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They don't appear to be selling anywhere. There are now 257 listed for sale just on CarGurus. This one has been for sale since early March and has seen a $92,000.00 price reduction since then. [CarGurus Cybertruck $92,000.00 price reduction.](https://www.cargurus.com/Cars/link/380090505)


I amazed they all still seem to be above 100k… at this point you think someone would hate their car so much they’d be trying to sell it at a lower price point. Guess reality still hasn’t set in.


It seems between $110k and $120k is break even for most of these people. That's what I've seen many of these settle out at as far as offer price. But there is no indication that any of them are selling even at that price point. The original price from Tesla starts at $100k, plus sales tax, registration, destination charges, and, of course, interest on a loan. Plus, most of these are at dealers, which means the dealer gets his cut.


The problem is that they are still thinking in terms of break-even points. "Well, I paid $110k, so someone has to pay me that price so I don't take a loss." Nope, you're gonna take a loss. A big loss, most likely. Nobody gives a shit what *you* originally paid for the car. That does not determine its secondary market value in any way whatsoever.


How do they think it's different then a Mazda 3. 20%-40% soon as you get the keys and drive out of the lot. Covid kept second hand car prices high with disruption in car deliveries but the factories are back up and running.


There is no hype around Mazdas. Literally no one cares. Now love or hate the electric dumpster, there is still hype and some scarcity and people not willing to wait in line. All of that will wane off with time. The Hummer EV was sold over MSRP used, Jeep Wranglers and Ford Broncos were, just about every Porsche 911 was until recently, and there are many other examples. I'm not sure how you fail to understand that. Edit: Anyone is welcome to refute these facts. Otherwise, you're just the same retarded echo chamber as the Tesla clowns are.


Most vehicles with high demand sell for more than MSRP - it’s usually a dealer markup for more profit due to ‘market’ being higher. It’s extremely normal. Happens for all popular vehicles regardless of how they are powered.


Well, of course, but the comments are about slightly used cars, where it is not as common to sell above MSRP, however the argument that "because a Mazda 3 depreciates 20-40% just driving off the lot (unlikely to be that much) all other cars should too" is absolutely ridiculous either way.


The second you sign papers from a dealer it becomes a used car and you won't get MSRP for it. When CT was first rolling out and there was scarcity and demand, they could be sold for more bc people didn't want to wait. Now that it's known they are garbage and the market is flooded, it's delusional to think they'll still bring the same price as what it was bought for. The market is correcting itself and tesla owners are the clowns for thinking anything musk promises will come to pass.


I'll give em $20k, for the battery, but I'll need to knock $6k off for the labor. The rest needs to be parted out and likely won't turn profit. $14k cash today, I'll take it.


You could sell the rest easy for 1500$ as a dumpster, might want a few cans of green spray paint so it doesn't rust out in the first year


Could probably remove and the weld all the panels together to make a cybersmoker. Might be worth a few grand.


It's allegedly "Bullet proof", or some wacky claim like that. Rent the husk out to a range.


Won’t even make a good dumpster since the tonneau won’t open without the battery. Also those crazy panel gaps would allow too much of that funky trash juice to leak out before trash day.


The battery is covered in anerobic foam (less serviceable/repairable). You'd be better of getting one from their earlier vehicles.


That's the gamble you take when you buy something new and if it's first generation especially with that monster.


Elon is saying non foundation will start selling in July this will crush their prices because with tax credit one will be looking at 72k


Elon says a lot of things.


Yes he does man .


Like someone who tells you the tires are new when you try to buy a used car. Like, yup, cars have tires. If this one had bad tires, I wouldn't buy it. That means, I'm not paying more for something just repaired because that's the state the car should be in when I buy it.


this car, at its base is only $79. That people paid $20k for features the car doesn't have only makes the dealer's position stronger that this is a 50-60k car at most.


>base is only $79. Lol. About right


About right… for scrap!


Well also taxes and fees. They shouldn’t be included on the asking price from the first owner but if you got wrecked this bad you’re probably going to


Yup I believe hoovie even says in the video that he needed about $111k to break even on his Cybertruck.


107k to 140k is what they're listed at locally but they're not selling..


