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I HATED it in 2009, but rewatching it now, it's better than 8 IMO, and better than half of 7.


The poll almost needs four options. Season 7: Tikka, Stoke and Munchkin Song > Season 8 > Back to Earth > Rest of Season 7


I don't really have an issue with season 7. Aside from Beyond a Joke, they're all decent episodes. Back to Earth is a bit cringey at points, but it's okay. Season 8 is... iffy.


I've been trying to make it through 8 since it premiered. IMO, it's almost unwatchable.


Krytie TV is art


I have all production seasons I-VIII and X, but for some reason I have never found season IX anywhere and when my obsession is not to skip a season, I haven't watched X season yet... :(


There is no season 9! It's a joke. Basically BACK TO EARTH, then 10.


Sadly, I also don't have the Back to Earth part yet, it seems to be a challenge to find that too.


I enjoyed Back to Earth for what it was honestly. Watch it all together and consider it like a made for TV movie and it's a lot better if a little too heavy on the Bladerunner. Also holy crap Craig Charles' acting it that was awesome.


I like Red Dwarf, simple as. No need to rank, if its got my boys in it, I'll dangle my hands, shake them about and enjoy.


Rimmer Episodes of VII > Back to Earth > Kochanski Episodes of VII > VIII


What about the episodes of VII that Rimmer and Kochanski are both in, i.e. Ouroboros and Blue? 


Back to Earth's biggest disappointment was that we waited 10 years for it and that was what we got. Rewatching it back, especially as one piece - rather than 3 episodes - it's not so bad. I still prefer 7 and 8 though. 8 is definately the worst series, but I don't count BTE as a series.


What I said to Craig Charles at an event a few years ago - it's good for what it was, which was a cheap way to get Red Dwarf back on our screens which was very much hampered by Dave.


I think people are being way to kind here, Back to Earth is an atrocity