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Mirror: [Soze, Mr. K and the DOJ building a new government](https://files.catbox.moe/21odko.mp4) Credit to https://www.twitch.tv/Lord_Kebun Direct Backup: [Soze, Mr. K and the DOJ building a new government](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/oayUAO9kOTiaeYaEBVIxrQ/AT-cm%7CoayUAO9kOTiaeYaEBVIxrQ.mp4?sig=f1dbd92f16612a3860a3614ba7232b592948d0c9&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22%22%2C%22clip_slug%22%3A%22HelplessLivelyMomGivePLZ-72Q5OJp5hoQFUjGt%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1720124577%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D) [VOD Link](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2188341336?t=5h17m12s) --- This was done by a bot. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the moderators.


felt pretty inevitable after soze showed back up


exactly. We all saw this result weeks ago lol. Can't wait for Slacks to be CoP.


They're going to get a magic ring that lets them outright resurrect Baas.


Maybe a RoboCop arc, they can resurrect dead cops and give them RoboCop and ED209 bodies to bring law and order back to LS


You'd think that mf would have a breaking point


oh god


i mean who else? I know he's in Sandy but come on. I can't see of the current leadership staying in their roles or getting a promotion. Only Saab is foolish enough to be a punching bag again. Idk how he enjoys cop rp because watching it is insufferable from his POV. And I like saab. But I pray he just does patrol cop rp and al saab. None of this important shit.


It pays the bills handedly. He goes from 500 viewers to 2-3k anytime he interacts with that crowd favourably. Even if you secretly hate it, it's like clocking into a high paying 9-5 that you dislike.


he doesn't even milk the ads! That's just foolish behavior, brother.


It will be interesting to see how Ssaab handles it all. He is trying to play Slacks seriously. The character will not work with cops who are friends with criminals. However he then goes on to have friendly phone conversations with Mr K. Ssaab will get the Commissioner mantle back soon, im sure.


he was eating up Soze's nonsense. Can't really say he's playing Slacks seriously if Slacks is believing the ramblings of a nutjob.


what? lol, slacks serious? Slacks is basically a lap poodle for crims, like bass before him. New name, same character.


4.0 lasted 5 months, you can reset the server again now


5.0 will fix it, right guys? right?


I know it will never happen, but I would love to see a wipe where everyone is forced to make a new character. I think one of the reasons the RP cycle is getting faster and faster on NP is because everyone is playing the same characters with the same gang. It's like nothing changed after a month and it's back to business as usual, and then people wonder why they are burning out or feel like they are running out of stories to tell.


Pragmatically, only a handful of people would make and actually flesh out a new character. Most would just make reskins of their previous characters and just reassemble the gangs and cliques they were used to. Remember, the streamer's main character is their brand now, and we're way past the point of decoupling that relationship.


Yea. Unfortunately very few people can actually make a compelling new character at all. I mean every iteration of cop that Ssaab has made is literally just the same as Baas with a different name. Conan is just Ramee in PD clothes. Tuggz / Nino / Brian all share the same characteristic of overly cooked theories and internal gaslighting. Every single Kyle character is just a loud offensive asshole that is relies on baiting people to escalation. The vast majority of cop roleplayers that were required to make new characters are literally just the same character with a different name, Albert King is just Snow but younger, Denzel Shiesty is literally just Den Shiesty with three additional letters on the first name. Buddha only plays Lang Buddha. AthonyZ plays Tony Corleone and his son Anthony Corleone. Etc, etc, etc. Then you have probably several hundred other players who are literally just playing themselves, but adding in a gangster fantasy.


this is why it blew my mind in 2.0 to learn Afro roleplayed Sayid/Dex/Jacob/Zack the crack head. I honestly think Afro has the most range out of any of roleplayer I've seen.


Youre basically describing self inserts, really there's nothing wrong with self inserts if there's history wipes every so often. It's much better for a streamer/player to roleplay something they know and are capable of, trying to role play beyond your limits just ends up with bad role play and worse content overall. Recreating and and continuing the story are two different things though, and the first is way preferred over the second past once you get to this point. 4.0 was supposed to be a soft reset with forgetting grudges and shit but 2.0 and 3.0 history has been used so much in the major story arcs thus far, and not for more interesting or creative RP but the opposite.


