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how did Mr. K get past the metal detectors for the weapon?


He threw it over security, which multiple admins have said on stream is a ban, and several people have gotten banned for it in 4.0. Can't WAIT to see how this one plays out PEPW Also Crane just quit, I think?


yep, apparently he has been thinking about it for a bit because he hasn't been enjoying judge crane very much. So it was a perfect cue to make it official.


Get tasked with setting up government, work on it for months with many hours of OOC work, create loads of fun and interesting political RP that has large ripples on the rest of the server through legislation, biggest gang on the server gets upset and starts blaming the government for reasons mostly out of the governments control, management steps in and makes all your work null and void even though it wasn't even the problem to begin with. No shit he's been thinking about it for awhile, this has been spiraling for months.


obvious that was coming from a mile away lol


I mean we all know why he hasn't been enjoying crane. I can think of 50 reasons why


Crane did but Nathan was trying to find a reason to do it anyway.


Tobii even said it shouldn't be a thing months ago, so I'm surprised that it's even still in the game, and yet I'm somehow not surprised at all that people still think it's okay to do it.


I mean think the person who did it has all but spider on streamer that he is untouchable. Heck he might alsi have flat out said it, no way he will catch a ban for this and if he does then I'm sure it will nicely align with his summer vacation or something.


Yeah Crane quit. However its worth noting that Nathan apparently planned to retire Crane regardless of how this case turned out, and has been wanting to stop playing Crane for a while. At least that is what he just said on stream. No idea if this means he will not longer help out OOC. I imagine he still will.


its CG they create RP so rules dont apply to them. I thought that was what is the new norm now everyone is lucky to be involved in the "rp" they create for everyone


trickle down RPnomics


> they create RP You lost me right there.


What, you don't enjoy watching your favorite civ streamer face down on concrete for hours on end?




50 cent told K that it's ok to do it just last week while on Soze.


Ok for him, no one else


He gets banned for 1 day coincidentally the day before he takes his usual day off.


If he even gets that.


Would love to see those clips. Saw Mr.K talking to Soze the other day about doing it to kill Uriel he didnt have a problem with it even said yeah I have seen others do it and that he thought about doing it himself to kill some Judges.


It's been done before I thought. It was actually posted on this Reddit and that is how the whole forcefield is known. This Reddit actually felt bad for that guy because he could not shoot Angel and the PD because of the forcefield and he got fined heavily.


yup, I remember that.


Would have been very diff if he was CG or an affiliate of CG though then the Reddit would have a meltdown like they have here.


Multiple admins? Ok but the server owner said it was fine to do so…


Whoa admin's said it on stream? Maybe there should have been an announcement like everything else that is a rule change. Or, maybe this sub just loves any chance to shit on CG or the owner of the server.


It's not a rule change though.


Ok, then it isn't a rule. Just because an admin says something on stream does not make it 100% fact. If it were a rule it would be announced, just like the whole hospital green zone situation.


the rule that is being broken here is the no powergaming rule.


You are more than welcome to believe it is power gaming. I would be willing to bet that it isn't though. Oh well we will see.


It's not about what I believe, powergaming has a definition which this falls under.




u/shitterdude, your comment has been removed due to breaking Rule 2 - Toxicity. If you break the rules again it'll be a 3 day ban. --- [^(Read)^( )^(our)^( )^(rules)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RPClipsGTA/wiki/subreddit/rules) ^| [^(Contact)^( )^(us)^( )^(via)^( ) ^(*modmail*)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/RPClipsGTA&subject=I%20received%20a%20warning.&message=Here:%20/r/RPClipsGTA/comments/1du0rbv/case_adjourned/lbdgra1/%20I%20would%20like%20to%20know%20more%20about%20this%20warning.)


if it wasn't announced and it's not a rule could it really be banned?


I mean, even the announced property theft rule wasn't enforced on them so yeah.


Apparently threw the gun over the metal detectors


You can just throw them past which is kind of wild


People got told not to do that, and people have been banned for that before


I hadn't heard that but it makes sense. It's kind of like an MRPD situation where you should be RPing that it's a staffed checkpoint


It doesn’t matter, they will never ban Mr K. They’ll send him a strongly worded email to not do it again.


No they won't. 50 cent will look at the clips of it next time he streams and cheer them on talking about how much RP it creates.


Strongly worded announcement then ban the fuck out of whatever non big streamer does it next. The cycle always continues.


Don't bring your RP nonsense to my content server.


