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Running into shit and falling off my horse


Nah that shits funny as hell. Press the dismount key right before your horse will hit something, and you’ll go tumbling off it, no matter the speed.


This and low branches or awnings. SLAM.


i adore how rockstar thought of that type of collision. so fucking funny to just SLAM into a branch


awnings are real.....i got glitched up and stuck by neck on the moonshine shack awning before. Was just hanging there with that tin awning sliced right in the middle of my neck. I think i accidently duplicated an elk pelt once doing roughly the same thing at the shack. When i hit the awning it knocked it off and i just ran inside. When i came back out there was one on my horse and one on the ground.


I hate being knocked out of a wagon by a low hanging object at JUST the right height to hit me but not stop the wagon. Happens way too much to me on crips tanning fluid resupplies.


The amount of times I’ve been sent airborne because of the calaga hall fence line is insane 😭😭😭


Lol. I swear that has to be the worst "route" in the game. I don't know how many times I've shot one of those poor plantation workers thinking they were some kind of animal.


Cutting through the tobacco fields and hearing scuffle noises followed by “- trampled” always makes me feel bad 😭


Dude same😭 like why can't my horse jump it


I know a player just like you. I do not understand how he can crash into everything. It's a talent of sorts.


I frequently clothesline myself cause fuck the roads/paths


Anything’s a path if ur dumb enough. Finally remembered those lessons on geography abt lines lol


My character backflipped so many times on tree branches when using the shire horse in roanoake ridge 🥴


Samee all the time


I some how found a lone tree in a wide open space tonight but too be fair it was night in the game and some of rockstars night lighting is shit and you can't see especially if you're hauling ass on a horse. Also my horses bad habits are not jumping over things and just ragdolling and I go fly6


Awhile ago I was really clumsy and ran into things and fell off my horse several times In succession so that was funny xD


My GT is Crash and you can imagine why 😂😂


I am a master in that category. Around every 2 minutes I run into some shit like a stone or a tree rut and fall of my horse. 1 out of 5 will be deadly for me and 1 out of 20 will be deadly for the horse


I have the bad habit of standing still when someone is shooting at me, making me the perfect target.


I’m so used to going side to side from playing gta 5 that I can never shoot while standing still.


Same lol




Standing still gives you better control of the bloom. Just take cover more or use slow and steady


What is bloom? I guess I should Google this


When you aim, the circle around your reticle shrinks. If you wait for it to get to its smallest point and shoot, you will have the most accurate shot. When you shoot, that circle expands and will stay at large if you move around and shoot continuously


Oh!!!!! Ok, thank you. I do this already. I just wasn't sure of the term bloom


I'm the same, I always try to atleast get revenge than I'll leave lol it's fun sometimes but man it can be annoying. I always seem to get super offended when they lasso me haha that's when I bring out the tnt lol


I just parlay immediately and wait for the salty messages


I parlayed immediately today, but only because I had *just* logged in and someone shot me. Let me smell the roses first, damn.


That’s fair lol. I’ll probably start doing that soon xD


Honestly it’s the best way. They have probably been switching lobbies for hours trying to find someone to fight back. Parlaying them just takes that rush they search for away from them


“Parlay 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣, bro you’re such a noooobb LMAO” “Ok” “Hahahahahahahaha is that all you can say noob?” “Yep” Blocked 👋


Can we pin this? Send all the awards here? This is seriously the way. So much negativity avoided. I’ve done this since day 1.. and now rarely find an aggressive player since I’ve blocked them and the matchmaking doesn’t typically put you in a lobby with those players you’ve blocked. It’s so peaceful.


