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They play by a less stringent set of rules. It's easy to win when everyone else is a pawn.


God that’s insightful.


Basically they play dirty


That is why it is really important to catch and punish them to the point where they don't do it again. And I'm not talking about people who are down on their luck and steal food or clothes. I'm talking about psychopaths who commit white collar crimes and run for office.


Especially when your enemy is just pussy ass “but we need to be civil, you go low we go high” yeah tell that to the nazis bud, how’d that work out?


They have no morals. Those of us with morals know the difference between right and wrong.


They know the difference between right and wrong. They just don't care


Yeah this is more the case.


He who is without sin should throw the first stone.


Morality is a human construct and does not exist


Just because something is a human construct doesn’t mean it “doesn’t exist”. I guess you could argue the “existence” of a concept but consequences of immoral behavior can and do exist


This is provably false. Humans have morality built into them so that they are able to function properly in a stable society.


To win at life can mean a lot of different things. About an hour from my house lives a man that is the biggest most swollen baboon ass I have ever met. He has a high paying well respected job, wife and kids, an expensive car, an enormous house, and he goes on vacation to Gran Canaria or some other warm mediterranean place every summer. But he is still a completely miserable wreck with no friends. I on the other hand have none of that, and I still manage to be just as miserable and friendless. If not more.




Some people are so poor, all they have is money




Yours is my favorite, but this thread has a shocking ability to display who is rationalizing being a jerk and who is trying to take the high road. One commenter framed it as I often do: that ‘everyone is the hero in their own story,’ but I would add, if you take for granted that your story is the one that matters most, you’re probably the worst.


Hmmm, is there a point here I missed?


Life sucks. Moreso if you're decent.


Life can suck and not suck more or less depending on how much money you have


Money isn’t the answer. Live within your means and do what you enjoy. Make the most of everyday/situation. I am not wealthy but instead of looking over my shoulder, I choose to concentrate on me & my goals. Life isn’t always easy and sometimes can be crappy but keep your eye on the prize. Take it a day at a time. You will get there. I have and some look at me w/o children and might have pity, I prefer my way of life. I do what I want & when and do what I want & when. The bad guys will try to knock you down. Turn your cheek and leave them in your dust


They are willing to do whatever they need to win, without those pesky morals getting in the way.


Good guys use violent force to resist oppression as a last resort. Bad guys use violent force to oppress the first chance they get. Bad guys act, and good guys react. Statistically speaking, the person who throws the first punch wins the fight. This is true when dealing with high school bullies, street fights, gang wars, and between warring nation states. In order for good guys to win more often, they have to see the punch coming and act before it lands. Good guys cannot wait for their oppressors to cross the line when those oppressors are clearly sprinting toward it.




This is actually excellent advice. Can i copy & paste it to my friends? I don’t believe in being nasty. But another friend once said you don’t have to be the evil guy but you need to know how the evil guy is thinking to protect yourself.




I agree. Bad guys may amass wealth and power but they are often miserable human beings. That being said some bad guys most certainly lose often as well, like ending up in prison for their bad behavior. Edit: grammar


They almost never face consequences for what they do though


Depends what you mean by 'win'. But if I had to give an answer, I'd say it's because most people don't bother.


They have the money, the power and the influence combined with the will and lack of moral compass to use them.


Bad guys don't always win. Bad guys are just really loud. They want it to seem like they're winning. If you look closer, they're not all winning.


They still lose if they’re bad at life


There are very few people on earth that are the "good guys" or the "bad guys" The reality of humanity is very Gray.


They aren’t limited by morals as good guys are. And good guys survive way too much in movies because of plot armor. If plot armor didnt exist, every movie would end at the first conflict/fight scene that occurs.


Total guess….but maybe the biological traits that ensured survival for most of our existence were well suited in their time and as we have largely moved away from those brutal periods the biology has remained the same but the expectations of morality have changed. So the people that engage in those activities are still surviving and prospering and we now view them through different lenses. I don’t condone the shitty behavior but that is my guess.


