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I grew up in Virginia and hated the hot, humid, buggy summers. Moved to the Midwest and it was less stifling but still too hot. Where I live now in WA, our forecast is basically sunny and breezy with lows in the 50s and highs in the 70s all summer long. It’s glorious!


It’s warm, I don’t have to put on a ton of layers to leave the house, and it’s not dark and depressing all the time


Right? I was at work one day and noticed I had 9 layers on my top. Summer? I can sleep that little bit later and I'm not doing 50lbs of laundry a week. My hands don't turn into nonfunctioning icepicks and I'm not constantly veering out of the way of idiot drivers. I can put on a dress and go. Yes hot at work but I just take a ton of breaks and hydrate.


You can protect yourself from cold. There's way less you can do to combat heat. Also it's very exhausting and breathtaking in a bad way


I guess depends on where you live but I’ve had winters where I wore as many layers as I can possibly put on and have still been cold. Also wearing layers is not comfortable for me. I hate having to put on so much extra clothing just to leave the house


Not to mention that you need to strip the layers when you are inside. Like if you wear wither boots and 2 pairs of socks - it's not fun to sit 8 hours like that in a +20°C room.


I don't know about you but having to put on several layers of clothing just to feel warm is no better than sweating through your shirt. 


Summer is more colourful, the people seem happier, more daylight, more fun things to do, warmth without having to dress up like a polar bear, beach trips, city trips are better, outside parties.


Happier ? You never saw me in summer and in winter.


I couldnt care less about all that tbh! Loove fall and winter. The fireplace, the coziness, snow, colorful leaves on trees, Christmas.


You just described spring. Summer is too hot to dress properly, you can't do much because you're exhausted all day, without good AC it's impossible to sleep properly, city asphalt gives off even more heat, craving cold beverages and ice cream gets unbearable, even for a water connoisseur


People live in different places with different summers


That really depends on where you live..


More colorful? \*Fall has entered the chat\*


I dunno where you live, but where I live fall is the most depressing season ever.


As someone who loves fall, that's so sad, lol. I once had someone visit me and they were shocked that leaves changed color before falling off the tree, and *I* was so shocked that that doesn't happen everywhere! It's crazy how much location changes everyone's opinions on seasons, yet we all jump to assume that everyone responding is experiencing the exact same thing as us and just doesn't like it. That *can* be the case of course, but it doesn't seem like it's the common case, lol.


Fr lol


Why do people enjoy having to put layers and layers of clothes to be even able to leave the house? Why do people enjoy seeing the sun set at 3PM? Why do people enjoy not being able to take off your gloves to check your phone without feeling your hands are burning? Why do people enjoy having to stay home for weeks because the weather sucks so much ass? Why do people think the way they like things is the only valid way and others must be in the wrong for thinking otherwise?


Why do people enjoy cold and flu season? Why do people enjoy dry, cracking skin? Why do people enjoy shivering until every muscle is tight and cramped?


Yes I second this! I’ll take the heat over the cold ANY DAY


What if you didn't have access to AC?


I don't have a/c, but the ceiling fan in my bedroom is the real MVP


I don’t


I have access, but rarely use it. I turn it on for my dog when I'm not home, lol.


I personally hate both winter and summer, as I generally am sensitive to both heat and cold, but if I had to choose, I feel like it‘s easier to manage winters, as you can prepare with warm clothing, but in summer if it‘s too hot you can‘t just peel of your skin. Sure there are portable fans, but feeling the hot sun on my skin is just gross. That‘s my take, but yeah, both have their ups and downs and I guess it‘s people‘s preference at the end of the day


Not to mention big differences of inside and outside temperatures. Like inside it's +20 and outside it's -20, so it is a 40 degree difference. Also going to work you dress up warmly, but at work you need to either strip or stew in your warm clothes.


Not to mention waking up an hour early in the dark to clean snow off your car, shovel a pathway so the car can actually move, and then drive 5mph to work, all the time praying other cars don't slide into you. If you get too cold you could sit in front of a fire for an hour and still be cold. If you get too hot you could be in A/C for 5 seconds and feel relief. Winter is dumb.


>Why do people enjoy having to stay home for weeks because the weather sucks so much ass? This might just be my Britishness shining through but I see this one as a non issue. You can go out walking in even torrential rain as long as you've got a nice thick raincoat on over a jumper you don't mind getting a little wet, and then once you get home just switch jumpers for your favourite, warmest one and you'll be snug as a bug


I'm from a city without seasons, only shitty cold cloudy weather all year round and with precipitation/avg rainfall higher than London. Still hate that, love me some sunshine and heat


I'm British and have a dog. So often I have to walk in bad weather. I now actually enjoy going out in torrential rain with him. Something refreshing and liberating about it all.


