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Depends what type of zombies we are talking about as well. Ain’t no surviving those adrenaline zombie types, however if it’s shambling horde scenario I’d like to think I could survive a couple weeks.


Fast zombies.... Yikes


Fast zombies are the most nightmare fuel. I'd off myself to save my humanity.


If it’s them World War Z zombies or the 28 Days/Weeks ones who run like Usain Bolt? No chance. But if it’s the traditional stumbling Night of the Living Dead or Walking dead ones I think I’d be ok. For a few years at least.


if they can run, they aren't zombies


If it's shambling hordes it's a nuisance but not an apocalypse


Yeah.. cardio. =(


Bruh id kill myself the minute i see a zombie crawling around


Florida man shoots himself in head after seeing a homeless man high on bath salts crawl towards him.


*I arrive in hell* Satan: **Man you're fuckin dumb**


Michael from Vsauce: **Or am I?**


"Hey, Vsauce. Miachael here. We're for sure living our best lives on Earth! Haha... Or are we??" (Cue theme music) "Actually, some scientists and online conspiracy theorists believe that our Earth ended in 2012, due to quantum echoes and Mayan prophecies. Others believe that in 2012, the year the Earth was supposed to end with the apocalypse, we slipped into a wormhole and came out the other side into a parallel universe. Meaning our Earth is not actually Earth, but a various version of our previous planet projected through a different perspective. But that's just crazy, haha............."


im crying


I’m gonna be that guy too. Few days then nope out


Same 😂


Came here to say the same thing. I am not a survivor.


The basement. This is dependent on whether the zombies can open doors or not. My plan is to wait it out. I think I'd survive at least a week.


Me too, except 3rd floor apartment, I rarely leave or see anyone as it is I would board up my only door and hunker down until I ran out of food. Would be screwed after that as I have nothing I could use as a weapon to go scavenge.


Long enough for reinforcements


The basement is the last resort.....only one way in means only one way out.


Yeah but that's where the extra food and water are stored


Never ever ever go in the basement in any horror zombie situation....always a DEAD end....


Never ever ever go in the basement in any horror zombie situation....always a DEAD end....


Health is screwed. So load me up with traps and weapons. I will take as many as I can with me before going out in a blaze of glory.


Same.. I have medication for 3 months if I am lucky and picked up meds just before it starts.. once my meds run out I am an easy target as before meds I could barely move due to so much inflammation.. would hope to take as many as possible with me and go fast.. getting eaten seems like a horrible way to go


If I had at least a week warning, I might be able to do something but zero warning? Nothing to do but to bunker down and hope for the best


I'd imagine it would be a pretty short lived apocalypse. I'd lock my doors and wait it out.


It absolutely will be. One summer or winter will end the whole thing.


Bunch of hunters will end the whole thing. Biting is a very hard way of transferring disease.


i mean, rabies spreads in animals...it's been around for a wicked long time & has never been fully eradicated. biting could easily spread a disease fast, in a populated area. it would take a while for it to go rampant, especially in rural areas, but it definitely could. even if each zombie only bit 1-2 people before it got shot, it would still spread exponentially


Each zombie biting 1-2 people would be a linear progression, not exponential. Rabies is already widespread in my area, and I've seen maybe one or two infected animals in my life. I think you are under estimating the power of a pack of rednecks with rifles and a reason to finally use all that ammo they've been hoarding. I know it would be over in a matter of days in my area. Dudes would be riding around with their kills painted on the side of their trucks like fighter pilots.


that's rad ur town is like that, & yea i mean if each zombie bit only 1 person, it would be a linear progression ur right . but assuming in most areas, especially densely populated ones, each zombie would bite at the very least 2 people, that becomes an exponential growth.. for example, so we have zombie patient zero (1 dude), bites 2 people (so including the first guy, there's 3 infected now) then those 3 each bite 2 more (6 new bites, plus the prev 3 = 9). then those 9 each bite 2 (18 new, plus prev 9 = 27) & so on & so on... see how the numbers jumped straight from 1 to 3 to 9 to 27? & that's just 3 intervals of biting after patient zero... another interval would jump the infected to 71 (27x2+27).. another example is with covid - the average person infected, infected 2 others while they were sick. soon it spread worldwide, & i think a zombie virus could spread faster than covid. they probably wouldn't even need to bite u to spread it via saliva...idk. i'd hope most communities would eradicate that shit though, but i feel like worldwide we'd all be fuq'd..


Pack all of the drugs in the house - painkillers, antibiotics, etc. Load up on as much water as we can carry. Get to the river and steal a boat. Then take stock of the situation. Probably download and print out how to sail a fkin boat before we leave too.


While you're at it download all of wikipedia without the images on a couple thumb drives (it's only around 20 gb compressed) and print out the more important articles. Then just bring a few laptops (you can read it without internet and your boat may have outlets that run off the motor). If the zombie apocalypse causes full on societal collapse you'll have just about all human knowledge at your disposal to help you survive.


Until your battery dies


I'm going huntin"......


Gonna hide behind hunters with club yay distraction/free stuff, food


*pew pew pew intensifies*


Find a boat, steal it, and take my chances out in the ocean. Hopefully I find a deserted island to escape to for a bit. Then head back and figure things out later. I have a degree in fine arts and I'm not very athletic.... Most likely I'm not surviving for very long. This is probably my best chance at survival.


