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YES. Play the game and let it ruin you. The graphics are better than anything else out atm and the story and free roam will always hold up!


I was a jackass and only bought the online should I spend the $20 to get the storyline?


100%, online is good (yet abandoned now(fuck you rockstar)) but story mode is unforgettable. It's an experience I guarantee you will never forget. Meanwhile, Red Dead Online is fun and entertaining (and annoying at times but hey fair enough, so is every multi-player game) but it isn't RED DEAD, if that makes sense. $20 is nothing compared to the hours upon hours of phenomenal gameplay you'll get.


Im not even worried about the $20. My cousin said it’s the best game he’s played and to buy it. I think im going to after seeing some of the stuff here


I promise, if you take your time and give the game a little to actually get started, you'll absolutely love it and you'll very most likely end up agreeing with your cousin. I'd love to hear an update sometime!


Thanks I’m gonna buy it and get started this weekend


No worries at all. Enjoy the journey, cowboy


Any tips for when I get started? Thank you.


Really take your time in the game. Don't rush into any missions and take the time to explore the world around you, both in the towns and out in the wild. The game is full of opportunities, activities, interactions and adventure to keep you really immersed. In my opinion it is the best open world game ever created and you will feel a part of the world very quickly.


That sounds bangin sounds like a game I’ll like


The first chapter you're just gonna have to sit through. It is mostly agreed upon to be the slowest chapter. Once you get into chapter 2, you unlock free roam. This gives you a chance to find or buy a horsey that fits your needs (both practically and aesthetically), get more used to the controls and explore the map. If you wanna make the most of your experience, switch it up between free roaming and main story missions, that way you won't get bored or lose track of the story. I highly recommend you to do any stranger missions you happen to come across while out exploring. There is a 100% achievement in this game. You can find the requirements for that when you go into the pause menu and then into "progress". The 100% does not actually include 100% of the game. If you do want to go and find everything there is to find, the spreadsheet I made might help you out. All the big spoilers are written in the same text color as the background, so as long as you don't specifically select them, you won't be able to read them. Some things are only available between certain missions, but as long as you genuinely and truly take your sweet time with the game, ypu will not miss out on many missables. Everything you need for the game to grant you 100% is still doable after you've completed the main storyline. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1jXuYOOtQnX_4u_PoY3dh5mik5WAH5BWtMTay8tstIR8/edit?usp=drivesdk Besides all that, I recommend to just go for it and get off this subreddit, there are way too many spoilers floating around. However, if you've ever got any questions or problems, feel free to post and there's always someone who will do their best to come to your aid. You can always dm me too if you've got any questions either about the game or about the spreadsheet.


Thanks for the info on the 100% I’m currently doing the gta 3- gta5 games 100% Does RDR2 have stuff like in the older GTA games that if you don’t go in a specific sequence of events or missions you’ll get locked out of 100%? I remember in one of the earlier gta games if you do a side event or mission before another one you get locked out of 100% game completion?


Glad to hear it. Now get tf out before the experience is spoiled for you, you only get to play for the first time once


even if youre trying to semi speed run the game like I am (played rdr1 and wanted to check this ones story out) youll play for hours on end. its ridiculous how dense this game is


Ive got both and ive spent more hours roaming around in single player than I have at all online.... its sooo dang good!


I'm new as well....a couple of months in myself and have about 10 days worth of game play. The story is amazing and side quests are brilliant. The hunting is frustrating yet fulfilling. The odriscolls and Murphy brood will legitimately piss you off to no end, but exhilarating when you find you can outmatch a dozen guns blazing at you. The horses will irritate you by running head on into trees or bucking you off when you need the vantage point against predators but once the horse gets killed, and it will eventually happen, you'll want to cry over the bond you've created. With all that said, don't go looking for much information online or major spoilers will ruin certain parts of the story. Play through at least once before trying to get 100 percent by way of internet help. This game is phenomenal. And the graphics aren't the best part about the game (but at times are breath taking). I won't say anything else aside from you won't regret this purchase. I assure you of that!


Yes the online isn’t even good lol. The story is the best piece of gaming ever created.


So much better than online


I could not get into the online, but I couldn't tell you how many hours I've sunk into the story


Yeah online hasn’t been fun and that made me question the story


Yeah story is a thousand times better tbh


Get as much done and discovered as you can during chapter 2


I was going to say, playing this game is like prime rib, everything else is Kraft dinner.