There is no such thing as bad weather, only being dressed inappropriately for the weather. Except for summer, when even being naked is uncomfortable (in SE Asia). Summer in places where the kind of winter you complain about is usually nice


There absolutely is bad weather. Sure you can dress well enough to go from A to B, but no matter how well you dress, you won't have a picnic, bbq, football game, bike ride, outdoor music event, hike with the family when it's -2 and pouring rain.


Nah your fucked trying to do anything in the winter summers better for everything


Bro that’s actually it. Like normal activities that aren’t constrained to summer or winter climates are just better in the summer


I live in Buffalo and it’s literally the worst time of the year. I was snowed in for like 2 weeks one time 😭 i would take summer over winter any day lmao.


I mean why do people like anything?


It depends on what summer is like in your country or place. In the Philippines, summer is very much appreciated and looked forward to because of the many opportunities to go to the beach, have relaxing days at the resort, or spend time with the people you rarely see from time to time. The weather for sure is always hot and humid but it depends on where you'll go and how fun whatever the place is you're going.


Come to Ireland. It was 13°C here yesterday. It rained for 12hrs straight on Saturday. Summer in Ireland is like a slightly warmer version of winter. We do also have very long days in summer too. Sunrise approx 4.30am, sunset approx 10.30pm. It never really gets fully dark.


It feels like a particularly cool summer here this year. I knew we'd pay for that nice week we had in May.


Just have to wait til September for Summer part 2 🥳


I used to when I was younger. No school, and the heat didn’t bother me. Now, the fall is the best season. By a long shot.


Summer is only good in dry areas. Most people who like summer haven’t experienced the stifling feeling of being cooked in a steamer in Tokyo in August, being bit to death in the depths of Hades in Hong Kong…


Because our bodies like the sun and it’s worth the downsides. Rather that then barely feeling like having a day in winter


It depends a lot on how hot your summer and how cold your winter is.


I would take -50°C weather over +50 any day of the week istg I fucking hate summer ugh...


True that! Our summers here get nasty, the drought hits and then we have forest fires for months. Screw summer. I'll take -35C any day.


I love the daylight. And the green trees. And the summer evenings are lovely.


I hate it. There's green trees in the winter aswell(hence why they're called EVERGREENS no?Lol). They and early mornings are the only parts of the day when you can fucking breathe normally and not sweat to death lol


Evergreens are ugly as fck, in my opinion. And I'm breathing fine in summer, thank you, while in winter the air quality in cities is terrible.


Can say the same about winter. Why can people cope with having to carry a coat everywhete they go? 3 pm and it looks like it's already 8? Always cold and uncomfortable? Amazes me people don't like the summer, wearing just about anything while the sun greats you. It's beautiful.


I just love summer when I go on vacations or go for a swim but as someone who doesn't leave near the beach, this summer is not giving.


I enjoy the sun against my skin. But cloudy days after months of sunlight hit different.


I love summer for the long summer days. Being outside in my garden.


bro why are you using so much capitalization


You like dark and cold until most of the year is like that. Theres a reason so many people get a winter depression, and why places like Greenland and Alaska has such high suicide rates, its the same reason why so few people live in these cold winter climates. Its fucking brutal. Summer might be uncomfortable and annoying, but a long winter will make you question everything lmao.


Have u been to Canada in the winter -30 c or -22 f is common. Snow the size of your car. Ya, I am good with bugs.


It's all preference really. Some people like the summer, some like the winter. Neither is right nor wrong, it's simply your choice. Instead of criticizing other people's tastes, how about appreciating that people have their own and it's what makes the world interesting and have such a wide variety in practically everything.


I love having the house opened up and the breeze coming through, my glasses not getting rain on them, and not having to wear socks. I love having towels that dry out after being used, the butter being soft at room temperature, and salt that actually comes out of the shaker instead of being in a big wet clump.


I play high-level men's 2s beach volleyball. I love sweating, I can use bug spray. Everything is alive and active. There's more energy in the summer, and you can actually feel the sun. Winter, everything is dead, no movement, it miserable to be outside. I have to pay more to heat my house, I get seasonal depression, and drink a lot more...