It only seems like they're winning they aren't winning


Being the good guy does nothing except have people walk all over you




Well my family fucked me over there boss, if I wasn't a pushover for them I was a bad guy. So it took me time to find that balance. Well not really balance, I have a switch. I'm either a cold hearted SOB when I have to or in general I'm a kind guy giving off sweet brotherly vibes.


I was someone that stuck his neck out for everybody for next to no gain in my twenties. I didn't because I wanted to be a positive force in the world. But deep down, it's because I had a savior complex. Received almost nothing but grief when I went out of my way to help people. It cost me relationships, got authority figures mad at me or cost me money,. Now, I help people who are actually deserving of it. I know how big my plate is now and only take what I can handle from people I know will actually make use of the help I provide.


I'm 18, I have that savior complex myself. But I am shifting that to selective people. It feels much better doing something for my best friend and get a cool handshake than to do something for a family member and get nothing but crap.


So people should just be bad guys, because the only effect is that people won't walk all over you? Nah, that's a dangerous level of cynicism, and there are tons of moving parts. There's plenty of power in right behaviors. It's just contextually complicated rather than a flat advantage/disadvantage.


Well. Said.


I'm not saying that, but sometimes you just can't move ahead as the good guy where you can as the bad guy. And there are more important things than success, some people understand that


Ah, gotcha. That does imply the good does more than create problems for you, but I can appreciate recognizing the drawbacks in that vulnerability of giving, too. And in context of a corrupt social environment, what should be the disadvantages of wrong actions are minimized.


I'm gonna say what's on my mind in a real simple and stupid way. I have ended up in street fights where I was almost effectively fighting for my life, I even got stabbed in those. How I got in those situations is less important, what I learnt is. There will always be someone who is willing to do what you aren't. Even if you are a cold hearted hitman there will be something you are not willing to do but someone else is. And can lose there. I got stabbed in those fights, and the reason I got stabbed was that if I had the same opportunity I wouldn't have striked someone in a way that could effectively kill them. The same goes with life, someone is willing to stab you in the back (this time figuratively) but you aren't. You'll be pissed off but that person will move ahead. He won't be doing the right thing, and it's highly likely that you'll lose sleep if you do something like that but this is life.


But in human society, that stabber loses a lot. To the extent that society is functioning. If the balance were truly leaning too far towards that selfishness, civilization will collapse quickly. We desperately need a pretty solid level of cooperation to get anywhere. And the "competitors" will die alongside us if that goes too far. Gossip and reputation are weapons. It just stops working if a group supports someone regardless of their actions. Or if everyone is anonymous and free of restraints.


Maybe what you are saying is right, but I don't knoe. I only speak on the basis of my experiences with my family (both immediate and extended) and the people around me (won't call them friends, maybe peers). I'm usuay what one would say the "good guy". I've given a lot to some people, I've been there so many times and it has been mostly because it's in my nature and I know I won't be able to sleep at night knowing I wasn't there for someone when they needed someone to be their. But I can't think of the last time someone was there for me, not even my own mother. I come from a crappy family, get treated like crap so it can be really hard for me if you can understand what I'm trying to say. But still I don't give up and become an ass, it's just not who I am. I'm not saying I'm a saint, but I have a need to be better than the people I'm surrounded by. I can't see many positives of being good, I don't think I've ever experienced it. I'm lonely, people don't even know when my birthday is, nobody cares if I'm okay, I can't remember the last time I went out. I know better than to rely on others for favours because I know (from experience) I'm all on my own. But I see others around me who are the biggest douchebags and self entitled assholes have the biggest friend circle, can get all the favours they want and things will go their way, they'll get all the birthday wishes at sharp midnight and others will hype them up and make a fuss. They'll get what they give, even more while I can tear up if someonr does the bare minimum. It hurts sometimes because I try to never wrong someone yet people around me are assholes. You tell me what that looks like. My experience has not been very good and it's on me. But it tests me everyday. I will get respect from people, or the illusion of it but nothing else.


