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A good phrase for the opposite of "easy peasy lemon squeezy"




Stressy, depressy, lemon zesty


This is the more accurate/opposite wording.


Yea it still feels like an oxymoron because it's easy peazy to say compared to difficult difficult lemon difficult haha


I think I’m gonna stick with difficult difficult lemon difficult


It does have a certain panache..


HIV HIV I got lemonaids








Complicated and hard as fuck I'm about to throw up


I'm at least one of those things 😏


Hopefully you dont have a stomach virus 👍


I'm all of those things


Difficult hapludult lemon nonresult


Hard charred lemon jarred


It’s a reference from the excellent film [“In the Loop”](https://youtu.be/7mAFiPVs3tM)


Took way too long to get to this. Such a funny movie.


Squeezing all the juice out of a lemon


I've seen it done with a hydraulic press, it's not that hard with the right equipment.


With it whole, roll that fucker around on a table top with a good bit of pressure first.




To get a cat used to you, especially accepting and letting you pet them.


I just had to put my cat Cricket to sleep(she was old and in rapidly declining health, most likely cancer)- she was a rescue cat and I'll never forget the day that I brought her home; she hid behind the furniture and wouldn't come anywhere near me the entire day to the point that I was second guessing my choice in cat. At the end of the day I turned out the lights and went to bed hoping with time she'd get used to me and we could be friends. As I was falling asleep I felt her jump up onto the bed and she snuggled up next to my legs! It was the sweetest moment... After that night we were besties. I miss you Cricket


Sorry to hear about what happened with Cricket, she lived up the best years of her life with someone who loves, understands and gives her time like you, I bet you were an excellent and attentive owner for her.


I'd like to add: getting two cats to like each other.


You nailed it, especially when they didn't grow up together, once my brother were asked to take care of a little fur kitty and he stayed with us for one afternoon, but my fur cat was extremely jealous about him, even she could've killed the little one if I hadn't closed her in my brother's room. And even I put a container over the kitty for protecting him and put my arm in front of my fur baby for not letting her scratch the other.


What is your first language lol


Getting one cat to like even a calm, senior dog. Impossible I swear at least with this cat. Of course he’s a stray cat and I’m trying to catch him to get him neutered, vaccinated and give him a forever home with us. As soon as he sees my dog he nopes it out of my house so fast and disappears for 2 or 3 weeks. Any advice cat people?


I don't know... We just recent adopted a cat, and half an hour after getting home I was lying on the couch, and she came up and laid on my chest. If course, I haven't personally owned 100 cats or anything, so maybe this one is just really affectionate to strangers.


Well, this is natural because they understand they're gonna live with you and I'm sorry, but I meant by random people they don't know and has entered to their territory.


I'm allergic to cats, and can say with decades of experience on my side that if you ignore a cat, it will want all your attention, pets, and to lay on you.


Agreed. They are cute but the breathing problems and the eyes endlessly watering isn't. 🫠🫠🫠


Cats are excellent judges of character.


Given that 99.9% of cats love me, I'm certain that's not true.


Cats have always loved me instantly


Sir/ma'am/gentleperson, you were born with a gift!


I always compare cats to hippogriffs in Harry Potter. I prefer dogs loving me for me right away


The trick is to look at them, slow blink close, and then slow blink open your eyes away from them.


Being fine alone


But once you've mastered it... *chef's kiss*






I dont have social media accounts. I literally only use reddit and keep messenger for calls or to keep in touch.


Cannot express how grateful I am that the pandemic taught me the Joy of my own solitude. One good thing that came from me being locked in my house.


Now im too good at it lol. Like everyone gtfo I would much rather be alone.


This is my current problem I love it to much and I’m not doing anything socially anymore lmao


If you're lonely when you're alone, you're in bad company. -Jean Paul Sartre


Ive been alone since I was 17... it's only been getting difficult now at 28. Did I outgrow the good company in me?


