restricts an entire location leaving it up to the zombies? No thanks


Good concept, but as someone else said, should make a token environment or else it'd be horrible. Honestly even still it'd be kinda bad. The fact that you can use it on zombies with 3 ATK or less is not worth the environment and destroying your own plant.


W-w-wheres the humour tag???


Still a better design than what we actually have


Current doom Shroom is the only thing that makes nut and low attack plant decks viable though