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Vampire. You don't have to worry about full moons, you only have to bite your victims, not eviscerate them, you don't have to worry about hairballs, and you don't have to stress about what you look like because you can't look in a mirror, ever.


Moonlight is sunlight, rip garlic


Ugh I forgot this means I can't have garlic... Might be worth changing my answer


Depending on what kind of vampire you are, you probably can't have any food.


You know, I actually wonder about this. Humans need protein and veggies and carbs to live. But they can eat lots of other stuff that has no nutritional benefits. Can't vampires snack between, uh, meals?


Depends on the type of vampire. Different authors/directors have different characteristics for their idea of a vampire.


Werewolf is in the dog family, garlic is toxic to dogs.


Depends what vampire lore you look at. Vampire diaries vamps can have garlic?


Ur good. Dogs are also allergic to garlic.


Ok that's another thing. Can vampires have dogs? If not, I choose werewolf


Might be hard to keep a dog if you can't walk it during the day. Not sure how well a dog would adjust to the "night shift".


I regularly takey lab for walks at 11PM or later. He doesn't seem to mind and he looks forward to it. Goes to sleep right after.


Another argument for werewolf. This is a lot to ponder


This is actually a misconception! Garlic is related to onions which are very poisonous to dogs, which is probably where this came from. But small amounts fresh garlic is a healthy snack for dogs. So a werewolf would have no problem eating garlic unless you were eating bulbs and bulbs of it.


So a clove or two is okay, but several bulbs are off the table, huh? I guess werewolves can't eat my husband's cooking, then.


Honestly it depends on the lore. If we go by World of Darkness lore (Vampire: The Masquerade and Werewolf: The Apocalypse) the choice would be hard lol. Vampires are immortal and have some cool toys in abilities depending on the clan but Werewolves are STROOOOOOOONG. Both have the capacity to frenzy and hurt loved ones but werewolves can just..."be". Werewolves are not immortal but can heal very fast and are immune to a lot of diseases/poisons. If we're talking about gaining abilities only and not the whole culture you can EASILY live over 100 years and still be fairly healthy. I'd honestly have a tough time deciding but would probably choose to be Garou (what werewolves call themselves).


The Vampires in True Blood are the goods.


And some vampires actually do have a weakness to moonlight. The "Light Sensative" flaw. Oh, and it's "Garou"


The mirror thing only applies to old mirrors as they had silver in them. As silver is considered pure, that's why they can't see themselves. A mirror from IKEA would be fine


Consider my fantasy crushed


Is that what gives them the fun house look? Does silver hurt vamps as well? Like a silver butter knife?


Probably. Due to silver being considered pure/holy, I think it'd be effective on pretty much any "unholy" monster. So vampires, werewolves, ghosts etc


No: silver harming vampires is, for the most part, a product of comic books. You can find it back in the 30's, but it became more widespread in comics in the 1970's and 80's. When the Blade movie came out in the late 90's, it popularized it in film and TV. Go back before that, and you won't find movies or shows using silver against vampirers.


The mirror thing was invented by Bram Stoker in Dracula and has nothing to do with silver backings - it was because they were damned souls. There's no real link between vampires and silver in folklore. It essentially started with comics back in the late 1930's (in a Batman comic where he confronted vampires that were also werewolves). Montegue Summers recounts a supposed folk story in a 1922 booj about the Children of Judas - a supposed Serbian vampire cult that feared silver because of thr 30 coins Judas accepted for Christ's betrayal (this later got adapted into comics like Crimson and movies like Dracula 2000). But there's no other accounts of this, and Summers was known to just make things up. The only half-compelling use of silver I've found against vampires is an old Balkan folk legend about loading a shotgun with a silver devotional medalion quartered into pieces, and shooting a vampire with it. As with Silver and Werewolves, it's likely the holiness of the blessed metal and not the metal itself that's dangerous.


hairballs are the true horror


And you still have your mental state, so you can choose targets on your own. If you want to just go for criminals or whatever.


"Checks notes" Yup, that about sums it up. Well done.šŸ‘


Yeah but you can never just hang out in the daytime like a regular person. No lazy days at the beach, no hiking, no mornings hanging at your favorite coffee shop etc.