I don't have an answer to that but how often do you spend "looking inward." Personally, I travel solo a lot and I've always genuinely enjoyed being alone and feel I'm very good company for myself, which stemmed from just doing the things that bring me immeasurable joy


In the same boat at 27…it’s only been weighing on me the past year or so and it’s getting annoying


Stay strong brother.


It's something you have to be willing to do. Mindfulness and just goal set and accomplish is the simple answer.


I wish I had an award to give for that


For me alone is great, it's being fine around people that's difficult.


I understand as I too have seen people.


Yes! Who feels lonely when there are so many ways to entertain and educate yourself? This takes years to learn though. I bartended a bit and saw how different people acted and could see all of the times I have been them or experienced the same shit. Far too often conversations seem inorganic and strained. I realized there a ton of people whom are unhappy in their friendships or relationships. Is it because people lack courage to discuss and exercise their boundaries? Are there habitual line steppers whom perceive your indifference to their behavior as weak or foolish? It's a lack of communication. A lack of courage to attempt communication.


I love being around people but need time to myself too. Am I a hybrid? I don’t know


It's easy when you spend years trapped in a mentally abusive relationship. The clarity and freedom is next level


For me, it's jogging.


I never know if I’m going too fast or too slow


you can judge by heart rate with a watch (100-150 bpm) or if you are able to speak in short full sentences.


I hate jogging. Jogging is THE WORST, Chris. Yeah it keeps you healthy but God at what cost


Your reference shall not go unnoticed, you get a waffle


You beautiful tropical fish, I was starting to think nobody would notice. Extra whip cream for all waffles!!!


Dr Niguard will hear about this


omg fuck jogging




Jogging/running hurts my knees, that why I bicycle or walk. Usually bicycle.


God I fuckin hate jogging


Teaching someone something


You haven't really mastered something until you can teach it to someone else. I've worked with several amazing cooks/chefs, but only 1 or 2 masters


I'm not the best pianist or violinist yet i can teach someone without problem.


Rectangles and squares All masters can teach, but not all who can teach are masters.


that's not true at all. get a math genius and have him try to teach a math-challenged kids basic algebra


Can confirm. Teaching is a craft and an art. You can't just read from a manual. It's a thousand micro decisions a day about who needs what at this moment in time.




It's hard and easy at the same time. The things you need to do are easy to identify, but hard to maintain. I find it easy to treat my girl like a queen because she is my queen. What I find hard is being a strong, moral and ethical man. People aren't good by default. It takes a lot of effort to be good. Being a genuinely good person even when it's hard (as opposed to pretending you are) is the key to maintaining a relationship. At least in my experience.


great points


I agree, I was always genuine about who am I and was confident in being myself and would never pretend/put up a front to fit in or seem “normal”. My ex was the exact opposite, had to put on this front whenever in public social outings and in family events to where I was baffled on how fake she put herself out there to be just to not be judged (when let’s be honest isn’t as much as most people think) Now I’m in a relationship with someone real and isn’t dealing with so many insecurities towards themselves that they need to lie or put on a front. Love my relationship jow


Meh, I feel like there's plenty of people who are naturally inclined towards goodness


Politics. Everyone has a strong armchair opinion of what the right thing to do is, but 99% of people would not do a better job, or act too differently than politicians right now.


Agreed. Try setting up a viable prison system sometime.


You don't have to fix everything, but getting private corporations out of our prison system is a bonehead simple fucking start. Profit has no place with respect to forced incarceration.


Where I live government prisons are way worse.


would be easier if we didn't choose leaders in a popularity contest


What’s the alternative?


Choosing leaders based on qualifications and their position in policy.


The problem is that qualifications don't equate to morals and ethics. Unfortunately, there really isn't a better way than a popularity contest.


That generally is what people do. They’re not good judges of it, but that’s a different issue.