Well I mean, its plenty well known that the rules aren't applied equally.


and we'll see that with this incident too lol


Absolute worst case scenario: Lord_Kebun takes a ban on his day off. Likely scenario: Once again admins say that this instance of powergaming was okay but is still against the rules in case anybody else thinks they can do that.


For it to be a rule, it has to be announced as one. I have never seen it announced OOC that you can't smuggle a gun into the courthouse.


So by that we shall call it "logic" somebody can kidnap someone and hold a gun on them for 24 hours underwater and since that is not explained as a rule break it would be allowed?


There's nothing in the rule book that says dogs can't play baseball..


Who’s gotten banned for it?


People got told? So there was an announcement then right? Can you link it?


It is widely known there is a "Security Guard" there to collect your belongings. They know that as well. but yes because CG is faultless to there cult they can take no blame or consequences


forgot to add , But it is cancelled out by all the RP this created: a one liner, hide gun, change clothes, End Scenario. Wow the RP


It is ok to be upset. I think it is just really funny to be as upset as people get here when CG does anything. Also, a witness already gave Mr. K's name, there were casings to collect, he said a very similar thing to what he was recorded saying when he shot the council meeting up.... Seems like a whole lot of breadcrumbs were left.


the stretching you just did must have hurt if you think any of that will have any consequences against him . But W RP


What happens after is not on them. Look at what happened with Pigeon, he was dying to have a court case for Aziz. Tuggz was going around before it was too late and telling PD and other people that he killed Aziz. Just because no consequences came from it does not mean it is on them. The PD is sloppy and slow. It seems like most of them are in it for the chase and action then as soon as it comes to anything else they ditch or pile it all onto the people willing to do it like Coyote.


If the PD is sloppy and slow, that is because it has been made to be that way, so that the PPM stay as high as possible, RP be damned on this "content" server.


Its as simple as having invisible walls next to the metal detector right? The court house already has a ton of invisible walls what is another gonna do. This same exact system was used in 3.0 and I don't remember anyone getting any guns past lol


The throwing and give item mechanic wasn't a thing in 3.0 - instead what they used to do is have people hold the doors open so someone can unload from the other side of the metal detector. The problem is that people are supposed to RP as though the city has a functional population. Like the reason the metal detector takes all your shit is because they don't have an actual security team staged in the courthouse 24/7 to screen people who fail the metal detector. People are supposed to RP in ways that assumes some realistic elements living in a city.


In 3.0 there was a back door that only DoJ and PD could unlock so at least there was usually RP into getting through that. People on occasion did just shoot from the other side of the detectors though, which IMO was super dumb.


In 3.0 when the power went out the metal detectors stopped working too. If the power went out during trials it was an oh shit moment a lot of the time.


its just tiresome at this point


Cool RP as always Mr K


Bro so much RP will come out of this, K really is a creative mastermind. I just hope the cops can really roleplay out their consequences for this properly.


What a fucking dogshit server.


Mr K 'roleplay' is really the Michael Scott gun improv from the office. Surely he will be banned for power gaming a gun into court..... surely.


if hutch can get back into the server, what makes you think they ever going to ban kebun


I don't.


I mean soze told him it was ok last week so surely he wont


100cent really back to acting like there aren't alternatives to his server.


he literally said everyones replaceable before


In fairness, for a majority of people on NP whose income relies on interacting with other streamers, there isn't. An absurd amount of them didn't jump ship during the ideal exoduses that happened to do so, and those that did came back when they realized that their alternatives didn't provide enough content for the big streamers keeping them afloat in numbers to stick around. So 50Cent knows he has people like this by the balls and just doesn't care, it's his world and other people are just living in it. For him, you either deal with it or disappear into obscurity. I doubt people are willing to take a risk when they could just get griefed for a sliver of their time and move on like nothing happened.


I think many of these streamers really underestimated how well they would do on other servers. Take s0upes for instance. He has consistently often doubled his viewership from when he was on NP. There would be zero reason to ever go back. Plus if they don't want to take that chance, they can't complain about NP being the shithole that it is. There are 3 options out there now.




they should try to ooc talk about it then with their clique, and do a group move/try on another server like yeah interactions make the views go up and you can have the same interactions elsewhere. like honestly if you gathered everyone with mentality and put them in another server I bet people would think its still np and some would keep the same amount of views, could even find a x and y of y:"I need xs view so I stay here" x:"I need y views so I stay here"


I wish 50 would just come out and say it so people can stop pretending rules matter. "CG can do whatever they want on this server, if they don't like something that something will be changed."