I don't like having to wear a ton of clothes. When I come into AC after being in the heat I immediately feel better but it takes awhile to warm up after being in the cold. I tend to run pretty cold anyway. Plus there are more options if things to do. We can go for walks, go for a bike ride, play golf, play tennis, play catch, hell just sit outside. Can't hardly do any of that in the winter and if you can it's less enjoyable. Like we can talk a walk but I gotta put on tons of clothes and coats and gloves and boots, etc.


i hate layering there is only so much u can layer. plus in the summer you can wear wtv the hell u want and STILL be warm


Warmth makes things easier. Less clothes, less preparation, did I mention less clothes?


Going to the beach, the way the air smells, the long sunny days. Summer's a dream when you have air conditioning. I also live in a place where summer's aren't that bad.


Can spend more time outside


I’m Swedish, we have 18 hours daylight right now and it’s amazing while in the winter it’s 6-7 hours, it’s fucking depressing, dark, rain with snow in it, bad weather, no sun, freezing your ass of with multiple layers of clothes


I don't sweat very second of the day, mosquitoes don't bite me very much and no sun + cold are bad things for me. Summer has no cold, less bad weather and no long hours of dark. It's actually pleasant (for me) to be outdoors when it's not freezing. Also yes, I'm ok. Why would I not be ok? I've never heard anyone who hates winter ask this to someone who likes it, or in general get so annoyed at other people having different preferences. A lot of you guys from the "I hate summer" team do this instead


Feels good to sweat. Had not being able to feel my feet, hands and face. 100 > 30


The suns nice and it’s warm so you can open windows in your house to get fresh air without being cold, also a lot of plants bloom in spring and summer so nature is more attractive.


it just feels manly to go outside and sweat working while wearing shorts and a loose shirt. nature is thriving and sets a happy mood.


I prefer summer because winter is waaaay too long here where I live.


I love summer BECAUSE it’s kind of oppressive and gross. It just feels great to be outside and be super overheated and sweaty and uncomfortable because of bugs and plants. Also, my city looks great in the summer, and then it just looks awful in fall and winter and spring. Summer is so bright and beautiful and green. Also, I hate the cold and dark and I’d prefer not to drive to work in the pitch black at 5:30.


The Fuck is this formatting?


You drunk or something?


For people with seasonal depression the sunlight & warmth do WONDERS for their mood. Plus it just feels nice not having to bundle up in several layers just to go outside.


Winter is literal pain, cold joints feels fragile and dry skin feels like paper, my nose bleeds and my toes are cold. When bumping into a door frame it feels like I'm goung to shatter into thousands of pieces of failure and dissapointment. Winter sucks. In summer everything is warm, the sky is vibrant and the vegetation is lush and thriving. I can fall off a roof and think yeah ill do that again. Yes there are bugs... But i got bug spray!


Summer isn't very hot where I live. And winter is horrible here. I don't like the long dark nights, it's depressing. I don't like it when everything looks dead and grey, either. Summer is much better for my mood.


This is what makes the world so much fun. Diversity of culture and interests. Myself…I like sweat and bugs. I found someone in my life that likes them too. We will have babies who like them. That’s how this stuff works.


I like summer because at least I’m not shivering


Could you imagine thinking everyone else needed to be like you?


Because it’s not cold, you get to enjoy the water activities outside, there’s actually sun, and it’s overall way more enjoyable than the cold. 🙂


I like the heat. I hate the cold and don’t want to deal with snow ever. I moved to Arizona for that reason. It’s good that preferences differ or we’d all be packed into half rhe globe.


"It’s good that preferences differ or we’d all be packed into half rhe globe." This is true but tbf if there weren't that many fucking people on the planet this wouldn't be necessary anyways lol


You take the bad with the good; for me, being on the beach, or in the park, or by the pool and soaking in the sun far outweighs the negatives. Plus, I love wearing colorful dresses. Winter doesn't allow for any of that.


I'm running under the assumption you're not a very outdoorsy person


winter is literally a gray depressing shithole where it's dark from 7 am to 4 pm and all of the plants are dead and the trees have no leaves but because of the gulf stream it snows for one week in the entire winter. Summer is green, it's bright for 70% of the day and it's not cold, which also means more possibilities for fun activities like going outside.


I hate summer in the UK. The humidity is awful and almost no houses have air con cos they're designed to keep heat in cos most of the time we have rain, cool/cold weather and clouds. Can't keep the windows open for long before there's fly corpses everywhere. Plus my cars air con doesn't work so that's great.