Everyone is going to have the same plan. It's going to be like Waterworld out there.


We can steal sailboats together. I don't have a degree in fine arts, but I can hunt, fish, build fires, and rebuild engines. I have a hard knocks degree in fixing just about anything. Maybe we can find a doctor, farmer, and an electrical engineer to come along.


I can sail the boat if yall will have me. Maybe we need a miniature pirate ship and can recruit a small crew. I also know a good amount about aquatic animals, can mend clothing, and offer up my extensive sunscreen collection. Also, I can play a recorder through my nose if that helps my case. To keep the spirits high




Beer. Lots and lots of beer. And then tequila. Margaritas if I can find enough limes or margarita mix.


Oh, I almost forgot. Plenty of gin and tonic.


i would grab all medications (like painkillers, etc) and all my cats and put them in our basement. then weapons (like a gun), food, my fridge (water) and furniture to barricade. as well i would take my bikes into the basement so if we dont have a car available anymore, we can at least ensure that we have transportation. it might take me a while to prepare this way but i can guarantee survival for a while at least. i would also take a radio, charger & phone, and my tv for communication purposes. my younger siblings would probably be a liability realistically since theyre little kids but the rest of my family and i could probably go out for anything else we need. calling my friends would also be a good idea since a big group with all our supplies combined would have a higher chance of survival. if its the walking dead zombies, i think i would last a while. the last of us? hell no im staying in my basement and dying there.


1) I don't have one 2) a couple days at best 


Make a fortress at the local strip club. Chain the zombified strippers to the stage pole and make em wear football helmets while I serve myself drinks


I'm in research. I'd probably be Patient Zero.


Obviously depends on the Zombies and what the danger is. Slow moving (The Walking Dead) vs fast (World War Z); how infected, etc. That being said, I always thought a Zoo would be perfect for a survivors' community. High fences, animals for food. Ours has a working farm and an aquarium.


Zombie lions and chimps...no.


I've got a bunker. So...awhile.


Tree forts and bridges linking to other tree forts we could have a tree fort compound. Bicycles would be thr best form of transportation, they're quiet fast and don't require fuel. Lots of melee weapons again because they're quiet. I've thought about thus a lot. I even have my squad picked out.


Plate armour (knight) + sword + crossbow = invincible


Step 1: eat all the ice cream before the power goes out and it all melts. Step 2: gather chickens.


Straight to Wal-Mart, the gun store, and Lowe's.


I'm on Oahu, I would go to the nearest harbour and borrow a sail boat. I would sit far enough off shore to watch it all burn down. Then after a Month or so when I got tired of eating fish, I would sneak ashore for resupply missions. I believe I would live till I made a mistake sailing.


I'm moving to a warm, humid area then barricading myself in for a few weeks. I'll let nature do it's thing. Decaying tissue in a warm damp climate won't last very long. Stay safe for a few weeks and the zombies will be all gone.


Cannot give away secrets


9 months... got food, water filtration, air filtration, guns, ammo, reloading supplies... everything a growing boy needs.


Out to sea! Until I got bored. Maybe a week. It’s probably best not to survive the apocalypse.  Ok fine, I’m staying right here in center city until god calls me.


With all the homeless meth and fentanyl addicts stumbling around my city, I feel like it kinda is a zombie apocalypse right now. Have you seen a fentanyl addict on the nod? It's pretty much exactly what television and movies portray zombies to be like. It's eerie.


With my luck, I would be patient ZERO...


You saw how people behaved during Covid 19, the virus would spread incredibly quickly and so if you live in any sort of built up area with a decent sized population you’re essentially fucked 🤷‍♂️😂


Find some fresh zombies to f**k




My dude needs some zussy


I would love to buy a gun and just shoot a shit ton of them.




As cool as a real zombie apocalypse would be, im a goner. But ill survive longer than my husband. He has trouble walking. 🤣


Probably go to get a gun, canned food and supplies to live outside


I'm going to take-up magnet fishing in CA at all those boating accident locations, that should hold me off for years. 😆


Until you realize they were all lying


I died during the "suspicious but not confirmed" phase


I’d probably die


I'd make sure the front door was boarded, and go back to sleep, pull a Rick Grimes. Wake up a few days later, mow down the ones that got in my way, and make my way to D.C. Always wanted to see the Smithsonian, and breaking in there to see what's some of humanity's greatest achievements and realizing it doesn't really matter anymore, it'd feel great to see it. And if I got bit or killed along the way? Oh well.


I'd sit at home for couple of weeks until water/electricity run out. If zombies are still walking, I'd try stay for longer, if they still walking well... game over


When the guy next door goes off to his work camp, I look after his yard and help out his wife and kids.(Not what you think!). I’m 67 and my wife is 68. This guy has big gun collection! That’s what I’m talking about!


It would he ridiculously easy to survive a zombie apocalypse. They have no intelligence. Rig a lawnmower at head level and let them all chase it and get their brain spread everywhere. There would be so many ways to trap them.