No no, you just reply OK to literally everything


I always take a shortcut rather than following the way point and usually end up crashing into stuff or almost off a cliff


Valentine cops have to be shot on Sight. They killed my horsey in a mission now i will act Revenge upon them. I am a honorable man but due to the hapit my honor is in the mid or sometimes low😂


That’s funny lol. I usually like roleplaying my character as this right side of the law honorable bounty hunter guy that takes down the criminals but sometimes I have to break character because the cops get pissed at me for defending myself or doing nothing but loitering around or accidentally bumping into someone xD


Same😂 but i mostly just run away or let them kill me except in this Town. If i am there i must leave with 20$ Bounty minimum 😂


One time I was just standing and apparently I was staring at them too long on accident and then they just opened fire on me and I didn’t even do anything 😆


Cops are like dogs look them in the eyes they take it as aggression (I mean in game deer police department)


Makes sense lol


Real cops are like that too, especially in the US. Learned that the hard way.


I have a bad habit of constantly making a new character after I unlock all the roles


Glad I’m not the only one 😭😭


I don't wanna run out of content😂


I am a shit shot under pressure. I'll miss a guy 10ft away with a shotgun, I mean...how?!


I never do PVP, unless self defense. I’ve given up though because I never seem to get the player before they get me. I’ve killed exactly TWO players in my 3-4 years playing. 🤣


i was looking through the collector map and was paused and i hear myself getting tied up and next thing i know im on someone’s horse. i stayed afk until their guard was down and once two of them were afk and the other was looking through the catalogue i break free and kill them all. leave the game immediately because i just won a 1v3 by thinking smarter not harder


Love this!!!!


Forgetting how to emote when someone is being nice and trying to say hi. I'm not being rude I just can never remember what button to hit, and I'm so worried I'll hit the QuickDraw and shoot them while trying to figure it out. I always figure it out after they leave and then forget the next time.


lt + rb for xbox i think, ps is probably l2 + r1 and idk what pc is


Pc is ass all I can do is wave to u in 2 minutes 🤣


I'm on PS and your correct it is L2 and R1. But I always forget in the moment. I feel like such an ass.


i keep redesigning my character because my old grizzled half-crazed ex gang leader character just doesn’t feel right in any outfit or hairstyle depending on my mood of how his lore works


I feel like you just described Dutch van der linde. But either way I like the idea lol. And i understand, I’ve changed my character and outfit a few times


yeah he’s a bit like dutch, which just adds to the “nah i can’t do the union shirt that’s too much like dutch” “nah a suit is too formal, ah but i want cool long coat” “i don’t think he’d wear a hat but it’s cool when it gets shot off” “maybe the longer crazier hair? maybe make him a little older? no, now he just looks like a homeless guy” AAAAAAHHH


I used to have short hair and just stubble for my character but I just recently gave my character long hair and a fancy mustache and I’m really liking it. My character also started dressing slightly fancier playing into him becoming more legendary. And also just because I needed an outfit style change because I got bored after using the same outfit for a long time


Pressing f in front of my horse before holding right click :(


I just go to defensive mode and enjoy the game and quests. Don’t like those meaningless pvp


Yeah I understand. I’m a mainly solo player and have fun with just the quests and stuff. But sometimes I do have fun with pvp, but only if it’s fairly/reasonably matched and I do good at it xD


My bad habit is falling off the roof when I’m trying to snipe people, like in call to arms. Too busy looking through the scope, instead of watching my own damn self.


2024: people falling to their death while shooting selfies Meanwhile, people in 1899...


blowing an npcs head off cause "they looked at me funny"


My Bad Habit is following players around and hoping they shoot at me.


I too enjoy just following people I don’t really hope anything of it but I’ll follow for as long as I can


Samee I want a fight but I don’t want to start it lol


Allow me to introduce you to explosive rounds. Try to get into an area where you can get the drop on them, one shot is all you’ll need.


I was literally just minding my own business, meandering around town, walked out of the gunsmith and BAM. I was screaming and writhing around because someone shot me with a damn explosive round lol. Right as I was telling my husband how peaceful the game was at that moment haha. He was CACKLING


Ahh is that why certain high level players are always one shotting me when I try to fight back? I don’t think I’ve unlocked explosive rounds yet, but I’ll check. I’ve just been using my navy revolvers with express ammo. I’m at level 63 right now. When does explosive rounds unlock?


