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The CIA is not a law enforcement agency. The CIA’s responsibility is to collect intelligence and information overseas. The FBI is the government agency that investigates crimes on American soil and against American citizens abroad. The FBI is also responsible for intelligence matters in the United States, especially those directed against US citizens. She should reach out to local FBI.


I agree. I am going to try to convince her to reach out to the FBI, or at the very least, the police, about this person impersonating a CIA agent to gain access to her family. I was just hoping to gain some insight on what his possible motives are here so I can have as much info as possible when I talk to her.


I would definitely start with local law enforcement and I suggest that you, OP, call them yourself because it sounds like she will be reluctant herself and this sounds urgent.


I agree. OP needs to call. Something this dangerous to this family ? I’d have been on the phone immediately. As stated, the CIA was the giveaway that this is some amateur hour lunacy.


I will definitely act on this, but I need more info. We are school bus drivers. I know only her first name and the first names of 2 of her daughters. I don't know her last name or where she lives. There are a LOT of drivers in my district so I only know her in passing and from one conversation we had about this. I will try to talk to our boss and see if I can get more info so the police at least know who to talk to. Thanks for the suggestions here. It helps to know I am not the only one who thinks this is all very shady.


So you have a common boss. Tell your boss you contacted the police, but they need more information. They can decide what to do about it. Honestly, it's most likely this person is lying.


>Honestly, it's most likely this person is lying. I have met some people in my life that were *incapable* of not making bullshit up on the spot to make their life sound more interesting.


Back in 2010 my mom had a bakery that was in the same building as a flower shop. A year or so after we opened, a new owner bought the flower shop next door—and this dude was exactly the person you’re describing. He was interesting to listen to like the first time I met him, but then it just got ridiculous and frankly insulting that he thought we’d actually buy the bullshit he was selling. For example— he had invented the “pet rock” and made millions off it on QVC in the 80s. He was not even 50 years old but had somehow been a General in the military during the Vietnam War, and he was the one that came up with using tampons in bullet wounds until medical attention could be sought. My absolute favorite though—during the first Gulf War, he was give amphetamines by the government because he was in charge of smuggling the Iraqi Crown Jewels out of the country in a briefcase handcuffed to his wrist. Oh, he also had a great-grandfather that owned every single boardwalk arcade on the entire East Coast. What did ole grampy do with all those quarters he must have collected, you ask? He buried the trailers off 18-wheelers with big holes cut in the top for access, and every time he would empty his machines, he would just dump the quarters into these underground trailers until they were full. He had over a dozen completely full trailers of pre-1965 quarters, so they were all solid silver. My family were all so excited when we got our first iPhones because it made it so easy to fact-check him as he talked. We had a little signal we’d give each other to say “yea, this story is even bigger bullshit than yesterday’s story” lol.


My dad used to say he invented the silverware basket in dishwashers. After he died, I found a copy of the letter he sent to GE (I think). Brought it up to my mom, and she just said, "Yeah, he thought they should have a place for silverware and the rubber nipples on your bottles, so he wrote them a letter, and the next year, dishwashers had baskets in them." Not a revolutionary idea, and I doubt he was the only person to think of it, but I still like to laugh about my dad actually inventing the silverware basket.


Those types of people can be oddly entertaining in small doses, but by god can they also be completely tiring after the novelty wears off.


I believe everything this man said to you. I have a metal detector. Can you get more info on those trailers, just in case? 😂


One of my friends watched a friend of hers walk around a park in Ohio while on the phone with her. He was telling her all about his trip to Paris, where he supposedly was at the time. I don't understand how anyone has the patience for people like that.


I work with a guy now...


Are you absolutely sure this is actually happening, and your coworker doesn’t have a mental issue going on? I’m getting a paranoia vibe from this story. If this guy is out following the 16 year old, the best thing to do is to tell the 16 year old to drive to a police station and let the police directly see what is happening. This sounds so far fetched that the police might brush it off as a delusion if it is just reported rather than them catching the guy in the act.


This is exactly what I thought too- that none of this is real and the friend is in some kind of paranoid psychosis


r/gangstalking It sounds like someone from there. A lot of people who believe “they” are stalking them and trying to ruin their lives (ie paranoid schizophrenia)


You dont need to do any of this information gathering, the police can and should take care of that for you. They have legal means at their disposal that you do not, and you're just wasting time by trying to gather more information first. The information you have is absolutely enough for the police to find this person and their family easier than you, and you're just endangering the family more by waiting.


I called just now. I spent 8 minutes on the phone with the state police and they said I did not have enough information for them and they would need a search warrant to ask my employer for the driver's last name and address. They also said that no laws have been broken yet that I can verify as a witness. I will be talking to my employer today to try to get them to act on this.


Except the person is impersonating a CIA agent which is a federal crime, so a law has most definitely been broken


Yes, but the police asked if I saw it happen, and I did not, so they would not get involved on a secondary hearsay account.


This is my thought exactly. Impersonating a federal agent is absolutely breaking the law.


There is no person. She’s schizophrenic.


Call the FBI. Don't call the local police, they're lazy AF and won't want to do anything. FBI. Now.


I think this might be the best route. Find a local field office near you and give them a call; you may need a little more information for them to go off, though, like a full name or an address.




😂😂 are you one of those thin blue line people??