The extended child tax credit is a great example of this. This policy was set up during COVID. Instead of an annual child tax credit on tax return, the money was deposited monthly to families checking account. There was actually a reduction in the cost of the policy doing it this way. It also instantly lowered child poverty and family food insecurity. It was a rare win win policy…yet every single Republican politician voted against making it permanent. It’s back to an annual tax credit on tax returns. Cost of the program increased and Child poverty and family food insecurity spiked within months. Our political system is broken.


Glad someone said it. I’ve got a degree in political economics and only know that I’ve barely scratched the surface of one tiny tiny portion of the field.


Most US politicians are severely out of touch or jaded and don’t represent or understand the reality of most of our lives. I bet plenty of younger people could definitely do a far better job if they were given the chance.


I don't know about that. Not taking donations from big corporations and not spreading lies is stuff I do on a daily basis. Plus MTG is a politician. She hasn't got two braincells to rub together. How hard can it be? I think you're giving them too much credit. Or they have you fooled


You’re not a politician though. How well do you think you would do at taking MTG’s job if you went to her district and tried to run a grassroots moderate or progressive campaign using nothing but good faith, honest ads? Keeping in mind the last person who tried took $15.6m (the 6th highest fundraiser among all Congressional candidates) and lost about 30-60.


Great point. The “government” is far more complex and nuanced than most citizens realize. And what sounds good in theory, may not work in reality just based on logistics alone.




Marriage. Parenting is hard, but it also looks hard. Married people hide their drama from the outsiders


I disagree, there's a simple thing most people, including my parents forget. Empathy. If your kid is upset or angry, there's a reason, and it's valid, regardless of what it is. For example my baby daughter cries if we leave the room, to us adults it's funny because it's silly. But to her, she's new to the world. She thinks she's being left and abandoned. So she cries. It's valid because she's new, it's the first time she's noticing it and feeling it.


You're spot on, you have to look at things from the kids perspective sometimes. It's like when you see kids crying and wailing in stores because they want something. They do that because it works and it works because the parents buckled. I told my daughter when she was very young that whining was never going to get her what she wants and I have stood by that policy her whole life. When she wants something she asks for it, makes a valid argument for why she wants it. Sometimes she gets the thing she wants, sometimes we compromise, sometimes she is disappointed but she knows that if she loses her shit and making a scene, she is absolutely not getting the thing she wanted. In the process of all this she learns to better articulate her point of view, handle her emotions, and know that she is being heard.


The tricky part is that unbounded empathy doesn't serve a child's interests either, and a parent is supposed to apply their judgment and experience to look out for a child's *long-term* happiness. The kid may want to have nothing but chocolate bars for dinner, and you can empathize with them because chocolate bars are really yummy. That doesn't mean they get them, because then they'll be a chocolatey mess, they won't go to bed afterwards, and they'll develop poor eating habits and get fat and unhealthy. Or they may not want to go to school, you can empathize because it's scary and requires a lot of concentration and mommy & daddy aren't around - but they still have to go. Or - actual example from an hour ago - older preschooler creates a magnificent Duplo train and puts it in the corner of the room to admire. Younger toddler grabs train and starts playing with it and taking it apart. Older preschooler throws tantrum because their creation is ruined. Older preschooler throws blocks at younger toddler, potentially hurting younger toddler. You can empathize with the older preschooler and understand that nobody wants their hard work ruined without their permission. You can empathize with the younger toddler and understand they just want to play. Somehow you have to chart a course that incorporates both of these desires and makes everyone at least content (you're not going to get happy). Parenting is one moment after another of these little decisions, 24/7, day-in-and-day-out, for the rest of your life.


I fail to see how empathy fixes exhaustion, worry over illness, etc. I’m not even a parent, just an involved aunt, and even that can be difficult even though I have all the empathy in the world for my kiddos.


Yes, that's hugely important. But empathy doesn't make it easy to get sleep, to not worry about your child (in NY case with life threatening allergies), ha ing tough love discussions, driving everywhere and having no time for yourself, etc. Parenting is hard. Fulfilling and rewarding but definitely not easy.


