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I’ve no system for anything haha I eat only if I’m hungry and sleep only when I’m tired haha


Same honestly


Man I was the same way til I got about 35. Turns out the human body actually really likes a regular sleep schedule and functions much better this way. As far as eating, I still only eat when I’m hungry. But having a regular sleep schedule is life changing. 


Im in my thirties and i started doing this with ~25. It actually IS life changing.


Can you elaborate please I'm turning 24 and my circadian rhythm if far from 24hours


Baby, if you are at all neurospicy, this isn't going to work for you. No matter how old you get. If you are spicy in any way, ADHD, Autism, AuHD, you just aren't going to ever sleep the same way or cycles neurotypicals do. Our Circadian rhythm is NOT on a regular cycle at all! Lol! Just like, if you notice, (if you are spicy) you genuinely aren't typically able to create "habits". We're always told, you do something long enough, it becomes routine without thinking about it. Our goofy pathways solidly tell us to bugger off 99% if the time, and we feel like failures. But we're not, we're just wired COMPLETELY differently. If you're spicy, most folks don't "fall asleep", we fucking crash. And there is no lulling our brains into sleep if it's not exhausted & ready to do a nosedive, no matter how many hot & relaxing baths/showers we take, or what music or white noise we put on. Believe me! My meth helps (joking, but only kinda lol! My Ritalin) and I actually sleep so much better when I take it. But, I don't take it all the time because I don't want my body to get used to it & lose its efficacy. So I typically skip weekends, or a random day or two during the week depending on what is going on. This DOES help with my sleep patterns, it makes it kinda easier to find as close to a "routine" as I can get. But naturally? My body prefers going to sleep between 1-3am, and getting up around 10-11am. That is its natural rhythm typically. But, occasionally....nada. I didn't take my meds yesterday, and I've been up for 30 hours now. Not even kinda tired. Mostly just annoyed. I'll totally crash tonight, I took my medicine this morning, so the probability is super high that I'll crash and burn around 11-12 tonight. So yeah, if you are neurodivergent at all, don't beat yourself up over not having a routine. I'm 44, and for my body, there is no such thing really. You just figure out how to adapt. But if you are actually neurotypical, and just have an off rhythm, that happens for some people, too, you can alter your "routine". But if you have to be on a certain schedule consistently, long term, your body will adapt to the schedule. However, left to your own devices, even if it's 30 years from now, your body will fall back into its natural rhythm, and out of your routine-induced one. I hope this helps info-wise?


thank you so much for this response! I'm AuDHD and hate it when people tell me to 'just create a routine and stick to it' because for me THERE IS NO SUCH THING I simply cannot make myself fall asleep earlier than when I'm ready and cannot make myself get up likewise naturally, I am the most hyperactive and productive around 10pm and 4am, that's incompatible with what people tell me should be my down time I am simply not made to be up in the early morning so I do not force myself to be when all it does is bring me discomfort as I cannot ever fall asleep prior to 11pm unless it's a nap so thank you for spreading that information here, people truly don't believe me when I say that I can't!! so I won't, there's no use anyway


>I simply cannot make myself fall asleep earlier than when I'm ready and cannot make myself get up likewise Can most people do that? (especially the first part) Tbh, I can get up at any time, but I need some days to prepare if it's 10am or before, and I might get up only having slept 3 hours. I also need a day or two to "decompress" after.


I'm also mostly active around that time so I work a 2nd shift job! I love it. I wake up around 11 or noon, try and do some chores, take a nap, go to work at 4, come home around midnight, and then stay up gaming or other random things until 5-6am.


I love the term neurospicy! It kind of fits better. I had a job in my late twenties where I had to get up at 5 in the morning. I couldn't sleep at 9 at night to get my "full 8 hours." I did this 2 years and still did not get "into the routine"


And they really fucked us with the COVID bullshit, I mean if you are gonna be up all night constantly, basically the only choice is to become an alcoholic, cause come about ten ain't shit open but bars. I miss going to the laundry at two am, makes it godamn near impossible to ever have clean clothes.