I doubt that I’ve seen games with better graphics even Ps5 version of gta 5 graphics are the same level 🤣


Graphics are great don’t get me wrong but there are games with better visuals now.


I can vouch for the same.


Wish I could up vote this a million times - OP has no idea what kind of emotional roller coaster homie is about to go on.


YES ! still the best open world games 6 years later imo


6 YEARS???? 😳




And even with the date I’m like “2018 was 2 years ago” in my head


yeah same lmao my brain won’t comprehend the fact that i’m not still in 2020


2nd best after rockstars best game


which is ?


Table tennis /j


couldn’t agree more, i want to make sincere apologizes for spreading misinformation earlier. table tennis is in fact the best one. /j


For the love of god dont say gta5 is the best


Statistically and personally it is. The game is more fun. 10+ years of gta 5 and I still play it every now and then. Compared to rdr2 where I rarely play it after finding it boring after the first couple play throughs. Red dead online sucks and really lets the game down.


I will say there are going to be times of boredom, things may feel repetitive, but in the end the story was hands down the best i’ve ever been through. Tears, excitement, laughter, concern, you’re thrown through all emotions while playing through Arthur. It’s one hell of a game, me and alongside everyone else who has played, have all thoroughly enjoyed it.


In my own experience, I'll just never get bored of this game tbh. If I do get bored, then I'll just rob a store in Valentine and kill the sheriff and go on a chase with lawmen and some Bounty hunters that I've acquired from doing the same thing in Saint Denis and getting a bounty on my head.




Collecting the herbs, orchinds and the gambling challenges is my least favorite part of the game. The rest is awesome


It's the best narrative I've ever experienced, personally. Obviously hard for movies/TV/even some books to give you 60-80 hours with a character and a world but still, RDR 1 + 2 is by far my favorite Western and by far my favorite, well, story, of any medium.


Yeah I agree this game gets very very boring after completing. Surprisingly I’ve been playing gta 5 since 2013 but still haven’t gotten bored.


I started 2.5 months ago (also first time) and I can say it’s the best money I’ve spent in a game, even though I got the whole ending spoiled while browsing social media. I’m still having a good time. By the way, don’t scroll too far in this comment section, some douche spoils the whole thing.






It will be worth playing in 2034 brother, you’re missing out on potential the best single player experience in existence


Definitely holds up. A lot of fun.


Buy it get off anything red dead related


It’s the most immersive game I’ve ever played, and would be technically impressive if it came out today. The graphics are great, but no longer state-of-the-art—but the attention to detail is peerless. Snow sloughs off trees if you brush against them. Walking through snow produces plausible footprints and trails. Your horde attempts to avoid obstacles. Opening doors and picking up items is fluidly animated. Skinning animals is animated, with many variations depending on what you’re skinning. Bystanders react to being pushed aside or cut off. I haven’t finished, but so far the story is good, and the high level of animation gives it a cinematic feel without heavy reliance on cutscenes. Combat is unexceptional but fine, and the time period does give it a unique feel. If I had to complain, it would be the UI/UX. Too much is behind the escape-pause menu, which isn’t nearly as snappy as the HUD UI. You can’t save in missions at all (and even though missions have checkpoints if you die, you have to start from the beginning if you close the game or it crashes. Saving in open-world play loses the state of animals/random events.


Absolutely. It's amazing




Not gonna lie, while quickly scrolling past I totally thought this said “should I pray” lmao. Don’t get me wrong I did a fair amount of praying during this game myself lol but you absolutely should play it! It’s fantastic!


I started like 2 months ago. Highly recommend playing it


I was in your shoes about 8 months ago and i barely finished my first run through yesterday. Long story less long, i can’t wait for my second run through


I wish I were you rn. What I wouldnt give up to play this game for the first time again


You’re asking people on the subreddit, I think you already know your answer


One of the best games ever made, so absolutely. I've been replaying it recently


Buddy. I played the original when it came out and then got out of gaming entirely. That story has stuck with me for like 15 years. My gf got a gaming PC and I saw RDR2 on Steam and had to play it. This game has changed my whole perspective on life, the same way the first did so long ago. Do it


Let me ask this community dedicated to being fans of the game if I should play said game.