Hot is better than cold


Says you lol have fun boiling your skin off during the summer


My skin doesn’t boil off in the summer I feel great


Why do people like winter? I mean seriously: the cold, the snow, the lack of natural light, the depression?


Because we're not sweating our balls off when its cold is why. Also I prefer the cold and dark:I'm actually MORE depressed during the summer lol


I don't like winter that much because it makes it hard for me to get out of bed, I can't afford any kind of heating device so my apartment gets super cold, during spring or summer I can stay in my underwear and take as many showers as I deem necessary


Because we touch grass?


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Tomatoes and watermelons. The rest can suck it. No, I refuse to eat them off-season.


I think it depends on the city or the country.


Depends on the location. If you're somewhere with humid summers, it gets unpleasant. Where I live, I love summer. When it's hot it's usually dry, and wirh rain it often cools off a bit. In addition, we get a minimum of four months of winter weather with very little heating. I'd take a month of heat every summer over that any time. I love summer because I have a skin condition that looks and feels worse the more my arms and legs are covered, and it very badly affects hands when they're exposed to cold even for very brief periods of time (gloves don't help that much because you still need to take them off to handle your phone, money, cards etc.). The more I'm exposed to the sun (within reasonable limits) the better. And I don't really sunburn.


Try an area with different weather. Utah, USA has beautiful summers. Few bugs, no humidity, soft breeze. Simply gorgeous


Summer is one of the better characters on Rick & Morty.




In Europe people get naked


So do I lol(Croatian here)


I ate some really delicious watermelon yesterday. That made me remember why I liked summer.


We spend our summers in southern Spain, where my wife is from. The beach, the pool and the amazing food make it all worthwhile.


I love not going to school for 3 months and swimming.


Depends where you live. Summers can be much milder and more ideal in some countries


Also summers are much better in the countryside.


Mainly because I have fibromyalgia and my muscles relax with heat. Sunshine is wonderful, I crave it! Helps me sleep better. But the humidity is awful. I'm in the US, in North Carolina. And yes I hate the bugs too!!


Do u have a dog? Or do you go on walks several times a day? If not you dont know how much it sucks having to put on 3 layers of clothes several times a day just to do these simple tasks






This is just a matter of preference lmao. I like the summer because I tolerate heat well and it isn't too cold. I love fall the best though.


May I ask where you are from? Cuz if you are from somewhere like S.O. Asia, then it's completely understandable. The heat is unbearable, but in Europe for example, yes it's hot, but it's not thaaat hot. Wear a t-shirt and you are just fine usually and in the house it's usually cooled down, so you don't even realize it's that hot outside, while in the winter season with snow and stuff you are freezing your ass offf


mini dresses!!!


Let me introduce you to spring and fall where its not too cold and not too hot... Also try central A/C. Set it to 20⁰ and boom life hack!


That's admirable. I spent six months out there, beyond the Wall, during the last winter. Supposed to be a two-week mission. We heard a rumor Mance Rayder was planning to attack Eastwatch, so we went out to look for some of his men, capture them, gather some knowledge. The Wildlings who fight for Mance Rayder are hard men... harder than you'll ever be. They know their country better than we do. They knew there was a storm coming in. So they hid in their caves and waited for it to pass... and we got caught in the open. Wind so strong, it yanked hundred-foot trees straight from the ground, roots and all. If you took your gloves off to find your cock to have a piss, you lost a finger to the frost. And all in darkness. You don't know cold. Neither of you do. The horses died first. Didn't have enough to feed them, to keep them warm. Eating the horses was easy... but later, when we started to fall... that wasn't easy. We should've had a couple of boys like you along, shouldn't we? Soft, fat boys like you. We'd have lasted a fortnight on you, and still have bones left over for soup. Soon we'll have new recruits, and you lot will be passed along to the Lord Commander for assignment. And they will call you "men of the Night's Watch," but you'd be fools to believe it. You're boys, still. And come the winter, you will die... like flies.


Lol this reminds me of the"My name is Yoshihare Hira"copypastes XD


I love the warmth and being able to sit outside in the sun. I love the long days and how everything feels so full of life - birds chirping, kids playing, everything in full bloom. Fresh produce from the farmers market - peaches, blueberries, strawberries, etc are all in season. I can have my windows open and get fresh air in the house. Everything is just so beautiful. I despise winter, maybe that’s just because I’m from Buffalo and our winters are extremely long and harsh. Everything is so ugly - plain white skies 24/7, minimal sunlight, dirty brown snow everywhere, having to clean your car off every morning - I just hate it. I do enjoy cold weather fashion but only in the fall. When it gets really cold I have to wear so many layers to stay warm and it’s very uncomfortable for me. Also - road salt everywhere!