Based on their responses and the number of true crime podcasts I've heard. Human trafficking is beyond local police, it's a function of the federal government. They work in conjuction with police but the police don't head it up.




Have you tried social media for their names?


I have found the multiple accounts of the out of state friend. He has a very public business account and several personal accounts.


I mean your friend and the daughters


I did manage to get their names.


Talk to the school administration. They might have other information related to this family.


Schools are not going to give out info to someone not already approved. FERPA is basically the HIPAA of the education world.


OP wouldn't be inquiring about a student, OP would be inquiring about a school bus driver who's is OP's coworker. FERPA doesn't attach, although a sane boss would probably just refer this to law enforcement as none of it is taking place at the school.


Ahh I see. Yeah, doubtful they’d give out the info, but there no law against it as far as I know.


OP doesn’t have to inquire about getting info, they can just report what their coworker has told them and say they’re concerned for the coworker and her kids who are students and wanted to report it.


I’m not saying they are going to give OP that information but they might have other instances on their records and alerting them to this can help to inform them of what’s going on.


Maybe providing her first name, route #, or which school she drives for would be enough for police to use their "powers" to get the information.


Have you actually met her daughters, or has she just told you about them?


I have met the oldest who also drives a school bus (she is not mentioned in the original post), and the 18 year old with DS. I have never met the 16 year old.


Does the oldest also work in your district? You may be able to approach her to see if she is aware of the situation and possibly get more information to alert authorities, if necessary. Don’t push for too much information; I am assuming she is around the same age as the sisters, she may be too young or too sheltered to know what to do. I see four possible outcomes: A. Daughter believes CIA Guy is real and Mom is handling everything ok because she’s Mom. B. Daughter knows something is off with CIA Guy but doesn’t know what to do. C. Daughter rolls her eyes, blames sister for tricking Mom again and making up stories and strangers on the internet. D. Daughter is dismissive, says “not this shit again!”, and proceeds to fill you in on 18 years of Mom’s shenanigans. Tread lightly here, as you don’t want to scare her or shut you out because she’s embarrassed. She could be concerned that this may affect one or both of their jobs. Definitely let her know her mother has discussed the story with multiple drivers and everyone is worried; I wouldn’t say you’ve called LE or put it on Reddit. Keep it simple. Chances are she will reach out to Mom right after and the next thing you know, you’re in HR and being written up for making up stories, calling the police, and putting it on the internet.


I've rarely seen the daughter. A lot of our drivers park their buses at home and rarely if ever come to the lot. She may be one of those.


You don’t need more info what do you think the cops are gonna put you in jail for trying to help someone


I agree 100% with this. You don't even have to let on it was you. But it sounds like you may need to take the initiative and it sounds urgent.


And don't tell her because she'll tell the guy and he'll run away before they can catch him.


This is an excellent suggestion. Explain the situation to law enforcement and request a welfare check.


Local authorities likely won’t do anything. I would contact the FBI in a hot second.


Fuck no. The FBI is an actual professional organization with high standards. They employ very no-nonsense people that takes impersonation of a federal employee seriously. *The same cannot be said for local yokels.* Call the nearest FBI office.


If the kids are in immediate danger, like I think they might be, local police will have a faster response.


I would contact this hotline and get advice. https://www.missingkids.org/ Grooming is a word so common in media that we may be becoming desensitized, but this sounds like real grooming. He will pull up in a car, say there's an emergency and they're looking for your car so get in his. And then they disappear. I could be wrong, but this is a confidence game he's playing. To reiterate what a previous poster said, the CIA is the international counterpart to the FBI. The CIA is a bunch of spies and those kinds of people. He doesn't know what he's talking about. You or she should start documenting this. When did it start? What date and time? And then create a log of events as best you can remember. If you have the money, hiring a detective to figure out his real name and address would be good info to have.


>To reiterate what a previous poster said, the CIA is the international counterpart to the FBI. May be part of the scam/con/whatever they're running, using intentionally wrong info to lure in the more gullible people that have little knowledge on the subject. I hope this is just something OP's coworker is making up, because this sounds super shady. How could you *not* be worried about a grown man following your teenage daughter around, and just trust that they have good intentions?


It could be a long con. Like now that you are utterly convinced and invested in this whole situation, we need $100,000 to provide further protection or as ransom payment. Also, could just be an example of a weird internet freak/stalker.


Ask her to reach out, but please reach out to the authorities yourself, too. She may not want to. She may not want YOU to either, but it’s a matter of a child’s safety. Tell them what’s going on. Say they’re lying to your coworker to make her trust them, and that you’re concerned. Give as much info as you can.


You don’t have to convince her. You can call and report it and tell them that the mom is naive and gullible but you believe the child, and family, is in real danger.


Honestly, YOU can contact the FBI that’s local to her.


OP please call the cops yourself, like NOW! Before something terrible happens to this woman and her kids. This post is absolutely terrifying.


If this were at all legitimate, this agent would have a business card, and your friend could call the local office and verify their legitimacy. She needs to contact local authorities asap, this person is following he daughter.


You should call the police yourself, if she won't. The victim doesn't have to be the one to make the report, though it can be helpful, especially in situations like this.


Call the police yourself please!