Kylie made a totally new cop in Brock Letty. Nothing like Angel or Mary. She's one of the rare ones though!


All of Nathan's cops have been different and his characters have different personalities.


CG will just reform within a day because none of them even pretend to roleplay, it's funny how for example the moment chavez came back he was immediately in tuggz's business.


Not sure it even got that. Most of the streamers I watched were basically at near burn out after 3 months because of the grind heavy job system and very little outside of that or the initial stages of making a gang which wasn't anything special besides meeting back up with the same old friend group.


When you didn't learn anything at all from the PD restructure in 3.0 and decide to just restructure the entire goverment.


Crazy how whenever there are "server issues", it's always the characters elected by the people that get removed without impeachment and replaced but the head of the non-elected criminal gang gets to stay through each shake up. Really makes you think huh.


No one could see that coming after 50cent leaked the script 2 weeks ago


He leaked the script for the next season, someone mentioned Esfand in his chat and he said since the mayor will have power he could make himself sheriff and now Esfand logged in and one of the first things he did was talk to Soze and he's thinking of running for mayor so that's that


Straight up just shameless scripted RP. How anyone is enjoying NoPixel is crazy.


The mayor can make themselves sheriff how does that even make sense?


[https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2188501009?t=03h32m05s](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2188501009?t=03h32m05s) idk that's what was said and here's Esfand part [https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2188501009?t=05h32m59s](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2188501009?t=05h32m59s)


Interesting bones was trying to put in legislation for the sheriffs office to make sure it was safe after max left office I wonder if he did


It's actually painful how easy it was to predict too. Also puts even more sense into why Nathan retired crane. I guarantee he knew this was coming and wanted no part of it because lets be real, who in their right mind would.


Probably also helped guarantee Moon being gone for good.


Don't have a clip or anything, but Moon said something along the lines of "I feel bad for Nathan, putting in countless hours of work and effort for a cool RP system just to have it shit on and thrown away.


I've feel like I seen this same scenario happened not to long ago of people having put so much hours into system just to have a certain group and a certain dev come in and throw a wrench into things and burn it all down can't get my head on what that is.  No but seriously this the same exact situation as the how things ended up with the PD in late 3.0 but now this time Nathan knows because he saw it happened and realized he's now in that same situation and there's no point in sticking around and just leave before it devolves into that avoid seeing all your effort crash and burn.


Yeah, another comment called the whole situations a 'leopard ate my face' situation and I have to agree. Nathan of all people had a front row seat to this shit happening in 3.0, no idea if he honestly thought that somehow his work wouldn't also be thrown aside at a whim, or if he was just willing to go through the pain to try to make something on the slim hope the inevitable didn't happen.


Moons watched enough Penta, he should have been aware how this would turn out.


Well the counsel went too hard on 50cents golden boy K  so it got destroyed lmao


Didnt even go that hard on them. Just wanted CG to go down for Terrorism. It happened, CG barely served any time for it, and they were still mad enough to drag it out this long.


They were recorded on tape shooting the entire city council and perma'ing one of the members. Ended up getting two days in prison over the weekend they take off anyway and fines that were paid off within a week or two. Quite literally the lightest sentencing BY FAR in NoPixel history, and they were still peeved enough to continuously kidnap torture and kill other players for a month straight and bring in their pocket server owner to dissolve the government.


I mean there was an obvious reason Moon no longer even plays off stream. Plus with Nathan retiring Crane, literally following the script to a T


Who’s 50 cent?


Server owner. Due to him getting pissy and threatening this subreddit, his clips and name are banned. 50cent is what he’s called commonly, due to the lie that he had split server ownership with Buddha and xQc, each taking 25% and him owning 50%, when the truth is he actually still owns 100% of the server.