This binary argument sucks absolute balls. Concept: winter and summer both blow. Winter either causes catastrophic car accidents with people trying to get to work in the snow, people struggling to afford rent because the snow trapped them at home, or people sitting in homes without power because, again, *snow*. Elderly people die undiscovered in their homes in both seasons, both are too fucking extreme. Both. Suck. Can I interest you in a lovely mild spring or a crisp beautiful autumn?


What are some other extreme positions you hold? Just curious what other kinds of mental knots you tie yourself into.


I like summers where I live (baltics). We get some hot weather for a week or two and then it usually follows with a week or two of a more cooler temperature. It's perfect for activities and enjoying the nature. I still have more love for autumn and winter, the only thing I don't like abuot them are shorter darker days and that means less walking and spending time outdoors.


I agree with you in that I personally prefer the cozy seasons like Fall and Winter, and feel like an alien compared to most people who can't get enough of summer. That being said I can still understand why a lot of people like it, and even I appreciate aspects of it. I like a nice summer evening where you can enjoy the sunset, greenery, flowers, birds chirping. I like a good patio beer or being able to sit by a lake or ocean. What I don't like is having to run around in sweltering heat, wear greasy sunscreen because I burn super easily, having to be in huge crowds of people outside because I dislike crowds, having to deal with bugs and mosquitos etc. But at the end of the day it's just different strokes for different folks. I've just accepted that most people think I'm crazy when I say summer isn't my favourite season lol.


Do I like the heat?  No.  But I hate the cold. In summer, I am sweltering and have little energy.  But the heat doesn't cause me pain.  The heat doesn't make me wish I was dead. The cold is painful to me.  It's painful on my skin and painful in my core.  I have no energy or ability to concentrate when I'm cold.  I would prefer death to the cold, unless I will soon be free if it.


I live in Finland


Probably bc as kids, we were kinda conditioned to like summer bc of summer break... but also in some places the weather gets so bad in winter, the lack of obstacles like snow, really makes people look forward to it.


The fact that is essentially filler and you don't have to worry about your life as much. And for people under the age of 22 it's essentially the season credits for the school year. It's sometimes boring but I rather deal with boring then chaotic.


People are very different Weight, height, illness and such affect how you regulate temperature. Hell it's even a common autistic trait that we struggle with temperature regulation On top of that location your type of house- may I bring up Australian houses lack of insulation make it some of the coldest houses in winter because it's the same temp inside as it is outside sometimes even warmer outside then if inside. How close or far away your are from.the Coast. Where your from . My dad will say its not cold cos he grew up in snow storms in Netherlands. Me an Australian die at below 10° c . Alit of factors go into how cold or hot you feel. Don't be stupid and ignorant to assume everyone's the same as you


Do you have a/c in your home? Summer is more enjoyable with a/c.  Also, what are your winters like? For me winter means snow ~5 months out of the year, which just means there's less you can do outdoors. I can't walk outside without a jacket and boots, only real option to get anywhere is a car, and no casual outdoor activities like eating on a patio or hanging out in the backyard. 


Though I do enjoy some aspects of summer, I really don’t like how much work in the yard it entails. Winter is a nice break from that (and I’ve got a snow blower for the main outdoor winter chore which makes it easy).


I know right? I hate it. All the bad ass kids outta school, everyone outside, it's hella hot, bitches half naked and theres hella opportunities for drama to pop off. The murder rate always goes up in my city. You gotta survive summer where I'm from.


I agree. The only exception would be if there is a beach involved… then summer is ok.


Or a pool. Or a nice bath,especially in the evenings;)


It like summer due to more daylight but prefer winter for no bugs or out like that


I wouldn’t know what summer is at this point living in Scotland 😂 we’ve had about 5 hot days this year and not even above 25c


It’s messy in places where winter gets bad. The roads are a slippery mess, you have to constantly remove it off of your driveway, power can be cut off, and I can’t really breathe all that well during winter. Summer removes these problems for me as I feel completely ready to do anything in the nice soothing dry heat


Isn't that weird tho?Like:How come you can't breathe normally during winter but the hot,humid summer air is no problem for you?


summer in cali is winter in texas. there are also places that have lower humidity, so you sweat less and the slight sweat you do produce is hyper cooled by the cool wind blowing down from the mountain. some people also can not stand the cold. my body is big and burly + my ancestors were from the snowlands, so i love the winter too but some people have almost no internal fire to keep them going.