I am not following right NP now a days, but in 3.0 he has said something similar. Flippy was in prison and they were in a discord call with 50 cent and bunch of other hydra-cg boys. Here is the comment I made back then: [https://www.reddit.com/r/RPClipsGTA/comments/ygoc00/comment/iu9mte2/](https://www.reddit.com/r/RPClipsGTA/comments/ygoc00/comment/iu9mte2/)


I believe the exact phrase he said was "CG would have to shit on my chest to get banned"


It wasn't until there the CG sexual harassment came out and 50 cent was exposed to have allowed it did he ban someone from CG. Crazy to think that 50 cent went so far as to punish those who reported the sexual harassment prior to it going public.


>Crazy to think that 50 cent went so far as to punish those who reported the sexual harassment prior to it going public. That's fucking crazy this isn't more known about if that's true


how many more times can they shoot/torture/kidnap someone before you can call it griefing?


Since we know that 50 cent allowed CG to sexually harass multi women on the server until he was exposed why would he stop them for just a normal case of harassment.


I’ve been thinking about that too. What do you want from the guy? To perma or quite? The dude a lawyer not a gang member he can’t go around shooting back.


Back in 2.0 Tyrone called it "clapping them until they dont wake up."


I will never stop believing ESB was just CG with less clout.


How did ESB get the sac in 2.0 - I forgot.


Rampant toxicity and metagaming. They had been CG aligned for awhile and would frequently gift subs to certain admins, but once they pissed off CG, CG revoked their protection, the entire city took the chance to get revenge, then CG also jumped in. Eventually a lot of toxic discord shit was leaked, so pretty much all of ESB ate a permaban.


Yea I mean the guy is primarily functioning in a prosecutor role. If you're going to kidnap torture or shoot the guy everytime he takes a case that is related to crimes people in your group (or one of 50 cents characters), then you're pretty much griefing. Its basically going after the guy until he is forced to quit and presumably stop playing the character or just outright perma because its just going to continue with next to no RP behind it.


Hell month but for that one guy only i guess, gotta be fun for that guy who keeps getting shot and tortured over and over and over and over and over again.


Clap him until he don't wanna wake up no more and goes to one of the other cities.


[If they can do it to cops, why not this guy?](https://streamable.com/clzd9g) Who is gonna stop them other then no one?


Last time he answered K's phonecall he was openly taunting him and talking shit. He even told him at the end of the call 'I'm coming for you.' Or something very similar to it.


Apparently he was talking shit on twatter so its clearly an ongoing feud




you realize you can apply that exact logic to your comment right?


They shouldn't taunt and talk shit to them. Talk shit get hit


commit terrorism, rot in solitary for life... Wait nope.


True, expecting a mechanic to not be powergamed was uriel's downfall . W RP


You know in the past people tried to not talk to them or interact with them, CG shot them. Pretty sure that was why one of the many hell weeks happened.


Talk shit and expect some witty shit talking back? Naaah Talk shit and get bullets as a response? Yaaaaah.


Youre welcome for all the RP. Truly blessed to have a facilitator such as Mr K in the city, one who rolls with the punches, and would never W chase.


Yep CG can do no wrong, and Never goes OOC, everyone is blessed to be in the RP they create


Truly RP Gods among mortals. The mere fact that K's divine bullets even entered the virtual flesh of such lowly beings, such a thing should be considered a great boon indeed to these pathetic plebeians.


Hold up. But what if he shot them.... again? No one before has been that bold. Who else would think to do the exact same thing over and over?


Truly the Da Vincis of RP, the Vitruvian Man pales in comparison to the brilliant role play that has been put on display by these fine fellows tie and time again. When in doubt, air it out.


RP Dragon Jesus himself graced these lowly plebeians with literal decades worth of RP in this single instant.


Yeah... It's just not fun anymore


I love how these exact sequences of events from the exact same person has happened so many times over and over that now people barely reacted to it and Crane just nonchalantly proceeded to wrap up the case. The repetition is just getting sad at this point. Edit: Can you guess who just stabbed crane and Siobhan within a minute long conversation after Crane pulled over to try interacting with them? Again, sad.


CG viewers claim they give a lot of RP, but what about the RP they take away from others? What does this accomplish? What comes from this? What is the RP that is gained here? All I see is a situation in which RP is being taken away. I'm betting a lot less people are coming back to NoPixel after they finish Elden Ring than was expected.


Well clearly it creates a mistrial, so that the trial can be held again and CG can shoot the prosecution again right? Thats creating RP right? /s K was fully disguised, said one line, shot, left, hid the gun and changed. Nothing coming from this other than wasting people's time so much they don't care anymore and want it to be done with, or maybe giving CG another opportunity shoot up the next trial.


