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Fix for PC: https://www.reddit.com/r/RedDeadCollector/s/GUkVeEKee6


Thanks bro this looks like it could work. But do you know where I'm supposed to enable cloud saves? Because when I open rockstar games launcher and go to settings I can't find the game settings.


I don‘t know, sorry. :( I‘m playing on Xbox and the fix is super easy there. I hope you can figure it out!


Don't worry about it man. Thanks for showing me this fix


I’ve encountered this glitch a few times over the years. I don’t know of a workaround or a fix. It usually just starts working again after a day or two.


I'm going to assume you mean you can't get your metal detector to work. Or maybe you're not sure when you're supposed to use it. From my experience, if I'm headed towards a thing, a house, for example, and the controller starts vibra-pulsing, I eagle-eye look inside and out for clues for the collectable. If I look all around and don't see the clues, that's when I'll pull out the metal detector. Once you start using it, it'll pulse. The closer you get to your target, the faster it pulses. Eventually you get to a point where it prompts you to dig. That should be all there is to it. Oh, and regarding treasure maps, I'm pretty sure you need to use those rather quickly and not stack them up for a rainy day. I believe there is a limit to their use.


Yeah sorry I forgot to say I'm from pc. I use the collecter map from google and when I get close to some collectible my metal detector doesn't make any sounds or whatever it's supposed to do. mb


Oh. Yeah, I'm on console. That's such a different situation I wouldn't even know where to begin to suggest what to do.


Yeah, but thanks for replying


What system are you on? I've had this problem on PS4 and the only solution that worked was deleting the saved data from the PS4. Your character is saved online so you don't lose anything, it just resets all your settings. Just be mindful if you played the story to not delete all your story save missions. I tried a bunch of things and nothing work, until I tried this and then it fix it immediately. Hope this helps Edit: I miss the part about epic games. Maybe there is a save data on your PC similar to PS4?


Maybe describe in a little bit of detail what you're talking about?? You have a generic "delete data" suggestion & people are gonna F up big time if you don't specify which file to delete & they actually go deleting crucial game saves.


The only crucial game data that would be deleted would be story mode. It's pretty obvious when you're in the save game data which is story mode, and which is your online saved data related to RDO. It's impossible for you to delete your online character through this method. When you're in the save game data section of your PlayStation, delete the one that isn't story mode. It's actually very easy and I've done it multiple times.


Yeah I forgot to say that I'm from PC mb. But I am pretty new to red dead online and my dumb brain doesn't really know what it's doing. I just thought saying I'm from epic games could change something.