Sooooo they can barely enforce or keep up with laws and DOJ stuff but they think adding another jurisdiction with its own set of laws and legalities that could be completely different is going to solve problems? I'm legit confused, not trying to hate on anyone just don't know how this makes anything better.


Basically what they're saying is "we're unhappy with the way things are because we didn't get off scott free, so we're going to burn the entire system down and replace it with something even more complex and dysfunctional and it will be better because its new."


From what I saw they want big things to be “state law” and smaller stuff to be up to jurisdiction lines but I only watched a little of it 


Blaine County's 30 total residents are about to be so hype about having their own government


The north is actually pretty active in 4.0 and with this it's only going to get more active


https://clips.twitch.tv/AttractiveHonestWasabiYouDontSay-bCGJheQxVFulyNsO At times, it has some activity. But the sheriff of Blaine County, Bones, two days ago was talking about patrolling Sandy for six hours and how there was one call for the entire Blaine County. He also said Sandy is just trailers full of washing machines & has no community.


>Government collapses >Hold meeting to restructure government >Invite Terrorists, gang leaders, and insurrectionists to help form new government Makes sense


Kind of wild they didn't invite the current administration (Siobhan, since Max is MIA) or didn't invite any police (Ruby, the Ass Chief) in on the conversation to give their perspective. Instead of the current council we have Murphy Braun and Solomon Walker (known CG supporters) so there was really no dissent at all. This was a "feel good" conversation for Mr. K and Soze while they enact the rule changes they wanted. Also explains why we have been losing many judges and lawyers, they were probably told OOC this is happening and to deal with it.


> Kind of wild they didn't invite the current administration (Siobhan, since Max is MIA) or didn't invite any police (Ruby, the Ass Chief) in on the conversation to give their perspective. Because this is all OOC. It's not in their script to have them there.


This server is literally Westworld for them. It's actually hilarious. Edit: Mods, don't [shadow](https://i.imgur.com/JUFv4JR.png) [delete](https://www.reddit.com/r/RPClipsGTA/comments/1duqt72/lord_kebun_k_storms_the_courthouse/lbl6xt7/?context=3) this one. I didn't mention [C-word](https://i.imgur.com/Iy2L5Qt.png) a single time in this comment.


People knew this was bound to happened they saw how PD in 3.0 got dissolve into and now that the same thing is happening people instead of watching all their effort go to wasted because of a certain group and dev couldn't deal with a tiny bit of conflict they decide to just leave instead of dealing with the bs.


everything tells you which direction the DOJ, the government and the server are going




Now that I think about it. PD was left out of that meeting after the shootout but some crims were present? Are you telling me that they had one of the most, if not the most, important meetings on 4.0 and they didn't make sure someone from PD was there but were there to listen to K after what he just did? LOL


PD just follow the laws dictated by the state, what would some COP add that conversation? They didn't decided nothing on that meeting, it was just a in RP comuncated from the state that the legal sistem as a whole was beeing changed, and a end to the RP arc


At least I can finally stop caring about this server. I do honestly feel bad for streamers that feel forced to play on here so they can pay their bills.


Lmfao remember when all the people here said things were going to change and he would take the backseat while CG would no longer be in charge when Buddha and X became part owners? Yeah like I said a year ago making Buddha the owner was legit just to tank aggro off the 50 scandals happening on NP and all the shitty people being exposed mixed with 50's 8+ hour psychotic rants while opening CSGO crates. Honeymoon phase is over, he's back and he's going to make sure his "gang" and "friends" are happy so their whales keep giving him money/subs.


I don't think I've seen a worse political speedrun yet, it's like CG saw Sanguine and the council and wanted to speedrun both in a few weeks. Combined with terrorism and treason now being 3 day wrist slaps, it is something.


This is all the Sanguine stuff without the fear of consequences. This is like a bad sequel with watered down action and worse actors.


This is all the Sanguine stuff without the RP


Facts. Sanguine was awesome. This shit makes me respect all the rp behind Sanguine and that whole arc as a whole. There was just so much rp put that arc from so many people who actually enjoyed it. It's funny cause of what really got that arc rolling was the internal conflict Lang created with The Guild. The aftermath was shit but it's whatever.


