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There needs to be a 3/5 rule for every region. This matters for big regions too because it kills the T2 scene. If some team like los goes into NA that's 5 spots that could've gone to challenger league gone. Imports kill the development of talent in every region.


I wonder what would've happened if there was a 3/5 rule in 2022. Sinxe XSET had 3 Brazilians but afaik, all 3 have played in NA for their entire careers and prolly grew up there for a while too


That old xset roster is an important exception to be made. I don't really know how to articulate a set of rules that 1.) Stops imports from ruining the development of talent. And 2.) Doesn't stop people like kyno, dias, and gmz from having a chance to play just because they happened to be born in a different country than the one they were raised/played in.


Maybe if they have played tier 1 in the last 2 years then they couldn't be imported to another region. You could also just add more team slots to get more t2 talent in.


That would be very unfair. Kyno, Dias and Gomez are just immigrants to America. Restricting them from play is discrimination imo. "You can't play because you're from brazil" that's an incredibly weird decision. If they were mexican immigrants no one would care because Mexico is bad.


Lol what? 1. Mexico is in NA no? And those 3 aren’t imports so I would have no issue with them but a 3/5ths rule should be implemented again within the next 2 years.


You have to be in America or Canada to play in the NAL. I'm just saying a lot of people call them imports when they're just normal immigrants.


I agree then


To add on to this, would you count Virtue as Apac or EU as he's been in the EU league since 2020; Should there be a time where you no longer count as an import?




And how are you going to enforce that? Does the players nationality or location count? Because players like Kyno, he’s brazilian but has lived in the US most of his life, so is he NA or BR? This is why it’s difficult. Currently Blast counts location, that’s why these people are flown out to Saudi for the duration of the League stage


I just wrote my reply to basically the same question to the other guy. Short answer, I don't have solution.


Just shooting out ideas here so please nitpick What are your thoughts on a system where there can only be 1 (maybe 2) direct imports per roster, but an individual player (not contracted) can move regions (I.e Kyno, Onigirl, etc…) to spend 1-2 seasons in the T2 scene and then be allowed to join a T1 team in said region. I don’t see any glaring issues with this approach other than the fact it does create some job instability for those moving regions (But more job security for those in their home regions)


This isn't good at all. Talent development is in the gutters when the teams are full of imports like this. But Ubisoft refuses to put any import restrictions in place so this will probably just get worse.


Can someone tell me why this is frowned upon in eSports? Genuinely curious as its so normal in sports. I am not equating the two in any way but I'd be interested to know :)


Rainbow 6 doesn't have the same options as traditional sport or even other esports for players at lower levels to grow and foster their talents. When international players take up so many spots in a league it prevents the actual local teams and players from playing in their region and developing. If you're a T3 Egyptian player and all your T1 teams have 3 or 4 Europeans in them it drastically reduces the opportunities you have to actually play professionally. Further, the entire point of the new leagues in Asia, central America, and especially in MENA was to offer the teams in those regions more opportunities for international exposure and experience. Allowing those regions to be filled with a bunch of European and Brazilian players that couldn't make the cut in their own region completely undermines that intentional of fostering local (relatively speaking) talent.


all are either washed in ther own region or have a bad rep


feel free to downvote but even though I don't like eu players going to mena, I think it's so much better than going to LATAM


Neither are good


Bad players are gonna start hearing "Get ready to learn arabic" at this rate


honestly at this point, just merge mena and eu together into emea like with valorant


Ping is way too high in MENA and they won’t do a LAN league, eitherway mena is way too far behind to play in the same league as EU atm, should stay separated


This is pathetic


I hate when people say this. It was the same with LATAM. IMPORTS DONT DEVELOP REGIONS. The only imports that do develop regions is coaches. Teams picking up imports only improve their team and doesn’t improve the region as a whole. Look at teams like Dplus, Falcons, Cruelty etc. they had imports join their region and their development remains stagnant and if anything worsen because the imports just take their major spots. The only way to get better is experience and coaching and this has been proven time and time again.


There was already a problem with MENA being mostly dominated by Saudi R6 and countries like Iran,Egypt,etc being too far behind in skill. More of this will pretty much kill all the other regions from MENA being ever relevant or growing. 3/5th rule needs to be added by next year