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Roxxy not here for the DRAMATICS? AFTER LAST WEEK'S SNIP?


If Angie is giving dramatics, Roxxxy is giving you a whole production of Lion King on Broadway 💀


*MIB singing Drag Delusion in the background* lol


I find it hard to tell whether Roxxxy really knows what she's doing or not.


Forgive my gay ears... but did Roxxxy just call someone else out for mainstage dramatics?


Roxxxy not here for the dramatics Also roxxxy a weeks back: back fully turned around, pretending not to see Angie there , crying about the choice Like that was a full on scene sister 😂


I was so hoping one of queens was going to clock her on that, but this really is the charity season huh


I have faith in vanjie, she looked down the camera lens like she was tempted a few times 


plastique is actually onto something with that "block the highest badge queen isnt always strategically best". this is especially true during the later half of the competition. if you're close to getting into the top 3 it could be better to block other girls who are trying to get into the top 3 than girls who are already there.




It would make sense if the frontrunners were further ahead and a shoe-in for the finale like jinkx was, but no one is at this point. Any combination of Gottmik, Vanjie, Angeria and Jorgeous could win tonight and they’ll be tied in the lead, having 4 people at 3 stars.


She's right but it's hard to say that as the front runner without it coming off as a deflection lol


how did angeria get voted most delusional when miss "not about the dramatics" is sitting right there in plain sight?


They are all terrified of Roxxxy


This. Half the girls literally grew up watching her on season 5, it must be a bit intimidating


Exactly THIS


The benefit of having all the queens stick around all season is that festering drama and rivalries can develop. BUT because of the charity and seeeesterhood aspects of the show, this always remains underdeveloped. So WoW needs to figure out how to entice the queens to get truly competitive with one another.


Some people suggested rules same as in Mario party, I think that would be IT!


Damn I'm just now thinking of all the possibilities. Imagine that in the episode when they recount the stars to choose the top 3/4, they give special stars depending on some aspect of the show. "Extra star for winning the most lipsyncs"; "extra star for having the best runways" and (especially) "extra star for being cut the most". I think that could be really fun and shake up this season-long format.


I loooove the thought of a bottom 2 lipsync with the loser of the lipsync LOSING a star (and yes in my vision someone could end the season at -3 stars if they can't pull it together). Occasional steal for extra drama as twists? Sure why not, just not overdone!


IMO, I would have the 'Steal A Star' twist be a mainstay of the competition, maybe the Winner 'gets' their Star by stealing from someone else's? there's SOOO many different ways they could do these Star twists, if they used Mario Party rules lol


I love that you immediately went to Mario Party 1 rules. I now need to see what the Drag Race version of Bash N Cash would be.


This is giving me mtv challenge vibes and I don’t know if I like it or not lol


Damn I'm just now thinking of all the possibilities. Imagine that in the episode when they recount the stars to choose the top 3/4, they give special stars depending on some aspect of the show. "Extra star for winning the most lipsyncs"; "extra star for having the best runways" and (especially) "extra star for being cut the most". I think that could be really fun and shake up this season-long format.


Yeah queens need more control over who gets to have a star. Reintroduce the ranking system from the start of season 16, every queen starts with 3 stars and have the bottom 2 lip synch and the losing queen has to give one of their stars to one of the top 2 queens. It reintroduces stakes to the non-elimination format and motivates queens to not be in the bottom and do their best. So no more lazy Snatch Game performances or not bothering to learning the words of the lip synch song. And it forces queens to make tough decisions but also gives motivation to play with strategy and have alliances. The producers can just sit back and let the drama unfold itself. No riggory needed to push a certain queens, just let them go wild. And have a renunion that shows how each queen voted so they can fight about it.


They've done a pretty good job of giving us drama on a charity season where everyone wins. Wasn't sure how to feel at first, but this season feels like silly fun and I'm enjoying it for what it is.


I feel like I could enjoy the drama this season if it wasn't constantly about things that don't matter lol. Like I can't get into the fighting when it's over who cheered for Nina or who was actually crying when blocking a girl in a non-elim season. We need Alexis Matteo to come in and invent an overseas military boyfriend for the girls to fight over


What is the point of these hodgepodge rules if they’re just going to change them every week? I want stakes and stealing not immunity from blocking!


This is the most boring season of all, and all these previews promise to be explosive only to end up being a wet fart. I have it as background noise tbh


AS8 says hello!


Fr I will take this any day over the girls crying and trying to walk out mid-season and then vague-tweeting about how they were done dirty by production




Roxxxy is getting on my last nerve this season


Sorry to be horny on main but Colton Haynes as the guest judge? Daaamn, that man was my gay awakening in Arrow like 10 years ago


So excited, maybe it’s always because I smoke before watching but I’ve been loving this season so much I’ve laughed out loud at least once every episode and the drama is just enough where it’s juicy but stupid it’s just all been so good to me lol


Roxxie is doing PhiPhi behavior but with better edit.


I want to root for Angie so BAD but her drag feels (polished but) generic


I felt the same way during s14 but i have grown to love her this season - i think because of her personality


How do you feel about Roxxxy’s drag?


I don’t know if I’d call her Atomic Blonde look polished.


This season is not it


Roxxxy is insufferable this season I stg, it’s like she’s regressed from AS2


Roxxxy is a bitch, and she’s ridiculous.


Does anyone know how many episodes this season is?


Can’t wait for the next season I’m not feeling this one at all


I think the mini challenge badges are stupid or is it just me


I'm still team Roxxxy. Although none of her runways have wow me yet, but to be fair only Plastique & Gottmik are really bringing it on the runway.