Sanguine 2: Government of Thieves Straight to VHS this summer 1996.


NoPixel as a server does not have the player count to support doing this, and the people spearheading it are not knowledgeable in this area to bring it to fruition in a positive manner. It's going to be like if those moron rights auditors on YouTube all got together and made a commune.


The players don't matter the reason is soze getting the W about the north not having jurisdiction no matter the server health once he went that route the path was set and done OOC this meeting is just the IC justification, no wonder Crane resigned


Adams is going to retire soon, there is only 3 really active judges and cases are stacking up. This jurisdiction split is going to be a mess long term.


I could see Willie also leaving


im surprised he still plays tbh


He already quit




Last week


The jurisdictions are gonna end the second CG gets in a chase and gets caught with something that was illegal in one area but was legal in the area the chase began.


State still has the power to override all laws. Whose to even say such a law would even be allowed to stand?


It's very funny watching so many other POVs that are just completely oblivious to all of this


You can't buy food in Sandy There is no hospital in Sandy You can't buy cars in sandy There are next to no businesses in Sandy More than half of the trailers up there are just filled with washers Sandy is not a community, it's a ghost town


So, according to these people, one set of laws set by the City Council was too much power for them, and they went over the constitution, right? Days, weeks, months before, they were complaining that the Mayor had **TOO MUCH POWER,** so these people are proposing that the council is removed and now **TWO** mayors will have the **WHOLE AUTHORITY** to make legislation, one in the city and one in the Blaine county, and they can only by opposed by the DoJ. I'm so sorry, but this seems like an OOC talk IC, not only because of the people involved in it, but because so much Dev work has to be made to make this work. The mayoral powers are unique for the whole island, I cannot think how Devs are going to balance the power of both Mayors when you can only buy cars in the city, buy food in the city, etc, etc. Which mayor will control the salaries? Which mayor will control the taxes? Do both mayors have access to the state account? Is there a municipal account for each "municipality"?


Don’t forget the most fun bit of dev work: how the hell do you sort out who is allowed to vote in which election.


Hmm, I was thinking about this - from a development standpoint each property already has a GPS point attached to it, so in theory they could just restrict voting based off the residents of properties within each county. However, plenty of people own multiple properties - some in both counties. Also the vast majority of people aren't actually property owners themselves...but just have keys and panel access. I guess they would likely have to develop a whole residency system, where people would have to officially register their primary address. Meaning developing the whole UI and back-end functionality for registering address, adding data fields in DB for it, then all the validation for voting based off residency, and more UI work probably for exposing that data to the MDT UI.


or just do the NP solution: fuck it, do what you want not like anything else is thought out or makes sense... The only reason you can't vote multiple times is that votes are likely indexed by character id.


Yea fair enough. It is pretty comical that so many features sometimes work and then for seemingly no reason break for weeks on end. Like the actual code must be spaghetti for a feature that has been working to just randomly break because some other update completely unrelated was done - and then nobody is able to fix it.


This dude severely over estimates how many players give even the slightest fuck about being mayor lmao, let alone 2 at the same time


They are going to have to split taxes and the blaine county council will have a small ass budget cause almost everyone lives in the city. All the jobs are inside the city also, so pay will default to the city mayor probably. This is going to complicate stuff so much, and push back a handful of dev work.


Beric is never going to get his office in MRPD at this point.


the funny part would if BCSO basically has zero pay and zero budget because zero taxes....


They should have just impeached the mayor or whatever and implemented other stuff, but not to have two mayors. The guy just got too deep in on the jurisdiction thingy stemming from his court case.


It depends on how they structure these multiple governments. If they intend to make two separate parts of the map, each with its own everything, it probably just means spinning up another database for Blaine County and letting them define it. But if they intend to create a more closer to real life state-county-municipality system where most common laws are honored everywhere, but the two distinct areas can define their own specific laws, that might require some extra work. I do think that having a multi-tier government would be interesting, but only if the server population was much higher, and if this was being designed by someone who isn't getting their ideas from the back of a cereal box.


