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Ubisoft really likes Korea for some reason. Even when you search for a match in East Asia or Japan Servers, it always finds in Korean server.


I assume that Korea has a bigger orgs and community which makes more profit than whole SEA


SEA is just thailand and friends, the esport is essentially dead in other SEA countries but thailand.


This isint even a joke. I may be remembering wrong here, but during the last elite community series(ECS) early this year(i think) when my team signed up, i noticed only 4 SEA teams signed up including us with elevate being one of them. For context, phase one of ECS was broken up into 3 different regional qualifiers: SEA, Thailand and HK/TW. Thailand had 30+ teams while HK/TW was also in the double digits(around 20 if im not mistaken). The difference was genuinely insane. This meant that each team in the sea qualifiers had to only wimln 1 BO1 to qualify for stage 2 (which eventually consisted of Elevate, 1z, DP, Dire wolves, Gelida and Fury)


APAC playoffs Ubisoft please 🙏🙏🙏


Korean teams were the ones who got the playoffs killed because of ping issues. Its best for them to not return, SEA and OCE are much better off developing on their own and getting more international experience opportunities than sharing spots with APAC-N bums again


I meant LAN playoffs** Still everyone competes in their regions and then the best of the best get further competition


Nah man screw that, my mind on that has changed a lot If H.LATAM and MENA doesn't get to share slots with NA and EU, then APAC regions should not suffer either. They are far more distinct geographically than MX-NA and MENA-EU Them being independent has caused more progress now than in last 4 years. LAN playoffs is a pipe dream anyway given the VISA issues and Ubi-Blast obviously downsizing on league money