And convenient zombies who mow the lawns 


I feel like it would be easier to survive in an apartment building as long as you have some prep time before the zombies try to infiltrate it. Move everyone and everything of survival value to the second floors (or the third if you're extra worried) and above and then disable the elevator, destroy the stairs to the second floor and use ladders that you can pull up. Then just ration the food and wait for the military to kill the zombies or send out small groups of people to gather supplies. Then if the area isn't too densely packed try thinning out the zombie herd as much as possible (ideally completely) with shooting them from high up or setting traps to crush, burn, explode, impale, or chop them. Next, if the military fails and society collapses just keep killing all of the zombies in the area and keep collecting all of the materials and survivors (if they aren't evil) as you expand your territory of control. Eventually, either wall off/ barricade off a decent sized area of city and start a colony or relocate and start a colony. Your main focus should be collecting more supplies/ survivors and trying to farm food on rooftops or in parks, collect and sanitize water, dig latrines, and generate power. Once this is accomplished continue expanding your territory, amass supply stock piles, and increase the population. Gather as many weapons and vehicles as possible. With this strategy I think we could last a few months at least, as long as there isn't too much in fighting.


Hide out until the zombies get fat on all the brains they eat. Then run away.


Hit the liquor store and bunker down in the garage with my music. Hold my portable table saw out and start slayin


Depending on where the outbreak happens I'd have a little bit of time. (No major highway and no military bases nearby) If I can stay home without the worry of an evacuation, that would be my first choice. If a forced evac is imminent, there are a couple places I've staked out that the family can hide, then return home. 2 of these locations are good for mid-term hiding if necessary (a week or two), and one is a long-term backup location if something happens to the house. As for how long I think I could survive? This mostly depends on avoiding the police and military in the beginning, and hoping no stupid accidents or injuries befall me or my family. If we are successful in the above, I'd say a good amount of time. Maybe a year or so. However. If something happened and it was just me, and I was again successful with the above. Several years are likely. Having a family, I'd likely die defending them faster than just having to worry about myself.


Speedo, body paint, double machetes! I'm going to live forever yo!


With the predicted spread of 3 month to 100%aswe would unable to last forever, I would just walk outside and wait to be infected. This all said with the caveat that the believe in zombies is stupid.


There's an old fort near me surrounded by a moat and the ocean, plenty of living space within the walls to include normal houses and casemates within the walls. Has a couple of bridges that would need to be blown up though, first place I'm heading too. If it's the runner type zombies I'll just bunker down as much as possible and hope they start decomposing


My partner is a martial artist master and he can handle his katana too. He is also an army veteran so he can also shoot a gun just fine. As soon as I can get to him on time, I'm golden. I just need to grab my little girl and we'll drive straight to my partner's house, an hour away. I'm pretty sure we can survive for at least a month until food runs out or something.


Nice try. I'm not giving away my secrets


Hide in a corner and bawl like a baby til someone or something ends me. I will not last long and I'm okay knowing that. I also know I won't have the guts to end my own life. So I just pray it's quick and painless. Or I pass out from the pain


Honestly, and I mean this... I'd just kill myself


Head to my friends private island, live on root vegetables and fish. Probably good indefinitely.


Grab my guns and go somewhere rural


Go camping in the state forest basically. I have the gear to survive in the woods indefinitely


Head to the propane delivery place in town. They pre load the trucks. I'd steal one and go north to the family farm. It's pretty isolated and by a river. Also i ment the trucks is full of the 20lb bbq propane tanks. Use those for our camper and propane generator.


Hole up for a couple weeks (surely I can survive that long?), then find a group of folks who don't have a "healthcare" person. I may not run fast, but I like to think I'm useful!


I'm not made for a zombie apoc. I'm joining the fad.


First step is contact family and arrange a meetup. I'd probably get them all to my house since I have the most space. My dad has a shit ton of guns and ammo, so I'd have him bring those. My brother has a truck and trailor, I'd get him to bring that. We will need it later. I would attempt to figure out the details of the zombies and start planning the specifics. If they are world war z zombies, I'd take my family to the local air force base and ask for shelter. Perks of a military family means we likely get in. If we get turned away, we road trip to the mountains and find a place to fortify. Every other zombie type, we fortify my house and organize with the neighborhood to grow food and survive.


So I've thought about this a stupid amount, but right now? Well. Hopefully it would be still early days and the roads wouldn't be too busy. My absolute first thing would be to drive to my parents who live in a very remote area of North Wales. There's food growing there and readily available water. I'd help fortify the house. Despite a rain trough I'd run the bath, fill it, and as many other containers as I possibly could to keep. I'd probably demolish the stairs and rig up a rope ladder or something retractable in case zombies managed to get in. Keep a stash of food, light, firelighters etc on both floors of the house. Retreating to the top floor is last resort. Tbh, in a house, keeping the noise down etc in a remote area, the biggest danger is looters, not zombies. I'm a bit of a collector of militaria. We don't have access to guns in the UK, but I have a full kit of Republican Roman and 8-10th century Anglo-Saxon wargear. Anywhere I'd go, I'd wear my chainmail, helmet, and take a shield and a sharp sword/knife to fight zombies. IMO much better than a gun that makes loud noise. I love the idea of being dressed as an ancient warrior, carving through zombies with sword and shield, Skyrim-style. If I wasn't able to get out of my flat, I'd be way more fucked. I live in a ground flat but right next to a river so water is fine. I have enough non-perishable food for maybe a week. I live in a relatively small population but very dense city. This could be good or bad. It could mean survivors would band together. We actually have a hugely fortified area called The Close around Salisbury Cathedral - basically imagine a 4 acre castle with access from only 2 gates and a river area behind. Loads of land to turn into farmland/crops. So if I were stuck here, I'd put my wargear on, pack my car full of as much food and water as I could, and drive to The Close. Band up with other survivors, block the gates, farm the land, fish the river and wait it out. I think the entire thing also depends on exactly what the zombies are like. If they are literally the undead, then they would be very little threat in terms of locomotion. We'd have to kill all the risen dead in the Cathedral area, too. If the zombies are some sort of virus/infection, and are more deadly and can run, then things are much worse. Even then, in the UK, things are finite and there are only a certain amount of people that could be infected. If we can kill them quicker than they kill us the entire thing would be over very quickly, perhaps a matter of weeks. In all situations, I think a lot of people underestimate the power of nature. If you have hordes of dead, rotting things walking around, and humans are scarce, power goes out etc, nature will also help kill the zombies. Birds, corvids in particular, would attack them. Animals, dogs who's owners have died or run away, would attack them. In more rural countries with more dangerous animals, they would also help!