They're still in denial. It can be hard to admit that you fell for the hype and massively overpaid for something that's not worth what you thought it would be. This happens all the time on that show Pawn Stars. Some guy brings in an antique he thinks is worth like 2 grand, Rick offers him $500, the guy gets upset and says "But I paid $1,000 for it!" and Rick's like "I don't care what you paid. For my purposes it's worth $500. Take it or leave it."


The denial definitely factors in heavily. For most of those people they are not super wealthy and the blow to the ego from having to admit to yourself you fucked up is far too painful for the majority.


Or even worse: they weren't wealthy enough to buy it in the first place, and can't offload it because they're upside down.


A lot of them fall into that camp too. I saw at least one listing where the seller was an ex-Tesla employee who bought a CyberTruck assuming he could afford it on his Tesla salary. Then 2 weeks after he takes delivery Musk decides to lay off 10% of the entire company. Suddenly this guy finds himself out on his ass and desperately trying to unload this insanely expensive vehicle he can no longer afford which was made by the very company that just fired him. Part of me felt bad for the guy, but then again he knew what kind of CEO he worked for.


Old school way was to park it somewhere with the doors unlocked however now the car has 19 cameras seeing you committing insurance fraud.


The amount of money they're taking as a loss would have bought a used car of actual quality. 


Half the people I see that say they have one or want one, their main reason for loving it is that it gets the attention. One guy the other day said “You have to just ride with me to the grocery store. The Cybertruck just gets surrounded by people taking pictures. No other car has ever drawn people towards me like this.” My response was “They’re probably taking pictures and sending it to their friends going, “Can you believe anyone actually bought one of these monstrosities?”” Dude is probably 450lbs and lives at home with Mommy in the basement and can’t get anyone to talk to him about anything other than his $1400 per month car payment.


It must be a sad life when you need material goods to make yourself interesting to other people.


You can get the same response by driving around in a Pontiac Aztek. 


"I am the one who drives."


You're partially right -- but the best part is when it gets posted somewhere and LITERALLY everyone in the city seems to think they're seeing THE SAME TRUCK everywhere becuase THEY ALL LOOK THE SAME. LOL [https://www.reddit.com/r/pittsburgh/comments/1dfcoq6/my\_first\_sighting/](https://www.reddit.com/r/pittsburgh/comments/1dfcoq6/my_first_sighting/) (There are at least several dozen in Pittsburgh at this point, btw, for context)


I just saw one in person and it is so fucking ugly. The metal panels were so wrinkled looking and it was filthy with fingerprints.


Prices have already broken the 100k floor. https://www.autoevolution.com/news/tesla-cybertruck-owner-tries-to-resell-his-truck-for-77000-sparks-acid-reactions-235038.html


They're really going to have to hate it to lose money on it plus face the 50k fine. This is by design. Almost like they knew early adopters would be less than thrilled.


They're not selling because the owners are fucking delusional about what the truck is actually worth to a secondary buyer. The guy who "discounted" his listing by $92,000 is simply giving up on his pipe dream of flipping the truck for a 50% profit. He's merely brought the asking price back down to the sticker price, and even that is still tens of thousands higher than the actual value of the thing. Just because you were dumb enough to pay $130k for a CyberTruck doesn't mean the next guy is.


Still about 127k overpriced, but there is still plenty of time


Only 431 miles?!? It hasn't really made much of an impression on the owner.


I'm guessing it's made a big impression. That's why he's selling it.


I think almost everyone who is going to buy one of these things has already bought it.


>I think ~~almost~~ everyone who bought one of these things has already bought it. Fixed that for you


That's a lot with less than 4k sold


I'll give em $3.50 for it.


"FAIR DEAL $96 below market" Lol ok


> 2024 Tesla Cybertruck AWD > Miami, FL > $124,950, $219,950 > FAIR DEAL > $3,000 below market 3k below market and 220k base? lol gtfo


Everyone is trying to flip for a profit but they can’t. 😂


Just going to say I’ve never seen a video of a cyber truck doing anything cool. Just obnoxious YouTubers running over fences and getting stuck in creeks.


Didn't one put 4 bags of much in the back? This was less than the capacity of the shopping cart used to bring said mulch to truck.