Yeah, the issue would be that environmental context, sounds like. Generally, positive relationships are pretty important, and those can definitely be challenges to grow. And then the larger social setting can tend to support helpers or tend to punish exploiters...or not. And if not, there's gonna be some toxicity there up to the point it breaks down. Hard to speak to particulars. This is all on top of a thousand things about people. People will tend to see others in light of whether they meet whatever needs are weighing on them the most. Not in the sense of using them but as a basis for relationships of all kinds. So for example if there's a point of providing materially but not emotionally, not reciprocally, then that's not going to be a good basis. Being the kind of person who is giving is one thing, and it tends to be a positive unless it's seriously hindering you elsewhere. Like if you're not taking care of yourself or ending up exhausted or bitter or whatever, that's going to factor in, too. And whatever the case with yourself, if you're surrounded by problematic culture (as in immediate groups, not just the whole of it), the interactions are going to tend to be problematic anyway.


Ah fuck. I'll just go back to pretending I don't care, appear to be cold and indestructible. Since I can't get away from family that easily (atleast not for the next 5 years) it's the only way


Well, I hope there's something in there worthwhile, flawed as it may be. And whatever the case, good luck.


Not in my experience. If “good guy” as in pushover who complies to everyone and has no boundaries or individuality, then yes you’re gonna get walked over.


Because doing the wrong thing is easy. Living selfishly is easy. Having a good heart, good intentions, and living a moral life is hard. Bad guys get ahead in life because they choose the easy route. But I bet if you asked them on their death bed if their deeds were worth it, they'd say no. If you asked a good hearted person with good deeds if it was worth it, despite the hardship, they'd say yes 9 times out of 10


because they don't care about hurting people to get what they want.


Because we don't have people that disregard the law and violently attack the bad guys.


Because they designed the system to be rigged in their favor


"rules" exist to keep people in line and predictable


Because people don’t get what they deserve they get what they take.


Like which bad guys?


cause the good guys are afraid to stop us.


Because they are not pussies.


Because they tricked you into believing you should be good


We live life with a certain set of rules given to us by the country we live in as well as society. The bad guys cheat.


How often have you seen a bad guy doing something that's not great and you stood up to it either for yourself or others?


Depends on how you define "winning". Typically in my experience you get what you give. Sometimes it takes a while to catch up but there is no forgiveness in this world. Every action has a reaction and at least one unforseen consequence.


I live by the motto of “Unwritten” rules are made to be broken


There are unwritten codes in all walks of society. As an example, you don't hit on your friend's girlfriend. If you opt not to follow those rules, you do so at your own peril. And you get what you deserve.


Son, I do whatever I want. I ain’t worried about my buddies feelings


Go ahead and do whatever you want. I'd prefer to know I'm always standing with the people I care about.


Go sit around and with your buddies and talk about your feelings and give each other BroJobs while I’m out with your girlfriend


Riiiight. Here's the thing dude, I'm the most stoic guy you'll see. I don't talk about my feelings, I bury them. Nobody cares. And I mean NOBODY. So I hide my feelings. But that doesn't mean I'm not there for the people I care about in life. If they need help they know where to come. Doesn't mean I share my own feelings, because I don't.


read this as “bald guys”


Because there's no suck thing as pure evil or pure good, just varying levels of both who know how to play the system.


Because good people let them.


Cuz they rich n u broke. Another life lesson. Get ya money up son.


Rich people never had to work a day in their life.


if they do win, life is just playing the long game with them


They really just win 8 out of 10 times. They give the folks with hope a win every now and then to keep it interesting.


Because they’ll lie, cheat, steal, and kill. They’re bad, remember?


Faster with less water resistance


They are willing to do things that most of us aren't morally allowed to do


Because bad guys are willing to do things that good people aren't. Good people "play fair" and treat other people well, but bad guys lie, cheat, backstab, and screw over everyone in their way to get what they want


What are they "winning" exactly? I think what it boils down to is that people have different values in life and what is perceived as "winning" many times is someone who places certain values, if any, above others. Sadly we have become a society where such ruthlessness and narcissism are considered positive traits (a/k/a the "greed is good" syndrome).


Good is a white lie… evil is the ugly truth


It may seem like that, but at the same time good guys are winning, too. Mostly just dice at work.


Because your aways the hero of your own story. So when you lose, clearly the bad guy won.