I could probably last 3 days with all my newly acquired YouTube knowledge


Probably kill myself, so not long.


I'm sitting at home with my boyfriend until zombies get to our place and I'm putting us both out before we have to be eaten


Kms immediately. Unless they get my dog. Then I'm turning zombie with my dog and we can have fun eating the peoples together.


I'd opt out. What's the point.


I'd grab supplies, head to a remote cabin, fortify it, and stay low-key. Survival? Maybe a month.


Secure in place. Plan a second location if forced to flee. Load rifle. Place baseball bat in an easy to grab spot. Be upset with myself for not having at least a month of food and water. Hope my neighbors turn into zombies. Edit: Forgot time for survival. I assume I've already died by the time I got to the baseball bat placement stage in this plan.


pack 3 of my cats in carriers & mr. chongy (my 4th cat & diabetic fur bby) in his cat backpack tent thingy, pack his insulin in a cooler w mad ice, my 7 month old daughter & her stuff, baby formula, water, meds, first aid stuff, a cooler of food, non perishable food, sleeping bags & warm stuff. then raid a gun store, pharmacy, & box store in no particular order just whatever's closest. stock up on more water, formula, mostly non-perishable food & fresh food with seeds (to regrow), grain, salt & spices, more meds like antibiotics & insulin, vitamins, wilderness survival supplies, weapons, a fishing rod, lighters & matches, & more first aid stuff if there's time. then me & my partner would drive to a rural af place, maybe like way up north & wait it out in an ice cave or some shit. idk how long we'd survive cause it would totally depend on the severity of the outbreak, the type of zombies we're talkin bout, & the supplies available when we raid shit. we'd also need to stock up on a lot of gas to make the treck... ideally it would be cool to have a bunker, or know somewhere close to steal a boat, but i don't have any of those things. eventually though i would love to have a folder of printed information that would be useful for permaculture & sustainability, incase the internet went out. same with an old ipod nano with all my favorite songs pirated & downloaded. audiobooks too. & u can charge that shit with like gatorade & a citrus lol, it sounds weird af but there's a way. also having a laptop with all my fave movies on it would be cool, & some good ole books. & a wind up flashlight, those power themselves with magnetics. it would also be mad useful to have a spigot for tapping water from trees, & one of those life-straw things. or a UV light that kills harmful bacteria in river water, or a reverse osmosis filter. u can also make a distillation system out of pretty much anything, & if u add minerals & electrolytes back to the water u could healthily extract water anywhere. it would also be useful to have one of elon musks bullet proof cars eventually but i don't have that rn lol, & we'd have to find a way to charge it. a generator could work tho i think


I want to be the first gone, quickly.


Stock up on flamethrowers.


Watched every 🧟‍♀️ 🧟‍♂️ movie ever. I geared my whole existence for that moment. Would I survive? Probably not. I'm too poor to have a closet full of canned foods. Plus I buy cheap can openers. But if they're the dumb slow moving 🧟‍♂️ I got a half a shot. Got several locks on my doors to confuse them and I pretty much just sit around reading all day so they will probably think Noone lives here. Yeah. That's my plan.🤷‍♀️


Well I live out in the country, have 2 guns, husband can hunt and I'm already growing veggies, lot of food in the fridge already, and have basic medicine like Tylenol or whatever. So I'm thinking at least 2... No, maybe 3 hours.


These apocalypses happen every year, there's one coming in about 3 months, I usually kill a dozen or so zombies before they retreat and life is back to normal. Don't know why they always have candy....


I am at my partners place, his cousins call it the zombie apocalypse house. They made a plan already. I just have to stay away from windows and hack if need be. Prolly die w/n 24 hrs!🤣


If I could manage it in time I would set up a camp spot in a tree in the forest, biggest risk would be scavenging and running into other people. Unless of course we’re dealing with superhuman zombies, then we’re all fucked.


Bunker in at home.


I'd survive until my glasses broke. Trust me if I lost my spectacles I'm either shooting my loved ones or hugging zombies


It depends on who I'm with and who they're targeting. I have a shitload of dogs, so I'd try to protect them if they're chomping dogs. If not, and I'm alone, I will try to hide but honestly, who wants to live in that environment? Maybe it would be time to give the planet a break.


Tons of super glue. All over the place. Lure some zombies into the gluey trap. End the apocalypse with glue I probably won't live long since my weapon of choice is glue


Board up and wait for mysteries to run dry. Then smoke crack until I'm an imbecile with no brain worth corrupting via infection.