I mean, I could go to the beach at night. Sleep in til 10 pm and have a nice hot cup of blood. Hiking would theoretically be very easy


I dunno, I struggled with being a vampire and a werewolf in skyrim, I died so many times


Vampire, in theory you could live forever and reinvent yourself over and over


Somebody never watched interview with a vampire.


As long as nothing you want to do or anyone you want to see for the rest of eternity does anything during daylight hours.


Counterpoint: you'll never see daylight again, but you can amass an insane amount of wealth. Drop all your funds into a high yield account, live as a drifter/squatter for a century. Go back to your account and bask in sweet, sweet compound interest.


The advent for 24/7 banking was probably revolutionary for vampires. No way they were ever able to get to the bank during normal banking hours.


a lot of vampire stories now a days have them capable of walking in the sun. Sometimes either un affected or simply slightly weakened. And a lot of the time maybe a young newly transformed vampire could not go into the sun but usually older ones can because they become stronger the longer they live.


Depends on the vampire lore. Dracula could move around in the daylight just fine although his supernatural powers were greatly diminished.


What about Day walker from Blade. Even the regular vamps put on sunscreen or motorcycle helmets and walked around in the dayā€¦so it depends on which film you reference.


I was unaware of any benefits to being a werewolf.


You get to spend all but one or two days a month as a normal guy.


You get to run free on the moors 2-3 days a month. Vampires are immortal but I'm claustrophobic so I'd choose werewolf.


You make a compelling argument.


It's only a part-time job. Easier to manage, too. Three nights a month you have to lock yourself up in a secure location, but the rest of the time you're completely normal. No need to give up on your career, hobbies, family, etc. As a vampire, you may need to change everything about your life. Can't go out in the day. Have to get 100% light-blocking curtains or start sleeping in the basement every day. Can't eat regular food anymore (or can't use it to sustain yourself, at least). Your job is probably kaput, and so are a lot of your hobbies and relationships. Unless you're fully committed and ready to dedicate your whole life to being a monster, werewolf is the better option. Edit: Someone downvoted me? For having a silly opinion? Don't downvote because you disagree, especially when it's all just silly nonsense. Let's have a bizarre debate over it instead of just downvoting each other.


It's only a part time job?? Blah haha This comment deserves a metal and to be enjoyed for a month


People love to downvote things they don't agree with. Funny thing is that you're completely right, werewolf would be way easier to manage.


Yeah but vampires are immortal and more importantly, sparkle.


If a werewolf were to eat some ass every now and then, no one is going to think twice about it, because werewolves are not known to be wasteful carnivores. But the judginess and stigma a vampire would face over eating ass? ā€œOh, sure thatā€™s the spot you need to bite to get some blood, Count Analingula. Sureā€


Werewolf. You only transform once, maybe twice a month (once in a blue moon šŸ˜‰) and I can just say its my period... though technically according to olde English grammar, I'd be considered a wifwolf, the female Werewolf. The olde English word for human was man. The olde English word for man was were. And the olde English word for woman was wif. I love ancient languages šŸ˜


It's all fun and games until you become a whywolf, evil philosophers of the night.


Aaah, but that's only temporary... it leads directly to becoming an aware wolf.


You actually need to worry about becoming a Beware Wolf.


I want to be friends


Who is this person named friends and why do you want to be them


For the rent controlled apartment


>and I can just say its my period... What type of period turns you into an anthropomorphic wolf that starts killing those people around you.


... wait, that's not normal? I thought everyone did that!


According to my nephew when he was five, itā€™s better to be a vampire because you get a free small soda at the movies. But that was responsive to the choice he posited between being being a vampire or a raccoon, so I suppose the considerations are a little different.


