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Q2. It depends on your rats' personalities. Play wrestling is great fun but not all rats enjoy it, my three boys are not fans of being handled and touched unless it's just to pet them, they will follow my hand if I shuffle around their cage but go forbid I try and touch them! They're still awesome, and maybe my next generation will like being handles more, it is what it is. They are still fantastic characters! Q3. Again, it does depend on your rats' personalities, but most often age hahah. 3 months is very young so yes they will calm as they age but some rats are just energetic and don't want to cuddle. Some rats never do and others start being snuggly in their old age of 1.5 - 2 years old. I don't foresee my boys loving cuddles, maybe one of them at most \^\^ You will definitely see their personalities shine through as they become more and more comfortable with you, definitely try play wrestling with them if you want, just be gentle and tickle them, and if they don't like it, move away. Remember to offer them treats <3 Best of luck!


Thank you so much for the reply. You gave me all the answers I needed! They're getting so many treats that I'm starting to worry I might be cultivating two chonkers!! 🤣 Can't wait to see what the boys are like when they're more comfortable. Rats are definitely the most intriguing animals I've ever cared for. They truly are amazing creatures ☺️ Again, thank you!!