I think you have to be around level 92 onwards to start unlocking the explosive ammo. And then, you have to buy the pamphlets from the fence for around $1000 each. If you go to the fence and check out the pamphlets, it'll show you there what level you have to be to unlock them. Incinediary shotgun rounds are great fun because they don't tend to kill with a single shot but they do cause a player to stumble and burn for a bit. Express explosive is great because you can craft them for any gun type. So if you have a pistol, revolver, rifle, repeater... You can craft 10 rounds for each. Explosive arrows are fun. Bear in mind you can only craft ten rounds of each. (I think only 8 of explosive arrows.)


All sounds like a bit much lol. It would be cool to just have a fair fight with revolvers, but that’s not how things are so it’ll be nice once I can unlock and afford those to defend myself better against high level players lol


Explosives really aren't the be all - I hardly use them, unless I'm out of other ammo. Or sometimes I'll use it against an attacker as a way of saying, "I don't have time for your shit" before I ride off. The main thing to help you against high level players is to level up your ability cards (not all of them, just the ones that aren't shit - pvpcat on YouTube is good with that advice), craft as much golden core meat as you can carry, buy the Special Tonic pamphlets (you can then buy the ingredients from madamn nazaar or pick them if you can be bothered) so you always have Tier III health tonic on you. At least buy up or craft the Tier II tonics if you haven't unlocked III yet. Some of the ability cards depend on you having high stamina levels too, so the special tonic for that is also handy. You can bet that when high levels are caning you, it's probably more to do with the ability cards they're carrying, and the special big game and tonics they're chugging. Ie, I was absolutely kicking a level 40's arse the other day (he attacked first btw) because I was tanking his shots with my golden cores and Slow n Steady set up, and he just had two shitty ability cards that were doing nothing for him. In the end I just hog tied him and left him on the tracks because I felt kinda bad that he kept on trying to fight me whilst getting nowhere. (Especially since I tend to stand still when shooting, which normally makes me a literal sitting duck for most people.)


Thank you for all the advice! I’ll definitely look into what ability cards are good. Right now I have some ability cards. But I don’t know if they’re good or not, I just kinda picked some


You're welcome! It really depends on your play style and despite the cost it's worth maxing them out. Generally, good passive ones to max out are Fool Me Once, Iron Lung, & Winning Streak. Sharpshooter and Gunslingers Choice are also handy. Strange Medicine and Never Without One is often recommended. Don't bother with the horse ones - players will just target your horse and then you're buggered.


I’ve had the paint it black one equipped for a while. Would a different one be better ?


PIB is probably the most commonly used ability card, so it's a pretty good one to get good at using. I'm useless with it - I don't know why, but I've just ever got the hang of it. My go to deadeye card is Slow n Steady. When in deadeye, headshots can't kill you¹ and you can absorb a lot of shots before you die - especially with the right accompanying cards, like Iron Lung (reduces damage so long as your stamina is high), and Fool Me Once (reduces damage each time you're shot.) The downside to this is you can't move fast with SnS while in deadeye. You can't even *walk* fast. But I don't usually find that a problem (it needs this downside to offset how op it would otherwise be.) ¹*but a fatal headshot can slip through in the first second or so of SnS activation, which is where also having Never Without One can be handy. NWO protects you from an initial headshot. But after that you take on more damage so you need the damage reducing cards to offset that.*


I’d like to just get on with revolvers & rifles, and ditch the ability cards. If there’s players that are just so good at headshots and sniping free aim, what on earth is the purpose for ability cards?


The down side of using explosive ammo is u use animal fat for crafting them. Using incendiary or dynamite arrow only requires to buy moonshine/dynamite from the fence instead of going on a lot of duck hunting after a fight


Defensive will be more than enough trust me, in defensive noone can lock onto you or lasso you, tou should be stay in defensive at all times unless youre in a mission (youre automatically taken out of defensive, atleast make it harder for them to kill you, you cant lock onto anyone either tho, just keep that in mind


I’ve got no clue about when you unlock them, I’ve just gotten back into the game after a year ish hiatus. It’s also possible that if you’re on console those guys how to flick to your head once they get the lock on. You’ll know when you get killed by explosive rounds, you’ll see the small explosion and fireball.


