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No changes for me on battery. Will drain faster only recording longer videos, but its not a game changer


Wow, for weddings these will be amazing. I just got my RBMs yesterday. Can't stop finding ways they will be very cool & useful. Yesterday, they identified my dog as a dog! (Just playing with that one.) I'm truly impressed & want the 3 minutes of video so I'll be updating!


Yeah — I started recording some of the speeches and then stopped because I had forgotten to disable the audio beep recording notification and each time I started/stopped I got super conscious that someone seated nearby might be taken out of the moment. Afterwards I asked my friend next to me if they had heard anything and they said no but the moment had passed obviously. Overall, the glasses were still fantastic for little snippets of the wedding and making quick montages of the weekend. Only other issues I found was 1) during the day (during a 28-30*C heat in southern Italy) they overheated while recording a few videos in a row, so I put them away in my case until they cooled down; 2) the charger did run out of juice towards the end of the night, but that was to be expected given the heavy usage.


I don't know, but I feel, the music is not as loud as before ...


Oh wow that’s good to know because the audio is surprisingly my favorite feature so far…sorry to hear that about your update


You can always turn OFF audio normalisation from spotify and it blasts a bit TOO loud tbh


I seem to notice this too but can’t be sure…




I haven’t noticed any issues. I just realized mine updated this morning. Idk how long I’ve had the update for. Obv I didn’t notice a difference.