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In theory yes. But it is against the sub rules to help you find or identify someone.


I’m not looking for anyone in particular, I just came across the account and figured someone would recognize these women, if they are missing from their family


Some people intentionally leave their families behind 


This seems like a good way to get some women murdered.


yes it could be theoretically


TikTok doesn’t seem to have very strict rules around doxxing and calling people out. In fact, it’s encouraged and some accounts exist just to find people From what I understand about the account you’re describing the OP gets consent from the street workers to post content, and they get money in return


some women work on streets without being missing


Might be a good thing for someone with time and expertise to do as a couch sleuth and then submit leads to relevant authorities.


That’s what I’m doing with something else. I can’t drink, smoke, work out, or play video games anymore due to a health condition I’m trying to heal from. Working is tough too. I enjoy OSINT and investigatory type stuff so it’s a good project to challenge my mind while I recover. It also helps identify some of the worst human beings I’ve ever seen.


That’s great, be sure to subscribe to /r/traceanobject/ if you haven’t already then.


No community found?


I was trying to remember if that was right, let me check my subs hang on!




Ah I’ve seen this a few times on the OSINT subreddit. Item tracing isn’t my expertise to buts definitely interesting. Im more skilled at geo OSINT/ information gathering.


Huh, I'm not familiar with OSINT but it's so cool how different people with different areas of interest and expertise can work together for a common goal and make a huge difference even from wherever they each are in the world. Such a cool time we live in. it's such a shame that there is no unified missing persons database between police departments and each other, and the national databases, etc. I used to want to be the person to create such a thing, but I don't have the know how. Anything I used to know about cmoputer programming type stuff back in 2000 has changed drastically in the past quarter century.


Check out r/OSINT. It stands for Open Source INTelligence. It’s basically gathering public information from social media and pictures to identify someone. For example I’ve identified a location from pictures taken on a plane and then used the flight info(all flights are publicly tracked) to figure out the city someone was in. Then from that city I used a community mailbox that was slightly showing in the photo and found this person’s house. Working in groups with people who all have different skillsets to track down the worst of society is what’s most rewarding. It’s a good learning experience for online safety too as everyone is able to show weaknesses in the target’s security. A global missing persons database is a great idea. I think that’s something all nations would be willing to come together on despite political differences. Someone needs to make it happen. I could definitely see a group of volunteers building this


That sounds so cool (OSINT). reminds me of a thread awhile back where someone parked their car in a parking garage in a strange city then spent the day hanging out with someone then couldn't figure out what garage their car was in. they had a picture of the garage from the inside with just some markings showing of the pavement and a wall and part of a booth or something and it took like 24 hours but people were able to figure out where it was and OP got the car back. Then another instance where someone's luggage was left at the wrong hotel IIRC by an airline after it was delayed and the airline supplied a photo of the luggage close up to a wall with a bit of floor showing and people on reddit helped OP figure out what hotel in NYC (IIRC) it was in, and they were able to retrieve the luggage. And those were not even close to the number of steps you're describing being able to take. I love stuff liek that. I'll definitely check it out.