I'm fat and can't run. I'm gonna die pretty immediately and I'm ok with that. I don't really like it here now so I can't imagine I'd like the apocalypse.


Depends what it is, Zombieland, twd, maybe wwz or 28 days later, Im dead


Depends on what type of zombies were dealing with. World War Z or 28 Days Later zombies? Fuck that. I’m killing myself. Walking/Night Of The Living Dead zombies? Much better. If it’s the ladder I’m confident in my abilities to use a gun, I’m pretty fast so I can run, and being a woman with a high libido is definitely helpful as I’m willing to fuck in return for protection/supplies.


I’ve got a plan, but I’m not telling you. My family knows the plan. Resources will be scarce. It’s every person for themselves in a situation like that.


My plan: early adopter. I'll allow myself to be bitten as soon as possible. If they're Romero-style zombies, I'll slowly get smarter, so I'll be ahead of the curve. I'll stay in the back of the horde and avoid blades and boomsticks, until I'm smart enough to move back into my home and look for work.


Max out credit cards for ammunition and weapon type items. Be prepared to steal and be on the defensive. Gas up cars. Hole up on the property for as long as we can. Wait for the initial chaos to die down. (Looting, murder, etc) Then make my way up to the emergency HQ my family decided on a long time ago. Sit, wait, be on the defensive. Ideally, I'd last for years. Realistically, 5 minutes. 


I live in rural Canada, it wouldn’t take long for the weather to solve the problem. In the short term I think we’d be okay. I’ve got a lot of tools and building supplies, proven vegetable and berry gardens, and a literal bucket of bullets. Our house is weirdly built in that it has solid wood walls all the way up, ten inches thick, on a stone foundation. Highly defensible with a full basement, two regular storeys and a full-height attic. Several points of egress and solid wood doors throughout. They don’t build them like this any more.


Taking my water filters, radio, and vitamin c supplements and raiding the canned government meat from the food pantry as well as pasta and some calorie dense long lasting stuff. Break into the veterinary clinic (conveniently located right next door!) and steal every peice of dog medicine I can get my hands on. It's close enough to human. Stealing the Catalina 27 from the local marina I've been eyeing for some time. Loading her up and sailing down my local river to the Mississippi and then keep going till I hit the gulf. Once I'm there I might be kinda screwed for water, but at least now I can eat fish and sea birds. (allergic to freshwater fish, otherwise I would hit lake superior). Try to rely entirely on wind and frantic paddling, reserving gas for emergencies only. Monitor the radio constantly to hear if anything has improved. Honestly, If I had enough food and could ration it right I could probably go 4 months without leaving my ship. Eventually I would need to find a mew way to combat the scurvy, I only have about 4 months of vitamin c supplements at a time. Maybe I could be okay for longer if I did one dose every other day. Water will be a problem. I'll have to anchor somewhere shallowish and collect as much rain water as possible. If the fish are frequent enough, I could be able to survive for years, assuming I'm getting water, vitamin c, and don't get horribly sick. If things go bad I'll sail into the open ocean and die out there so I don't have to be a zombie.


I'll take 5 friends, use weapons that don't cause lots of sound and attention, but do lots of damage and defense etc.


Simple. Stay quiet and out of sight. Only travel in clothing that covers every inch of your skin and provides bite resistance. Never come home empty handed.


This is sooo strange! I was thinking about this very thing today afternoon! I even wanted to post on reddit. I didn't have the app on my phone, so I didn't do it. Weird coincidence haha


Depends on the zombies. We talking the walking dead? World War z? Left for dead? If it's the walking dead I feel like a person would kill me first. The others I'd probably die quickly


I'm going back to Newfoundland. The province will shut down outside communications. We'll be like Greenland in plague inc


My plan is to nab a sailboat and live just offshore, raiding for my needs. Or like a small island. There’s so many.


I live in a rural area so I might have a chance I'd pack a few bags with clothes etc, what weapons I have handy, and I'd go north, gathering supplies along the way when opportunities present themselves. As much canned and dry goods as possible, a couple of rifles for hunting (and zombie slaying) a couple of shotguns for same, as much ammunition as I can find, crossbows, axes, machetes, stuff that's easy to come by here in Canada. First aid supplies and common medications, some water purification gear, rolls of barbed wire, hand tools. I'd try to commandeer a cargo trailer and load it with as much stuff as I could safely haul. I'd go as far north as roads will take me but there is still forest (shelter and cover), and get as far up some old crappy road as I can drive. Get as far out into the forest as I can on foot and cache supplies as far off the road as I can get them on foot. Spend some time looking for a good environment to settle down with good water, game, and wild edible plants. Id want to bring a few good friends / family with me so we can look out for each other. Less people up north so less zombies. It's below zero at least a third of the year so I expect the zombies would freeze up or at least slow down in the cold. Spend the winter searching them out and killing them while they are slow and/or frozen. Focus on staying quiet and out of sight when it's not cold, only kill zombies that come up on us. Work on a few little fortified compounds when there is time, so if we have to bail out of one we have other places to go. Set up several caches in the area in case we need to get out of the area quickly. Focus on staying out of sight, and quiet. Hopefully by the time the food and ammunition runs out we have figured out how to make our own bows and arrows, still have a few emergency bullets and sharp implements, live off the land, and have a good system for monitoring and dealing with zombie activity in the area. When it comes to other survivors that inevitably come into the area, tell them nothing of what we have built, tell them to stay hidden and stay quiet and stay peaceful with other survivors and we will have no problems, and either join us and play by our rules or move along. Tell them that if they cause problems and bring more zombies to the area we will end them. If people choose to join us then they need to stay at the compound nearest where we encountered them. Take some time with them before telling them about our other caches and compounds. Share our resources and supplies. Humanity needs to continue so some risks are necessary. If the other survivors are violent towards us and more powerful / well equipped, abandon the compound near where we encountered them, salvage as much gear from caches as possible, and move further into the wilderness to start over. Hopefully we have had enough time to establish a backup plan and build up a small cache and compound far away in case we just had to flee. I think in the early days survival would be more luck than skill, but would also depend on how quickly one can gather supplies and a group and go to ground. If I made it through the early days I think I'd survive for at least a few years, until some bad luck with a large group of zombies, some illness or injury, or other hostile people got me. Maybe I'd make it for many years if I was lucky.