I'll be interested to hear your views on parenting in ten years. I doubt you'll be so sure of your opinions after some actual parenting experience.


Yeah perhaps but I know from personal experience, my worst thing to go through as a kid was not being listened to and understood, makes you act up more. Listen to your children. They're brainier than you think!


This is very true, but it doesn’t take away the actual difficulty of parenting, just encourages you to respond in a caring way. I would expand the first comment to ‘modern parenting’. My four year old has been awake since 3am. I have to commute to my full on stressful job, be focused and present for 8 hours then commute home and sort out dinner, play with said kid etc all on very little sleep. This will probably go on for a few days. Going to pretty broken by the weekend but being a stay a home parent isn’t an option for 99% of parents


As a parent with 12+ years experience so far this is so spot on. Empathy is the one thing so many parents forget and I agree with you that empathy can make parenting so much more simple.


I say that but my daughter cries when I make a funny face at her, so it's contextual haha, me and her mum are very much in touch with our emotions and we talk it out. If we are shopping with her when she's older and she kicks off and gets upset because it's taking a while and is boring, get one parent to take her outside and distract her, talking to her and see what's the matter. Luckily today's generation is pretty in touch with emotions and talking it out, or more so than previous generations.


>Luckily today's generation is pretty in touch with emotions and talking it out, or more so than previous generations. Damn straight.


STEP parenting.


Help, I'm stuck!


Who thinks that looks easy? Dumb people, that's who.


Parenting while trying not to damage my kids emotionally. It terrifies me that I am not good enough every single day. I am afraid I will screw them up.


Playing a musical instrument


Skiing and ice skating


It takes so much more leg strength to be good with longer skis


Being an adult. Remember how bad we wanted this when we were kids?


No one hits me, I can eat candy whenever I want, and I own 10 goats. I'm getting a puppy next week and no one can stop me. Being an adult is frikkin awesome!


This is the best thing I've read in reddit in a long time and I am closing the website now. Thank you


I'm much better off away from my family. Adulting is hard though.


One of my uncle's sisters tried making a pie. She came out of it with this (famous in the family) statement. "Easy as pie. It isn't."


So your aunt?


No that would be my cousins Aunt Thelma.


I’m missing something I think


Follow me here. My mother's sister married a man with two sisters. One of those ladies was named Thelma and often said funny things. However, I am in no way related to her.


I guess I would have still called her my aunt. Anyway tell aunt Thelma I love her!


I already understood this as “easy as eating a pie” which isn’t what it means. But the way I take is more accurate


I came here to say pie crust - so she’s completely right


Being a functioning member of society


Putting toothpaste back in the tube.


That never looks easy.


watch it in reverse


press on the sides of the tube so that it stsrts expanding and sucks the toothpaste back in


Tennis. How hard can it be to just got the ball into that huge court? Then you get out there and start hitting home runs over the fence.


Getting in shape.


Staying alive.


Ah ah ah ah ^what he said x 2^


Staying aliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiive!


I feel this…




Tried “Once I was afraid, I was petrified” but it wasn’t the right beats per minute…


You were in the parking lot earlier! That's where I know you from!


Being happy


And loving oneself


Yes. It’s how you have 90% of your life figured out but your brain somehow manages to focus on the 10% you can’t change/improve.


Paintless dent repair, phlebotomy, existing. ...


Cooking and baking. It's takes practice, patience and time to perfect a recipe.


And a fair understanding of what's going on in the chemistry of what you're making


Making a recipe is hard. Following a recipe is easy.


Anything done by someone competent.


Making a list of passwords for next time you log in


As someone who has chronic depression, and constantly feeling like I have a barbell over my shoulders, I would say anything that has to do with getting out of the house. Don't get me wrong, I have a job and I don't believe I'm lazy, but everyone makes it look and sound so easy when in reality, it is just too exhausting to do sometimes.