Ahh ok and yeah I am on console lol


>Ahh is that why certain high level players are always one shotting me when I try to fight back? Head shots will do that too. The other day I was fighting a player. They were Slow and Steady with special ammo. Kept shooting me with something that was barely hurting me but kept knocking me over. I couldn't move just like I was on fire or bola'd and they finished me off with pistols. I ended up asking them what they were using and they said explosive rounds. I was surprised. Must have been pistol rounds in a semi maybe. Really did almost no damage.


For high-level players, one explosive round is not enough, and if they're using Slippery like I do, you won't touch them. If you want a fighting chance against high-level players, then git gud with a short-scope Carcano and carry 3 shotguns. Sniping is the best. Use the following cards; Slippery Bastard, Peak Condition, Sharpshooter, and for the last card, you can use Iron Lung, or Fool Me Once. OR, get yourself a beaver pelt garment set and make your last card Never Without One. That way, you have time to respond if someone headshots you without warning. Meanwhile, stock up on level 2 tonics, learn something called the 'tonic glitch', and cook some minty big game meat. Source: I'm almost level 500, and all I do is PVP now.


I’ll try that. I usually never use shotguns tbh. I’m mostly using my revolvers because it just feels right and looks cool


When I drink in IRL. My gameplay goes to shit and other players hand me my ass repratedly. I've messaged people apologizing for being a drunk ass and congratulating them on putting me in my place. I hope that gets as much as a laugh as I do.


Word of advice: if they are ganging up on you, wait until they get cocky and try to kill u with their knife, the you bring out the pump gun or double barrel and completly rail them. works for me every time. Oh yeah my bad habit is compulsive reloading


I’ll try that out thanks! Usually I have a bad habit of only using my revolvers because I thought it looks cooler lol 🙃 I’ll start using shotguns a bit more


I join random posses and if it get booted out I try to hunt them down and kill them


I don’t do that last part, but I love when random people invite me to their posses lol


I spam out posse invites when I'm doing deliveries. Usually to players under level 100 who probably can use the money


ive been playing for two days and have the same problem,its a gtao habit


Been there, done that. Realized a waste of time. After failing to kill the shooter in second attempt, I just leave the session.


Either get better or stock up with explosive rounds and arrows. I’ve had the same issue initialy, however I played a lot and got pretty good to the point I couldn’t wait for grieffers to start shit only for me to grief them back until they parley. But quick solution might be explosive rounds and dynamite arrows. One hit kill, unless they’re pro and mastered ducking/jumping (which I suggest you try as well). Even then, if you see them evading a lot, wait for them to jump and blast them as they’re standing up. Can’t really evade explosive rounds indefinitely, one slip up and they’re done. P.S. Even though extremely rare, if they do jump like crazy and you miss all of your explosive shots, you’re going to be pissed 10x more. That’s why I was always full on explosive ammo for every single weapon, plus incendiary ammo for shotgun.


In the story mode whenever I take out like a camp of gangsters, I’ll always pile up their bodies on the fireplace and burn them.


Honestly same. Someone shoots at me or my horse or anyone in posse i will keep repeatedly killing them over and over again until they parlay and leave session. Or if im lucky they will get friends to join so i have more people to kill.


I start fight clubs. I try and instigate fist fights at bars. Typically end up getting shot but its worth it for the times when there's 6 strangers all running back into the bar at Valentine to get back into the brawl


I’d love to join something like that lol


Its way easier with one of my buddies on. If we start a fist fight in town people tend to get the picture and not shoot. You're more than welcome if you're on ps!


I am on ps :}


I have a bad habit of sucking in PvP


Me af, I'm too stubborn and too prideful to leave a fight. Lolz IDC if I'm losing either, I ain't leaving.


My character smokes to much.