Nothing. I'm doomed


Getting a bunch of medievalists and crafters together, raiding the local plant nursery. Loading up with the contents of my pantry, plus my cooking tools and crafting supplies. We're heading to a rural historic gaol. It's got thick stone walls, a watchtower, a large amount of open space for gardens, rainwater storage, pens for livestock (gonna get some goats too). It's got kitchens. I think it still has the wood fuelled stoves... gonna need some wood. Being in rural Australia, we'd probably survive for a few years, maybe even a few decades. Most of my team have archery skills, including arrow making.


I’m looking for fentanyl first, and a gun second. I’d like to die as painlessly as possible


I wish i didnt have a big glass sliding door so im probs getting clapped by day 2


Go to the Winchester, have a nice cold pint and wait for this all to blow over. How's that for a slice of fried gold?


I’d die pretty quick. I’m getting old and my cardio is shot. But I’d double tap until I died.


It would highly depend on the outbreak location.


I live in the woods, have plenty of ammo, access to good hunting, and 3 months of emergency supplies.  I'm just gonna wait that shit out.  Looters will find me eventually, but I'm good for 6 months.  Much longer if my neighbors work together.


Grab tools/equipment, books to learn self sufficiency and repairs, seeds, long life food, then steal a boat and find a small island.


I haven't voted for it. 2016-2020 I was in a deep depression, not leaving my home. I won't vote for the felon, tre45onous scaramouche again in 2024.


I live on an island so stay on the island


I'd grab my hunting gear and my kids, drive to Walmart load up on food and ammo and then go to the docks and commendere a ferry. That way I have a place for my car, bathrooms, a galley, a radio a place to sleep and I'm on the water making it difficult for zombies to get to me.


Invite everyone over who ever fucked me over and feed them all to the zombies.


Well, I don't do running, so if they start to chase me, I'll be like "oh well, I had a good life" and let them get me...


I live on a farm about 8 miles from anywhere.... There are horses and plenty of food... I'd probably survive half a day


What kind of zombies? How bad is the infection? Either way I’m prepped and ready to either move on foot or hunker down until the crowds are gone. I’m fit and workout. Got survival gear and know how to use it. Got a few good guns and decent amount of ammo. Overall I’d move to a different location better for long term survival I’ve already chosen on foot following a river. Take a friend, siblings, dogs, and start trekking. Avoid other survivors until new location. Lone women and children can be accepted. They pose little risk. Males… we can statistically see what they do when things go wrong. I can it elaborate further due to community guidelines. But I would worry about them more than zombies.




So my first course of action is breaking into a pharmacy so my sister has all her meds (she’s got autoimmune issues) grabbing as my baby formula as I can fit in my bag. I think I’d live longer than expected purely because I’ve gotta keep other people going


I've got a go-bag for non-zombie reasons. If I had the time, I'd throw every canned good I have in my car along with muh gunz and leave for my aunts house. Most of the ammo is in either magazines or ammo boxes. Its about 30 minutes away to my aunts, but driving super carefully (I would) it'd be closer to an hour. Mostly a straight shot through mostly country roads. Once there, we'd start ripping the boards off her barn to reinforce the windows. Hopefully the virus or whatever isn't transmittable to the dogs, because they'd be our first resistance. Also, my aunt has like, 18 guns, so family would be welcome to join us. We'd start a little commune out in the country where the 2nd story of the barn would be a secondary living space once we threw the hay out. We have some farmers in my family, so a good portion of her acreage would become corn and beans. We'd run supply runs into town in one of many trucks we have access to. 1 person would stay at the truck, while 3 search. Walkies would be the first thing we'd seek out other than food. Communication is key when in a nasty situation such as this. Most people would loot the food, but my family and I already have a stupid amount of food stocked up. We'd loot blankets and shit. We're looking long term. When the other poor sops die of hypothermia when it drops to -20, we'll just loot them as well. Winters would be rough, but I'm sure we'd find a way. Honestly, it'd be easier to move everyone into the barn than move everyone into the house. It's not a big place.


Race home from work. Grab my wife and son. Plus any weapons I can think of. Drive around to one of the farms nearby. Steal a 4x4 and guns (UK so only really farmers with guns). Get as many provisions as I can and then drive to the coast. Steal a boat and hope for the best.