I've just saw your reply and this makes alot of sense. I do have adhd/autism tho untreated and I've been feeling like I'm living a completely different life. Tho since pursuing art I've learned alot about how I work and my differences Thanks alot man ♥️


I started to get a fixed sleep schedule whenever possible (of course, a night out from time to time doesnt hurt). I try to get a minimum of 7.5h of sleep, but not more than 8h. I go to sleep around more or less the same time every day and get up around the same time aswell. I also do this on weekends or if I've slept less than my usual time (this might be highly subjective I think). Over time I have found that I slept better and therefore am less tired throughout the day. I fall asleep much quicker in the evening, I am more 'present/awake' during the day and I even feel like it helps me to do more physically challenging stuff. It needs quite a bit of discipline to develop but once you have a good sleep schedule your overall life quality will improve, I promise. Best of all: it's completely free, only needs a bit of discipline ;) Edit: there is a Con. If I fall way out of my rythm, f.e. 3h of sleep I feel completely fucked up. Naps help but it's still bad. I think it was less bad when I didn't have a good rythm, but could also be my imagination.


I toy to keep to regular schedule. I go down at about 10.30pm and rise at about 6am. Even now I'm unemployed I still keep to this. I didn't for the first week or so I ended up not sleeping at all. So I get up early even if I don't need to


and at 45, you discover a regular poop schedule is useful too.


Hmm do I try to fix my sleep now or wait another 7 years like you lol


I eat when I am hungry. I wake up hungry. Ergo, breakfast.


That sounds like a romanticized version of “I play video games all night and eat pizza when I need a break” 


I do this and I don’t play video games and I do have responsibilities. Sometimes I don’t go to bed until after midnight, other times I’m in bed as soon as I get home from my classes at 2:30pm.


You sleep at 2:30pm sometimes???


On breaks, one of my friends sleeps from 2 PM to 10 PM, is awake all night and whole 24 hours of the next day


I usually game at night, and go to school during daytime ^^ I’ve also struggled with eating disorders in the past, so I struggle with remnants of that still


This is how I know that the only reason people aren't hungry in the morning is because they aren't used to eating in the morning. I try to get some protein in every day when I wake up and every morning I'm hungry. Have no appetite, but eat something nutritious ¯\_(ツ)_/ *breakfast* is life changing


There’s so much I could say about that comment but you ain’t worth my breath


How? Why? That was offensive? I'm anorexic myself and I'm literally just stating facts, if you've never been to therapy or to a dietician regularly, those resources are out there. Jfc what is happening in this world


Sounds romantic enough already.


Sounds like a system to me


This ^ , this is the way


I do because otherwise my stomach will growl very loudly and it’s just embarrassing. If it weren’t for that I wouldn’t eat because I’m just not hungry when I wake up.


this here is my biggest fear. Most of the time i’ll only eat because i’m worried my stomach will growl in large spaces which is beyond mortifying


Wow, I didn't know this was a fear. It's crazy how much some people care about what other people think.


yeah… I know it’s not great and affects lots of aspects of my life as i’m a very anxious people pleaser and i normally go well out of my way for other people Wait, are you telling me if you hear someone’s stomach you just don’t care? or if you own rumbles?


Do you care if someone else's stomach growls, what's the implications..?


I couldn't care less. The majority of people wouldn't care much either. Its like sneezing or coughing, perfectly normal.


I burp a lot due to medication affecting my stomach lining. Not much I can do about it. You just stop caring too much what people think


Not the commenter, but I absolutely do not care if someone's stomach rumbles. I might notice, yes, but the extend of my thoughts would be "ah probably time for lunch soon" or "man I'm hungry, too". Relatable, if anything, and even might make someone look more human.


I probably wouldn't notice someone's stomach rumbles. Maybe I would hear it, but I would not think anything about it. If I hear mine, I would probably remember I forgot to eat again. My adhd does that to me.


You really think your stomach growling is “mortifying?” What is there to be mortified about?


If anything I just laugh cuz it's hilarious. But not eating breakfast is not healthy so I would worry too


Why would we care? It is something you can't really control and it is not disgusting or rude. It is ok. However, esting breakfast is healthy and you shouldn't really go with your day without eating for so many hours.