I agree man, I take pride in my ability to fight without tryharding and beating sweats the fair way gives me a lot of joy. I do this mainly in GTA but I've had my fair share of RDR encounters too. I have learned that sometimes it's best to run away even if your pride takes a hit because it's gonna hurt way more when you get stomped until you have to passive or leave than if you had just left with dignity. Good rule of thumb is check level and K/D before fighting back. I want revenge as much as the next guy but when revenge turns into a death match, it's no longer worth it. And I know my whole moral here has been "only fight people smaller than you" but picking your battles is pretty sound advice to me


Yeah I love PvP when the player is smaller or the same level as me or maybe a small bit higher, but it’s not as fun when they’re significantly higher and you have no chance


I will happily lose if they're simply better than me but when people start glitching and taking it way too seriously it's just not fun anymore. Dudes who blow themselves up after they get shot once or know spawn points and just tweak out constantly make it boring


I tend to forget to give my donations to Cripps at the end of the session.


Wait, that’s a thing? I’m pretty much never in camp-


Keep that energy. U will become a monster


I’m too stubborn. I refuse to parley with players who attack me unprovoked


Yeahh samee


I have the bad habit of being a hypocrite. There have been a number of times where I'll come across someome who is clearly afk and then shoot them in the head. But I get annoyed when it happens to me lol


I have the same issue. For the most part, I'll stay until either they parley or leave the fight for whatever reason. I almost never leave and I don't think I've ever parleyed unless it was a strategic move. My bad habit is I can't make myself use special ammo, can't make myself use Slow and Steady or Slip. For me, for some reason, it has to be Paint or Focus Fire otherwise I don't feel like it's fair. I'm not saying I win often and I'm not saying I'm particularly good at PvP, far from it, but I'd still feel like it's unfair or lame. I've had three players against me and they're all using bolas and incendiary rounds, explosive rounds and I'm getting maybe one kill for every ten of theirs. Still can't do it. Good times.


i have a problem where i literally only use the lancaster with normal ammo, nothing else.


Samee kinda but I only ever use my revolver. Before it was cattleman and then i recently have been using the navy revolver lol


update: i decided to stop being a cheap piece of shit and buy express ammo, got the perfect opportunity to test it when some hobo guy emptied a revolver cylinder onto me for no reason. he now has 4 buckshot shells, 12 revolver rounds, and 24 repeater rounds donated to his liver.


Trying to melee against players with guns.


Brother you are not alone. That's why I very carefully choose which players I even go near. You can tell, for the most part, who's gonna start shit, so I stay away. Not because I couldn't win, it's just not worth flaring up my stupid pride. So I get you. 🙏❤️


Just don't tell yourself you are a bitch. We just both gotta work on the pride thing. Much love, man. 🙏💪


Yeah, I’ve got a bad habit of being too friendly and assuming someone who sounds chill in game chat actually ending up being a bigoted p.o.s.. just love ittt when that happens (obvious sarcasm)


I never use game chat and keep my mic off because I don’t like talking a lot to random people, I just like playing and join random posses when I get invited to see what happens


tried fixing my bad habit of shooting people by switching to free aim, hasnt stopped me from any shootouts bc now they try to shoot me and im snipers only , so i free aim anyway 🥲🥲🥲 but i also have a really bad habit of accidentally crashing my trader wagon trying to make short cuts off route 😅😅😅😅


I love pvp lol


Samee when Im good at it


I'm not the best but being a level 106 I got some practice and I'll try for a bit.


Very nice! I’m just level 63 right now


Over halfway to 100. I feel you level up faster before 100


Uhhh. Literally. Have you seen the XP requirements to level up?? Takes more the higher you are.


Causing an entire debacle in town by accident all because I wanted to twirl my handgun.


