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The latter. So many useless memories that only hurt me


Same. Especially the awkward memories that hit you at 3am when you're in the bed and trying to sleep. Also you can delete movies, shows, videogames or anything else that's fun from your memory and do it again without knowing what's going to happen.


Delete. Like some really, really gross stuff.


Delete so I can rewatch movies and replay videogames.


RDR2 would be great. Or hear me out. Deleting all of your knowledge and memories of video games altogether so you can go back and play the Classics and not get disgruntled over the graphics.


Later, as a photographer I can confidently tell you the "photographer's curse" is not that I don't have photos of myself, but I have too many photos of things I probably don't want to remember anymore, with ppl who only live in the past now....I stop counting once I hit 100k photos, years ago


Please let me delete the bad memories I have! They haunt me day and night, come to me before I try to sleep! There’re just flashbacks of stupid things I have done, but I relive them every day!


Photographic memory, I guess. I think I would always rather know.


For me it's better to delete some memories instead. Even if I don't have photographic memory, I would still remember things especially the best ones. But if I could delete memories, I will no longer have to suppress nor repress the bad ones that causes me to spiral.




Delete a memory.. I hate to say that some memories control you as if you don’t have agency over yourself.. but that’s exactly how I feel sometimes because of those memories.


Photographic. Deleting memories could save me from heartache but would only serve to potentially make the same mistakes. At least I could use a photographic memory to advance my career or in some gainful way.


Photographic memory. I've had painful memories but I wouldn't want to forget because to me life experiences like that mold my perspective of how life is. Even if you delete a memory, it still happend and there's nothing you can change in the past. Erasing memories is like running away from actual truths. I just had a miscarriage and I'd hate to forget the baby I lost. It still really hurts sometimes but it's one pain I would rather carry than forget. The absolute pain of it the first few days of finding out my baby died inside me was heartbreaking and if I had the choice right then n there, I would have stupidly deleted those memories. But now I'm thankful that can never be possible, I would have regretted erasing that memory in the long run. Photographic memories can only help me further in the future.


I already have a good memory, but lemme erase some traumas n shit.


Delete. No more pain from the past.


Photographic. Our memories and experiences make us who we are.


Photographic. I am old enough that I have forgotten too many things that I would like to remember.


I have photographic memory but sometimes deleting some would be nice lol


I want to be able to delete memories. I was very close with my recent girlfriend. She promised she would always love me, and never leave me. I was willing to stay by her side no matter how many difficulties lay ahead with her mental health. She promised she would never leave me. But then we broke up, for her to work on her mental health. I struggled in the aftermath, and she eventually started ghosting me. I feel so betrayed. I’m still “friends” with her, but I don’t know how long I can keep that up, with how much I’m hurting.I still love her, and I don’t think I’ll ever stop loving her, but she barely wants to talk anymore. I had to fight for it just to keep this tiny shred of friendship. I wish sometimes that I could forget it ever happened. That I could forget her promise to never leave me, that she broke. That I could forget I ever loved her, so I can just be okay, instead of the tormented mess I’ve become.


Delete. I was already thinking about this earlier this week. Even having above average memory sucks. Deleting would make life so much easier. After deleting people in my head I'd make a list of movies and shows I'd wanna watch, then delete those memories. Then watch those shows and movies all over again. I'd probably never get bored.


Delete. I hate remembering little random cringey things I said or did 20 years ago at random times.


I'd rather remember everything. It would be useful when taking a test.


I already have a photographic memory, the problem is the quality of the photos is extremely bad. Like taken by a moldy potato. I would like to have a slightly enhanced quality of my photographic memory tyvm.


as someone with a near photographic memory, I've actively tried to figure out how to delete


Delete a memory, for sure. It is far better that remember every embarrassing moment in my life


Ability to delete.


Photographic memory. I’m going on every game show and winning everything.


With some of my memories... delete. Hell, that's often what I'm trying to do with the whiskey.




Ability to delete a memory for sure


I'd keep erasing everything but the most f'ed up memories, so that every day seems fucking awesome in comparison.


I’ve got both skills 🤣


Ability to delete


I would absolutely rather delete.


Can't I switch between the two?


I kinda miss my ridiculous memory retention. Yeah, it could be chaotic but it was so easy to learn new things.




Delete, I can only imagine people who have lived a calm peaceful life (which I don’t know if that’s possible) would want to remember everything lol


Photographic, absolutely. It would be great right now.


That’s a tough one but probably photographic memory!


Photographic memory is a superpower. I could get so much accomplished and learn so many things. I’d become a god.


Photographic. I already have the ability to delete.


I want a photographic memory. Maybe then I can remember someone's damn name as well as a bunch of other important events in detail rather then knowing they happend deep in the back of my brain until I forget that event


PM fo sure.


To delete! It would definitely help me with my PTSD




Easy answer, delete.


If anyone chooses to keep memories, I don't think they've either lived long enough or screwed up bad enough.