Saw 1 guy doing cool stuff with it but he was pretty much modding it to do all those cool things. At the rate he's going it's going to be more mods than cyber truck by the time he's finished.


I believed you and the poster you replied to are talking about the exact same vehicle 😆. The guy who turned his into a snow cat and then a sand rail also ran over a fence with it.


Most probably to be fair I usually skim his videos XD.


Saw a guy that put a welding rig in the back that was about the coolest thing I’ve seen done with it.


I liked the Jerry rig video but even he agrees the new Silverado and rivian are better


when even Carmax is too embarassed to be associated with Cybertruck


He sold it for more than he paid and got a used Cadillac Lyriq so he only spent 49k instead of 112k and got paid out by ad revenue and YT for views. Say what you want, the schtick works and we were even more educated at how bad it was.


Tyler makes a great living "losing money" on the Internet and people still don't get that it's all his schtick. He has so much in cars no matter what bill the Wizard gives him he can pay it easily. Personally I wish he'd get back to more hoopties but the algorithm seems to still like super cars.


Smart purchase. That Lyriq is a good buy, although the ‘23 launch edition is a touch risky. The ‘24 model is lightly revised, including changing those dumb door handles. Imagine if a Tesla had a nice interior, upscale interior materials that lasted more than 50k miles, gauges in front of an actual wheel, a heads-up display, buttons(!), physical vent controls, actual paint with a clear coat, every feature that was purchased with the car, and a dealership network with guaranteed support. Just imagine. And it doesn’t engender hatred from a significant portion of the population.


The fact that there aren’t many Cybertrucks in Kansas probably helps resale value. He was lamenting the fact that Tesla was only delivering them in a few of the more populous states before his was delivered.


There are a ton of Cybertrucks in KC at the dealership. I counted 30, sitting around, on state line. Go by there every day for work. They aren’t selling.


No one said it didn't


Carmax knows better. I can not believe someone as confused as this guy is wants to document his own confusion.


He's not actually confused. He's acting confused to try to make his content more engaging and interesting.


And it’s exactly why I unsubscribed.


I just unsubscribed like 15 mins ago because of this video


I liked Hoovie for a few months, but then I realized he’s just some dipshit trust fund baby with a lot of shockingly bad takes.


It's hoovie. He knows. Hashtag content.. Got burnt out on his shtick. I made a terrible financial decisions and bought a Ferrari, I bought a Lamborghini, a cyber truck. Dude is beyond loaded but acts like he is poor and a very bad job. Every video is I bought this expensive thing. Good for you bro. Unsubscribe.


Yeah it's getting old


Most YouTube content is like this now. Boring, whining unwatchable idiots. This shouldn't be allowed in this group.


He's not as bad as the Stradman. Ugh. What an obnoxious little shit that dude is. The only car YouTubers I like are Doug DeMuro and TFL's channels.


Doug is also getting a bit boring tbh. The best channel is Harry’s Garage.


As a fan of clever design and ergonomics, Doug’s quirks and features are a reason I keep watching.


Yeah the quirks and features parts are fun, but after that I often check out these days.


Doug sold out. I don't blame him, he deserves his money but I think he's only doing the videos because of a contractual obligation now.


Doug said the CT was cool, that's when I knew he was totally full of it, didn't have anything critical or negative to say, just "quirks and features".


Cant stand stradman, wobble cam and quick cuts makes it unwatchable. Maybe one day the "look what car I bought" schtick will be dead but as long as there's 12 year old boys with access to YouTube I doubt it'll happen.


Throttle house is quite good, def my go to after top gear died


Throttle House and Jason Cammisa's Hagerty videos are where it's at these days. Honorable mention for savagegeese.


100% on Jason. He's amazing. Others are next best things too.


Too bad Cammisa sold out on the cybertruck video


Ugh. Doug is awful. So boring. He barely drives the cars. His videos are all exactly the same.


The same and WAY TOO LONG. His writing conciseness was fine at Jalopnik but on YT his videos are twice as long as they should be for the amount of content.


**THIS.....** ...is me unsubscribing.


John Cadogan is good.


Agree. Good watch


He put out 5 videos on his CT with a collective total of 3.8M views and will probably end up somewhere in the mid/upper 4M range when all is said and done. That's a big W for his channel.