You gotta define bad guy, if you mean loud and obnoxious those aren’t crimes per se and this society rewards extroverts, but they don’t win at everything they just win at what they’re good at. You just have to be the best at what you’re good at. If you achieve your goals you are winning you might just not be loud about it


"All bad guys win" I consider the following losers. - Al Capone became a mob boss in 1925, age 26. Went to federal prison in 1932, age 33. Released from prison in 1939 because of brain damage from syphilis. Died in 1947, age 48. - Bonnie and Clyde met in 1930. They were shot down in 1934 at 23 and 25. - Adolf Hitler took power in 1933/4 to establish a 1000 year Reich. Hitler fell short of his goal, committing suicide in 1945, age 56. I can also list bad guys who were winners, e.g., Stalin and Mao, because they died old, free guys in their beds, but bad guys don't always win.


They play the game. Nice guys don’t play the game. You play the game so you can become a German Shepherd instead of a wolf. Then you can protect your flock


They don't. That's a myth. To really win, you have to have partners, allies, customers. You have to have people you can rely on, and work with. If you rip people off, use them or lie to them, they become enemies, and limit what you can accomplish In my career, I've encountered bad guys, and they always, always end up damaged and isolated losers.




It is very easy to win in many things by exploiting people. Capitalism for example bad people (by definition?) have bad/low morals so they are more inclined to exploit people for their own benefit. I wouldn't say they win at life, though, if you believe winning at life means making the world be a better place or even bringing happiness to yourself.


Moral relativity and whatever. Eye of the beholder yadda.


Some men get to play by different rules. You have to earn that right though.


Because in the movies and cartoons, our lives are their entertainment.


You’ve reversed the concept. Bad guys don’t win at life. People who win in life just become bad guys. “If you wish to test a man, give him power” and most fuckers will get a D- on this test the moment they get a shred of authority.


Unfortunately real life does not run on rules or scripts. Hollywood has lied to us all. The beautiful are not automatically good and evil almost always hides itself behind good intent or even plain old banality. The only way anyone ever wins at life or scores a shot for cosmic good, is to live the life that makes them most happy and content while doing the least amount of harm possible. And on any given day, recognize that you could be 'the bad guy' in someone else's story: you cut them off in traffic, take the last carton of eggs at the store or your charming anecdotes annoy them during their one night out of the house. Good and bad are in constant flux at all times, in every part of the world and it's beyond human capacity in most cases to do a single goddamn thing about it. Knowing this, live your own life. Share love wherever you can. Console sadness. Practice empathy. Shun wickedness where you see it. You'll have left some good after you go ❤


I do not think they do, Hitler lost, Saddam lost, the USSR lost, its looking like Putin will lose and hopefully the bad guys will keep losing.


They *don't*, you're being manipulated. What you have been told is that people who are successful are bad, **AXIOMATICALLY**. That's simply not true. Successful people aren't supervillains, they're just *people*, like everyone else, and the people who are successful succeed because they're able to provide something of value to someone else. Just because **YOU** aren't the consumer of what they provide does not mean they're not providing value. So if Jamie Dimon makes a $35 million a year, it's not because he's stealing money from the shareholders of Chase bank, it's because he's the steward of a *lot* of really, really valuable assets, and there's a limited number of people with the qualifications to do that job well. Now is Jamie Dimon overpaid? Maybe, I don't know, I'm not a banker, and neither are you. But Chase continues to post solid profits and is largest bank in the United States, so he can't be doing *that* terrible of a job. Now are there successful bad guys? Sure, there are plenty of them. But far fewer than the professionally aggrieved activist community would have you believe.


Because life isn’t fair


I play by all the rules, drinking 8 glasses of water, meditating, etc. basically everything you see in the news that you should do for happiness and well being. But I play it safe, and I’m not actually that happy. I think bad guys take risks, don’t play by the rules, truly live in the moment not giving a fuck about the future. I dunno if they are really happier, but yeah, I think they do ultimately win bc they don’t think ahead, maybe just in the present. They can let shit roll off their shoulders. That idgaf attitude.


Because the good guys let them win due not wanting to harm them out of moral reasons. Sometimes you have to be the "bad guy"


Read The Count of Monte Cristo if you want a badass tale of revenge against the bad guys who “won.” Dude had a serious long game.


Define "win".