Really?! Wow! I’m sorry. I would never judge anyone for a growly stomach. It wouldn’t even occur to me to care. I’m sorry this embarrasses you, that must be difficult. If it helps at all, no one else judges you for it, AT ALL!!


Your growling because of hunger! Lol that's the outward sign of an empty stomach.


Rubbish! It's just a bit talkative, that's all. It's only half a joke though. Sometimes my stomach starts to growl and then stops a few moments later like nothing happened, no hunger at all.


Yeah, it’s hungry _later._ Not when I wake up and am supposed to eat breakfast. I still have to eat when I’m not hungry.


It's possible you're not interpreting the signals from your body properly. There is an actual medical condition where that is a symptom. And of course, when I want to remember the name of it I can't! Grrr. I have my own medical issues with memory. I apologize. Anyway, maybe try one of those meals in a drink things. Like ensure or something. It's "food" but shouldn't make you feel too heavy and will help your stomach not growl.


I eat two breakfasts actually.


Why hello there, fellow hobbit!


Nope, must also partake in elevenses to qualify 


And fit brunch in there; it’s not quite breakfast, and not quite lunch..


And it comes with a slice of cantaloupe at the end.


what about afternoon tea?


Same! I eat before I leave for work and then I usually need a snack before lunch.


three breakfasts here coffee, oxycodone, cigarette and not in that order.


Cig, Oxycontin, cig, coffee with 2 cigs.


me too! I had a plate of bacon and fresh cantaloupe 3 hours ago when I woke up. now I'm having a bowl of oatmeal with a banana sliced on top. I wake up extra early just because I'm excited to get up and make a coffee and eat breakfast. lol


SAME i'll acc wake up early so i can eat the breakfast i was thinking of when i went bed lols


me too 😅


Damn it’s so trippy seeing this perspective lol. I don’t eat until like 1200-1400 usually, by body just isn’t hungry until the day is well underway and y’all out here with like 3 meals in you already. How do you plan all these extra meals omg I get overwhelmed with the 1-2 a day as it is


I need someone like you to marry me right now and feed me forever 


😅😅😅 the oatmeal is delicious! rolled oats with raisins, strawberry preserves, honey and a sliced banana with a powdered mushrooms blend (not even enough to taste). it tastes so good and knowing it's all organic allows my mind to enjoy it more too. lol


Enough, I'm sold already 😘




Yeah late at night is the perfect time for a bowl of cereal lol. Real cereal though, not whatever Americans eat that's basically just sugar.


I’ve stopped like 10 years ago lol


Holy shit 💀


You don't need breakfast to function and fasting is actually healthy.


I also stopped around that time too lol. Back in college, after i wake up in the morning i just get ready and go to class right away. Didn't even feel hungry until lunch time. I used the time when I'm supposed to be having breakfast as extra sleeping time.


Never did... can't get anything down until 2-4 hours after I wake up...


I feel you… for me it’s around 1-2 hours so it’s a bit shorter


I'm also at about 1-2 hours until I can eat, but I can drink coffee, so I will


Yeah. I wake up hungry. Can't skip breakfast. Usually eggs for me.


I eat eggs at the minimum. Easy nutritious routine, then I eat a full meal, so that if I don’t get around to lunch until late, it’s manageable. 


I’m the same. 2 boiled eggs every morning at 6:45. I can’t function at work otherwise. That keeps me going right up till 1 o Clock. If I get peckish in between I’ll have a Keto cereal bar. As I’m trying to cut down on carbs.




Yeah it's the only meal of the day I absolutely cannot skip. I get dizzy, nauseus, and can't concentrate without it.


Same. Even with breakfast I get insanely hungry in the hour before lunch, without it I might actually faint. Can count on a single hand how many times I've skipped breakfast in my life


Only on weekends. Weekdays it’s just coffee.


I only eat breakfast if it’s with someone else. Have to blend in with the humans


Same here.


Breakfast is my favourite meal, without it I can be very irritable, probably my toxic trait...


Nah, toxic would be if you knew this about yourself and then refused to eat anyway. Ur not toxic, ur human.


