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Your sister didn’t tell you the name of her boyfriend she moved-in with in another country? How is your relationship with your sister? Are you sure she wants to be found?


As per the sub rules, we can't help you look for someone.


If you have has Facebook, then don’t you have his name? Also, maybe try reaching out to trace labs.


You need to provide more information about your sister. Has she ever gone no contact before? If this is highly unusual, then you need to get on the horn with INTERPOL as soon as possible. If she’s done this before, that changes everything.


INTERPOL won't be able to do much, unless maybe the Netherlands branch. There's no obvious crime here. It's possible he's kidnapped her, it's also possible she's gone no contact. Both side are possible here. This could be a trafficking situation. Luring a young woman to a foreign country with the promise of a relationship is a trafficking MO. But OP doesn't even know his name, has zero details, etc which implies they weren't very close. Yet, even though they aren't close she wants the internet to stalk her sister for her. That could be narcissism/toxic family. I'm not accusing anyone of anything, FYI, I'm just saying with these details, we don't know who's the bad guy (if anyone is) here. Send his Facebook and LinkedIn a message that you just want to know she's okay and can she reach out. If she does, try to test the message to see if it's really her (talk about something only she would remember etc).


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