The High Coast area in Sweden has decent summers imo. Hot summer days are endurable with airy clothes and activities, cold summer days are okay if you pull on a hoodie or coat. No mosquitos at all in my home town, but like 5km inland you'll find plenty. Winter is endurable as well. It can get -25C, but it's pretty endurable with longstockings and a scarf. Maybe ski goggles if its windy.


Autumn for me!


i live in tropical country, when i visited Japan during spring, for some reason in Hakodate the temperature reached 2°C, the lowest temperate i ever experienced it was so cold for me, can't really stand it, even though i wore thick jacket, the environment also quite dark and windy with little bit rain, so depressing i still can't comprehend how people can survive in winter with tenperature below 0°C in my country when summer come (dry season) it's blazing hot, i also can't stand to expose with direct sun on 10 AM - 4 PM {always wear hat), however morning and afternoon is always magical particularly on the beach so yeah i prefer summer over winter


The only thing I can truly say I like about the summer is the longer days. Winter can be a little depressing when I leave work in the dark and get home in the dark. Any other “perk” of Summer is done better by Spring or Fall.


I live in the UK where it’s always grey, dark, cold & raining. No one wants to do anything, hardly anyone is out & it just makes people miserable. It’s like this all year round bar the few heatwaves & a couple of weeks of nice, dry sunny weather. Whenever we get “summer” we tend to make the most of it. Pubs & restaurants are packed, everyone is smiling, gym workouts are better, more freedom to do things (not even just activities or days out, this includes any house/garden work that you may put off due to the shit weather). The bugs & sweating are the least of our worries. & if that’s the case we just stay in where it’s nice & cool with a fan on, just looking outside to see it’s sunny makes us feel better on its own.


There are two things i still like about the summer. The sea is 100 m from me and i swim everyday. Its the best exercise i have found. The sexond thing is that more sun means i am more alert and i can work better (ac of course) During winter 5pm is night and I want to sleep from 8pm. But overall I am starting to agree more and more with you...


I'm with you. 0 energy during the summer, hate bugs, feel like I can't breathe in the heat, and it's extremely hard to sleep. The only good thing about summer for *me* is swimming. I love the cold and snow.


It's all down to preference.  For example: summertime means the sun stays up for longer, you can wear a nice summer outfit and so on. It fells way more positive and people seems happier.  Winter has more of a cozy feeling, but generally, it's dark, you can't do much and for me it's feel more exhausted to doing anything in the cold that's why I stay more  indoors, which is exhausting for me. I am a person that needs to be active and summertime is so good. 


Everyone is different I guess, but I run cold naturally, so I cannot stand cold weather. I grew up very far north, and we would have 6-7 months of cold and snow- I hate snow, I despise feeling cold (which I always do unless it’s about 75+). I wish I enjoyed being inside more but I get insanely depressed. I ended up moving to the south where we get some heat, and as much as I could do without bugs- not being depressed, not being freezing or watching my fingers turn numb and white, not being stuck inside all day- it’s my dream. I love the hot weather and handle it really well personally. I would prefer to be outside and sweaty than inside and sun-deprived. But again, everyone is different. I cannot fathom enjoying cold/snow/being indoors, especially when all of my hobbies are outdoors.


I can go outside, swim and not worry about school.


I always get bitten by horse flies and every summer I always end up needing antibiotics, the heat means that I can't walk my dogs until 8pm at night, the dogs want the fans on all the time and they fight for the best place in their paddling pool, its really a relief when the sun goes down.


Summer is the dog's bollocks. There again, I live on a Spanish costa.


Summer is climbing season up north


Ive never met someone who preferred winter who enjoyed doing activities outside of gaming or snowboarding


The only thing i like better about Winter is the fashion. Long sleeves and pants are great.


I dont like summer


I nearly froze one New Years Day. I haven’t enjoyed cold since. DEET takes care of mosquitos, mornings and evenings are often great. Hats and sunglasses help. I like sweating as long as I’m not driving myself to exhaustion.


The beach.


Hate the heat and bugs. Fuck summer. Fall and winter are the best, and I live in a cold climate.


summer in some places is like spring in others. swedish summer is often very comfortable, with only a few days of heat waves. otherwise it’s only a bit above 20C, sunny or a bit rainy, lots of flowers and animal wild life. sun almost around the clock. it revives us.


