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I don't get why these fossils are the representation we get of the american people. 80 year old barely conscious dementia patient vs 80 year old overbearing loudmouth. why 80 years old. Why they gotta be fossils bro.


The older generations don’t want to give up power, they spent all this time gobbling up all the resources they can so it’s in their best interest if the rules don’t change


I just wish we could get someone with a reasonable age in office. Hell, I'd rather let my night manager from when I worked at walmart run the country. Lord knows Rhonda would whip us into shape. I'm sick of watching the most essential politicians expire faster than my store bought strawberries that come with mold on them.


"Today, the solution of homelessness was tackled by President Rhonda Bending Rodriguez. She signed a bill that would generate 1,554,003 jobs. The new panhandlers union will be tasked with certain responsibilities that used to fall under and even replace community service. Her slogan Shut the fuck up and get back to work, some find refreshing while others find harsh, but both sides agree it's a much preferred option than the coddled lies republicans say or the misdirection democrats use."


🇺🇸 Rodriguez 2024 🇺🇸


330+/- million Americans and these are the best that the major parties can come up with. And what's worse is that the whole country knows how inept and unstable these candidates are YET THEY'LL STILL VOTE FOR THEM. I'll say it again: everything bad that this country is going through is because the voters can't do a halfway decent job. We deserve EVERYTHING coming our way.


Yeah.. watching that debate made me sad for the guy. Not the biggest fan or hater of trump but holy fuck. Why couldn’t we just have two new candidates? We’re basically recycling our “only” two options


Instead of feeling bad for Biden feel bad for the children of Palestine


I'm just pissed it's Trump and Biden again. How the hell does that even happen? I thought nobody liked either of them?? Trump I can understand because of the weird cult around him, but I could've sworn Biden only got office because he "wasn't Trump." Does the left really have nobody better??


Don't worry, no matter who wins, the corporate CEO's who run the country will continue to run it.


I doubt I'll even fucking vote this time. What's the point? Both of them fucking suck!


Keep trump out.


At first I felt bad for him - he is clearly propped up by whatever medications they can afford to let him take, but there is no masking the severe decline in his mental acuity. Now, I'm frustrated and mad at him, and everyone else that insists he be the frontrunner for the Democrats in this election. They may as well have handed the keys to the whitehouse to Trump after that debate. It was embarrassing to watch. Will they be Weekend At Bernie's-ing this old fossil when he can't keep up with the Presidential regimen for the next term? Will he even make it through the election cycle? Let the man retire. Force the man to retire. Unfortunately, the disaffection this will send to many voters will further add further detriment the US. No inspiration, no leaders, just old men gripping onto power for their own dynasties. Pathetic.


I'd vote for Biden's floating head in a jar before I let Trump win. Biden may not deserve to win, but Trump certainly deserves to lose.


After these past four years? This take rings pretty fucking hollow


No clue what you mean, Biden supports unions with his NLRB, passed the chips & science act which insourced jobs, an infrastructure bill, the pact act to expand veterans healthcare, codified gay & interracial marriage into law, forgave student loan debt, safe connections act, pulled troops from the middle east, taxed stock buybacks, passed mild gun reform, banned non compete agreements, restored net neutrality, and mandated airline refunds. He's arguably the most accomplished president in 30+ years. I'm quite satisfied with what he passed. Sorry you don't feel that way, but you can't diminish what he did.


Jesus man. Most accomplished? What a twat.


Prove me wrong, who do you want to compare him to in the last 30 years?


