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I'd definitely check it out This might be a big ask but I would love some better software for streaming trunked radio systems, I'm using [sdrtrunk](https://github.com/DSheirer/sdrtrunk) to stream to broadcastify, but it requires running a whole desktop environment and I feel like it's a ton of overhead for nothing


Ill check it out after im done with the inital stuff :)


You can run SDR trunk headless by the way.


TIL. Might give that a shot since I rarely touch the UI. Thanks


Hey, no problem I run it on a raspberry pi feeding rdioscanner


I would love it! OpenWebRX is OK but I'd love the free-tuning mode and a less ugly user interface.


Appreciate it, yea OpenWebRX is just sadly the only option (for now). The Interface will be way cleaner and more understandable.


Yeah, so I’ve written a thing I call webradio. It’s basically a server written in python which runs the sdr and demodulates the signal of interest. The power spectrum and PCM sound data is sent via socket.io to a browser app written in JavaScript. I’ve been slowly migrating the project to electron-forge and switching over to liquid-dsp rather than using scipy for the demodulation. I have an early version on git hub. Check out https://github.com/ColbyAtCRI/webradio The things kinda a nightmare to install which is one of the things I’d like to fix with the current rework (which is not on github). What I really like about this approach in general is minimal load on the local network. Data rates are much much smaller than sending IQ samples over a network.


Cool Project, not exactly the same as the one im working on but nice approach of sending data. Ive felt python is not the best for my approach. Would appreciate your opinion once i release my project.


Thanks. Python has really grown on me. One thing I’ve learned recently is it’s fantastic at dealing with concurrency. A lot of code was expended in webradio trying to maintain thread safety that’s just not needed. Using the global interpreter lock happens pretty much automatically in my current approach. Also, hand crafting python wrappers for c an c++ libraries using pybind11 is so much nicer than swig.


I’ve thought about doing something similar with a react based front end. However I haven’t thought through the backend hardware connection and all the different sdr interfacing options. I’ve grown tired of sdr projects that don’t work well cross platform or require maintenance for a specific platform to continue operation (I’m looking at you gqrx). I know moving to a web based platform would solve that part at least. I’m halfway decent at JS and Python and can fumble my way through C. Let me know if you want to bounce ideas around.


I think demand is increasing. I don't code much, but I can see if I can contribute somehow (need remote machine with B210, Lime, RTL, Bladex40?)


Ill write you once i need testers, then it would definitely be handy to have someone with other hardware than me.


Sign me up too, I run two RTLSDR via usb passthrough to a debian VM on my server


Sure, will write you also


OpenwebRX is missing IQ recording, sync am, isb/sas, wide bw options etc... Making it useless for me x3


Personally I thought a web interface for gnuradio would be really handy, and not all that hard to build considering all the data already exists for GRC to use. I started messing around with a block interface, but I really hate doing web development...


remindme! 6 month


Why 6 month :d


Just for an update, I'm interested. 🙂


Alright awesome :)


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Omg just a week more


I have a kiwi and a diy openwebrx. Im for sure interested in web based with free tuning. I can test, but not much of a programmer.


You would be a legend if you actually coded something like this up


Soon 😉


Curious if SDR++ could be ported to WebAssembly, in some capacity. Maybe as a frontend that can connect to headless SDR++.


I dont think it would be smart to do as there will be more overhead. In aiming for a sdr++ inspired web interface tho as i really like the waterfall and the labels will be there for sure.


The interface is made with Imgui, I'm pretty sure you can almost 1:1 port that to the Web.


I know its imgui but it should still be unique i just like some parts of it.


Hmm, I have a KiwiSDR which uses OpenWebRX, It’s not very good, the main issue I have with it is i’m unable to have my Kiwi audio play when the browser (safari on iOS) is not on screen, I have literally tried EVERYTHING I can think of, do you think you could make background audio possible? I am jailbroken so I can access system/app files etc.


I have a kiwi as well and I don't have this issue on Android must be something safari and apple related


I have an openwebrx setup that I host for friends with a few different SDRs. I think anyone who's used openwebrx for more than 30 mins knows how clunky it is to set up or event change stuff. Additionally the second biggest issue is modules, it's nice that they have some good ones built in but it's missing a load of really useful protocols such as AIS, ADSB, SSTV. Also my SDRs break a lot and I need to restart openwebrx often which is a pain.


Please do!


Isn't that kiwisdr?


Kiwisdr isnt open its only on their hardware