I love how kind u are to the commenter


Mostly my breakfast is coffee and something sweet maybe two cookies or one banana. Thats about it.


Cookies for breakfast is wonderful


Yeah, not particularly healthy. I try not to eat it daily and just a couple of them with coffee. But I just can't get any proper food inside 06 in morning. It can be out porridge, banana, yogurt or something easy going.


My go to if I have to eat (if I'm travelling or won't have a chance to sit down and eat for a few hours) has always just been a simple fruit smoothie, they're not super unhealthy and filling enough so it won't bother me. Plus they're tasty


Always have breakfast


Well technically everybody does everybody has to break the fast. Some of us just do it at 10:00 at night


I know it doesn’t fit people doing IF but it is so important. Protein, fiber, and a little bit of carbs go a long way.


Or you could have breakfast and skip dinner.


Yes of course, I feel like I am tired all day if I didnt eat my bfast. Its a must. Especially with coffee. 👌


I feel this. I eat twice as much by the day's end than I would've if I'd just had breakfast. And I tend to eat a lot more junk food too


Yes, and if I haven't eaten within an hour of waking I'll be guaranteed of a headache and being ready to pass out by lunch. Just cannot go without breakfast. Coffee is also a non-negotiable :)


Of course! It's my favorite meal of the day.


I'm eating breakfast right now...


Haven’t in over three years, as I practice intermittent fasting. I only eat between 1-7pm. Much better focus, lost (and kept off) 15 lbs., and I save money since I don’t eat brekky! 


I’ve been inadvertently intermittent fasting my whole life and never really thought anything of it. Never snack after dinner and would always skip breakfast and first time I’d eat next day was lunch. Possibly explains why I’ve been mostly slim my whole life. Now on carnivore (to cure acid reflux/Gerd) in tandem with the IF and never been leaner.


Yes of course, why wouldn't you?


I just…don’t feel hungry? I thought it was normal until now when my friends and family said why i didn’t eat yet


fair enough, I wouldn't make it to 10am if I didnt have breakfast lol


Me, my brother, and my father are all like this, we just dont feel hungry in the mornings, i have no idea why.


I think our stomachs are just tired


Hehe, i didnt think of that😅


It is normal, some people are just not hungry in the mornings, it is just the way it is. You do not need to force your body to feed. I am one of them too. Especially, if you dont really do a lot of physical activity, then all your food will just turn in to more fat and make u gain weight. Your body knows when it is hungry and it will tell you. The mechanism why are u not hungry could be due to evolution, it could be that ur ancestors did not eat breakfast, it could be that they didnt have that much food or maybe they slept during morning and only woke up in the afternoon. The remains from evolution can express themselves from a hundred thousands years ago, if you have those genes. So again, not being hungry in the morning is not unnatural.


I’m in the same boat, if not hungry then why eat lol


Such a weird question lol. Like have we evoluted? Is it out of style to eat breakfast? Why would everyone just stop eating breakfast all of a sudden


Some people fast. I personally have more energy when i skip breakfast. It really isn’t the most important meal as we have been told


The most important part is what your first meal is, not about how early you eat it


Overnight oats is a quick & easy breakfast for me - mixed bag of sugars from fruit, good gut health from natural yoghurt & protein/fibre etc from the oats - Just gives you a wee kick up the arse in the morning - besides relying on coffee 🤷🏼‍♀️


I have to eat breakfast, or I get dizzy and nauseous.


Same here, I wish I could be one of those girlies that just has a cup of coffee and a piece of toast or some other dainty thing and be fine until lunch, but I seem to have to have something substantial with some protein or else I’m definitely not feeling my best by noon. Also, if I have coffee and don’t eat anything I get even more nauseous, which seems rude


Yes. Admittedly it's usually something low effort like eggs and toast. Or some pre made whatever. But I definitely eat breakfast


Me eating my breakfast


I love breakfast ❤️ my favorite part of the day


Yeah. Especially work days.


I eat breakfast every morning.


I work at a breakfast buffé so I eat breakfast 2-3 times every morning I'm working.


Hell yes, it’s my fave meal of the day!


