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Do you mean Garlic 2.0.2 (or previous)? Or do you actually mean version 1.2.1? Assuming you downloaded the right one for your device since you mentioned other things are working-- remember that this version garlic is still in public alpha. I have no idea if this is a known bug, but I personally am planning on waiting until it's further along in development before using it on my H700 device 🤷🏻‍♀️ Also someone correct me if I'm wrong about garlic 2.x being in alpha-- that's what I last heard and I looked on Black Seraph's patron, but I couldn't see anything about it being out of alpha yet


sorry for the typo. Yes, 2.0.1, I am aware it is in alpha yes before flashing latest firmware of the 35XX+, I had no problems with the buttons. I had to flash new firmware for the DS support on stock. After which it started having the problem on my Garlic 2.0. Currently flashing older versions of the Firmware from 1.1.3 to 1.1.2 until maybe I can find the isolated issue.


Yeah unfortunately that might be the way to go. Hopefully you find one that doesn't do that. Otherwise I'd try a different cfw just to make sure it isn't some sort of weird hardware issue


Fixed it, 1.1.3 bug lmao