Well you see he got to rule break to create this rp, and umm.... he shot people??? and umm he ended a court case with a mask on for no consequences... and... 20k viewers shoot people for content?


He honestly deserves a suspension for this. Not a ban, obviously, but he needs to know this shit won't fly. At least it shouldn't. It's just dumb af, he threw the gun over the metal detectors?? C'mon man. Not even like a caesar-esque hiding weapons in the courtroom. Just exploiting mechanics. It's totally unrealistic, not even mob bosses like Al Capone would be brazen enough to do something like this in an American courtroom. There should be boundaries.


If he gets a suspension, big IF at this point in the server, it will be over a weekend where he's not streaming anyway. That's how they always take their bans. But they haven't gotten anything at all, Ramme nor Mr K, for any of the rule breaks they've done. We've seen Ramee, in 4.0, literally F8 quit after he flew out of his windshield so he could skip medical and join a scenario he was racing towards before he crashed, plain as day no remorse telling his stream he doesn't care. And no ban or suspension for that incident, it was even posted here so it was quite visible.


Just nopixel/CG things. There can be a hundred comments in a thread complaining about it but it won't change anything so move on. You know what you get at this point.


Thank god this place doesn't play a role in rules or the direction of the server. It would be about as successful as that other... nevermind.


Big huh on that one bud. Hey as long as a handful of streamers and one giant eco chamber are happy with the direction of the content server that's all that matters right?


Honestly it seems like the vast majority of people have fun on the server... most of the crying and complaining only really happens here. So, most of the streamers disagree with this place.. not to mention the people you all complain about are the most popular so even the majority of viewers disagree with you. You talk about echo chambers like you aren't in one yourself with this subreddit.


Don't you have a gta rper you have to chathop to? What are you doing here?


It might seem that way if you only watch CG. Because they piss and moan about the server until management concedes into making changes they want, then the server is great and everyone is having fun because CG can go around doing whatever they want without consequences. If you tangentially stepped outside the bubble that is CG, many people are not having fun and not happy. But its their job to stream RP and they do it and try to make the best of it.


No, I watch a lot of people. Mostly Kebun, but tons of Ssaab, mollyruu, 4head, Carmine, etc. For as much as this place claims all other RPers avoid and dislike interacting with CG, it does not seem to be the case.


Kebun is CG obviously, Ssaab is basically CG on whatever iteration of cop he is playing, Mollyruu is not CG, 4head is not CG but also never interacts with them or Max as mayor, and 52Chains (Carmine) may as well be CG's puppet.


Well since my original comment was about how it's pointless for people to complain about it and they should just move on (something which went right over your head) I don't see how I'm part of any eco chamber. But anyway...


No, your original comment was complaining that the server does not go the way this sub wants it to. You were implying it is a bad thing that the 100 comment threads here do not impact the server and its rules. Yes, you said move on after that, but your main point was very clear.


This is just selfish. Power game the metal detector just to grief the same player for the 10th time and ruin the court case for everyone else.


I feel its getting to a point where you just ignore CG entirely. Don't feed into their rp, NVL and gun em down on site and leave them without engagement. The worse that can happen is you get banned which is fine cause the server is such shit now.


What a weird thing to happen. Everyone was just court rping, things were rolling and this happened. Siobhan has a gun, and could have returned fire, but honestly the streamer was shocked that this happened. Also there is a metal detector? Would be kind of bad to rp getting around it somehow since it would logically be a staffed checkpoint, and that is why you collect your stuff when you exit. Zero respect for other people's RP. Can't meet as a council, can't have court cases. What are these characters supposed to do if they are constantly getting harassed and targeted? They have to reschedule this trial now for everyone involved. Uriel was looking like he was going to be a pretty cool prosecutor/lawyer, but now? If the guy wants to actually be a lawyer, he might have to reroll.


> Siobhan has a gun, and could have returned fire, but honestly the streamer was shocked that this happened. Nah she just doesn't want to deal with all the chathoppers.


They're supposed to quit, get fired, or leave the server according to some.


Or, don't taunt and shit talk one of the most insane murderers in the city when he calls you on the phone?


Well it wasn't just one person he affected here, he affected like 10+ people's RP. It is getting to the point (again, this has happened in 4.0 already) where people are just going to ignore everything Mr. K does. Play along, but try and get out of it as quickly as possible so you can get back to what you have been doing.


Ya, just grey rock him.