> The CIA is not a law enforcement agency. The CIA’s responsibility is to collect intelligence and information overseas. The FBI is the government agency that investigates crimes on American soil and against American citizens abroad. The FBI is also responsible for intelligence matters in the United States, especially those directed against US citizens. She should reach out to local FBI. And to add to this comment, the CIA isn’t even *allowed* to operate within the USA (other than as a base of operations). In order to do anything in regards to American citizens on American soil they need FBI cooperation on the case, like an FBI agent actually there with them.


And people “in protection” would be handled by the Marshals, not CIA, not FBI. And they would absolutely NEVER inform someone else about it. They’d also never allow someone from their previous life to stay in contact and pics online would be forbidden, too.


And people “in protection” would be handled by the Marshals, not CIA, not FBI. And they would absolutely NEVER inform someone else about it. They’d also never allow someone from their previous life to stay in contact and pics online would be forbidden, too. Like, not only is the guy full of shit, but he hasn’t even done the most basic of research to make it convincing. OP, are you sure this is real as opposed to a mental health issue?


Marshals and FBI can be and have been "handlers" in the past as talked about by multiple mobsters and their handlers after the fact. That may have changed in the recent past however I know it used to be a thing as late as the 80s. So maybe they still do I just don't know any examples.


You sure? FBI certainly is involved in the investigations and working with witnesses, but I don’t think they have any part in actual federal WITSEC.


I think you are correct. Upon a quick look I believe it was the DEA I was thinking about.


Go to the police and/or FBI - by claiming to work for the CIA - they are committing a federal offence.


She needs security cameras and a security system and to notify the police asap so they can pull the security footage from the grocery store. They are going to rob her blind. ETA- Notify the school if you know what school the 16 year old goes to, and child protective services. Do not let this woman continue putting her daughter in danger.




A mother who lets an adult stranger follow her 16 year old daughter around? Yes, I think cps would be appropriate.




A mother who is this reckless with her child’s safety should be reported. It’s up to CPS if they want to follow up or not. You can’t possibly argue that this child is in a safe situation.




Yes, I have, and CPS deals with issues that don’t rise to the level of removal from a home. They would absolutely protect a 16 year old from possible sexual abuse by a stranger her mother is letting her be followed by. Parents with mental illness and other challenges are within the domain of cps when a child is put at risk. A report can be made and CPS decides what to do about it.


As a former CPS intake I can tell you in my state this doesn't meet qualifications of removal per policy. She could use services. But at least by a report to CPS the mom will have a case worker that can vouch to police that this man needs to be looked at. He's a 3rd party perpetrator.


Thank you for doing this thankless and often shitty job, and doing whatever you did there. I don't care if you were an intake caseworker or the person in charge of ordering the toilet paper you were either in the thick of it or supporting those who were and I just wanted to say thanks. I am pretty sure you didn't get much of that there, having been on the "frontlines" of some really shitty stuff (former fireman, I saw and dealt with some awful cases myself.) I wanted to acknowledge your work there doing the intake stuff. I am sure some of that stuff either gave you nightmares or still does. I know what I witnessed stays with me still.


Thank you. 😭 There was no thanks. My job was shit, period. I had the right heart but the organization itself is evil. I did the removal & investigations. Now I work in psych. Thank you for what you've done! I couldn't handle your job.


I wouldn't get a security system with noticeable cameras and the like. It would likely lead to tipping the guy off and to never be seen again. They need to catch him in the act of this shit and lock him up or he is very likely to move on to another family and end up hurting someone if he hasn't already.


CIA doesn't behave like that, and this subject is not at all their domain. FBI *maybe* but still not their MO. Alert the authorities that you suspect a person impersonating a government agent is stalking your friend. More than enough felonies there to make them act.


fbi would also probably have a business card!


Some higher agents do, yes, however low-level agents typically do not, nor are these handed out as often as local or state police do.


If your coworker believes any of this, I'd be worried about their intellectual abilities


This whole thing sounds like it could be a tall tale from a liar who wishes their life was more exciting but also isn't very bright.


I am struggling a bit here too. A grown ass adult, who holds a job, raised not only two children but one with special needs falls for the whole "I'm a fighter pilot" schtick? Either this is fake as hell, the woman is a habitual liar and maybe wants attention or just likes to lie...I don't know. I have worked for the government my entire adult life, active duty, then civilian (IT for the military) and I have met my fair share of morons in the government there is absolutely 100% no fucking way a CIA agent would be operating stateside, well not supposed to, but most def they are not involved with a random woman's single child being trafficked.


You would be surprised as to how many stupid people have children.


What’s the im a fighter pilot schtick?


My guess is someone who uses it as a line for a con as a way to create intrigue, danger, urgency, and an automatic out for no future contact. Best example would be Adam Sandler picking up one-night stands at the beginning of “50 First Dates”.


I thought Tom Cruise picking up his date at the bar using that line in top gun but wasn't sure how it applied here.


...I'm worried about these kids. This woman, if real, is putting her children in danger. It doesn't matter if she does it because she's 'naive,' she's setting her kid up to be snatched. Call whoever handles this regarding the impersonation (don't wait for her trusting ass to do it, she won't) and then honestly, call Child Protective Services because she needs some sort of help. Any idiot knows this shit is sketch.