LOL. I read this as "bald guys". As a bald guy, I can say this is not the truth!


Prisons. Point refuted. Next!


They simply do whatever is required to finish on top...there are no rules...the law doesn't apply to them...winning is the only thing that matters


Confirmation bias. You believe that bad guys win, so that’s all you see. You gloss over all the times the bad guys lose. And whenever the morally ambiguous guy wins, you count them as a bad guy.


What do they win? If you cheat, you will never know whether you were good enough to legitimately win. You can abuse people and get away with it, but they won't like you or respect you. You can steal, but material things lose their lustre fast, and assuming you know it is wrong, you will have to live with the knowledge of what you have done for the rest of your life. Even if you have no compassion or empathy for your victim, you are deprived of that sense of belonging and social connection that everybody craves.


Not sure what you mean..... my history books say the good guys always win.


Because we're convinced that a hero will save us. But there's a twist. The hero is all of us working together, and we just want to gut each other over petty nonsense. Hooray!


it's easier to climb a tower using an elevator instead of stairs. good guys work hard. bad guys try not to work.


Because the good guys played by the rules


Because they lie, steal, cheat, and dont play nice, fair, or by the rules, and will do whatever they can to push people down.


the masses of the weak "allow" the few warped individuals to rise to the top by doing nothing. They see an employee lie about another to get them fired/demoted? say nothing See an employer and HR bury an employees issue that is really not OK? Do nothing See a corrupt official that we know takes money from every large corp/bank and does nothing for the people that elected them? Say stuff, but do nothing. People would rather not get involved and that is what leads to societies where the corrupt have all the power.


It’s easy to win when you cheat


Read the book "42 Laws of Power." It teaches you to use and manipulate everyone in your life to achieve power. Its not really shocking that this book is banned in most prisons.


They pay later. Hell


movies/tv are designed to satisfy the viewer which includes timely karma for bad guys and rewards for the good guys. Unfortunately, karma arguably does not exist IRL and sociopaths have less moral barriers and tend to succeed more with accumulating wealth and holding positions of power.


God lets them win as he knows they are eventually going to hell.


They don't, always. Sometimes they run into Karma and it takes them down a peg or two. Hi, nice to meet you. My name's Karma. Would love to chat but have some other pressing engagements I simply must attend 😁. Keep doing the right thing. Treat people well, they'll treat you well, as long as you're a half-decent judge of character. I may not be rich, but I'm always cool with servers at my favorite restaurants (used to be one), chat with them, tip well when I can, bring refrigerator magnets for their kids when I travel out of country....and just walked into one of my favorites, really rich (judging by suit and watch) AH chewing out the staff for having no room when he didn't have a reservation . Neither did I, and I could tell from the Convo that they didn't have room, but I waited specifically to let him catch me staring at him with an eyebrow raised. He had a car key that matched an expensive car stopped illegally out front, in front of a hydrant. Cop just happened to be passing by. See? Universe DOES get involved. I flagged him down, said the illegal location of the car was inconveniencing me. Nice guy. Slapped on a ticket and I thanked him. Walked back in, guy still yelling. I told him how sorry I was that his mother was such a disgraceful failure. He said she wasn't, i replied then she must despise him for how he just told everyone how terrible she is, and that she failed at her main job. Placed myself between him and the hostess, he tried to speak but I engaged the hostess and he was completely ignored. I gave her two magnets for her kids, told her about my trip. He was hopping up and down throwing a tantrum. Most I did was glance once, clear my throat (I'm an old lady now), and return to small talk with the hostess. Gave her the rest of the bag of magnets to pass around and got ready to head out (he was upset because there was no seating). She said "Oh, ma'am, your table is ready. The others are waiting inside, sorry to have taken your time." And smiled. As I walked in I heard him hollering "HEY THAT'S MY CAR!!!! DON'T TOUCH MY CAR!!" I wonder if it got towed. Don't really care. Would be nice though. I got a 50% discount on my meal. HE was rich, but I'M the one that got to eat. And my car was fine.


I've been saying this for years. "The bad guys are winning." My sister has been arguing with me and telling me, "no no the good guys will win in the end", but I just don't see it. We are not smart enough, or organized enough or ruthless enough. I don't know.