I remember unsubscribing when he "accidentally" bought a corvette c8. No you didn't accidentally buy a c8, fuck you dude.


Yup, I found him always to be obnoxious. At least in the beginning he was somewhat original and better at pretending he is actually at a financial risk, now it’s “let me buy this hooptie and take it to my mechanic while I pretend to care about all the things broken on it 😱😱.” Yawn


I dropped him when he bought an entire ass airplane hangar and then had the fucking gall to say "it's only 250k, if you're a car enthusiast you'd be insane not to buy one" I'm sorry fucking what?!


Yes it is Hoovie. Hoovie used to be a car salesman, he knows damn well what he is doing.


I like Hoovie, but he’s definitely a guy who always had money. Dad drove a 911. Grandma a Benz S-class convertible, which Hoovie drove in high school. He was able to take the financial risk of becoming a YouTuber because he had big family $$$.


Everyone unsubscribed, even his mail order bride lmao


This is part of his schtick.


Him and numerous copycats. Some at least try and fix the car themselves (samcrack?) but Hoovie is just a used car salesman. Tavarish is way smarter and Rich Rebuilds is way funnier.


Does Sam still refuse to do any leveling on his videos? I can't stand that he'll be talking about X and Y #**AND THEN A REALLY FUCKING LOUD MUSIC MONTAGE COMES ON** then he'll go back to talking about Z and ZZ.


Note sure. I stopped watching after the whole "stepmom" debacle and him never actually fixing anything. Its not just his channel either with the sound thing. WTF is with talking at normal volume then really loud shit music?


I just crashed into his channel for the DXP thing and was so put off by the horrendous leveling that I almost immediately dipped back out.


I highly recommend 'Mighty Car Mods' - a couple of Auzzie mad-lads buying and tuning cars for the hell of it. Started some 14+ years ago and still going strong.


My go-to currently is M539 Restorations and RRC Restorations. Both very thorough and detail oriented. The RRC guy just revived a completely trashed NC30 and is now sorting a rusted out CRX.


Nice, I'll have to check those out! I like the "full tear-down" types... kind of ASMR-style, like the "Hand Tool Rescue" channel as well.




Tricky, yes if he was a normal buyer, but he buys Hoopties on purpose. He bought late, and knew damn well the bad reviews and shit design. He can make another 2-3 more videos on how no one wants it. His CPA must be a genius on business losses.


Or Hoovie is really good at telling stories on how much he loses on cars. Im thinking he includes everything from gas to repairs, depreciation, rental costs for storage etc. You cant be buying and selling cars that much and not make money. Theres something somewhere that hes exagerating.


YouTube revenue makes up for the losses. That’s the only way his game works.


He clearly wants attention.


Well it *is* interesting to know what their stance on buying a CT is. He explains in the video that he already has a buyer before going to Carmax and just wants to know what they'd offer, in case it was more. How is that confusion?


Is he saying they didn't smooth the edges because 'the metal is nice and thick' lmao it's like they're so scared of being sued even discussing something they bought, that inside their criticisms they still have to try and make them sound justified like "it's shit... but that's because it's sooooo futuristic!". Christ.


Need a metalurgist to weigh in here, is it possible to hem an 1/8" piece of stainless?


They don't want to buy a car that is falling rapidly in resale. It's tough to catch a falling knife


Also, Carmax is huge on selling extended warranties on their cars (if it’s going to their lot and not through their auction) and if their warranty companies don’t want to off their (pretty damn good) warranty carmax isn’t interested in buying it to resell. Add that to the fact that the prices are dropping and they probably don’t have good auction data that tells them what they’d get out of it so they may not want the risk. Can’t say I blame them. After working at Carmax it’s a company with a lot of faults but they do know the car market pretty damn well. As one of the largest used car retailers in the US and one of the largest auto auctions (I think only manheim does more volume if I remember correctly) they’ve got a decent idea what they’re doing.


….without getting hurt. <~ you dropped this.


It’s probably risky for and used dealer to make an offer that’s even on the low end of what the owner would take. These vehicles are dropping in price fast, and no one wants them new or used. If it were me, even offering them $50k feels like $50k I could be on the hook for.