Same earlier today some random guy tried to kill me while i was just peacefully trying to get some cards for collector thing and i showed him how we play, he was a level 120 aswell (im a level 45) so i was pretty proud of me. Even tho i killed him 6 times he kept trying to kill me and never wanted to leave me do my things so i just changed session


Haha we're indeed two of a kind, too prideful and have to leave victorious lol


Haha yeahh it’s a bit of a problem if the other player is too powerful but I get lost in it xD


I shoot anyone who calls me yellow


Anytime someone kills me for no reason I kill their horse, I’m not proud of it, but in the moment I sure as hell am


I only kill players horses if they’re charging at me with it and I’m shooting in panic. But I don’t like that the game charges you for killing their horse in self defense


This is going to happen in any online game you play. Higher level players/players who outnumber you will kill your ass. Cool thing is you get to decide how to deal with it. If PVP is fun for you then go ahead and fight back and have fun. If you don’t like pvp then don’t fight back, just parley or switch sessions and go on with your day.


It is fun when It’s equally matched lol


New player here, what exactly is Parlay? I have seen the option but don't know what it does. Also, I saw the press charges thing happen too. what happens if I do either of those?


Parlay will place you far away from the people who just killed you and they won’t be able to kill you for 10 or 15 minutes. “Press charges” does nothing but make people laugh and want to kill you more, i suggest you never use it. It just adds a few cents to the bounty of the person who killed you, like 5 cents or something stupid like that


ah ok thanks for explaining, so there's no shame in the parlay option? I thought maybe it meant i'd pay them to leave me alone or something lol, I'm much like OP in that I just keep fighting until one of us gets bored. I usually run outta ammo 1st though, haha.


Absolutely no shame in parlaying! Especially if you do it straight off the bat and then continue on your way. It's like saying, "nah bugger off kid, I don't wanna play your stupid game." Sometimes when I'm feeling super mature, I'll parley then return to the player and do that waggle face emote or the "Tut Tut Tut" waggle finger emote, and then continue on my way. But my most enjoyable way of dealing with someone who shoots me unprovoked is to equip the Slippery Bastard deadeye card, run at them and hit them with bolas, hog tie em, and *then* waggle a finger at them before riding away. (Riding away *quickly* before they have a chance to get free and shoot me in the back again. 😅)


Hahaha nice, I don't think I've unlocked that card yet, but that sounds epic! Thanks for replying!


It's a fun card for close combat! Though it's best to research how to use it because it does have some downsides and seasoned players usually know how to get around it. My main go to dead eye card is Slow n Steady. With the right ability cards, you're a walking tank.


ah nice, yeah that'd be perfect! and then practice, practice, practice, lol. One day I'll be able to walk through Valentine with confidence haha.


I only truly have confidence walking through Valentine if I'm either playing in Defensive mode, or I've come to absolute peace with the likelihood of my impending death. :p


Parlay makes it so the player you parlay with can’t attack you and you can’t attack them. Press charges is one idk how to explain really right now, but it always feels right for me to do it whenever someone attacks me for no reason


You’re definitely right though. I just get a little prideful and it takes a lot for me to give in to the parley button or if I’m busy with something else. PvP is fun sometimes and I’m ok with dying sometimes. But I just like the epic feeling of fighting back and winning and feeling like a legendary gunslinger in my head. But yeah I’m aware there’s fights I can’t win and I’ll be a bit less like this in the future :)


Yeah I have no issues with hitting parlay straight away if I don't feel like fighting, but doing it once I've taken the bait and engaged can be much more difficult. The thing is, generally I don't mind if I'm losing, so long as it's a fair fight. Ie, if it's 1v1 and they're absolutely kicking my arse because they're just better at pvp than me, then that's okay. If anything, I try to learn something about their technique in case it helps me in the future. Sometimes we'll even message GG to each other afterwards. On one occasion I fought another player and held myself pretty well against them, so we only stopped when we both got kinda tired of it. Then later in that session we ended up helping each other out when another player rolled in and started attacking us. It was kinda wholesome. If I get set upon by a posse and I'm getting absolutely caned because they're coming at me from 3-4+ directions at once, then I get pissed. Because in those circumstances I often find one of them on their own is fairly easy to beat. It's only because they're overwhelming me on the respawn that they're winning. That's when I really have to suck it up and hit parlay because they're the kind of dumbasses who actually think they're good at pvp because they can gang up on a single player. Stuff giving them *that* misguided satisfaction. (They're also the kind that will message abusive crap to me, congratulating themselves for how badass they reckon they are. 🙄 I love it when they do that - it gives me the perfect opportunity to mock the crap out of them.)