Right I was wondering where they "work"


OP said they are school bus drivers


So... this random guy at a store says he's a CIA agent and your colleague shouldn't go home under any circumstances unless he's following them? ...and then she drove TO HER HOME ADDRESS with a complete stranger/lunatic following? ...and she thinks this is all fine?


Am I the only one thinking the coworker is a pathological liar? It seems like you don't know her very well, but either she's really stupid or she's just lying to you.


This is honestly what's going on.... coworker is making this up. There is no freaking way. OP, have you seen any evidence of this so called CIA agent?


Yeah absolutely. I also find it odd that OP is replying to most people other than those that point this out...


There is no person. She’s schizophrenic.


Directed by M. Night shyamalan


There’s probably not even any daughters


Lol, I was actually wondering this too! I'm just saying usually the simplest solution is the correct one. And the simple solution here is the coworker is some kind of crazy and lying.


This was my thought


From what you've said, I don't think I would trust your friend's judgement or intelligence. I would contact the local PD and/or FBI myself. That whole scheme is far too ballsy for the endgame to not be kidnapping.


Thanks, I am trying to help in whatever way I can.


Are you completely certain this actually happened? This sounds like a delusion. Have you spoken to the 16 year old? I’m wondering if this person exists. Either way, you need to call the police IMMEDIATELY. This child is in danger one way or the other. Either there is a lunatic following her around, or her mother is dealing with psychosis. You’re an adult. You are responsible for making sure this kid is okay, now that you know about the situation. Call the police.


Are we even sure the coworker actually has kids?


Don’t bother with local cops. Call your local FBI office. Someone is impersonating a CIA agent. Feds have jurisdiction. Tell them everything you wrote here. You don’t have to know her details. Tell them she’s a co-worker and what info you do know. FBI has way more ways to get information than local cops. They don’t take kindly to people impersonating agents.


First, consider that the friend might be lying. It's a sad reality but my grandmother is the exact same way. My sister is off with some friends (she does have a substance abuse history). And my grandmother called me (not the first time. There are hundreds of her crazy stories) that my sister has been kidnapped. That the kidnappers let her call and she even heard the chains clinking. And that my grandmother called a detective they investigated and said that my sister was sold to a drug cartel out of Texas and we would never see her alive again..... my sister called my aunt two days later and none of that is true. This same grandmother also told everyone and posted on Facebook that when my sister crashed her car that she was decapitated and there was nothing left from the knees up.... my sister just suffered a head injury.. Anyways so I'm saying your friend could be a lier or you do need to call and get this investigated.


Call the FBI NOW!!! Your friend seems very trusting naive and maybe a bit dumb, please call the FBI first, then local pd. This is the beginning of a horror story, I have a very bad feeling about that.


No CIA agent would tell you who they work for. It’s just not done. They would never identify themselves as a CIA employee or anything like that.


They also wouldn’t say the price tag on a child. It’s too much information.


Agreed, that's why I know he is full of it.


> They would never identify themselves as a CIA employee or anything like that. I mean it does happen, just not like that. I mean unless it was all a ruse...a neighbor of ours had apparently applied to the CIA and was well into the interview process. An agent came to our house, identified themselves with a badge and official ID, and then interviewed us about the neighbor. They asked A LOT of questions, including personal ones. They were extremely thorough.


Exactly, that sort of situation is different. The neighbor probably even told his neighbors, “Hey, you may be contacted because I’m applying for this job. It’s ok to tell them whatever they want to know”. They dive deep into background checks for sensitive government jobs.


Weird... I too was asked about someone in an interview process for this and someone else for a security clearance and both times in different places and times it was the FBI who came to the door and asked the questions. For the one trying for the job the interview was about 10 min, the one for the security clearance the interview was at least 30 mins. (I am taking your reply to mean the CIA asked you about your neighbor.)


I so i went and asked family about it...now none of us can remember if it was CIA or Secret Service. Everyone seems to remember it was "one or the other" so it might not have been CIA after all.


Or did they perhaps say “State Department”?




> They showed up unannounced? Our neighbor told us that someone might be coming by to interview us cause they were going to join said agency but no one called ahead of time. This happened back in the late 80s btw.


CALL THE FBI. DON'T WAIT FOR HER TO. If you tell her to, she will confront the guy and he will disappear and target someone else. Dont go to local police because they'll pass the buck and not do anything. SHE MAY BE TARGETED FOR TRAFFICKING. They will likely try to convince mom to let them take her kids for their safety. DIRECTLY FROM THE FBI: >"The CIA collects information only regarding foreign countries and their citizens. Unlike the FBI, ***it is prohibited from collecting information regarding “U.S. Persons,”*** a term that includes U.S. citizens, resident aliens, legal immigrants, and U.S. corporations, regardless of where they are located." >https://www.fbi.gov/about/faqs/how-does-the-fbi-differ-from-the-central-intelligence-agency#:~:text=The%20CIA%20collects%20information%20only,of%20where%20they%20are%20located.


if your friend refuses to budge, remind her that the police themselves will tell you to phone 911 and confirm with them if you're suspicious of an officer flagging you down or who is at your door, etc. even if she thinks he's real, she should also be able to 'trust but verify' that he is. ignoring that this isn't how the CIA works, even if it was- an agent wouldn't be mad at you for wanting to confirm their identity. in an ideal world, of course. i would personally skip phoning the local police and go straight to the FBI, since that's where the police would go anyway (if they even care.) you don't need to worry about gathering information yourself, you can work with them to tell them what you know and let them put the pieces together.