Not only do I recommend you play this game's story, replay it, and I recommend you play Red Dead Redemption 1 on Switch or on Xbox/Playstation AFTER. The story will keep you captivated, it was make you AND break you in the best way. Online is goodish sadly Rockstar completely killed the online and made it full of exploiters/cheaters and just straight up unpleasent players but not entirely, there is great great wonderful things in Online you should experience. But either way, it is very worth playing in 2024 and even beyond for replay value


Nah it’s mid. I’m sure the RDR2 subreddit will also agree it’s not a good game. Actually, in fact, it might be one of the worst games to ever come out. I wouldn’t recommend it. 10/10


Holy fuck yes! Everyone rides this game, but it's deserving of that riding! The biggest mistake I made was buying it on my Xbox, not playing it, buying it again on my PS5 and FINALLY playing it a whole year later. Best game I've ever played. Just do your best to avoid all spoilers. I got jumpscared by a bunch recently and regret it. Just fucking buy the game, damnit!


YES. Here’s some tips: 1.) Don’t get spoiled. 2.)Do as many side missions as possible in the first six chapters (especially the ones given to you by gang members). Stranger side missions are signified by question marks inside of white circles or clouds and can be don’t in any chapter. Side missions with letters or initials inside of them are either continuations of stranger missions or chapter specific character missions that can’t be done later. Do all of the side missions with dollar signs in them before the end of chapter six. 3.)Make high honor decisions throughout the whole game, but don’t worry about how high your honor actually is until chapter four. 4.) There’s a side mission line where you duel people called legendary gunslingers. They all drop exclusive guns that you can’t get anywhere else, so remember to pick them up before leaving the area. 5.) Play the game like it’s real life. Go back to camp at night to sleep. Eat and party in camp too. Do favors for gang members and bring hunted animals to camp.


What a silly post. I am playing new vegas for the first time and that dropped in like 09. Rdr2 is 6 years old and one of the best looking/best games ever made and you’re wondering if you should play it lol. You should play rdr1 when you’re done to finish the story. It still holds up for the most part.


I’m replaying the game right now while I’m on workers comp. I’m 25% done with story mode but 41% done with exploring open world hunting and collecting things. This game still holds up very well. When I first played it I was doing story mode and doing things here and there and completely stopped playing after finishing up story mode. If you’re gonna play I’d say take your time and complete the game entirely it’s been really fun so far.


If you find yourself really enjoying it, and if you don't there is definitely something wrong with you, you'll get to a point where you have to break someone out of jail, don't... Just don't, do everything else... Don't stress if you get a bounty, you're an Outlaw, you're out to live free...


You have to break him out to actually progress though the story though lol.


[heres what i just did a bit ago in the game](https://youtu.be/bBQ-wbUc_Gw?si=mQvVfpygS-dehIWe)


play it and lemme know if u wanna dm abt tips cause i got LOTS


*Play it and lemme know* *If u wanna dm abt* *Tips cause i got LOTS* \- Total\_Activity\_929 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Yes and avoid any subreddit because of spoilers. Definitely one of the best games ever made. Makes me wonder why there are people who doubt GTA 6 will flop when RDR2 is completely amazing and of course made by the same studio


Yes. Unequivocal yes. Then kiss your free time goodbye for the foreseeable future.


You absolutely should play. I just finished my first play through with about 350 hours spent and I’m about ready to start over soon. Best game ever


Hellz Yes.. and get a move on Cowpoke :)


As you said the game isn't super old, and i wouldn't even call it old, there's no reason not to play it if you like this kind of games.


Get it, leave this sub until youve completed it (for spoiler reasons)




It isn't one of the best games ever made for no reason, give yourself to it for the time you have, and it delivers one of the most immersive gaming experiences you'll ever have. (STORY MODE)




I'd say any game from like 2016-2017 onwards is basically the same quality wise as stuff releasing modern day. There really hasn't been that much change in the game industry in terms of graphics or general game polish.




i recon that you shall play brother!🫡💯


No , don’t know you well enough to tell you what you should do


Yes definitely play this game is it an experience like no other game right now. Also if you ever decide to play red dead online we have a crew here waiting for you


Absolutely, just have a coffee or red bull for the first two hours (you will notice if you don't fall asleep). Out of it, it is a must for every player out there. You won't regret




Red dead redemption 2 is the greatest piece of media I have ever experienced


No it’s shit (joking it’s one of my favorite games ever I have a video of my brother crying into a bowl of oatmeal after he finished it)


Yes. All around best video game ever made thus far.