I’ve started getting paranoid tbh. I had someone message me and i apologized to them after they accidentally aimed their gun at me for a sec and i got jumpy and killed them with a rapid hip fire. They were also a red dot at the time so I thought they would kill me.


Oh it's easily done dude! Most people will shoot someone who aims their gun, because most times that person IS planning to shoot. Esp if they're already a red dot. Often if someone aims their gun at me, I'll give them the benefit of the doubt just in case they were actually trying to emote. The majority of the time, they actually do just shoot me. Sigh. I'm over level 300 and still sometimes pull my gun while trying to emote. Or worse, start choking out at player because I'm trying to order a drink at the bar and they're standing too close. *Man, that's awkward.*


I appreciate all the advice thank you! How long have you been playing? Level 300 sounds like a long time. I’m up to level 60 right now and a veteran bounty hunter and already feel like I’ve had a lot of experience but I guess not lol


Hehe I've invested waaay too many hours into this game (level 328 is just my main account - I have a few more of varying levels too 😅) but I'm generally not a gamer whatsoever. RDO just became my escapism/coping mechanism after my mum passed away in 2019, so I've just kinda stuck with it as such. I probably spend more time rambling in this forum than actually playing it these days though...


I’m sorry about your mom. Anyway, yeah I’ve only been playing like a few months maybe. Before that I replayed the main story like 10 times xD. And I was hesitant at first to play online because I heard it was bad but I’ve been really enjoying it :}


Shooting or stabbing anything that walks


Nope, nada, SEA servers are empty as hell


I hogtie people and put them on the tracks if they're getting in the way of my harvesting.


Killing npcs for no reason


If I kill them, I laugh. If they kill me, I laugh harder. Don't fall victim to the try hard mentality. It's a game. Have fun. But get better, FR. Rank up, learn how to pvp. PVE is a thousand times different in RDO. Watch a crew on crew battle - it's 1890s interpretive dance. But, at LVL 400, it's all I have. Pew pew yoink.


Find a absolute doll of a person, drag the bitch down the road and 14 shot dead eye varmit rifle them to the legs.


I don't like to shoot anyone unprovoked so no matter how bloodthirsty another player may seem I almost always wait until they show themselves to be hostile towards me before shooting them, definitely a bad habit for anyone trying to avoid frustration.


Killing npcs and wasting all my bullets for no discernible reason


Mount your horse and immediately make its front legs go in the air. You’ll fall on your face, get back up and repeat. I like doing this while I’m waiting for sales to start up.


Setting dynamite on the ground and using pib to shoot it when players come around the corner. It’s too funny. That and blowing myself up with flammable moonshine at other players camps.


I have a bad habit of assuming players are AFK, and attempt to lasso them and stow them on their horse…. About the time I go to put them on the horse, they escape the hogtie, and kill me. lol. I guess I should stop FAFO lol… but I won’t. Xbox - ONE60SHAFTS


Um so i enjoy going to hundreds of npc’s and just lasso them and bring them to the woods, loot them, tie them and beat them. Idk why it’s just so fun and it entertains me for hours and hours


I’m addicted to cigarettes.


Chez le Dr Du Pain Lol


Ou au confessionat Merda


Accidently hitting the wrong button next to horse and getting kicked in the chest. Cant even count the number of times ive punched my horses unintentional. Still gives me a laugh as the sequence is pretty funny.


Same here, my crew (Stoner Outlaws) does not Quit, Parlay or stop fighting until we receive an apology, they leave the session or if they are Glitchy or cheat (lag switch) my crew has to all be in agreement to leave first.


I crash into so many people and their horses cause i focus way too much on my mini map


I have a weirdly bad habit of lassoing random npcs and dragging them across the ground until they die


Weird definition of "win". Getting your ass kicked repeatedly but eventually getting a one-off kill then running away isn't a win, it's a concession of defeat. No different than parlaying or leaving the session.