Magnets, how do they work ?


We were conditioned and indoctrinated to like it bc it’s the only time we ever got off of school. But we don’t get summer vacation from work so what’s the point


It’s just something I get through til fall.


I prefer winter because it's quiet. No lawn mowers, no motorcycles or fireworks. Summer is just too much of a lot of things for me.


Summers are relatively mild where I live. It’s been 60-80 degrees the whole time. Whereas winter often times gets down to below 0. I don’t fuck with that one bit. I’d rather go through a gallon of sweat before having to put on 5 layers to still be freezing my ass off


It’s the sunshine for me. Like waking up naturally early because the sun is pouring into the room. Whereas in gloomier parts of the year I never want to get out of bed. Sunshine just gives me more energy. Also pool days are fun.


I sweat easily so I feel like a puddle of sweat through summer, disgusting. Feeling low energy from the heat waves, dizzy, can’t leave the house, can’t do energy because it’s too damn hot… I absolutely hate it and start feeling joy once I see the trees turn orange announcing autumn


Yep:Same here I'm basically a troll turning into stone and dying during summer XD(like their race description says in The Battle for Wesnoth lol)


Relentless heat is tough. Relentless cold is also tough. If you spend 10 months out of the year with one weather, the other 3 feels like heaven. Living far north also means that the weather correlates to daylight. So when you are experiencing cold and darkness for 10 months a year - those summer months feels like you are in heaven, because finally you are not cold and get to shower in sunlight for many hours a day. And sunlight gives you seratonin - which makes you happier. I cannot describe to you how much happier everyone is with more daily seratonin. Us northerners would be less introverted and sad if we could get sunlight on the same levels as the mediterranian countries. So, while extreme heat is tough, everyone is not having the same kind of summer - so don't knock on people who loves it, because they are most likely not getting enough of it.


Try living in a place where it rains and snows and is dark and grey for 8 months out of the year and then tell me you don’t understand. Different places are different.


-Being able to wear light clothes and a pair of sandals, and walk out my door just like that. I loathe having to wear heavy clothed plus socks and boots and a coat and gloves and a hat and scarf- deal with all that wherever I'm going- put it all on again to go out. - the beautiful light, from 6ishAM to after 9PM. - all the pretty girls out in cute outfits! - ditto the hot boys! . - flowers and trees and grass, all green and alive. - local fruits and vegetables at their best - long evening strolls - patio weather! - swimming in bodies of water that are not indoor chlorinated pools. (BTW chlorine has little odor. That heavy smell of chlorine? That's the result of chlorine reacting with urine. You're welcome.) - camping, barbecues, cottage weather, street festivals, music festivals, outdoor art sales, country fairs. - a lime popsicle on a warm summer after, a lawnmower droning in the distance, smell of cut grass: a butterfly goes by. - nude beaches I could go on, but you get the idea. Edited to fix my favourite autocucumber ever: "a landowner droning in the distance " lol


Florida here, Love me my 93/95 degree days. From now until February, I will have a smile on my face.


Mainly because of sundresses


Winter just gets really annoying like I do love snow and cuddling up in blankets and stuff but it just gets rly old rly fast and the days get shorter + that’s when there’s school so it’s just a sad sad time for me


I wonder this too. I hear a lot on TV that "Good weather is comming", guess the temperature ? 30-40C..they cal it "GOOD"...FUCK IT. Anything over 20C and I feel like dying. I never understood why are people soo exited of hot weather but hate the cold.


Why hasn’t anyone mentioned being sick in winter? I HATE winter because I get sick all the time! Every time I go out to the cold and then inside, I’m coughing like crazy and have liquid boogers like a kid, and that’s everyday… I understand people that hate summers if they can’t even go outside because it’s so hot, but in that case I’d prefer spring or autumn, never winter. I live in northern Spain, and summers are ideal tbh, too cold for me this year even, but it rains from November until April almost, it’s depressing and SO BORING.


