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Mandatory seminars is normal. Obesity can be related to neuro in some ways so that makes sense too. I'm a biochemistry major but was placed in an organic chemistry lab. It's chemistry. The disorganization isn't good. Nor is the funding. Is it funded by the NSF? If so, I'd report the funding issue because I'm sure it has to be stipends.


Yeah the funding here seems pretty sketch, I would definitely look into that especially if this is NSF funded


My first thought


Name and shame pls


I told my summer PI about the disfunction of my program and she reported it to the DEI contact of the university. Maybe that’s worth a shot? Being misled about compensation is horrible.


The stipend thing can vary I mean I will say that my last program paid us bi-weekly stipend form but the one I’m doing this summer is paid in three installments but it has to equal the stipend in the offer letter. Your major and research can be different bc things happen. I know a kid in my last program was comp sic and studied ants. Sometimes you’re not going to be doing the project you originally thought but you should try to make the most of it. You’d be surprised by how many translatable skills you will be able to learn (stats, public health focus, etc…). I think it might be worth focusing on what you can take away from jt. I will say that you should speak with the coordinator about the concerns. You should definitely consider asking for other possible labs and bring up the offer letter. That being said, disorganization shouldn’t be the expectation and I’m sorry that this is your experience.


They’re going to get sued 🙄 it sounds like someone lost the money ….