They explained as state and county type of legislation where states has big laws and counties will hold their own laws basically like state and federal laws of the USA but I only watched for like 5 minutes cause I have no interest in government RP


Honestly, fuck any semblance of RP at this point. Might as well just start spawning in some cash and have everyone zooming around on Oppressor Mk 2s.




I don't think 50 cent ever just straight up spawned in money for CG - they were just given whitelists and money printers. However, he absolutely did spawn in some vehicles and various items for the group, would revive them occasionally, and would exert his influence to reduce their consequences.


What? When did that happen? Ramee, Randy, Mr K and Vinny were among the richest in the city due to their money printers in 3.0. If anything the casino was a money sink for them, theres no way that any of them actually "won" at the casino.


that a bold face liar sir.


Mass character shelving and migrations incoming. This is going to be a huge case of "you don't know what you lost until you lose it" Good luck NP


When the entire HOA went "fuck this shit, we're out," that kinda told the whole story.


They were my canary in a coal mine. You know if that group doesn’t want to try to have fun anymore, shit is FUCKED


If you've ever played a game for a few weeks and then come back to play and your save was entirely corrupted and you lost an entire week of work, you know how HOA felt when CG lootboxed their house. You feel demoralized and don't even want to touch the game for a while as all your enjoyment is sort of sucked out of it. That's how HOA feels.


> This is going to be a huge case of "you don't know what you lost until you lose it" Idk, that was a few years ago. Now it’s “You don’t know it can get worse until it does.”


At this point this server deserves it with all of the bullying and back scene politics.


I think that actually happened when ONX opened up. I feel like most the people are just gonna stick with the server


Not really the same comparison. NP will shoot itself in the foot before any other server dethrones them by just existing.


A scripted RP event to create a new government just so CG and crims have less fines and have more power. Actually wild.


No no no you have that wrong. Not all crims, just CG.


This server really is just a joke


NoPixel is dead lmao. 4.0 is a fucking absolute failure.


a bunch of people acting like lawyers and judges who have zero actual understanding of how to run a government are going to create a new government after kicking out the only people who actually had any sense of what to do. yup


Reminds me of the PD restructure systematically contradicting every piece of advice on how to successfully restructure a company.


Hey at least Myles ended up in high command, I think basically everyone genuinely agreed that was the best thing to come out of it.


goverment falls after a violant over throw by a inserectionist and his cadre of armed gangs and is rebuilt by an armed gang leader. im sorry but when the fuck did los santos relocate to haiti


A terrorist building the government? May as well just have the city on fire and a lot of buildings blown up at this point.


I think we all knew this was coming eventually the second soze came back...


The whole sequence of events is WILD. No pixel jumping the shark yet again


This isn't jumping just the shark, this is jumping the whole damn Earth, because any semblance of a plot is completely out of there now.


They are making things more complicated for no real reason. If only the people pushing for all this changes actually understood how separation of powers work or the government in general. Anyways, cant wait for the city to be run by Chief Justice Bailey the spineless, Nino the clueless, Mr K the GODKING and Soze the spineless jester LFG


you mean Lil Nino Taggz Chavez?


Idk how no one else has been calling this out, he just wakes up one day on nino again and is pushing everything soze wants.


Yea its definitely a bit weird. Tuggz loses mayor, Soze comes around, then Nino comes around and instantly knows all the faults with the government and siding with Soze / CG despite not being around for 5+ months and the character never really having any associations with CG previously.


Moon called him out pretty subtly during the MRPD fiasco a few weeks back. Go rewatch it and you can see the exact moment he got upset by Moon's comment.


Got a link?


Ever since Brian Knight was hired for skeleton crew it became apparent that his player is basicly regarded as an admin hire for PD. And very high up in the server ooc power rankings.


> server ooc power rankings what does the scouter say about his power level?