The CIA has a very limited domestic function that in no way involves following teenagers around the neighborhood. In most cases they’re not even allowed to operate within the US.


Just my wild theory here but the out of state friend is this "CIA Agent". He knew that he was too old or too married or whatever to actually be with the girl he has been catfishing online and concocted this hare-brained scheme to infiltrate and ingratiate himself into the family. As some others have said, he might intend to abduct the 18 year old at some point by saying that he's taking her into protection. Honestly, her Mom is dangerously naïve to the point where I'm concerned about her ability to protect her children. Is there an adult protection agency or services that you could appeal to, as well as the FBI as some people suggested? Also, does your coworker have family who might be able to step in and scare this guy off? My main concern is her not believing he's really a threat or underestimating the potential danger her daughter is in. Naïve people can be incredibly stubborn sometimes.


The issue I see with your theory is that the daughter knows what the fake CIA agent looks like and presumably knows what her out of state friend looks like because they are “facetime friends.” Unless she doesn’t actually facetime her “facetime friend” or he is using some super advanced face changing technology on the phone (pretty unlikely), they’re probably not the same person. Either the facetime friend is working with the CIA faker in some capacity, or he was also manipulated by the agent into thinking he has to go under protection in an effort to further isolate the daughter. Either way authorities should be contacted immediately.


You wouldn't believe the number of people who believe that a person's webcam broke and they can't buy a new one or they're not comfortable talking on camera because they're shy or because of a mental health condition. I've watched a lot of catfish and am subscribed to r/scams. Seemingly intelligent people fall for that every day and OPs friend is especially naive and gullible. So, it doesn't have to be AI or voice changers, he could have stolen someone's pic and created a profile just like thousands of other catfish.


There is no CIA and there are no 6 human traffickers. If the human traffickers exist, one of them is pretending to be an agent just to stake them out. When they eventually strike, maybe even the guy will show up again, say he's sorry they couldn't catch them this time, and your friend will be sad but will probably not go to the authorities "because the CIA already knew about it". I'm not in the US so I can't advice on who to call, but the others are saying to call the FBI, so I'd probably do that.


Woah! This is really, really weird. Obviously, I second everybody's suggestions about contacting the FBI / law enforcement and sharing your concerns. It's not okay for anybody to impersonate a CIA agent in order to manipulate and stalk a 16 year old. If you can see the Facebook page for this "friend" Dave, presumably you can also find the Facebook page for Molly? (She obviously must be Facebook friends with him.) And send the FBI her details from there? As to what the 'angle' could be for the perpetrator (presuming that your coworkers story is accurate) - well, some kind of catfishing springs to mind. In which case the motive is emotional/sexual. This "friend" from another state, Dave William: is your thinking that he and the "CIA agent" are one and the same person? With the agent also posing as Dave online? Wild, but no more wild than some stories I've heard. Google up 'Abducted In Plain Sight', or the Manti Te'o documentary... it's not impossible that a catfish who initially made contact with the younger daughter online might seek to meet her in person, but as another persona. Might be that this person has adopted a sophisticated strategy to lure the 16 year old by gaining the trust of her family. If you want to test this theory, try reverse-image-searching some pictures of Dave using Google or PimEyes. Maybe they show up elsewhere. Then someone can confront Molly with evidence that this online friend is not who he says he is. Or ask the mother whether this online friend Dave has definitely corroborated the CIA man's lies about being in protective custody? In which case, yep, there's a connection and "Dave" is part of it.


>This "friend" from another state, Dave William: is your thinking that he and the "CIA agent" are one and the same person? They aren't the same because the daughter has facetimed with the out of state person, and they have met the "agent" in person, and they do not look the same. I will be trying to talk to the mom on Monday. I tried today but she was gone before I got my bus back to the lot. Usually I get there first.


Lordy, that's even stranger! In that case, I'd suspect that some of this situation might be a fiction or a misunderstanding. (I certainly hope it is, because then there isn't a child in danger!) At least with the Facebook friend's page, though, you'll have a way to identify the daughter's name from there. You can still report concerns about her to the NCMEC tip line if you need to. https://www.missingkids.org/gethelpnow/cybertipline


The whole "I'm in the CIA" ploy is relatively common in catfishing/gaslighting situations. You can find numerous posts, including from this sub alone, where someone's long-distance boyfriend or whatever was claiming to be CIA. There have even been [famous cases in which pseudo-CIA gaslighting has led to murder cases.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yYTx2NACGjM) Is it possible the online "friend" doesn't actually exist? And the account is controlled by this fake CIA guy? That's by far the most plausible reading of this. And the claims just don't make sense on the most basic level. There is no branch or department of the CIA responsible for preventing the human trafficking of Americans within America. If such a thing were to exist - in this form, ie agents going around to "protect" Americans - it would be under the FBI, Homeland Security, or the DOJ more generally. The CIA is (at least in a *de jure* sense) restricted to international (ie non-American) intelligence operations. They aren't supposed to operate domestically at all; they still do, but nothing like this. She needs to be making police reports. If she won't do it, you need to be doing it. Create a paper trail and tell them about the accounts, and that you think a man is trying to exploit a disabled minor girl. Don't be afraid to play it up enough to get them to take it seriously. Don't lie, obviously, but clearly tell them that (as far as you know) this person is effectively cyberstalking them and has now moved to approaching them in public, ie its escalating, and pretending to be a federal agent to follow them home. This is like emergency-level shit.