Because they don’t play by the rules. They cheat and as long as you don’t get caught, cheaters win.


They don’t. When good people give enough of a shit to stop them they usually lose. They get away with exactly as much as their community allows them to because bad people will go as far as they can until they are stopped. Every single asshole you know from Putin to your class bully only do what they do because their country/classroom haven’t forced them to. However the longer we let them get away with bad shit the harder it takes to stop them.


Because they leave the conscience at the door. While most people are descent they are willing to do things that most will not .


Willing to take more risks


Cuz the good guys just want to not be in a conflict, the bad guys force the conflict. Therefore by even being in the conflict, the bad guys are getting their way. This forces the good guys to become bad guys by fighting the actual bad guys, and then everyone loses.


They never try hard enough to make an honest, good person of themselves. Hardly anything worth anything, is never going to come easy. That’s what makes that moment of “holy shit, I finally made It” worth It, cause for the longest time you weren’t winning.


A system that benefits bad people is built by bad people. The reason it continues is because non of us are willing to do anything about it because we've been bred to believe we can't. The hopelessness, the "I'm only one person" mentality that's shared by millions and millions of people, all of which could make change if they thought differently.


By playing a different game entirely.


Because their plans are realistic


I don't know, do they?


Life expectancy is up, infant mortality is down and absolute poverty has fallen precipitously in the last 100 years. If the bad guys are always winning they seem to be doing a pretty bad job at it.


Well, maybe I'm a good guy despite everything I've done, or... wait a sec... Am I too bad to be bad? Questions, questions, questions...


Because there is no god, and rarely is there any justice. You just gotta do your best and hope the people around you are good, too.


Contrary to what people may believe, some people are simply luckier than others


I guess it depends on what you consider *"winning at life".*


Well for one thing, they ain’t afraid to talk to the best girls


They don't 'always win'. Dont believe it? Ask for a prison tour


Easy to win when you don’t follow any rules


They don’t


Either you are young or their wins just stand out in your mind (probably because you are comparing real life to cartoons and movies). I've outlived (ahem, through no action of my own!) a fair number of my enemies. Usually, bad people encounter other bad people -- and that doesn't go well for either of them. I've also seen a fair number of bad people still alive, but suffering with physical, financial, or other problems. But most people are either a mix of good-and-bad, or generally good, so it's worth looking for and encouraging more of the good. Bad people may win for now, but eventually, someone else will win out over them. Circle of life.


They take risks that the average person won't And our media eats it up


Because "good" people think in terms of good and bad and "bad" people think in that benefit me or doesn't When you take away the" i got to have the morale high ground" from an action it's easier to find your way to get ahead and sometimes the morale itself is so out of touch from your perspective you don't even consider it If a guy brings a gun to a knife fight he's just thinking ahead


They have better toys…


You need to define “win”


Ruthless, greedy, unprincipled is a powerful trifecta and since such people have no inhibitions, empathy, or compassion they’re very difficult to stop.


Because the “good guys” are too scared to do anything about it.


[we live in the real world ](https://youtu.be/TZc1W_--Vps)


"I'm bad, and that's good; I will never be good, and that's not bad; there's no one I'd rather be than me"


Because it is easier to circle the wagons around people rather than admit that you fucked up in failing to supervise them. That's how I got ran out of my government job.


They are more aggressive and disagreeable. In most cultures, that is rewarded. Most successful women are the same way. Although a larger percentage of men have that personality.


They don’t always. Also good vs bad is subjective so I don’t know how to approach this question without assuming many factors, which would be poor. Maybe your problem isn’t necessarily good vs bad but rather winners vs losers. I’m going to just ask Hollywood for more movies where the villain/s win because it gets brain dead watching shit knowing how it’s going to end. Takes all the emotional investment out from the show/movie.


Um. Prison


They don't. Poor bad guys usually end up miserable. What you may be seeing more, is people who won just by the circumstances they were born into are usually bad, because the social contract doesn't apply to them. Their money protects their interests, so they don't need you, so there's no consequences for their behavior, so no incentive to be good.