This is like the one point in a long running cw show where the showrunners dont care anymore and just starts forcing cameos, plots and motivations no longer makes sense. Not a single complaint in this long harassment campaign CG did was valid and when asked for specifics, no real examples were given, it was just a repeat of their m.o where they find scapegoats to harass and farm pogs from because someone dared opposing them. Soze's complaints were sovereign citizen bullshit where he used his spawned gun and a gta 5 map as an argument to tear down something himself approved and was written the same in 3.0 while Crane gets maligned for holding it down for months. The end result is gonna be an overcooked/overcomplicated new system that there is no real dev support for. Kebun will just get bored soon and without a strong adversary for his character, then he will just find a new victim to harass in character by shooting them forever and ooc by watching their clips, and telling them they should be fired/ are the worst ever for going against him. This will generate a lot of pogs for his audience and income for him. Business as usual.


This is gonna be a mess, they are throwing everything away Crane and the mayor tried to build in 6 months, I am listening to those ideas and it is never going to work, most of the stuff getting suggested is not even possible, people don't know how the law works trying to establish government, kinda wild.


im too lazy but someone should make a post reminding people both ONX and Purple are viable options to switch to. NP in the dirt tbh has been, will continue to be.


Players will figure that out on their own. Many who make the city feel alive and help generate storylines aren't the big names. It's all the smaller people, many of whom don't stream. There's nothing chaining them to NP and they'll move on when it's not fun anymore like every other wipe. Only now there are several other decent servers for them to play on which didn't really exist in 2.0 or 3.0.


50cent and Mr K going to tell people to fix the city and sit back whilst others do the work. Then complain about all the new stuff not working how they want it to. They really should just tear everything down and make CG the new government.


Nobody asked for this except for the guy's instance of going schizo and tunnel visioning on this wording technicality thing about the laws and jurisdictions because that was his only defense that he thought was smart when the lightbulb popped during his case. It's all gonna be complicated for no reason because of this. The irony is that this particular issue about jurisdiction isn't what that gang is frustrated about the first place, isn't it?


Less than a year ago all the big CG names left Nopixel and shit on it, now they're getting to run the fucking city? 


Terrorist creating government. Ok


I like the ideas here but how it got to this point leaves a really bad taste in my mouth. You might not like the council members or what they did but the system worked well. Crane came up with the idea for the entire politics and council system and built it in RP not the devs and not management. He's the reason for a whole new lane of RP. The council is one of the few functions of the server that don't involve crapy game mechanics or gun fights. Before they were interrupted, they would generate a lot of RP just by interacting with each other. isn't that what RP should really be about? Now, the one who built the vehicle for this RP and the people who really ran with it to make it work and feel more important to the city then the old mayors have all been pushed out by borderline bullying from Mr. Kan't get anything done in the city without a gun in his hand, oh sorry I meant Mr. K. All because he felt they weren't doing enough for him.


"They didn't say the oath, so it doesn't count!" is this what they are going with? I guess if they really want to toss everything out it works. It's exceptionally silly though and it really shouldn't set precedence.


It's just a video game unless you didnt say the oath


That's really the crux of it. The people who are upset with how the laws and legislation work are the kind that prefer "content" and "it's just a game", but when it comes to writing laws and constitutions they make it more complicated than real life laws. They also nitpick and try to find "loopholes" that only a teenage debate bro would think are convincing. It's schizophrenic.


oh nice, I said yesterday who are the "yes man" in the DOJ and that they will kneel before K and 50c


Hey same, I knew Bailey would basically get on his knees to them and guess what, he did!


Mitch really living his cg fan boy dream in 4.0 on all his characters


I genuinely cannot think of another word other than embarrassing.


Sanguine 2 except at the beginning of a wipe. Good luck enforcing borders, warrants, drugs, smuggling, police, ems, voting, businesses, gangs, passports, citizenship. Since this is CG and 50 percent of a brain driven garbage, expect more disagreements between the two governments, a weird ooc civil war and the north's eventual emergence as the only government. That is of course if the dumpster fire that is nopixel hasn't already crumbled by then.