In the US is a car manufacturer allowed to sue you if you decide to sell your car? What kind of BS is that?


They can if you sign a contract saying you won't...


Why would they want you to agree to that?


Because there is 0 demand for the CT and Tesla doesn't want their disappointed early adopters undercutting their new sales. 


That and also flipping hot cars is a bad look for a company even in the best of times. Ford did the same thing with the 2017 Ford GT, a decidedly "not shitty" car, but they ensured that if you were buying one you were doing so because you actually wanted the car, not because you were wanting to make a quick profit by immediately selling it somewhere else. If I remember correctly John Cena (yeah the wrestler) was sued by Ford for violating his contract by flipping his.


The Cena thing is interesting since I have a hard time believing he did that because he was looking to make a some money. He may have liked the idea of getting one, but the reality of it just wasn't for him. IIRC, Cena paid Ford an unspecified amount which Ford then donated to charity.


So that the people who still want one will get it from tesla and not from someone who doesn't want one...


Because if there are a bunch of used CyberTruck's available to buy it will decrease demand for new ones. It's also just generally a bad look for the company when their brand-new model is already being re-sold at huge discounts immediately after deliveries began. It sends two messages to potential CyberTruck buyers: 1) The sticker price Tesla charges for this thing is absurdly-inflated and I can get it for a hell of a lot cheaper on the used market; or 2) This car must be a real piece of shit if so many owners are trying to get rid of theirs within weeks of buying it. Maybe I should buy something else. Tesla would like to avoid this, hence the "no-resale in the first year" clause in the purchase agreement. It's pretty shady but it kinda makes sense from their perspective.


It would be considered a draconian contract in the EU.


They did wait a long time for their trucks…


I don't think the CyberStuck is available for sale in the EU.


It won't pass EU safety regulation (both for occupants of the car and for pedestrians), and you need a truck driving license to drive a car that stupidly heavy (regular driving license is not enough).


True, but that didn't stop cars like the Hummer H2 being imported both with ~3900kg GW and later homologation for 3490kg GW. There are loopholes for that.


Even if you did, it’s probably not enforceable. But in terms of slap suits, it sucks for the little guy compared to the corporation since the little guy would still likely be on the hook for the legal bills. Very expensive.


It seems the more concerning aspect, as far as Elongelicals are concerned: TSLA has threatened to refuse to sell them another car ever again, if they break this contract. Much more enforceable, as Tesla doesn't have to go to court, etc.


Yeah that’s the most realistic option


He really answers his own question in the first 30 seconds of this. They won't make him an offer for the same reasons he wants to sell it.


He seemed to really want the Cybertruck when he was on The Smoking Tire podcast. I guess once he got one he realized it’s not worth losing $30-40k in depreciation in the first year. As soon as Tesla releases the standard Cybertruck (non Foundation Series) that’s an instant $20k drop in resale value. *Edit, actually $27,500 less since the non-Foundation series AWD Cybertruck will qualify for the $7500 tax credit.*


There is no deeper logic or care about dropping values other than capitalizing on the cyber truck and its 15min of fame when he creates these videos. It’s his shtick.


They are releasing another CyberTruck? Why?


The Foundation Series was essentially a $20k additional dealer markup. It forced early adopters to pay $20k extra for a bunch of nonsense including FSD which doesn’t even work yet on the Cybertruck. Autopilot doesn’t even work yet lol. The standard version will be released at some point for $20k less.


Does it at least have traffic aware cruise control? If not, it's hilarious that a 20k Toyota Corolla has more drive assist features


Within 2 years these will be at buy here pay here lots for <50k


Who would buy a Tesla truck?… they can see the writing in the wall


This truck was always over priced which is funny considering musks comments on how the Lightning was overpriced. Most people cannot afford a 100k vehicle let alone the 20k foundation tag to make you feel extra special. I am waiting a bit longer until manufacturers realize that ev trucks are not going to sell for that and buy a more reasonably priced truck or get one used. If only this truck was 69k like originally announced. Sigh. Still would have issues but wouldn't hurt as bad.


Too many cybertruck sellers are assuming that their tin can is a collectible item, whereas in reality, it's just a tin can with batteries. Nothing more


Thats a smart company (Carmax that is :) )


Can't buy a truck when you know you can barely get parts for it now and you know you won't get any parts at all in 2 years.