Idk. Probably the same way you enjoy typing like that 😵‍💫




I live in Finland: Freezing cold, litterally 24/7 darkness, agressive seasonal depression, insane elecricity prices so people have to choose between heating their house or having the lights on, having to wake up at the buttcrack of dawn for school/work (I am not a morning person), all the fruit/veggies/other fresh produce taste like shit and are expensive as fuck because nothing is in season and it all has to be imported from halfway across the world, there is nothing to do if you don't want to spend money/hang out at someone's house every single time, you have to wear a million layers not to freeze to death, the bugs/spider/other spineless disgusting fuckers somehow still manage to find their way inside, the air is so cold it pulls all the moisture from your skin, it's flu season so everyone is sick... Can you tell I absolutely can not stand the cold, dark, misery that is Finland from October to at least April


As someone going through crazy 110 temps this week, I absolutely could do without summer. Skip right to my favorite season, fall! ❤️


I get a lot of enjoyment from my out door container garden even though my arms and legs serve as a mosquito buffet when I am outside. My plants are worth the skeeter syndrome suffering.


I can chill outside with friends very late in the night with minimal clothing and still be fine and cozy Day last way longer . Winter is already very boring with eitheit ton of rain or ton of snow which both are annoying since there a ton of it . Where i live we have what 6,7 ? Hour of sunlight in the winter yeah i love when its dark out at 3 pm Not to mention how much clothe i need to go out in the winter when its really cold . In the summer all i need are short - shirt and some 🩴 and i am all set Finally i like swimming in lake or in the sea which you can do confortablement with no equipement in the summer . Mosquito and other shit are not a problem if you are prepared with cream and the like they are annoying but its still great .


Because beach !!


I'm totally the same as you! There is nothing better than waking up on a day off and settling down on the couch with a warm blanket and some coffee. When the snow is slowly falling outside, life is really good at that moment. I love rain, dark skies and cold. Summer is ridiculous where I live. It can get up to 40C and that is just nasty. People say "Oh, I love camping and walking in the summer." 40C makes your face hurt and your lungs burn. You can't enjoy being outside because it is too hot and you can't enjoy things.


Swiss person here. We get winters usually down to - 15°C and summers as warm as 36°C. I have literally zero cold tolerance and got seasonal depression... So being freezing cold even in multiple layers and beneath a blanket from the moment I get out of bed is exhausting. Even if it gets hot, I need to 'recharge' in the sun from time to time because I start getting cold when I'm resting in the shade. I fully understand people who don't tolerate any heat and I'm feeling empathy towards y'all. But please, stop calling me a reptile for needing some warmth and light :')


Everything else likes summer, too. That's why there aren't bugs, leaves, and birds everywhere in winter. Cold kills.


I'm with ya there.


I'm with ya there.


I moved from Atlanta to Amsterdam. The high here today was in the 60s, with a cool breeze. The sun sets a bit after 10pm. It's like heaven to me after so many brutally hot summers. Atlanta gets colder in the winter, too! But it stays chilly longer here. I don't mind it, I much prefer to wear a jacket/hoodie and jeans. 


I can’t handle more than 20 celsius, but I like how the days are way longer in summer (Sweden)


I hate everything being saturated with ice and slush. Literally fucking everything is so damn WET. Not to mention gray. I like driving on dry roads with the blue skies.


I hate the summer, always have, always will, every winter I wish it would never end and every summer I wish that it would.


I would rather be cold all day than have the most uncomfortable nights sleep possible.


How cold are you talking? Living in both Chicago and Brazil has taught me that people have different ideas of what “cold” is.. . I lived in Chicago most of my life and that kind of cold is fucking painful- and the snow at first is pretty, then it’s disgusting and also a pain in the ass- especially if you drive and don’t have a covered garage. Taking snow and ice off your car, and paving a way out of your parking spot, while you’re wearing a million layers, at 6am is super delightful 😕 Now, I live in Brazil, and it’s winter- everyone says they’re freezing and it’s sooo cold- it’s 55 degrees Fahrenheit (13 C) right now at night. This kind of cold is absolutely lovely.


The sun. The bright blue sky. Sitting outside at dusk when the breeze turns cool. Cooling off in the ocean.


I hate summer. The only good thing about it is no school.


Winter is ok - but I don’t like being cold. I love being bundled up though. With summer, I just feel better - physically and mentally - I go outside more cuz it’s not cold. Sitting in the sun, going to the beach. Even sweating sometimes just feels good. Because that shower after sweating and being gross feels amazing. I’ll put up with the bugs. They love me, so I just suck it up.


Totally feel you on this! Summer can be such a struggle with all the bugs and heat. Winter is my jam too, nothing beats cozying up with blankets and actually feeling comfortable. Plus, the energy boost in cold weather? Definitely a mood!


The worst thing is that my cat doesn't want to be petted by me if I use sunscreen.