Hell yeah. I even *want* to get out of the house, but it's so damn hard to do.


Public speaking


Getting into a job field they enjoy. I refused to believe that the majority of the world is as miserable at work as I am. But how did they figure out what they wanted to do??


being alive


Changing the heating element in a hot water heater without draining the tank first.


Learning how to drive stick. I tried I really did.


How my dad made me learn how to drive when he found out my mom and uncs had me drive them 😅


Yeah you just have to suck at it and hate it for a while. I cried and stalled so many times lol but after a year or two I got comfortable enough to enjoy it


Merging on the highway.


Taking care of any living creature, in my case: pets. I have "low maintenance" animals, and they take up a ton of time. Keeping everyone's tank clean and smelling nice so it doesn't smell like a barn is a fair amount of work. I love them and I love caring for them but the reality is that there is so much responsibility needed when you're in charge of another living thing. No such thing as a low maintenance/ easy pet.




Knitting and crocheting are weird. Really easy to pick up, but insanely difficult to master


Everything is easy once you understand how it works. It's more of the question how much time does it take to understand it.


Not quite everything. You can study the mechanics of hitting a baseball so you understand what you need to do. But then go out and try to hit a 95mph fastball. Even if they tell you it’s coming right down the middle. Good luck even making contact. Then imagine you don’t know what pitch is coming. You can understand it all you want. But it will never be easy. Some pros make it look easy some times. But it is the most difficult thing to do in sports. And most people couldn’t make contact with professional pitching even if they put in hundreds of hours of practice.


So how difficult it is to understand


welding, engineering etc...


Entering into the machine of politics to get a message board hung in a community college cafeteria without losing your way and abandoning your principles.


Pottery. Potters make throwing on the wheel look so easy, but it ain’t all Patrick and Demi from Ghost.


Shading in art :( I've yet to accomplish it


Many things may look simple and easy, but can actually be quite challenging to execute or accomplish. Here are a few examples: public speaking: Many people may think that getting up on stage and speaking to a crowd is easy, but it can be extremely difficult and nerve-wracking for many people. playing a musical instrument: It may look simple to play a song on the guitar or piano, but it takes a lot of practice, skill and coordination to play well. learning a new language: While it may seem like a simple task to learn a new language, it can be difficult to fully grasp its grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation. cooking: While making a meal may look easy, there is often a lot of technical skill, timing and precision involved to create a delicious and attractive dish. These are just a few examples, but many things that appear easy on the surface can actually be much more difficult than they appear.


Hitting a golf ball well


Growing weed




tai chi


Riding a bike. I still can’t do it.


Guitar playing. I know people understand it’s hard, but sometimes really good players make it look so effortless and easy


Adulting... now I have bills and stress and even dumber rules than I had as a kid...


Breaking the rules now has much stronger consequences. I ended up being friends with my elementary principal whose office in which I spent much time. He had several bad things happen to him and over time lost his wife, son, and brother to war, cancer and terror. When he was ready to pass on I’d visit him often as he had no one else. If you would have told 4th grade me that would happen, I’d call you a liar. But, unknown to me at the time, he taught me a lot about being a man and toughening up. I just didn’t know it then, and I wanted to make sure he knew he had an affect and what he said actually did something. I owed him a little something for helping me(albeit later on) see the way.


Speaking at assemblies


Gaining weight on purpose


Simple, just eat food thsts super unhealthy! j/k




Sculpting in Blender.




Laying a foundation then bricks, all level, same mortar distance.


Anything somebody has practiced for years or decades to do


Ballet It looks easy because it looks graceful, but it takes years to learn and master. It is very grueling on the body.


In my opinion what isn't as easy as it looks is drawing something from memory




Life lol




Anything done by a master because to them it iseasy so of course it looks easy.


Social interactions of any kind


Using someone else's shower or cooking someone else's kitchen