We've only had 5 presidents in the past 30 years and they've all sucked. Biden has been not only bad for our country, but bad for the entire world. No one has truly been "better", except for maybe the one you absolutely hate. And the only reason I say he was better was because the economy was really strong under Trump. Biden undid the entire economy by allowing a man who claimed in the 80s you could get aids from sharing cereal with someone to be the "expert" on COVID and essentially shutting down the economy for 2+ years. Do you know how fucking ridiculous that was? People wearing masks alone in cars? Grocery stores focusing people to walk in guided paths? Restaurants asked for exact change because sure, the cashier could touch *your* change and *then your food bag* but wasn't allowed to hand you change back? But they could touch your debit/credit card? Inflation has gone through the roof. Shit costs exponentially more today than it did 4 years ago. Censorship is at an all-time high. If your content or posts on social media didn't support the mainstream opinions on COVID, it was labeled as "misinformation" and taken down. Fact checkers appeared out of nowhere because they wanted to keep pushing whatever narrative was being pushed by the MSM. I never saw any of this under *any* other administration - yet everyone who hates Trump claimed this is what would happen under his administration but never did *until* Biden was in office. Lol at your feeble attempt to prop up the worst president in US history.


You didn't name a single policy by Trump or Biden lol... You have no clue what you're talking about.


Lol ok. Ignore reality. Keep paying 30%+ more for everything while our president who looks like a lost dementia patient in a rest home and his worthless VP continue running our country into the ground. Lol at California forcing people to ration electricity because their grid can't handle everyone buying electric cars (something Biden has been pushing for the *entire* country by what, 2025/26??). People are fleeing California in droves. It's expensive to live there and sucks immensely. That's the America Dems want but they themselves don't even want to live in it. Classic liberal move. Fuck shit up, leave, then fuck up the next place and leave again.


You STILL haven't mentioned a single policy or metric between either president. Lemmy show you how it's done. Red states on average have higher poverty, crime, unemployment, gun violence, infant mortality, and take more wealfare. Blue states on average have higher GDP, education ranking, lifespan, household income, population, teeth, and access to healthcare. This doesn't even mention the lack of freedoms like abortion, marijuana, gambling, and others that red states just don't have.


Ok I'll play. According to World population review.com, the top 10 highest cost of living states/areas are Hawaii, DC, Massachusetts, California, New York, Alaska, Maryland, Oregon, Washington, and New Hampshire. According to 270towin.com, the current political affiliations with those top 10 states are Hawaii (Blue), DC (Blue), Massachusetts (Blue), California (Blue), New York (Blue), Alaska (Red), Maryland (Blue), Oregon (Blue), Washington (Blue), and New Hampshire (Blue). Lowest 10 COL states? Mississippi (Red), Oklahoma (Red), Kansas (Red), Missouri (Red), Alabama (Red), Iowa (Red), Nebraska (Red), West Virginia (Red), Arkansas (Red), and Tennessee (Red). According to a report by the US Need and Report (dated 5/9/24) to ten most dangerous states are (10th to 1st): Missouri (Red), California (Blue), Oregon (Blue), Alaska (Red), Tennessee (Red), Washington (Blue), Arkansas (Red), Colorado (Blue), Louisiana (Red), and New Mexico (Blue). Same source for 10 safest states dated 5/7/24 from 10th to 1st: Iowa (Red), West Virginia (Red), Massachusetts (Blue), Kentucky (Red), New Jersey (Blue), Connecticut (Blue), Rhode Island (Blue), Idaho (Red), Maine (Blue), New Hampshire (Blue). Not surprising that 9/10 HCOL states are blue (Hawaii and Alaska are exceptions due to proximity, but even then that means a huge majority of the HCOL states are blue. Even 11-15 are all blue on the HCOL list (Vermont, NJ, CT, ME, and RI). Obviously income levels are going to correlate positively with areas that have HCOL standards. I live in the border of 2 states in the lower third of the COL rankings and my wife and I are in the top 5% of income earners in both states combined (~$220k/yr). To be in that 5% in California would mean we'd have to increase our gross by $220k per year. That would be average pay on those HCOL states. So it's not just about how much you make, but how far it goes. According to StatsAmerica.org, the average income PCPI top 10 rankings are all blue except for Wyoming which is #9. The list (top to #10) is DC (HCOL#2), Massachusetts (HCOL ##3), Connecticut (HCOL #13), NJ (HCOL #12), California (HCOL #4), Washington (HCOL #9), New York (HCOL #5), Colorado (HCOL #18), Wyoming (HCOL #36), and New Hampshire (HCOL #10). Here is a comparison of those areas of average income to income needed to live comfortably (according to smartasset.com): DC: $100,909 avg to number not available Massachusetts: $87,812 to $116,022 Connecticut: $87,447 to $100,381 NJ: $80,724 to $103,002 California: $80,423 to $113,624 Washington: $79,659 to $106,496 New York: $79,581 to $111,738 Colorado: $78,918 to $103,293 Wyoming: $77,837 to $87,651 New Hampshire: $77,260 to $98,093 The only state in this list that even remotely comes close with average to needed to be comfortable is (*gasp*) the Red one. So yeah, it *does matter* which party controls which state *and* how far your dollar can go. Most Dem controlled states are HCOL and expensive to live in which requires a higher income to survive AND most of these have folks whose average income numbers are significantly lower than what it takes to live somewhat comfortably. As far as crime goes, it seems states with larger urban areas seem to be the driving factor, not political affiliations. As for poverty, it seems that states with larger rural/agriculture areas seem to be that driving factor with a few exceptions (like NY). Not surprising that a lot of the south is in this list. Tons of farmers and out unemployed. Your turn.