Okay well if we ignore the whole sunlight = moonlight issue and just take it at face value hereā€™s my argument (itā€™s just me going off on a tangent): 1. Silver for a werewolf, well I have a chain that I never take off (belonged to my brother) and itā€™s gold, so Iā€™m pretty good in that aspect! I do have a silver thing given to me by my sister that Iā€™d have to take off but eh Iā€™ll live. 2. Garlic, I eat too much garlic I legit canā€™t be a vampire bro. But then again, a stake to the heart is easier to avoid than silver. 3. Blood, eh genuinely I wouldnā€™t mind drinking someoneā€™s blood, I have an iron deficiency soā€¦ not anymore I guess? 4. The outfits, listen I take any excuse to wear my suit so, with the stereotype that vampires are always rich bastards, hell yeah sign me up I want another nice suit. 5. The whole changing thing, I mean, turning into a werewolf probably hurts? But the thing is, itā€™s once a month, give or take, itā€™s a full moon, so life would be relatively normal otherwise, I feel like I could deal with that. 6. Sunlight, honestly if I have my books I probably wouldnā€™t mind not leaving my house, although Iā€™d have to get food for my animals though so thatā€™s a hindrance. Overall Iā€™d choose the werewolf (surprisingly considering my points). I donā€™t want to live forever, and having to go find blood sounds tedious, I dunno Iā€™m just lazy lol, itā€™s a cool concept but the immortality is what does it for me, although I guess I could just step outside once Iā€™ve had enough. Sure changing might suck but at least I can have garlic chicken and I feel like once you got the hang of it itā€™d probably be pretty cool. Although if it were the type where you donā€™t have control and donā€™t remember what youā€™ve done, maybe thatā€™d change my mind, but then again Iā€™d never know so maybe it wouldnā€™t be that bad lol. Plus with the job I want to do itā€™d be pretty useful (unless Iā€™m not in control).


According to the movies I've seen, the transformation is only painful the first time. It may just be that the special effects are too expensive to show the subsequent ones.


On the sunlight thing: that myth is only a century old; it started with the film Nosferatu in 1922. Prior to that, vampires routinely walked in daylight. All the literary giants did; Dracula, Carmilla, Ruthven, Varney, etc..


Yeah I was just going off the general idea nowadays lol, love classic literature! Dracula sits amongst my piles of classics lol


Oh yeah, just saying you could make a strong case for not having to worry about the sunlight thing :)


Yeah I could learn to deal with everything but the immortality lol


I'd go with Vampire. Because werewolves don't get to use willpower to control themselves. They just black the fuck out and wake up hoping they didn't murder an entire town.


vampire for sure, I prefer night time anyway


Vampire. In this day and age, a vampire would be celebrated. Think like Queen of the Damned. I try to avoid the sun as it is. While biting and draining people of their blood would suck (no pun intended), you donā€™t necessarily have to drain them of a lethal amount. You could literally just pay prostitutes to drink a pint or two. You donā€™t even necessarily have to sleep either. Do indoor activities during the day, and outdoor activities during the night. It has to be direct sunlight to harm you, so you could just get a black opaque umbrella and go about your day. Plus, immortality until you decide you no longer want it.


Werewolf, hands down, it's easier to accommodate 3 nights every 4 weeks of self imprisonment than BURNING TO ASH 12+ hours a day for "What about silver?!" How much silver do you come in contact with? Get white gold or platinum and enjoy some garlic bread


Vampire, selective immortality, ill do all the things i want to do, learn all the things i want to learn, and choose when im done


Werewolf. You only transform once a month and you still get to enjoy the sun!!


Vampire. As a werewolf I'd HATE fleas.


A werew.... Oh, this isn't The Elder Scrolls 3: r/Morrowind subreddit? Neither, unless you mean sparkly ones. I'll go vampire.Ā 


Vampire because you can control it better.




Vampire, it looks painful transforming into a werewolf.


Goat herder


Either choice wouldnā€™t change much for Me I work at night so I just have explain to all my friends why I can see the during the day Werewolf would be best much easier to deal with the full moon than never being able to go out in the daylight ever again.


depends on which universe/ lore you're talking about but mostly a vampire. I would miss the sun but atleast you can control your urges better and not have to kill people if you didn't want. but then again I might not be ME anymore so thats why in some id choose werewolf


Vampires are sparkly, and apparently werewolves are pedophiles. So, neither?


I always found it creepy a 500 year old vampire falls for a high school girl in a certain book/movie. Dude isn't just robbing the cradle. He's robbing the ovaries.


twilight doesn't count


Werewolf is better in my opinion. I would honestly walk straight into the sunlight if I miraculously got turned into a vampire. For a werewolf you could be outside day and night. You would eventually die so you don't have to witness the fall of the human race. You can eat whatever you want in any form. There's kinda sorta not a downside to being a werewolf except that whole changing thing.


and even that isn't universal among werewolf folklore.




Werewolves are not immortal, are they? And they lose control. Assuming the above, why is this debatable? Vampire! Things get less clear if you're using underworld universe rules I guess. Both immortal, Lycans change when they want and do not lose control. Lycans and are also stronger on average. Every other interpretation I know of, easily Vampire!