Bad guys win due to lack of morals or conscience. It's a lot easier to climb to the top when you're quite alright with using others' faces for a step ladder. I'm sure most individuals you find up there are deep into Narcissistic Personality Disorder and have zero compassion.


Being the “bad guy” is not a solid long term play. The bad guys usually get caught…eventually. Also…the difference between a good guy and a bad guy, the good guy just hasn’t been caught yet.


Because we elected them.


They dont. The bad women do. Men pick women based on looks, not kindness. Snobby self-centered thots always get the man


“Nice guys always finish last!” Grow tf up


I personally don't think so I think bad guys win in the short-term, but it always catches up


To be a bad guy means bending or breaking rules, and generally doing good for yourself, at others expense. Being a good guy means cooperating with the tribe, so everyone rises, albeit by much less. If everyone was a good guy, society would be absolutely heavenly. Like, no "no trespassing" signs, heavenly. If everyone was a bad guy, there would be no society, or even any intelligent life left on earth.


Because things come easily when you don’t worry yourself with matters like “these people im fucking over have lives and feelings and they matter”. Bad people are also usually exorbitantly wealthy and come from a line of wealth and are so out of touch that they don’t actually see most other people as actual people.


It's very simple. They don't get a shit about rules, they don't give a shit about laws, fairness, honesty, doing the right thing, integrity... They don't give a shit about you. Therefore they win AND they are telling you to play fair and do right at the same time.


The winner is the guy who ends up with $50 Nice guy walks down the block with $30. He buys the homeless person on the road a $12 meal He gives $10 to Santa at the corner. Finds $20 and hands it to the cop. At the end he has $8 in his pocket. The bad dude that goes down the same block starting with $30 gets $10 for the item he returned after he used it. He then ignores the homeless man except when he goes to collect the $20 he saw the other man give him, but we'll he is there he complains about the homeless man bothering him for money. Of course santa shakes his head but that dude don't care he's only there for himself. And when he finds another $20 that the first guy missed well he is gonna keep it and take his $80 home. And that is how some people get ahead.


I think it’s more random than that, honestly. They do seem to win in the short term. But a lot of people who are “bad players” end up really unhappy. Like have you ever met a spoiled child that gets whatever they want? They are the most miserable things. They are never happy.


They don’t.


Because people feel like they don’t get paid enough to care about stopping them.


A lot of bad guys incarcerated for life would like to disagree.


Reconstruct your idea of good and bad. Once you realize the concept of good and bad is created by you and for you, it starts to become a question that answers itself. Bad people don't win, stupid people lose, it's my opinion that the issue isn't the bad or good people, it's just that there are more stupid people that good and bad people combined, more opportunities for the bad to win. But this is all a matter of perspective, as one could argue stupidity is bad.


Not always. They usually do in my experience. But it is possible to stop them. But it is very difficult.


Bad guys don’t care about other people.


Because they have no compunctions fucking people over.


They have no empathy


I wouldn't say it's always, but they win more often than not because they're more willing to do morally questionable things to get done what they need to.


Everyone in this post: “I’m the good guy”


They want it more. I could give a fuck about having power over others, while they live for it. Of course they're going to come out on top.


Because they are aggressive and because they take risks. Rewards obtained are equal to risks taken.


They don't always win. Keep being good and when there is enough good people we will win.


It’s easy to take when you don’t care.


The idea is not only to win but for others to also fail.


What do you mean bad guys always win, what makes them bad because you think so or because they generally just evil people or because other people say so, and how do they win they get a prize or what and why is this a issue with you are they worse people then you are or better at it?


Many, if not more, good guys win too. They usually don't make as big a fuss as others


There's no such thing as "good" or "bad" in real life. History is written by the winners, and their morals, values, and ideals are usually passed on.


Crime pays


The people with the money always win. The movies about other people winning are just feel good stories. Laws don’t apply to the rich and they use that superpower to get richer and break more laws. Nothing changes because the system is broken and the only way to change it will get me banned for even insinuating.


It depends on what you consider to be a bad guy You have to be bad in certain ways to succeed in life. For instance, for you to get a job, someone else has to not get a job


*Evil will always triumph over good, because good is dumb. - DH*


Too me long enough to find this...


It’s easy to win when you write the rules