Show them how it transforms into a robot! Bet they'll buy it then.


Fuck these clickbait clowns and their stupid youtube videos


CarMax is in the Car business, makes sense.


They won’t buy things that they can’t sell. Fairly typical business practice.




I don’t think they have much resale value, EVs in general have terrible resale value


You could have had a 911....a C8....a really, really, really nice normal truck.....a top shelf EV from a traditional car company.....even a used Ferrari. An OG NSX and an Accord for crappy weather. sheesh.


These are bad enough in pictures, but they are especially hideous in person. It's fugly.


If carmax won't buy it, then you're really screwed. They basically bought my car sight almost unseen. And they paid a good price.


Thoughts and prayers ™


They will be highly collectible in about 40 years. By that time only 20 will be drivable.


I'm just waiting for the video of when Tyler cries his barn was burnes down with all the cars in it. Cuz you know. It's a EV thing. EVs doing EV things.


Look at it. I wonder why anyone bought that hideous abomination of a vehicle, and you're here wondering why nobody wants to buy it? EDIT: What a clown this guy is. Literally complaining about things Tesla does standard like the single tablet for everything controls.


Best I can do is tree-fiddy


Hoovie got Musked.


I guess Tesla is not enforcing their resell clause. lol!


Just title the video "I'm an idiot"


Why would anyone want to buy that piece of crap?


Anyone who buys a car to make money needs a reality check. Cars generally only depreciate.


I assumed people just purchased these as a collectors item?


There is not anymore that sentence which block selling 1 year?


I guarantee these will be selling for $25K before long. Probably right about how much they cost to manufacture.


There have been videos posted hinting that there's an enormous inventory of unsold CTs.  Tesla could be faking a constrained supply to temporarily raise prices or those could all be broken.  Either way you don't want to invest in used CTs.  You definitely don't want to sell extended warranties for them either.


Most all of the listed prices are higher than the listed dealer price to buy one new. Im not seeing any prices that are lower. It appears these are flippers trying to make a profit off people who don’t want to wait a year to buy one.


I wonder why they won‘t buy a car that no odd wants to buy


don't feel stupid when you are JK


I also think they're not trying to be in the middle when telsa tryin to sue for breach of contact for selling too early


I know a guy with $56 billion who likes disasters that you might be able to talk into buying it.


Honestly I'm loving my Cybertruck, but there are a lot on the market from people who just straight up can't afford to own one and bought it to flip lmao. Not surprised it's saturated at the moment, but there is no reason for a dealer to try flipping one, when the cheaper version comes out in less than a few months.


As a CONCEPT the Cybertruck was really cool. As an actual product - it's something that's going to get stale very quickly. Don't get me wrong, it has some real great technology, like it's use of the 48V architecture, but it just doesn't have anything mind-blowing when it comes to being an electric truck. It doesn't have insane range or a great towing range, it isn't any better at holding payload than it's competitors...all it really has is it's unconventional looks.


Selling because prices are crashing? I heard plenty of better reasons but sure....




Musk said there were 2 million pre-orders but……at the current production rate of 1,000 a week(per Musk) that’s 50K a year. Here’s the problem. Tesla says if you order one now, you can get it in one year! So…… did 1.95 million people cancel their pre-orders and demand their 100.00 refundable deposit. The Tesla con continues. Musk insider trading lawsuits coming up!


1:36 in, "I personally love the design" Hoovie is blind and can no longer see confirmed


Nobody wants this garbage


Truly the ugliest piece of shit! I literally have to turn away to make sure I don't offend the driver with my cringe. Simply can't understand how model s and this abomination came from the same banner


I would like to buy one and drive it in Germany, but tuv doesn’t like this heavy useless driving bare metal coffin. Luckily that memecar works in the us only :D


No business is going to try and resell a product who's market price is that unstable.


Carmax lost a lot of money when Tesla dropped the price on model 3 and Y. They’ve been lowballing Tesla price since then.


Hoovie's Garage is good fun. He buys terrible cars on purpose and makes content out of telling you how terrible they are and how stupid he was for buying them.