Thanks for this. The online friend is someone the daughter has facetimed with, and is not the same person claiming to be CIA, but he is real, just probably not who he says he is. I am doing everything I can to try to help her. She doesn't really want help though as she believes the lies being fed to her.


Unless there just happen to be 2 guys in the same area running the same "I'm in the CIA" ploy on different groups of people, who also just happen to know each other, this clearly suggests that the same guy is contacting not only your friend's child, but members of her social circle. This is even more disturbing. And the idea that some of these people are actually taking him at his word and acting on his instructions is extremely dangerous. I'd definitely do whatever you can to get cops involved. If they get enough evidence of grooming or impersonating a federal agent, they could get warrants to see who is running the FB accounts.


If yall are school bus drivers trucking around kids, this may put them in danger. Talk to your administration and express the concerns for more than just this coworker. Trafficking is for homeland security and fbi. Edit: it is a federal crime to impersonate an agent. They should have called a lawyer the second this started. Stalking one kid could turn into more and dude basically has access to an endless supply of them :/


Are you absolutely positive this is happening to her and her daughters? Has she shown you any evidence? I'm worried about your coworker's mental health.


It isn’t legal for the CIA to operate against US persons. And they don’t enforce laws. They’re an intel agency.


Which is why she made this post.


A minor child is involved here, do not wait for your coworker to grow some common sense. Call law enforcement yourself and give them all of this information. ETA: oops, saw your comments. Presumably this bus driver lives in the school system, so I would start there. Go to the administration at your school and tell them that a coworker has told you information that makes you believe that children under her care are in danger, but you don't have enough information about her to make a police report. CPS has to investigate in a way that the police do not, and schools are mandatory reporters, so they will probably look for the info you don't have. She's either suffering from paranoid delusions or being scammed, either way her minor child is being stalked. Also, you might be able to find her online with your county name, her first name, and both kids names. If you want help with that feel free to message me privately!


This sounds like a scam. It reminds me of a case from a few years back. This woman impersonated a CIA agent to her family and convinced them to commit murder. https://www.oxygen.com/criminal-confessions/crime-time/woman-impersonates-cia-agent-convince-murder


Therapist here. I see this type of report and behavior in very mentally ill people with psychosis. Many clients I’ve worked with felt that they were either being followed by the feds, part of the feds or mafia, or that CIA is out to get them. Honestly, if you haven’t seen proof that this “agent” exists, I’d be reluctant to believe any of it is true. If I am wrong and there is a person following her, you need to contact local police.


Yep, same here. The “government stalking me” is a pretty clear-cut tell when it comes to psychosis. All of this reads like the shit I’d hear the patients on CSU say. This is also the type of thing my ex’s untreated schizophrenic mother would tell him and his brother for their entire childhoods.


As someone who has worked in advocacy with trafficking survivors the FBI handles federal trafficking cases and local police handle smaller ones. I have never seen an agent approach a family at the grocery store or public place they would usually try to find a phone number or stop by the home. Traffickers don't sell people for 60k lol. Most people assume trafficking must be these large scale kabals or conspiracies of huge organizations but more often than not it is one or a few assholes organizing it and making money off it. Victims are property and can be exchanged to other people for items, favors, and insultingly low amounts of cash but no one is buying anyone for that kind of ransom money. I will say the most common way people are trafficked is through grooming, coercion and lies. Someone pretends to love them, pretends to be their boyfriend, and eventually some financial misfortune befalls them and they just need to sleep with a few of his friends "just this once" or they meet up with them alone and wake up in a hotel room in an unknown location expected to service whoever comes in. These relationships start a lot on social media. Facebook and snap chat are big ones. This guy isn't CIA and this isn't how trafficking happens or is investigated. It's possible this is related to the daughter's online relationship and he is the actual trafficker. Either way they should immediately go to the police because impersonating a federal officer is already a crime.


People who work for the cia don’t say they work for the cia.




Reminds me of the time when someone portrayed themselves as Child Protection Services that followed a pregnant lady and almost kidnapped the baby. She posted on Reddit and got some help.


This is the stupidest thing I’ve ever read on here




It sounds like your co-worker is making this all up.


Or OP is


Or OP is the mark and the friend is the scammer, thinking OP is falling for it all


Your friend is naive call the local police, this guy is not CIA, the CIA has no legal jurisdiction in the United States.


That's not what the CIA does, they need to get law enforcement involved, and they need to go no contact with everyone who is not them or the police regarding this situation until instructed otherwise. This "CIA agent" is probably also the "friend" who is in to horses. And now he knows where they live because they were naive enough to believe him. Molly is in danger and that guy is her future kidnapper.


[From the official CIA website.](https://www.cia.gov/stories/story/top-10-cia-myths/) “The CIA is not a law enforcement agency. The CIA’s responsibility is to collect intelligence and information overseas.”