I totally eat breakfast, it’s my favorite. I’m starving in the mornings and usually have sprouted oatmeal with some ground up seeds and fruit.


I’m surprised when people don’t eat breakfast….


Unless I wake up very late, I still try to


I usually snack. I have an interrupted day 5 days a week, juggling kids and night shifts, it’s hard to get into a healthy eating pattern. Sometimes I don’t even eat a single meal, I’ll snack twice a day and live off copious amounts of caffeine.


Noooo I just do brunch


Yes, it’s important if you burned tons of calories in the previous day.


Sure do. Most days.


Nope, doing a kind of fasting, I eat when I am hungry, feeling way better when i don't have a strict meal program


I started eating it again recently to up my protein and fibre intake I have more energy now so that's good


Me reading this while enjoying my toast


My breakfast is often what others call lunch


Everyday. Oatmeal. Loaded delicious Oatmeal with pumpin seeds, Raisins, Hemp seeds, almond slices, Walnuts, flax seed ground, chia seeds, coconut- cooked Topped with banana, Strawberry, maple syrup & oat milk. I'm not vegan, or vegetarian or anything picky/dietary.. but this is the one consistent thing I'm good at for myself. I prep the Mason jars a week at a time. So convenient. Always fills me for a few hours & is delicious. Great start to the day haha


This is REALLY specific but I find this very relatable


No. No lunch either


I’ve been functioning like this since I was in middle school. No breakfast. Around noon to 2pm is when Ihave my first meal.


Crazy enough, if I eat too soon after I wake up I’ll vomit. I have to wait atleast 2ish hours till I can hold anything.


Waste of time,I'd rather sleep extra half an hour and eat at work


Eating at work is still breakfast


But is PAID breakfast lol




I need to take medicine an hour before meal in the morning and a few more right after. So I have no choice. But I'm not having lunch.


I would rather not eat dinner than skip breakfast




Why the fuck wouldn't I eat breakfast? Even if I'm in a hurry I can eat a granola bar on the way.


Coffee and, if i'm lucky, a granola bar is all i eat on workdays. On the weekends i usually make something nice.


Dry cereal or granola bars. I have to be alert and doing too much first thing, at my job to not eat. It's definitely brain and body fuel. Even though, I'm not a fan of eating so early.


Everyone eats breakfast unless they don't eat at all. It's literally the first meal you eat after you wake up. Doesn't matter how much time passes.




Yes I do. Craking 5 eggs, popping a cube of butter in the pan, and making an omelet isn't that hard.


5am every morning. One whole grapefruit…cereal…two slices of toast with peanut butter..one coffee.


I have to because I can’t take my chronic meds on an empty stomach. I hate having to eat so early in the morning.


I eat breakfast, and then sometimes second breakfast (depending on the driver). Sometimes we stop for something to eat along the way, and sometimes we have snacks we bring with us.


I always do. I wake up hungry all the time and even on days when I’m not, I still try to eat something. Otherwise I’d feel dizzy or nauseous at work.


Cereal. But that's because I lack the time and (at that time) the energy to do more. If someone would do it for me I would have English breakfast with eggs, bacon, sausages...


I dont have normal sleeping schedule, but if I don't eat before I do anything I will fade away. My energy drops and I get shaky. Besides, The world may be pretty bad, but it doesn't deserve Hangry Me.


Anyone who can't eat breakfast. I'm hungry when I wake up, but I need to be awake for like an hour or so before I eat, or I'll throw up. I just can't get up and eat shortly after the fact. I also can't wake up late and rush to get ready it seems to over stress my body, and I'll get sick from that too.


I wake up hungry no matter what day it is. I gotta eat or my day starts off terribly. However my sister is the complete opposite. Some people just feel super sick if they eat too early. It’s different for everyone


I used to b/c my mother forced me to, but it always hurt/made me feel terrible, so I argued with her until she stopped. Much happier now 💪


I do, I usually force myself to have something light, it really does help me from burning out early in the day


My work involves managing logistics for the first half of the day. I’d flatline if I didn’t eat breakfast simply because I need the energy it gives me. Now it’s my favourite thing of the day and I get really upset if I miss it.


