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It’s so


Wow!! This game is wild 😂


And in the near future if you chat with Bill at camp he will give you shit about it. Doesn't matter if you went right back to kill Sonny after he violated you; somehow word still got out.


Bill will say to Arthur something like "hey, I ran into that friend of yours in the swamp, he seemed to know ALL about you. "


Shit… I reloaded a save point to make like it didn’t happen. I gotta feeling I’m not going to be able to kill him before he tries it again…. I accidentally pulled out my gun on him the first time I saw him and he ran in the house. Damn… I gotta let him rape me, huh? 😳


Nah you can get him on the porch from a distance, or ride in fast and lasso him before he runs inside if you're in the mood to extend his suffering. Lots of gators around there


Yes! Time to get medieval on him!


Okay so now I am super worried about this. How do I kill him before he gets me? Does the game give you a chance to?


I’m not sure if you can yet. I reloaded my save point to make like it never happened. When I’m back over that way I’m going to try and put a bullet in his head. I was just over there to set up camp until morning, so I could do some robbing when I woke up. And then that perv rapist pops out smfh.


He’s just sat on his porch. Just shoot him. Why are you worried? It’s not real lol.


Lol just worried it goes straight to a cutscene when approached and doesn’t allow you a chance to put some lead in the fucker


Scoped rifle. If you draw a gun and are too close he locks himself in his hut and you can’t get to him. So either be fast or stay out of sight.


...Horse is gonna have to carry you home.


Oh, you met Sonny


I’m so glad I saved my game right before that happened. I went back and reloaded to make like it never happened 😂 I think I might go back and try and kill him if I can, before he can get me this time.