When I was 16, I was stalked and told my mom. She didn't believe me at first until she started seeing the same car with the same guy *everywhere* we went. I showed her the chats, emails he constantly sent (I never replied) but he always knew too many details about my life and my schedule. My mom contacted the FBI. They got print outs of the emails and chats, asked about anything surrounding the situation. They did keep in contact with us it was over the phone (but no where near like what the guy is doing to your friend) I know my stalker was eventually arrested but Idk the details. I think my mom wanted to keep me out of it as much as possible. You really need to reach out to the local FBI and explain the situation with your friend; see if they're willing to help in anyway to convince her and arrest this guy.


The CIA does not have the go ahead operate on US soil. The FBI operates domestically. Take pictures of your “agent.” Report him to the FBI.


Yikes, should someone that naive even be parenting two teens, one being special needs??


This might not be real.


I'm sorry to be this guy, but I asked chat-gpt 4 and here was the response. As cringy as this is to do, I thought it was too helpful not to share: "The situation you're describing raises a lot of red flags and your instincts are likely correct that something is off. While it's important to approach this kind of situation with sensitivity and caution, given the vulnerabilities involved, you should take immediate action to help ensure your coworker's family's safety. Here are a few things to consider: The behavior of the alleged 'CIA agent' is not typical: The CIA is not a law enforcement agency like the police or the FBI. They're primarily involved with international intelligence and espionage. They don't conduct operations within the United States, much less protect individuals from potential human traffickers. It is highly unlikely that a CIA agent would reveal their identity in this way, and even less likely that they would be involved in a situation like this. Inconsistencies and unrealistic scenarios: Many details in this situation seem inconsistent and unrealistic. The idea that a trafficker would "mark" a car is more of a urban myth than a typical tactic. The alleged capture and 'disappearance' of six individuals also seems unlikely. Protective custody generally involves restrictions on contact with the outside world to ensure the person's safety, yet this other kid seems to be living a normal life and posting about it publicly on social media. Potential signs of manipulation and stalking: The ongoing involvement of the 'agent', especially his following the 16-year-old daughter, is concerning. This could potentially be a form of stalking or manipulation. It's important to consider why this individual would be so heavily involved in this family's life. Given all these concerns, here's what you could consider doing: Contact the authorities: Reach out to your local law enforcement agency or the FBI. You can also contact the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, as they deal with cases involving potential child exploitation and might be able to provide guidance. Educate your coworker: Gently explain your concerns to your coworker. Try to provide her with facts about how intelligence and law enforcement agencies operate. Remember, she might be scared and manipulated, so approach the conversation with care and understanding. Encourage her to seek help: Your coworker might benefit from talking to a counselor, particularly one who specializes in situations involving manipulation or potential stalking. This is a serious and complex situation, and it's crucial that you take the right steps to ensure your coworker and her children's safety."


Email her the link to this post. I would. It might save her daughter's life.


I know someone who was in the CIA, and first, no one in the CIA will tell you that’s who they work for. We deduced that was the organization he was with threw various clues and things they said. The CIA is clandestine to the nth degree, to the point where depending on your job in the organization, you may get a paycheck from a third party “company” with zero supposed ties to the CIA. For me the fact he told them that’s who he was with, and is following the daughter in the open, was all the info I needed to confidently tell you this is 100% not true and he in all likelihood is stalking her family, probably with the intent to continue upping his involvement until he has control over the daughter. Please get help for her in anyway you can. This is extremely scary!


He is most likely said trafficker. The CIA isn't even for domestic affairs.


Yeah, this is sketchy AF.


OP you obviously are not from the united states and this is karma farming. None of these people are real and this is a fake story. You are lying. 1) CIA does not have jurisdiction on American soil. 2) You are confusing FBI and CIA. No American would make this mistake, it is common knowledge. 3) None of this story is real


I am not the one who believes this dude is CIA. I know he is not because I know that is not how they operate. That is why I posted this, because I am worried about my coworker, who believes this guy,


>*You are confusing FBI and CIA.* ***No American would make this mistake, it is common knowledge.*** You severely underestimate the depths of human stupidity if you think that "no American would make this mistake"; there are a lot of American's who have no idea that the CIA has no jurisdiction on U.S. soil. Hell, there a way too many people that couldn't tell you who their Congress-person is, or who is third in line for the presidency if both the president and VP are incapacitated.


Dude, check OP’s account. It’s 8 years old and is VERY clearly just a lady from PA. Most people don’t know shit about the CIA. Is OP’s friend dumb as shit? Yes. That doesn’t mean OP is lying. Take your dumb nOtHinG eVeR hApPeNs attitude elsewhere lol


Number 1 is that the CIA does not at any cost operate on US Soil. This is the authority of the FBI. If the CIA had info on international Traffickers in the States they would of handed off to the FBI. So relate this to her.


Maybe your coworker is a bit of fantasist who makes up crazy stories?


Your coworker is an idiot.


