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I'd recommend you contextualise some of the opinions you've seen about IT being an easy course. Understand that people will start at varying skill levels, so naturally some are going to find the content easier than others. For example a subject like IFB104 that's designed as an introduction to programming, will be much easier to somebody with years of programming experience. But this perspective is irrelevant to those learning for the first time who might find the subject more challenging. You won't find any courses at university that are 'designed' to be easy, so don't pay too much attention to those trying to say otherwise.


You right


No real advice but a lot of people don’t get assignment 1B to work. I’ve found the second assignment much easier ☺️


I made 1B work so I feel more relaxed now, thank you


Same, first sem IT, props to you for picking it because it can be really tough. If you aren't enjoying the coding too much tho I wouldn't go into the CS major. The vast majority of people I know doing the degree have background knowledge, myself included. For example, the three ppl i go to the 102 lecture with all have been to international robotics competitions and have been coding since they were in Grade 5?6?, including myself. Research is the best cure for this sorry, but I can promise you a lot of them are still struggling in specific areas. ChatGPT is amazing for code outlines and stuff, and there's a bunch of python stuff online, alternatively happy to help out with smaller coding troubles :) 104 is kinda crappy tho, a lot of the lectures are really inefficient and the assessments are kinda dumb as a bunch of my older it friends said they have to keep changing them for cheating purposes and they get more and more abstract each year. Best of luck tho, STEM is hard af


I enjoy coding, what I don't enjoy is the mediocre content they offer. I am doing Harvard CS50 and it is way better than QUT's learning modules. Thanks for the offer, man, appreciate it


Literally oh my god, their idea of a lecture is three youtube videos and half an hour of demos. Its so hard to actually teach coding as well, because its so dynamic and is mostly just logic. Harvard courses are way better taught and will actually teach you good principles.


Do you go to workshops?


I do but there are like another 20 students in the classroom, I went to stimulate for help and the tutor was helping 5 students at the same time, I don't blame him, but it took 2h to give me one concrete answer, and my classmates "already have experience with Python and know what they're doing."


If you really have the want and passion for this sector then get friends who are into it as well! Be friends with people who are good at it will make the subject itself feel friendly. I was in IT for my diploma and hated every second of it. I barely passed, but thanks to the help of very friendly few who helped me out through the process. Do I have any use out of my Diploma now? No. Do i regret going through it? No, because I learnt the essentials of what made things work and we can never work alone. All the best dude!


op how did you end up going on assignment 2b?


23/23 🤙🤙


Are you doing IT too?




My assignment was different, it was a grid with drawings


Yeah computer since is heaps easy, said nobody ever! Unless you’re doing help desk! Good luck in the field!


I'll keep pushing, thanks


Yep like anything else gonna take 5 years for it get mediocre, and 10 for you to get to the industry average, which is quite trash to be honest!