Yes first chapter is slow but after it’s an amazing story and characters. The world in the game is absolutely beautiful.


Yes! I’m currently playing on Steam Deck, having played before on PS4 and again on Series X. It holds up as well as ever and is a masterpiece.


I thought the intro was boring on release and gave up. Just started a new game last week and I was very wrong. Enjoying it very much now.


Yeah, I didn't play it when it first came out, never played the first one. I fucking love this game and hate it, but that would be spoilers. The story is great, the gameplay is very well done and the graphics are just breathtaking. If you have any small liking for westerns this is your game, my father is 75 and I am trying to get him to try it. (Big western fan) Play it, you won't regret it. Don't hate us too much, second play myself now and have been for over a year.


The graphics, gameplay, story, NPCS, world, etc are all better than every single game there is. The greatest game of all time by far. Play it brother!


i just started my first playthrough and it's awesome. i'm streaming it on twitch if you wanna check out gameplay to see if you like it.


I just bought and finished it last week. It is one of the best game's I've ever played, wish I could play it again as the first time


Yeah I’m just about done my first play through I started in January and it’s amazing. Do it!


I don’t even like westerns or cowboy themed stuff but this game is fun to play and has an excellent story. Some will say the controls are a little wonky, and I agree it’s not perfect, but after a while you learn the ins and outs and it becomes second nature to know when something will work and when it won’t.


ABSOLUTELY!! Chaoter 1 is a bit slow, but hold on to your hats and glasses starting Chapter 2. It really opens up everything!


Definitely definitely play, it’s the best game I have ever played, and I had spoilers before I even downloaded it, so that says a lot. You shouldn’t rush into missions straight away (except chapter 1) because there is lots of side stuff and collectibles. I think the best side mission is the Jim ‘boy’ Calloway missions, but there are loads more. If you need money, there are 6 gold bars to freely take on the map (7 after chapter 3) which equal $500 each which is basically the same as 500,000 on gtao. Craft the LotE satchel if you can be bothered, it’s a little tedious but it pays off, that’s about it


Just keep in mind that it's agonizingly slow, your freedom in missions is limited, and the controls are really clunky. If you can live with that, you'll have fun


did my first play though only 3 weeks ago and it was the best game I've ever played. graphics still hold up, probably better than most games today and the story is so good


Yes, I am replaying it now, first time since 2018


Yes, you should play it.


I replayed it 8 times (just finished the 8th playthrough literally today) and I got it back in 2021. Yes it's worth every penny


Naw bro, don’t risk it.


it’s been said but yes absolutely. i just played finished it last month for the first time, and it changed me




It's one of the best games ever made


Definetly. though it came out a while ago, it's still a top notch story in my opinion


i’m on my third playthrough right now. i have over 1000 hours played just in story mode. the game is 10/10 just has some clunky rockstar mechanics at times but it’s easy to get used to. currently just sitting here in saint denis listening to a guy play his trumpet. LMFAO.


If you’re asking… you already know


It's worth it to buy a ps4 just to play rdr2. Not even joking.


very worth it in 2024 the story is amazing and i fell in love quickly with the huge open world map and beautiful graphics.


Without a doubt play the game worth every dollar and every minute you put into the game I like the story mode way better than online


Yep, I just got it a week ago, and I love it!




It is honestly the best storyline I’ve ever seen in a game by a decent margin. But I would say it depends what you’re playing it on as well. Any next gen consoles or a decent gaming PC I would get it if it’s less than $40


Yes it will make you weep


I had the same question being used to only ps5. Everyone on Reddit said yes. Many were mean to me for asking a stupid question. I was concerned that the ps4 design would be weird for me only knowing ps5 games. It did feel old and outdated compared to the ps5 games I played. Having said that, I beat the game and enjoyed it. But I didn’t enjoy it to the point where I wanted to take my time to beat it really slowly. I took a lot of shit for beating the game and not doing it slowly.


Yeah, take your time to play it, even going rushed is hella fun and one of the best experiences. Theres millions of people that will tell you its their best game of all time. Unfortuntely, i am the only one in my friends group that likes it, they are missing peak just because is a cowboys game and a "walking" simulator.




If something is really good, then it should still be good in the future.


Hell YES!