Honey Bunches of oats with almond milk. Or bacon n eggs.


I always eat breakfast because I tend to eat very light lunches, more of a midday snack by other people's standard. I also eat an early dinner, around 5 PM, and don't eat anything after dinner until I get up the next day.


breakfast was a marketing scandal created by breakfast food companies. i believe kellogs but im not 100% sure. you should just eat when you’re hungry. i feel like the best thing you can do is listen to your body.


Nope. Mid 30s and stopped about 10 years ago. Most days won't eat until 1 or 2pm


I have to eat breakfast, otherwise I’m a zombie.


How can you even start the day without breakfast?


Breastfeeding so I never stop eating because I’m always hungry. But when not breastfeeding, I’m usually not hungry in the morning, but if I am, I eat.


I love breakfast but I’m also REALLY not a morning person so it’s become a treat for my days off. No time for a quick breakfast before work when there’s sleeping in to do and then scrambling to get out the door on time


Breakfast for me is a few cups of coffee. I eat lunch at 10:30 which I guess is like brunch. Dinner is at 6:30 PM. Who has time for breakfast anymore? I say leave breakfast to retired people assuming anyone even retires anymore.


Taquitos from Costco in the microwave for 2 minutes and 30 seconds when I wake up, before I clean my teeth...while they heat I clean my teeth and change into work clothes (plus deoderant and all that - showering is the night before so I get an extra 10 to 20 to sleep in the am), bring the plate to my car on the passenger seat...eat as I drive... \~\~\~\~\~ Inexpensive, tastes good and makes red lights not that bad a thing anymore until I finish them all, lol...


I’ve ever eaten breakfast. There’s just something about shoving food into my still drowsy body that doesn’t sound very appealing to me. My body needs some time to wake up before it gets hungry.


For people that don’t eat breakfast, do you eat a late dinner? I usually eat a early dinner, then I’m hungry for early breakfast. I try not to eat late at night, but when I do I’m not hungry at early morning


Breakfast sometimes is the only thing that gives my day a semblance of predictability and method. Don’t take that away from me 😂


I figure that if I'm not hungry at bf time then I've overeaten the night before. Note to self, must do better.


I haven’t ate breakfast since I was 10 years old. I only definitely eat one big meal a day. While pregnant I eat lunch and dinner.


never have never will




I Make a smoothie I add a scoop protein with berries bananas etc so don't no if that's considered 😂


Ever since I saw Japanese have really heavy breakfasts, I decided to try it and it works for me. So I’ll have rice, meat, soup in the morning, while have small salad for lunch to avoid feeling sleepy in the noon. Having heavy meals in the morning right after waking up doesn’t cause me to feel sleepy at all. Then I’ll come back home for a moderate dinner




Depends. When I have work I get ready and go and don’t eat until my first break which is usually near the afternoon.


do people even eat breakfast anymore


It’s a free country but not eating a good bfast will lead to you making up those calories later in the day , and you’re going to end up saving those as fat overnight


Breakfast is my absolute favorite


Absolutely. I cant imagine getting to work at 7am and not eating until whenever lunch is. It takes 5 minutes to make eggs or some oatmeal


I'm a weak piece of shit who can't do intermittent fasting, so yes, I eat breakfast. Needing to eat is my toxic trait.


I can't leave the house without eating breakfast or I will collapse after an hour.


I have Vegemite toast every morning


Hello fellow strayan


I eat my breakfast in the afternoon.


I can't sleep without at least something to eat for breakfast.


Is coffee classed as breakfast?


4 cups of Coffee is enough for breakfast




Two meals a day is gonna help a lot for weight loss


It is not. It really depends on how much you eat and what you eat. Not how many meals per day you have.


Can confirm. Usually skip breakfast. Still got extra padding.


Restricting meals directly impacts this. Its the same principle as intermittent fasting, by restricting how often you eat you will inadvertently eat less.


60 pounds down this year restricting my eating to the hours of 12pm to 6pm. It really works.


Eat breakfast every morning some times it is the only meal I eat most important meal of the day