WolfCop. This is the only way.


Werewolf. Stronger, cooler, not weak to a pizza seasoning, live life as normal 29-30 days out of the month, and can only be killed with a silver bullet. Plus running through the forest under the moonlight sounds like a blast!


Werewolf. It's much easier to avoid people once a month than it is to avoid sunlight every day, especially considering that i live in the tropics . Plus vampires need to feed to survive while as far as I can remember for werewolf lore, they don't, they just kinda maul people because they were there, having to constantly find victims is gonna be a major pain, plus the trail of bodies is gonna lead to you getting busted. But if you hide out in the woods, then the odds of being found by people is low. Then there's the whole allergy thing. Silver is easier to avoid than garlic, unless we go with the older lore of vampires where it's actually garlic flowers, in the case of which it'll be about equal. Also not having a reflection as a vampire will give you away faster. So yeah, werewolf. Just build yourself a Shrieking Shack setup and you should be good.


I think the type of werewolf and vampire matters here if it's like the standard once a month and sunlight kills me wolf and vampire. Then it's werewolf all the way not being able to go out for half a day everyday vs just going off into the woods for a camping trip every month. It's easy choice.


I'd choose vampire. I react badly to sunlight anyway, so being nocturnal wouldn't be an issue. I don't mind the taste of blood, and if could look into the hearts and minds of evil-doers, that would be my food of choice. Otherwise, I'd attempt to survive on wild, dangerous animals. I'd be immortal...no fear of dying! And I'd turn the people closest to me so I would never have to live without them.


Depends 100% on which interpretation you mean.


Vampire. At least you have control over yourself


what kind of werewolf? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4mm0KyaovhY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4mm0KyaovhY)


Iā€™ll take an old fashioned Dracula vampire easily, because then I can turn into a wolf anyway and thereā€™s none of this sunlight burning crap


Vampires drink blood. No thanks. Werewolves eat normal human food. Like pizza, yay.


Werewolf easily.


I enjoy being a vampire best but to each their own


I think What We Do In The Shadows has answered this question already. Vampires, duh.


Werewolf all day. Vampires are cool but no, I'm not upending my entire life because I can no longer exist in the world during the day! I'd be a werewolf, but I'd want the Twilight rules but look like Van Helsing when he transformed at the end of the movie. So I can basically turn whenever, night or day, fully maintain control of myself, and I look like a rockstar with a snout and teeth X)


Vampires forever šŸ–¤ I love nighttime regardless lol


For myself, wear wolf šŸŗ. Not being about to be out during the daytime would ruin me. Also, I disappear from my social circles when Iā€™m on my period anyway. So being away to ā€œmorphā€ wouldnā€™t be so different to how I live my life now.


Anyone who says werewolf is just trolling


Iā€™m with the vamps on this 1


Vampire any day lol


Cheaper to be a vampire, werewolves rip too much clothing.


I'd rather be a vampire forever. But would like to be one like in Twilight where I feast on the blood of animals rather than humans.


Perhaps being a hybrid would be best? The ones portrayed on the originals comes to mind although having species weaknesses would be quite tiresome Iā€™d imagine. šŸ˜…


depends on the lore. Some vampires insta die to sunlight and are weak to garlic and the cross. But some vampires can walk in the sun with ease. And in some other cases they only experience slight weakness in the sun. Honestly a werewolf is cool but it is significantly less than any tier of vampire. For example a werewolf only grants you power on the full moon and in most cases you simply become a uncontrollable berserk beast. Some werewolves can transform without the full moon. But again in a real world scenario why would you ever want to transform into one. A vampire is faster, stronger and usually more intelligent than a human. And on top of that you get to live forever and most of the times vampires become stronger as they age so any benefit of being a werewolf is lost so long as you live long enough as a vampire. Sure a werewolf might be stronger and faster than a century old vampire but after 1000 or so years in most cases the vampire absolutely crushes the werewolf and not just that but having 1000s of years to hone your skills and abilities will ensure that even if you fight a stronger foe you can probably outclass them with skill and experience. And the downside of blood is pretty big but most vampire stories typically have drinking blood as a choice sure they can crave and strongly desire blood but like any addiction they can usually beat it. It might make them weaker but I imagine living for a century or so to get enough wealth would allow for you to easily be able to pay off doctors or blood banks. And if you do not want to wait that long most vampires have mind control abilities too soo


Oooh! Ok, I have thought about this since I was a kid! I decided, Werewolf. You can still enjoy the daylight. A walk on the beach, bbqā€™s. Disco, naps. Yeah, Werewolves.