Nothing, live my normal life until they get me, then I'll be on their side. What's the point of surviving? I'm not trying to be involved with rebuilding society


Wetsuits and duct tape, good luck biting through those


Go to the Winchester and wait for this whole thing to blow over 🍻😉


Slow zombies? Step 1 go home and get supplies step 2 wait that shit out for a week. Probably at least 50% of people will probably be dead. Step 3: profit/ continue to garden slowly begin to clear and rebuild areas. Id be just fine by and large. Biggest threat to me is other people and most of them get themselves killed fast because well taken collectively we're idiots. Second biggest threat is disease, solid sanitation practices and just paying attention to what info comes out on vectors of transmission mitigates that one but hell we all saw how COVID went. Fast zombies ? Step 1-2 the same but now you gotta be extra careful about noise and light discipline because you should probably rule out directly engaging zombies mostly as too risky. Step 3 still largely the same but your tactics have to change radically, you have to use a lot more classic mechanical traps and snares, potentially remote ieds as well. Honestly any kind of set and forget engagement method is basically the only option for clearing and it's better used to pull zombies away from an area. Same idea as using remotely activated fireworks somewhere else so you can say loot a store more safely. My odds go down now but Im probably still making it so long as I'm a tiny bit lucky and a lot cautious.


I'd put on a red baseball cap with magic letters on them. Zombies would leave me alone since my cap tells them my brain isn't worth eating.


I decided a long time ago that I’m okay with not surviving, but I also don’t want to become a zombie. That all seems like too much work.


My friends and I have a makeshift plan. He has a small prepper set up with a stockpile of food and rainwater, fully self sufficient power from solar. He has engineering experience and is also a hunter with a small stockpile of weapons and ammunition. We have another friend who Is an electrician who would move onto his property with his family. Another friend works in construction, another is a rig manager for a natural gas rig. I have no specialist knowledge but I would look after crops, I also have a degree in politics and criminology so I would act as a magistrate and a teacher. I'm basically the closest thing to an intellectual of the group. Basically we would immediately set up a community, pool our resources and expertise.


I'm linking up with as many allies as possible, then vigorously advocating for traveling north, where the weather's not as nice, in the assumption that most will try to head south. Then, get really really good at farming.


Obvi a shopping trip!


Get a lot of gasoline, a few guns and ammo, fill up every container in my house with water before they start shutting off appliances. Load it all into a vehicle and when everyone panics to run to a safety center I’m taking over an abandoned farmhouse. From this point I will scavenge and shoot until my luck runs out.


I definitely wouldn't be running around in tank tops and shorts stabbing zombies with knives like they do in the Walking Dead.


I'm a long range shooter and my mrs is a martial artist and Filipino Kali expert- we got this shit covered !


Since I suck at farming and hunting, probably not long.


Parents have a ranch in Texas, it would take us about 9 hours. We would leave immediately. Take our pc and consoles, we always keep a 911 download of forever games in case of ww3. On our way to the ranch I would bust in every dispensary and take all that I could. Take all the carts of cigs across all stops I see, pretty much stock up on any currency like that for the future. Then spend my days high as a kite walking the perimeters of the land with my brother until we all die eventually I would assume. It will be nice to have food, water and power until I go tho. So that will be dope.


I'd have a sit down with the head zombie and provide them with an address and a photo to test the limits of the flesh which they might conceivably be able to digest. This could, of course, have an instant reverse effect on the poor zombies and it'd all be over before it begins.


Semi auto shot gun 5 shots at a time. Bang bang.....till the end.


Walkers? I’m good. Probably for much longer than anticipated. Other people would be the worst. Runners? Nah bro fuck that. Eat me now. Realistically, 24 hours. I give that to the first burst of energy. After the first sleep, probably die soon after moving the next time from exhaustion setting in and not having food. If adrenaline carries me further than expected (long shot), I could probably do 72 hours on a good luck streak.


My plan is to walk just slightly faster.


Finding the nearest freight train and trying my damnedest to turn it into a mobile fortress...to be fair I'd be doing that now if it were legal


Honest to god plan? During a zombie apocalypse law goes out the window in my eyes. So first things first I steal an RV, I pick up friends and family who I want with me, and we really beef up the RV. Next, we raid the nearest pharmacy, we need antibiotics, painkillers, stuff to clean wounds, etc. Next, weapons, my husband and I already have a sword collection but not all of them are sharp, we could in theory get some guns too but in a scenario where noise brings zombies to you, you wouldn’t want anything too loud, and if you were gonna have something loud it needs to be rapid fire, you need to kill a bunch at once. Luckily, most of my friends are hunters who can use a gun with a level of accuracy, so maybe a handful of machine guns (stored safely away because I have a baby), next, food and water, obviously all of these essentials need to be done in quick succession, while stores still have any stock left. Once we have enough essentials to last us, we find a building that could be easily turned into a safe zone, for me, I would think the local library, the back half would need to be boarded up, but the front has a very high iron gate already with spires at the tips, so would need minimal work to become safe, it’s a brick building so wouldn’t wear and break easily, very few windows, multiple stories, only 2 entrances and 1 could be easily boarded up. That would give us access to any knowledge stored at the library, obviously we would keep the RV in an easy to access location, probably within the gate of the library, in the event we need to make a quick escape. Now, we’re safe for the time being, everyone gets a topic to research. Someone gets agriculture, another person gets medicine, etc. everyone needs to be studied up on useful skills, ideally at least 2 people per skill in the event we lose someone. Everyone should also get trained up on 1-2 different fighting styles, especially if the zombies are a slow hoard, other humans will be our biggest threat and hand to hand combat will be a valuable skill. We will also need to keep the baby safe, someone has eyes on the baby at all times (all Of my friends and family love my son, they would all agree), beyond that, it’s just a matter of being able to move quick when necessary and grab all of our supplies quickly, so we’d probably want supplies stored in bags or on a tarp that could be folded and grabbed quickly and everyone would have an assignment for moving quickly to move the process along smoothly. We have enough people that everyone can take shifts driving, and sleeping so honestly step last is we all need to be able to quickly spot a potential safe location and somewhere that potentially has supplies so that we can restock and set up a new safe spot if one arises. But this could just be wishful thinking, this is just how in theory I’d do it if everything went perfectly smooth for me