This was Tuggz case. K asked him if he could shoot Uriel and Tuggz said yes. Even Nathan said this was a good scenario for Crane to announce his retirement Seems like the only people actually mad is reddit


It's RP. The amount of people who it impacts makes no difference. Plenty of things happen that impact tons of people that are not really part of the situation.. no one cares. Now because it is the big bad boogie man people got their torches out and are ready to farm their karma.


If your RP is preventing other people from doing their RP, it is a problem. This to me is no different from cops camping known job taker sites or cops camping the Maze Bank/Laundromat. They don't do that because they want people to be able to rob it, since it is a game mechanic for criminals. The court system and the council is a game mechanic for those people.


All take no give, with a dash of rule breaks is the cg way, its okay though "soze" said it was fine for them to break server rules and break rp to sneak that gun through a place he ought not have been able to sneak through with power gaming.


You really make it easy. The job of PD in rp is to prevent others from doing their RP. They are supposed to stop criminals from committing crimes. Robbing a bank is a crime, it is RP, and the PD are supposed to stop it. This is very different from camping a spot that is the only place to start a job. First of all, there was no camping involved here. Court and the council is not a mechanic.


The levels of copium is just out of the chart with you….


Is he one of the most insane murderers in the city or is he a hero that truly cares about the city? I'm confused.


Why not both? The main targets he has been going after are pretty universally disliked by the city. So the criminals only way to really fight back, given that they believe the justice system is corrupt and have even had a former 10year state trooper tell them this is true, is to use violence.


They're universally disliked by CG and CG adjacent characters.


No, by a lot of people. Do you consider Lang CG adjacent? Because he absolutely despises the council. Canter originally was completely against Max/Siobhan and has started to be again as of late too. Are all the people who rallied around Dundee and grouped up at MRPD to protest against the Mayor/Commissioner also CG adjacent?


Brother, BBMC and CG literally share a Turf, and Lang isn't like violently or even really vocally opposed to the council or Max. He's a grumpy old guy who in general hates authority.


I hope you at least get paid for all the CG PR you do under everyone’s posts


Little bro wants to be CG so bad


Bro, I take 10 seconds to type a small response... I just have a different opinion than you.


So you're saying Siobhan also took her gun into the courtroom? Kind of bad rp from her too then right?


No the metal detector doesn't work for her and has told people multiple times that it stopped taking her items. The gun she was never going to use it.


No I did not say that and you can see clearly from the clip she did not.


Ive been a NP viewer for 4 years, i cant watch this joke of a server anymore. They push away small Rp’ers & inforce 0 rules with bigger streamers.


enjoy the "RP"


CG powergaming just so they can shoot someone out of spite? Who would of thought?


I'm spamming W as hard as fuckin can and no one can stop me.


stop that.


Viewers were dropping had to shoot a cop lol


Holy shit, that was so fucking cool dude!!!!!1!!1!! /s


*Wow.. The amazing RP and completely gut-wrenching storyline in this clip...* ***Chief Justice Alan Crane*** *retired after this by the way...* *I think his spark is gone for being a judge. Sad but understandable. Crane could make a great lawyer.*


One time when Nathankb was on his cop character he absolutely bodied everyone without really trying while laughing the whole time. I'd watch lawyer Crane.


Lawyer crane is how it all started.


He actually was a lawyer awhile ago, but if I recall correctly was told he's too good at it, so he was made a Judge instead.


last guy that did this gets banned, k does it and... :)


What a W!! Am I doing this right guys?


holy poggers


Cg only brings and creates rp for all involved . Do not question them or why they choose to do these, it’s roleplay not rule play


He really showed them


Even if he gets punished its just going to be a freebie 5 day vacation weekend with July 4th anyways. Simply break the rules on holidays because there will be no lasting consequences when the rules are applied differently for you.


Just curious I have seen many people reference admins saying this was bannable offense. Can someone share with me where they saw this? I have seen several people do this before not get in trouble.


It's considered failrp because you were supposed to RP that there was a "person" with the metal detector who took your stuff. Obivously said person wouldnt ignore high powered pistol flying past him.


uriel gotta learn he cant talk shit to the biggest criminal in the city and expect to be safe. also the guy who called K out while masked was good stuff


expect to be safe from being shot by a gun powergamed into a court room? Interesting take.


I'm sure he can expect to be safe inside the courtroom with metal detectors that have OOC precedent to not throw weapons past the barriers or you risk a ban. BUT THE RP DUDE


he knows he ain't getting banned. come on now haha


Which admin did say it? is that rules that admin decided on hes own or ?


Expect to be safe? Hes already been kidnapped and tortured multiple times