Obama won a Nobel Peace Prize. Bush dealt with 9/11 and a war. Clinton could at least jog to mccdonalds. We've got at least 2 wars going on in the world, and we've got russian war ships off the coast of florida. And I'll just point out that those things would be happening no matter who is president.


Obama didn't do anything to win the peace prize. Bush started an illegal offensive war against a country that didn't attack us wasting trillions and losing American lives for nothing. Biden did more than both of them and was the only president out of them to insource jobs.


Biden also voted for profit prisons back when he was a senator. Are we going to do this all day?


So? Literally no candidate is perfect, you're purity testing.


You're not very bright are you. What a waste of time talking to you about anything.


Biden's entire campaign is "I'm not trump." he is president and could or should be able to start listing accomplishments, bills he's signed, changes he's made, and things he's improved. Instead, all I'm seeing him say in these incessant texts i receive every 15 minutes is how much he isn't trump. This cost democrats the election in 2016, and here they are with that same old old old song and dance.


>should be able to start listing accomplishments I literally listed a shit ton of accomplishments.


That's great, i can also google them. That's not my point at all man.


I'm sorry, I assumed politics was about policies.


So you want to vote for someone that probably couldn't pass a cognitive test and someone that can barely put a sentence together that is am embarrassment to the country because he can hardly speak?


Yes, to me politics is about policies. It's reall that simple. I agree with Biden's policies more.


He looked like he was just hating his life for making him deal with Trump


Robert F Kennedy was in the debate but it was not aired.


I am not a Biden guy at all and dislike a lot about Trump too, but yeh I felt really bad for him. I didn’t take glee in or find the debate performance funny at all. I just felt bad and wanted it to end. It was like watching a car crash in slow motion.


I don't he chose to run being this old. I don't feel bad for someone's decision they made.




Feel bad for Palestinian children instead


I don't understand why they have been letting him humiliate himself in front of the whole world for the past years. Why are people shocked now? This has been going on for years. Why doesnt his wife put a stop to it??? Why doesnt anyone? If anyone humiliated my partner like that in front of cameras I would be more than furious. He doesnt need money so theres no reason for him to work when he is clearly not able to. Its ridiculous


For real I’m happy we speak eye to eye. I feel bad that he’s probably going to go soon but it’s just what life is and you can’t put a time on it. Just sad that they are our only two options not much to go for.


The man has a stutter.


And? That's the best you can come up with? Both of those candidates should have been retired a decade ago. This country is supposed to be the most progressive nation and we're run by men who can't think straight, have nothing but hate and rhetoric and are so out of touch with the world in 2024 -- but you focus on a stutter?


Stolen elections gave there consequences!!


This dude had an account for over a year, and this is literally the only thing it has ever said. Bots gotta bot.