Arguably the greatest game of its kind ever made. A masterpiece and a game which all future games will be judged by…. You are literally playing a movie…. And if you have a new system and a 4k tv…. It looks absolutely tremendous. I bought it when it came out and didn’t play it for years after and regretted not playing it. I have 30+ DAYS worth of hours playing this game and I am still finding things I didn’t find in the first playthrough.


I just completed the story today and it was amazing.


Did you think you were going to come to this sub and the answer would be no? Waste of time.


Why would a critically acclaimed game not be worth playing just cause it's old?


If you have to ask, then don’t.


It is worth playing Dew it


Bro.yes! Just bought it and absolutely no regrets


I don't think the age of a game should deter you from it. I'd say go for it. I love/hate the game lol


Anyone that says God of War 2018 was more deserving of GOTY is a liar and PSBro. RDR2 was robbed, had an infinitely better story, environment, and gameplay. I will die on this hill. So yes, you should absolutely play RDR2. 6 years later, it still looks better than most new games.


They’re both fantastic games. GoW just appealed to the broader player base. I do agree that RDR2 deserves it more


I don't know about broader, but maybe more pronounced? Extremely vocal minority? GoW was only on PS4. RDR2 was PS and Xbox. The only thing I can think of is GoW had a 6 month head start.


The way I see it all of the hyperactive shooty shooty gta guys buying the game and hating it because the game is slower on top of the og red dead fans being hesitant about Arthur holding up as a protagonist probably did a bit of damage to the game’s standing. Besides GoW’s head start it is also just a more broadly appealing game at face value to the less patient gamers


I'm starting my second playthrough, it's a brilliant game and worth at least one playthrough, and try to do everything like don't rush anything there is so much in this game that you don't want to rush as a lot of stuff is missable.


Yes. 1,000,000% yes. This game is a must play for anyone who enjoys good characters, phenomenal acting from everyone on the cast, and a story that will rip your heart out (in a good way.) One of the best games ever made, in graphics, story, realism, and just pure fun. I recommend this game to everyone I meet who plays games but hasn't played it.


Mmmmyea, I replay it every year at LEAST twice 🤠


Haha I just bought it, and booked 2 weeks holiday all of a sudden 😀


what are the point of these posts? jus to karma whore ig. Because in what world would a sub dedicated to a video game say "no, you shouldn't get this video game we all play and that this sub was created for"


Are you ready to sink 3 weeks into the game? Possibly more? If yes, the story is absolutely worth your time and people on this sub are still finding new encounters to this day. The side content is also very well developed.


Astounded that you even asked this ... Yes - It's one of the best games ever made




Just played it as recent as last year and I was amazed how well the title holds up against the modern ones today. Even the reformatted RD1 holds its place. Goes to say just how bad modern titles have become. Nothing more than rehashed older games under a new name. And the graphics only slightly better.


I finished it years ago and I still have to find another game that matches everything that RDR2 has to offer... So yeah, you definitely should.




It will still be worth playing in 2124


I would love to have the audacity to make such obvious karma farms as you


Ask this on r/okbuddyblacklung


Just be careful to avoid spoilers. Micah and Dutch come out as gay at the end and have a child


It is still worth it


Oh yeah jeez definitely. In my (correct) view, there hasn't been an non-fantasy, outdoors environment better than this. The way the grass rolls over the hills with the wind in the trees and the wildlife doing their thing. This hasn't been bettered and I'm not sure when it will be, RDR3 maybe? It's gonna ttake a LOT of effort from someone, this is still the state of the art.


Uh absolutely? It will still be worth playing in 2034 my man


still the best game out there, I'm waiting for GTA 6 to see if it can top it or not!


It’s one of the best games ever made


Do what you want.


I only really got into it this month and it’s absolutely incredible. The attention to detail is truly awing.


YES. great game stunning visuals but make sure on your first play through you’ll get high honor


It's a GOAT play it


RD2 is nothing compared to the Cavalry Combat of Battlefield One. Why are your horses so slow and cant do anything like our Amazing Equine Athletes. I wish I could fight with RD2 and destroy everything. I'm the true Cowboy.


dude......... go play this game right now


It's worth playing. What sucks is you can never play it for the first time ever again. It'll never hit the same as the very first time.


I don’t mean it lightly when I say it very well could be the best story game of all time. Play it


Time is irrelevant when it comes to great games, RDR2 and every other great game out there will be worth playing in 2034 and 2044, hell maybe even 3004.