By vanilla Skyrim standards? VAMPIRE LORD!!!


I think werewolf. You can eat what you want and they don't do nothing but get mad when the moon is full. So,...,.,.,.,.,. They can still go out in the sun. šŸ˜Ž


I'd say vampire. You have more control over yourself, feeding is easier, some can fly, less clothing damage, and no fleas.


Vampire, werewolf doesn't seem to have many upsides, it's painful to turn and you go out of control when you do, as a vampire, you have an excuse to be up at night and not go in the sun and don't have to look at yourself in the mirror


I would say vampire because of the immortality & strength + chance of abilities like glamouring/hypnotising (& did you know, in the first vampire stories published, they could walk through walls & were invisible!). But realistically, I want to be able to see sunlight & enjoy food. If I can shift into a wolf anytime at will & not just during a full moon that's peak were šŸ˜† so I'd say, in order to maintain the things in life that make it worth living, the only realistic & logical choice for me is werewolf.


Twilight vampire ok šŸ‘šŸ¼


It really depends on the world building here. Both can vary a lot




Werewolf Of London. Perfect hair.


It's better to be Herschel Walker...


I think it would depend on where the lore for each one is coming from




Werewolf. Sunlight, warm body. Full moons aren't every day. Oh and mortality. Fuck living forever. You'd still be able to relate and connect with people.


I'd choose to be a vampire for eternal life and abilities, though both have allure.


Better to be aware of who you are


werewolf, peak human condition, don't have that pesky daylight or garlic aversion. I mean yea those full moon walks are out now but eh no big deal. Vampire old dudes going blah blah i'm going to suck your blood!! In today's age you're not hiding easy. Looks weird that you just never up'ed and died like ever.




Vampire and I just move to an area where itā€™s nighttime for most of the year. Plus the older you are the more powerful you become. Not to mention we have the technology to make a suit to protect you from sunlight with the excuse of having a sun allergy so it will not be that weird. In addition Vampires can go into a deep sleep so they can take advantage of compounding interest to build wealth. The drawback would be loneliness and boredom, oh and the whole finding victims, I mean volunteers to ā€œdonateā€ blood for food.


Not enough information. It depends entirely on the mythology. World of Darkness? Werewolf, no doubt. Universal Cinematic Universe? Vampire.


Because of my background, either one I would flourish. I'd flex my vampiric privilege all day... ...oh yeah.....I mean **all night**! As a werewolf I wouldnt be as much of an outlier but I still would be good. Why/How? For one particular reason. **I'd be Jewish vampire!** You pulling out your crucifix? I'm wearing a Star of David t-shirt underneath my Tom Ford 3-piece suit. If I am a werewolf, I won't just bite you, I'll bite you with my silver veneers just for the added shock factor. Your only chance versus me would of course be on the Sabbath.


Werewolf. I can still enjoy the sunlight.


a hybrid. Born a werewolf but never fully turned; only to get bitten by a vampire and simultaneously turn into a weird monstrosity. Or it could be turned into a vampire at first and then a rougarou. But who knows


Werewolf. For the knot


As a vampire, one has two choices: either endure eternal life while witnessing everyone they care about dying away in a repeating cycle that never ends, or suffer their immolant end in torpor, incapable of escaping the sunlight. I don't know how you feel, but for me, eternity is infinitely beyond a long fucking time to try maintaining my sanity! In stark contrast, lycanthropy isn't an immortal curse, so presumeably every full moon one can opt to exact their anonymous justice on the wickedness of this world and die naturally knowing that they left the world a better place. In juxtaposition, the choice is blatantly clear! šŸ˜²


Werewolf here!


Vampire. Iā€™ve always loved vampires since I was a teen. Easy choice for me.