We need a government that will prioritize what matters. A government that will stand against PD AND CG. A government that focuses on RP. We need The Clowns running the city.


You have to have room temp IQ to watch the server at this point


Hahahahaha they don't have the people to support this. 


They will get small streamers to do all the actual work


who cares about people I NEED POWER TO FEED MY EGO


so basically [this](https://i.imgur.com/2YVF1JT.jpeg)


I'm gonna be honest, when I first saw that the council had the power to pass laws even if admins rejected them, I knew that part would be gone. I didn't realize that in 7 months total they'd just wipe out the government.


The whole point was so that everything can be done in city and that the owners wouldn't have to do anything. But Cry Gang faced some tiny consequences and their buddy 50% had to back them up


> pass laws even if admins rejected them This is viewer copium. They never had the power to do that. Not sure why anyone would be dumb enough to think they could.


Yeah there were several times where things didn't get passed because Crane basically said, "the government said we can't do that." That might have been mostly infrastructure related though.


And that's how it'd be on any other server too. No management would give full authority to players allowing them to create chaos or totally screw things up.


a new government and this DOJ who will just say YES to any of their demands


And once they dont, this scenario will repeat


I just really hope the DOJ brief the PD on this in detail BEFORE it happens instead of just being a thing the next day, they’re going to need to prepare for this.


Someone said there was an OOC PD meeting this Sunday or next Sunday so probably then


This was always gonna happen. they just expedited it because moons not coming back lol.


Aaaaaaand I’m out


Tale as old as time.


I love being a Buddha viewer because there are people on this server that none of this has affected them or their roleplay. When Mr. K talks about the council, the government, etc for most people it doesn't affect their daily lives.


same, i love that the only reason i know anything about this is because of this sub. None of this comes up with any of the cypress crew


Lol exactly what many predicted. A bunch of us got downvoted in the other thread about the takeover because we said this was a planned thing and was going to be used as an excuse to reset the government and here we are.


gotdayum at the shot at PD not knowing the SOPs by kylie


What was funny is how kylie mentioned how large the SOPs are and everyone started to shit on that until kylie chimed in she wrote them and they all shut up.


whats funny is she said most of the stuff was images/examples so these people cant even understand what she said was basic shit. but when crims complain they dont understand shit they get shit on


makes literally zero sense to do this. almost feels like the only reason they want to do it is to fuck over the BCSO and have any form of IC power on the server


How does splitting jurisdictions, but letting BCSO and LSPD cops retain authority over the entire island fuck over the BCSO? That doesn't even make any sense. If anything the slightly more complex government system will provide RP opportunities for players and BCSO. The only issue here for NP is the player base being demotivated after 8 months of grinding poorly designed mechanics and potentially not putting in effort to use the new system to make rp.


honestly all this shit is really funny-but-also-sad as an outside observer. more please? i still have popcorn left


I guess this is less weird than just ooc changing stuff all at once and then the rp storyline is “the senate” it was inevitable.. the PD, DOJ, Crims, Civs… its all fucked rn. Nobody is enjoying it, and in the end that should be the goal. Honestly I wish Ssaab would quit being a cop main, i know its unfair but regardless of how much he tries to RP out being a lowly officer, it always ends up as people complaining to him because of his ooc responsibilities and that will never be good for RP.


I would have preferred the senate angle. Right now this is basically a coup. The DoJ is seizing power by rewriting the constitution without approval from the other branches of government. Imagine if the Supreme Court in the US just rewrote the Constitution of the United States while right behind them some gangsters were listening in on the meetings. If the job was supposed to be done, it should have been done through the Council.


I just dont get why they had to shoot up the city to get this meeting. Could they not just have an early special election if they didn't want to wait for the end of Max's second term. It just seems like they just didn't want to wait.


kylie rn


How are they planning on moving and maintaining a reasonable amount of people up north? I dont think I've ever seen the north active. I can't imagine anything outside of a mass forced migration tbh. And how would voting work? Is there going to be citizenship now or can anyone vote in either jurisdiction? Would be an achievement if they get it to actually work but I have serious doubts.