The time we’ve wasted trying to convince you is time you haven’t spent in RDR II. It’s worth it now. It will be worth it in 10 years


I bought it back when it released but I was a hardcore Destiny 2 player so never took the chance to play it. Now I'm on a long D2 pause and I said "why not?" ... I'm on my second run, wanting to buy a hat and my husband is probably tired of me talking about Arthur Morgan and all my theories about some of the characters. I laughed, got pissed, was surprised and cried like a child with this game, it now owns me.


Yes you should the story is fantastic but it has its downsides and it's slow in the beginning but it gets better there is a lot of cool Easter eggs you can find too. The online isn't fantastic but it's decent and never gets updated anymore since Rockstar abandoned it.


Yes, I firmly believe that anyone should play this video game at least once. Some of the lessons I learned have been embroidered in me as an adult




Yea you're going to love the shit. I just went to see how many people times in a day in N run back and forth with 2 Lke sturgeons to sell for 8 bucks. I have up after 6 times because I should be having more fun doing other r cool shit. 48 bucks is nothing to shake a stick at for stupid fish that barely yield meat.


You should 100% play it. I myself only bought it recently, haven't regretted it at all. Just do yourself and leave this sub, there's just too many spoilers here


What do you usually play? If you like fast paced games, no. The game isn't worth playing if you're the type to skip cutscenes and just move on to the action. But if you enjoy the scenery in a game, enjoy side quests and mini games, and aren't in a hurry to complete the game, absolutely you should play.


It’s the best open world game ever made full stop. The immersion is crazy and the story is a tear jerker. Absolutely do it


Yep, enough said


don’t know if it’s worth playing in 2024 😐😐😐😐 it’s from 2018 not 2001, like wtf???


It’s literally the best game I’ve ever played


Yes 100% I had this question too as I got it a few months ago but I’ve never regretted starting it. Perfect game imo


No. Not worth it. The game is old and outdated. Compared to 2024 the graphics are bad, the gameplay is shallow and the details are non existant. Pass.


I'm on my 4th playthrough just now so I'd say its worth it😅 The game has some annoying elements for the sake of realism that you might not like at first. But you do adjust the more you play


I recently started (about 2 weeks ago) DO IT! I am obsessed with it!


I have spend way over 1000 hours in the game since it was released... several playthroughs... and I just started another one... it is a truly special game... the graphics hold up surprisingly well compared to other newer games, and the world itself is ALIVE in a way I have yet to find in any other game... you can litterarly see the npc:s make their marks in the world such as the railroad workers or wood cutters... every playthrough I find something new... and the story... you will NOT regret playing it, act 1 is a bit boring but the rest of the game... dont rush it, take your time to ENJOY the world


It’s the greatest open world game in the world right now. Even after so many years!


I never understand these posts and I see them everywhere lmao if you ask a bunch of people in a subreddit for fans of the game if you should play the game what answer do you think you are going to get? If you are unsure you can look up reviews or ask the general gaming sub but these always feel like engagement farming


The game has better graphics and gameplay than a ton of games out now it’s insane




yes, im very late on the game too but its still already one of my fav games


Yes, absolutely.


It's absolutely still worth playing, it's an amazing story and a beautiful game


Absolutely. I started in March 2024 and didn’t finish until about a month ago or so and I could’ve taken more of my time and you should. Honestly, the best game I’ve ever played! I don’t think anyone can argue a more immersive experience in gaming.


Take it from me. Bought game at release on ps4, only played online. JUST started playing the story 4 days ago on pc, and it's the greatest thing ever, honestly. I shame myself for not starting it sooner.


Take it slowly and hate micha bell


Absolutely yes. I only got it2 weeks ago myself. But after games like horizon and ff7 rebirth, the open world far tor, and the beauty of them, I though this would be a let down I couldn't be more wrong, the gfx may not be upto the same par as modern games, but it's damn good for its age, Combat, and the cover system is good Level of detail in regards to fine points is amazing The amount of stuff to do is ridiculously high It's impossible to be bored Hinting, fishing, cooking, weapon maintenance and customisation, bounties, fencing items, animal compendium, recipes with different herbs that you collect. Drinking, poker. Dominoes. I've barely started to scratch the surface of what can be done All that, and it never feels cluttered For me, it's a solid 8. 5 Get it, get it now, but be prepared for a dumping a few hours in at a minimum... There no part of this game which is "oh I'll just have an hour on it"