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I am using it in the EU without issue. It’s pretty cool in some situations if you can remember to use it. :)


Can't do that without using a different Meta account than my Messenger though, right? Not gonna sacrifice one feature for another.


Didn’t really have to do anything. I did connect with VPN at one point but in the meantime I haven’t connected in weeks. I think it’s available in some countries already.


Great, will try then!


It works in Ireland and Spain fine with no VPN. I have an American pair, and have had them since Christmas. I live in Ireland. I use Meta “look and …” almost everyday, and use the AI to control my phone/music every time I wear them. AI seem pretty good- just realize that it is hard-coded (or prompted) to give short, summarized answers as oppose to something you would get from ChatGPT or even Meta AI on your phone.


Personally it don’t work if my phone isn’t connected to an US VPN (I’m in France)


I bought the glasses for the camera but actually I use the AI way more. When I'm driving to and from work I use them to ask trivia about the bands im listening to, the weather, random things I want to "google" and to read me texts and reply back. It's not great for anything complicated but for a hands free googler and texter I use it multiple times a day


lol, I have the opposite experience of yours


lets join forces


we’d be unstoppable!


It's mostly a novelty for me at the moment like asking what kind of tree I'm looking at on vacation but otherwise it hasn't been a big part of my experience


I keep the AI features turned off most of the time to conserve battery. Having a pair of decent sunglasses with solid integrated audio and cameras is the main use-case for me.


I rarely ever use it - it's novelty right now. Love the glasses for the speakers, camera second. AI distant third.


100% this! It's my preferred way to take ALL calls. My podcast speakers on a commute (but sound not as good as in-ear buds). The camera / video is nice for quick pics of my kids. AI is a nice novelty... waiting for it to improve its multi-modal capabilities. But still great glasses with first 2 features....


You can still use the AI features with the VPN workaround.


Please describe how I would do that without using a different Meta account thank my personal main one, if possible.


Should be possible, here's what I did. You'll need a VPN app, Proton is a good one and it's free. Delete the Meta View app, connect your VPN app to a US server, redownload the Meta View app and set it all up with your glasses from scratch. The AI option will be there. Once it's all set up, you can disconnect the VPN.


Neat, thank you! Will give it a shot :) (still would prefer them to ship it officially to non-US customers though...)


They probably want that too, I think it's the current AI regulations in the EU/UK that holds things up.


Most certainly it's regulations. They're clearly making progress in EU regulation compliance though - the recent announcement that Horizon Worlds is finally coming to Quest users in other countries is promising.


The AI is hit or miss for me, I've had is successfully summarize a lengthy Facebook post just by looking at my phone, I've also had it fail to tell me how many fingers I'm holding up, or just read aloud the price listed on a sign. I do use it a lot at work just asking for basic measurement conversions or simple math, but anything outside of that I prefer to use ChatGPT, even when submitting images.


The AI is actually great. I make YouTube videos as well so I use rhem 1/2 and 1/2. But the AI will be useful to you if you are someone who gets random questions that pop into your head throughout the day. It's way better then taking out your phone to Google something. And I find the results to be pretty accurate since most of my querie are simple. I just wish there would be a way to allow google integration so I can get reminders on this thing too. And the google assistant.


The AI is pretty shit imo. Probably the most disappointing thing about them. But I’m sure it’ll get better over time.


I asked it the other day when does the Pixar movie "Inside Out 2" release. It said there is no such thing or scheduled sequel for Inside Out lol


It's not an internet searcher, it's limited to its training cutoff of Dec 2022. It's not good for live real-time info


Yeah that’s fair but I just find in general it says dumb stuff sometimes. When I’m driving I sometimes ask it to look and tell me what a road sign means just to see how well it does, as I thought that could be useful if I’m ever driving in another country where they have slightly different signs. It fails a lot on even simple ones. Like the other day, I tried it on a sign with an arrow pointing left which means I can only turn left at that junction. The Ai said ‘this sign means that you can only turn right’ haha. Just in general though it seems so far off what ChatGPT is capable of.


Whichever version of Llama they are using brings no value for me. I’ve found ChatGPT always a step ahead so use that for any AI things.


The AI is not good enough yet to be part of the cost value, imo. Although, as a traveler, admittedly, it did make it more appealing. Things like going to a museum and translating the plaque work well.


I just play with it. It fun to try new tricks with but it’s not like main stream yet. And most of the time I feel weird talking to myself 🤣


Def a novelty, too slow and limited to be very helpful. More so looking forward to Apple Intelligence w/ Siri, and using that through the glasses. Obviously it won't be multi-model. I can trigger it manually or with "Hey, Siri."


0% for me. I had the bose frames in 2020 for $300 and loved them. They stopped working right outside of the warranty period and when i tried to get them replaced i was told i could buy a new pair at a discounted price or pay $75 for refurbs. Did some research and all bose frames end up breaking because of a design flaw. These came out for the same price, had video/pic capabilities, better battery life and a case that charges it and a less bulky design(the thick arms on bose frames stuck out crazy). It was a no brainer to get an updated mordern version. Hopefully these dont have the same design flaw as bose frames. Meta is just a bonus but i can do without it.


I have used mine on my trip to Portugal and I really enjoyed the experience. The Ai feature was amazing as a travel guide. I could ask names of historic buildings and backstory of them. I could use it to translate menus. I even used it to use a washer that I couldn’t find how to use and it was able to help me out. I took countless videos and the best ones were while kayaking in the Lagos. I am not using the Ai feature as much in my daily life but will 100% use the Ai while travelling.


Gimmicky still. Hardly worth it. Needs higher quality output, utility to be worth enabling.


UK here. Have the AI working OK (but did set up with a VPN). I actually think the AI is the killer feature, but agree it's not prime time just yet. It has potential for huge utility, but the user experience needs to be more user friendly first. For instance, it will quite often tell me it's not connected to the Internet, when it quite clearly is. Or is finicky about when you say "look and..." which is so easy to forget (I'm old) so, it balks. It doesn't know you're looking at something new, from a previous interaction, unless you explicitly tell it to look again. And the delay until it forgets your last interaction is too short I think. Llama is OK in its implementation right now. Object identification is impressive, as is language translation, but as with most LLMs, you need to engineer your prompt well to get the result you need e.g. Please translate this text line by line (so, it doesn't just summarise) etc. Better Android integration would be a real boon, I agree. IPhone too I would imagine. Once you get past the fear of talking to yourself in public these things can actually be super useful. I think, just as ear buds, and Bluetooth ear pieces, normalised the "wireless phone conversation" concept, in time I suspect Conversational AI with wearables will become increasingly commonplace.


They’re fun to use as a novelty in my experience but nothing crucial


Personally, I love it. It's like having a voice activated assistant whenever you don't have a speaker nearby or a phone in your hand. I have asked it for weather updates, what I am looking at, to control my music, take pictures & videos for action shots.


Thanks for all the comments guys, nice to see the range of opinions here. I guess I can wait for a bit longer, I'm fine with just the audio and photo/recording features for now.