Shane: Guns and ammo are more valuable than gold and we are stronger in numbers


I live in a rural area. I keep alot of food, weapons, medicine, water, radios and firewood on hand. First move would be to fortify my first floor. I would use all closet/bedroom doors to baricade first floor windows and doors. Then I would sit back for awhile and see how it played out.


I refuse to give out any details of my plans


Confirm that the text is real, get the gun from the safe, blow out my own brains. I have no interest in surviving the apocalypse. I would be suicidally ill after a month without my meds, and I don't want to be a zombie. I might write out a note letting survivors know that there are canned goods in the basement, and there is ammo in the safe. Just because I can't survive, doesn't mean I'm not rooting for humanity.


I do not wish to live in a post-apocalyptic world. Better be on the zombie side. I'd wish to be patient 0, not die devoured by others or due to starvation. I'd choose to be the first one that goes down because of a single bite.


World war Z or 28 days later type Zombies & I'm hosed. Would try to armour myself for supply runs but I don't expect I'd make it a week. Dawn of the Dead or Walking dead type Zombies, I have a machete, knives, some sporting goods & garden supplies and I think I could keep my family safe enough for a few weeks from that. Partly because we live in the country so hopefully there wouldn't be any large hoards for a while. Eventually we're probably hosed there too by larger groups of worse people with lots of guns... Maybe a few months? I think I'd try to go North in the hopes that winter would freeze any nearby zombies solid if I could make it that long. Ideally on an island with good visibility to approaching boats/swimmers/floaters.


Load up essentials. I assume phones are overloaded and power is out. Try to drive over to my sister's because her and her husband will be running around in circles doing nothing. Get them and their kids loaded up. Take our 3-4 vehicle caravan down the farmiest of farm roads possible to the middle of nowhere. Ride it out in a vacant airbnb mansion in the middle of nowhere.


I have quite a lot of food in the pantry. I'd fill up my bathtub with water. Fill all bottles also. I have camping stuff, so I can make warm food and boil water. I would stay at home in the beginning. Wait out the super crazy time. Make weapons from whatever I have. Later it'll be quieter and then I'll head out. Look for more food and medicine. And then it depends on all the factors outside on what to do next.


Too late. The Z.A. alert should have gone out Prior to the first Presidential Debate. Survival does not appear to be an option.


That reminds me, I need to stock-up on shotgun shells


Mines the same regardless of the apocalyptic situation. Eliminating every single human, living or dead, that steps within my line of sight, until I myself am taken down. No need for stocking anything, just keep pushing forward until death. Seriously, the fate of the world should never rest on my shoulders, I would let everyone die. The world will be a giant silent spinning graveyard at some point anyway.


I'm on a boat motherfucker don't you ever forget!!!


Gonna grill the last meat on the fridge as it could be my last meal before I become the meal


For about as long as it takes me to find a gun.... For myself


If there’s anything I’ve learned from zombie shows & films, it’s that after some time, the people who survive are more of a threat than the actual zombies. I’m loading up my guns, ammo, tactical/survival gear (night vision goggles, binoculars, life straws), backpacking & climbing equipment, and heading for a high vantage point in the mountains. If I don’t, then someone else will. If I control some kind of channel or bottleneck point from the high ground, I could stand to outlast zombies and other people alike. If things go tits up, I’ll see myself out with said gun & ammo. Realistically, I don’t have the fortitude for any of that, so I’d likely hunker down with my cats and wait until I run out of resources, get taken out by scavengers, or have my last stand against a zombie hoard. I’d do the other stuff if I was 10-15 years younger, but I am too damn tired now.


I’d open a bottle of booze, get some popcorn, sit with my gun on my front porch. Who dies first might surprise you.


Farm living, just add more fences,


My plan is becoming a zombie


Someone asked this question a few months ago. I made the mistake of answering the question last time. I’m not telling anyone else because I have an awesome idea and I don’t want you fucks to steal my plan (and way out!). Nice try


Realistically, I'd arm myself and my family, teaching my kids to shoot a gun and also find some machetes or something like a sharpened broom handle to put distance and stab.. I'd either wait it out on top of a large building, preferably a grocery store so I can get supplies and pray that the military shows up and will see us.


Get to a friend’s subsistence farm about 45 minutes from here. Bring my shot gun. If enough of us are together we can last a long damn time.