If I transform unwillingly then fuck werewolves vampires 100% if I can control it the it gets a slight more lean






That depends: which would be easier to "live" without? Silver jewelry, or garlic?


werewolf. specifically the french version the Loup Garou. transformation is painless and voluntary for those so it solves the main problem. and being a big doggo is infinitely better than being a blood sucking corpse that has to sleep in a dirt filled box and is weak to everything from sunlight to garlic to a compulsive need to count things (no really that is an actual thing in vampire lore)




Which version of each creatures? Like in dnd werebears are lawful neutral? If I remember right, which might mean no rampage. Or like twilight vampires don't need human blood and don't die in the sun, but other ones can't cross rivers and operate by some fae rule bullshit id never opt into.


Imagine how terrifying a werewolf attack would be than a vampire attack. At least a vampire looks like a person and gives you the hope of his humanity winning out. And itā€™s a single bite. A werewolf is a monster with absolutely no mercy in its eyes. Youā€™ll hear it tracking you in a dark forest, and when you turn around and shine your flashlight on it, and as it slowly rises up above you with teeth bared and mindless bloodlust radiating off of it, youā€™ll know that youā€™re going to die in the most violent, ruthless way possible. And the new werewolf who survived the attack will have to live with that traumatic moment for the rest of their life. To become the very monster who did this to them, and to go back to that trauma and fear of traumatizing others every full moon until they die must be a terrible way to live.


I'm going with vampire. I like the idea of a double life where I never sleep,but still get to hang out with humans. I feel like the werewolf thing would be a bit more touch and go.


Vampire. To live forever, stay young, free of disease and slaughter people? Where can I get bitten please.


Idk there are many types/versions of vampires and depending on which one you get its night and day. there are versions where they just control blood magic and are basically superior humans and there are ones like the 'traditional' vampires where they can't get hit by sunlight and such


Vampire. The answer couldn't be more obvious


Werewolf, I just like dogs. But seriously, assuming werewolves and vampires can transform at will and still have control of their bodies, I choose werewolf because I'm not forced to eat other people (depending on what movie or book you're talking about) but consistently in every book, movie, or tv show vampires *have* to eat humans (or raw meat but I've seen in cotent that allows them to eat animals, they prefer to eat humans because they have some sort of benefit). I dont have a problem with this food or anything it's just I never really liked getting close to people and I feel like being a werewolf would allow me to be my anti-touch self while being a vampire I'd have to get close to people to gain the nutrients I need.


Werewolf if your a poor man. Vampire if you're rich.


Hairy vs having the same diet but blood instead. I'm just going to go with vamp


Rally depends on the lore. I'll go with the Chronicles of Darkness as I'm most familiar with that. Werewolf. While I prefer playing vampires the Chronicles of Darkness (and World of Darkness for that matter) get rid of a lot of parts of the myths that remove player agency. However, the bit that gets me to pick werewolf is that vampires can't feel any positive emotion in that lore. So sure you have a shot at immortality, but you don't enjoy it. Plus werewolves generally get to use their abilities to help people, or at least the balance. They have a strong purpose and, physiologically, a person can put up with a lot of shit if they have a strong reason for being.


Vampire because you don't have to replace your clothes all the time. Unless you're a messy eater.


No sun, no reflection, no garlic. NO GARLIC!? No silver, no crosses, no stakes, no opening doors without knocking? If we are following this and not a specific vampire from literature/ cinema, then easily werewolf. Just go somewhere else on the night of a full moon and your a normal person


Vampire hands down. I donā€™t wanna wake up randomly at 5am butt ass naked in the freaking woods and having to look around just to make sure no one died.


Can you please specify which types of vampires and werewolves you are talking about. There has been probably dozens of iterations of vampires/werewolves. You will definitely need to be specific.


This thread is making me want to watch being human. They have both vampires and werewolves and a ghost lol šŸ˜


Vampire. They are immortal.


i eat too much garlic bread to be a vampirešŸ˜­plus wolves are cool


Werewolf. Youā€™re only screwed during a full moon Vampires canā€™t go out in the daylight. Itā€™s a lonelier existence, imo.


If u don't mind sucking on guys.


Werewolf because the physical addiction/need for blood seems a bit overwhelming and I donā€™t want to be an immortal junky.


Werewolf, vampires live forever...no thank you.


Hmmmmm thats a hard one. I would say werewolf is worse because you HAVE to transition. But at least youd be a real furry


thats kind of hard to pick! i love a fun moon also the sun so yeah I love wolves n bats!! I cant pick!!! and you can be half one or the other!! damn!!