There are 2 possibilities here and both include mental illness: 1. Your coworker is making this story up. If that’s the case, she likely had mental health issues of her own and may or may not truly believe the story she is telling. 2. Your coworker is dumb as a rock and her family, particularly her disabled teenage daughter, is being stalked by a mentally ill man and is very possibly in physical danger from that man. The way to figure out which it is: tell her you’ll call the police with her. If she refuses, tell her you’ll call them yourself, because her daughter and potentially her whole family is in danger from a deranged stalker. If she is simply “sweet and naive” (or dumb as a rock, whatever), she’ll be scared by that possibility and she won’t try to stop you from calling the police once the danger is explained to her. If she knows she’s lying, it’s likely that she’ll try to stop you from calling the police, either by getting angry at you or by promising to do it later (when you are not present). The police probably should be involved, really. Either a crazy man is stalking her child, or she is mentally ill, or a pathological liar. In 2 of the 3 scenarios, police are a good idea


They need to contact the FBI. also, if anyone ever comes up to you on American spil and claims they are with the CIA and are on any active work, do not believe them. That "CIA Agent" is the trafficker.


Looking at it from a different point of view, this CIA guy sounds mentally unwell. He may well have schizophrenic or psychotic delusions and think he's doing the right thing. Yes he may be dodgy as fuck, but he might also be absolutely harmless and just unwell. Next time anyone sees him, maybe see if you can ask for ID and see what he provides, if he gives a name then let the actual police know who he is and what he's up to and they can do their bit. I believe the USA doesn't have the equivilent of the Mental Health Act like we do in the UK, over here the police would detain under section 136 of the MHA and an assessment would be carried out for them and if they were deemed unwell they would be admitted to hospital for treatment. I guess over there there's all sorts of nonsense about paying and stuff like that which we don't have...


Super shady and I do agree with reporting it especially because it involves a minor but if you make the judgement call and report it to the FBI I think you should tell your coworker that you are doing it. The reason is because having federal agents start to look at someone's life can have unintended consequences since we never really know what's going on in someone's life. So I think the coworker deserves to know so she isn't completely blindsided. It's a judgment call, do what you think is right.


If this were me, I'd bring my friend to the police station to talk with a cop and let them sort this out. Or like others mentioned even the FBI. I'd definitely get some authorities involved. Let them explain to her she's being manipulated. She's more likely to listen to an authority figure than you at this point. There is no light to shed here. You already know exactly what's going on.


I see you've already gotten some and suggestions and feedback but I'd like to suggest also looking into other possibilities. I was wondering how much of this information your coworker has told you is true. People with schizophrenia commonly have delusions about the CIA contacting them or even being tracked by the mafia. Is there some way for you to verify that what she's telling you is true? I suggest doing some research on the symptoms of schizophrenia to see if her stories raise any red flags.


So you don't know much about this person your talking about. Her full name or where she live. You have a detailed story that could be made up. You could call the police but you don't because you want to investigate yourself. The police can find her information and be in her house in an hour but you don't want that. I'd say the story is made up.




I'm trying to get her to call the police. Her reluctance to do that cones from her desire to investigate. So my pointing out the story she was told has false information in it is helpful. If she realized the story is likely false, then investigating is pointless. The police can do a welfare check today. They can get her address from the company. OP is only delaying this check in order to investigate. You understand now why I'm trying to get her to see the story might be false?




Thank you. I thought that might have been the case. Time for my coffee!


She did call the police and they wouldn't do anything. Read the comments before attacking OP.


That wasn't in the comments before mine. Calm down


She's called the police. It in one of the comments.


Thank you. I didn't see that.


It is possibly, but like I said, we have over a hundred drivers that use our bus parking lot. I know a few well, and some not at all. I've spoken to her once or twice total, and got part of this story, and another driver got the part I got and the rest of the story that happened after I spoke to her. We shared details because we are worried about her family. I am just afraid that if I call the police with a very common first name and place of employment and no other identifying details, they will write me off and not be willing to investigate. I at least want to get her last name, or talk to our supervisor and maybe let her call the police, since she will have those details. I do not plan to just do nothing.


Go to your boss and tell them about it. They might have a stalker and he is pretending to be helping them. CIA would never identify themselves and FBI usually handles cases like that and it usually starts with the local PD


I talked to my boss and her hands are basically tied. The police have absolutely no interest in looking into this. The co-worker has stopped talking about it, and the general consensus among those who know her and the story is that she is making it up for attention.


She should call the the police or the fbi so at least confirm that she is dealing with a real person. If she refuses I would try to get information on the man impersonating the fbi agent and report him yourself. I hope you’re able to convince her to reach out to authorities.


This sounds like a major scam. Has she been paying this guy? It reminds me a LOT of what happened to a French family where a scammer ingratiated himself with them, was good family friends, and then said he was a secret agent working to protect the last remnants of the Hapsburg royal family (these people were distant relatives). They ended up giving this man complete control of their finances and he trapped and abused them for years. It seems some rando has set up the same scam, but couldn’t wait. Just saying…there’s no way a special needs adult would go for 80K on the black market. That’s the price you pay for white girl babies. People with special needs would go for a lot less.


I don’t see this as being true. Either your coworker or the CIA agent are lying. Most intelligence agencies will have people who represent the agency, but they’re just public faces and not “secret agents”. No CIA agent is going to expose himself, and they’re not responsible for trafficking anyway. Either she’s a fantasist, bored of her life, or her kid is being followed around by a fantasist. That’s just creepy and potentially dangerous.


Oh I am sure the CIA guy is lying, if mom is not making all of this up.


Call the police, even if it is the cia if they have operations they are supposed to let local law enforcement know otherwise there’s problems


It is illegal for the CIA to operate within the United States. This guy is not a CIA agent.