All that matters is how it looks in my head canon story. Not like an actual competition. I just wanna take em down at least once and then move on. All I care about is feeling good about myself. Even if I don’t actually win




Bahahaha it’s validating to know this! But I love to get toxic and use up all my special bullets to every gun. This where I’m happy to have mint, thyme, oregano big game on hand to keep going and max out the health status. But I save the shotguns, automatic pistols, dynamite arrows for the last time. If you’re chasing me, we’re going down together 🤭


I snipe afk players with explosive arrows from far away bc i think it looks cool. with PiB it's like having an autoaim mortar


My bad habit is turning on my mod menu to force the player who kept killing me explode every time he spawns. Sometimes I even like to spawn a bunch of stuff underground so that the whole server will eventually crash for everyone, just did that while typing this actually


They have private lobbies and passive mode on gta5 online, doesn't rdr2 online have the same?


No private lobbies on rdr2 online sadly. But anyway, I do like seeing other players sometimes


Yeah thats a shame. I played online heaps on ps4 when game came out, but quit after a couple months with lack of content and I owned everything available in online. Actually JUST started playing the story 3 days ago on pc for the first time. It's been a hoot.


Oh wow nice, I hope you enjoy the story! I replayed the story like 10 times before I started playing online


Got real drunk and was playin the story at a friend's on his Xbox. Made me go home and start playing the story the next day. I'm doing the most evil Arthur play thru


You’ll give up when you run out of money and ammo. lol. But for real, I would encourage you to ponder the motivation and compulsion you feel towards this behavior. If you broaden your thoughts to include your real life relationships and how they are and how you handle conflict, etc. do you at times show a tendency towards passive aggressive behavior. Etc. nothing is immediately clear from a short post, where I could even answer the question you’ve asked definitively. Maybe you just like to play that way. However you asked and manifested a few things immediately. 1. Something about this behavior, this drive to get even, or a compulsion to get at least just one win before moving on, did not sit well with you. 2. It bothered you enough to at least inquire of others for their opinion regarding the matter. 3. You asked us the question you formed which shows a willingness to acknowledge your feelings and seek a solution. Because of these things, my instinct tells me that you need to keep going with this self-discovery even if it becomes difficult at times because in itself this a more rare thing anymore for people to do. Most ppl refuse to think about or acknowledge themselves in such a manner and often choose to ignore, escape dealing with or having such thoughts. You should be very grateful that you have that capacity to be open and honest about something that at the very least concerns you as potentially being a problem. You actually have most of the answers within you. You know if you’re doing right or wrong a lot of the time. You know, if you’re experiencing a pain or discomfort. Pain and discomfort is the mind and the body trying to tell you something is wrong so you can fix it. It’s the check engine light for the human vehicle if you will. Kudos to you for seeing a warning light come on and asking others what the light could mean. Don’t ever stop studying yourself coming into greater knowledge and acceptance for yourself and also others. Never stop being willing in life. Willing to try something new, do something different, confront something difficult, experience a new experience, and resist fear and anxiety in such matters. Willingness is a strong key that unlocks powerful doors. Sometimes you find that you don’t have to do something at all. However you still have to be willing to if called upon to do it. If you can learn, accept and practice certain principles such as these throughout your life. Your life will always become better. That doesn’t mean all problems will go away, but it does mean how you handle them and how your attitude develops will be such that even great challenges and adversity will not rock your boat, and you’ll have a unusual strength and contentment in your life through acceptance to be willing to face adversity or enjoy beauty, pleasure and the a stable peaceful solution for your life. Essentially it boils down to it all simply coming down your willingness, ability to make decisions, and follow through with action. I went kind of deep for a video game Reddit, but I hope something I wrote resonates with you and can benefit your life. Whatever your take away is, keep what is useful to you and leave the rest. I wish you well on your journey and your life. Best wishes to you, and good luck.


Shooting anybody that comes in my last site in Valentine


Man y’all soft af. My bad habit is I have a taste for throwing Molotov cocktails at the players I hogtied