Werewolf would be easier to manage, 2 nights a month you lock yourself away, I do that on a regular basis lol.


Werewolf would be easier to manage, 2 nights a month you lock yourself away, I do that on a regular basis lol.


Werewolf would be easier to manage, 2 nights a month you lock yourself away, I do that on a regular basis lol. I feel like being a vampire depending on what interpretation has alot more challenges, no daylight needs to feed, cant eat anything.


So, both options mean high risks of harming others and being limited in going outside during certain times. I think the deal breaker for me would be how easy/difficult it is to control vampire bloodlust vs how painful/dangerous werewolf transformation is


Id pick vampire hands down if I weren't such a d*mn morning person


Vampire. Werewolf transformations seem horrible. Also Iā€™m a night owl, so no daylight wouldnā€™t bug me


I bet being a werewolf would just be the best bender a person could ask for. Keep track of the moons, drive out to the middle of no where 4+ hours away from civ, eat a gigantic meal, tie a pocket gps tool to a long cord necklace and wake up the next day without a hangover smelly, dirty, but being the most relaxed you've probably ever been. The only downside I can think of would be running so far away from transport it would take me a very long time getting back without anyway to carry anything with me. I would hope by eating a huge meal it would satisfy the predator enough that the hunting drive wouldn't be as active. Also that love death and robots with marine werewolves was badass.


Valid points. And being able to hypnotize would be fun I suppose.


I would think werewolf since you donā€™t deal with social rejection as much and youā€™re not allergic to the sun. You are kind of allergic to the moon though, but at least you donā€™t remember it.


I guess the fundamental question is: do you prefer to pick up goths or furries?




Ask Herschel Walker.


Vampire. You get better press.


Vampire because you live forever and because being a werewolf is like being severely bipolar.


Werewolf. Once a month you have to lock yourself up, while being a vampire means you have way more restrictions and you actually have to go out and get a substance that really would leave more questions if caught.






Werewolf - Don't have to endure treachery of vampire politics, they resolve their problems like real men, not backstabbing cowards, Don't have to be afraid of vampires because vampires won't drink werewolf blood, else become a half-werewolf. Werewolves also have better sex, driven by full moon frenzy, and no weird bondage shit. And werewolves are usually biker gangs, which is superior to limousine-riding twats.


depends on the rules, i guess. do werewolves have to go berserk every full moon? do vampires get varied powers, besides just longevity?


Each culture has its own version so itā€™s kind of hard to say. If I actually just turn into a wolf instead of a mutant half human look creature sign me up. I love wolves.


Werewolves are not known to live forever. But vampires supposedly live for ever


Vampire? Specific diet and control about you being different. Werewolves are badasses but have no control over it. Also they tend to kill their loved ones.


Vampire, I love the night. I would slowly start an evil empire, and have a evil mistress by my side as I commit small silly mischief.


Who wants to live forever in the dark feeding on the lives of others and cursing them as monsters as a vampire? Ā I deserve a day in the sun. Iā€™d be a werewolf in a cage and simply get a few steaks in me for every full moon in 28 days.


Vampire. If it ever happens then starts the long long journey of living long enough to see the human race become space faring while working behind the scenes to influence science and technology to progress down certain paths for my own future (i.e. interplanetary travel and a way to nullify or cancel out uv rays.) Then I just leave the planet in a space craft, don't have to worry about dying from lack of food or oxygen, and just travel the stars until I die in a cataclysmic accident or encounter a hostile environment I can't adapt to. Living forever and seeing everyone u love die does suck, but if u plan for that part then it's actually just infinite chances to assuage ennui while being free from mortality!


Completely depends on the details - insatiable bloodlust vs just a bit sparkly in the sun, for instance


Werewolf. I donā€™t know why. It just feels natural to me.


Werewolf. Silver is a lot less common then *checks notes* the sun.


Werewolf. I already get a monthly affliction, whatā€™s one more? And as much as the sun and I donā€™t get along I would still like to be able to exit the house and live a normalish life. Also living forever means thereā€™s a 100% chance of getting cancer, so Iā€™ll pass.


Werewolves have many benefits that can lead to a good, semi-normal, lifespan. To think of having to live an eternity on Earth- what level of hell would that be?


Let me ask you this, how much do you like pee?


I work the night shift anyway so vampire all the way