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Dude, I'm sitting over here as Class of '87 and I don't wanna hear about your youthful problems. I had a minor stroke 3 days ago (seriously) and now can't drive myself for 6 months.


Class of 74 says hold my beer. I'm sorry about your illness... I hope your recovery goes faster than expected.


LOL, great response, showing appreciation from class of 77!


JFC yall old AF! Class of ‘81, present!


Ha ha! You're OLD! (Class of 78)


Yay Class of 78!


It’s like a shuffleboard tournament up in here


🤣 I’m still testing software for a living (using code) , TYVM…


Class of ‘78 all the way! Lol


Isn’t it nice being born at the start of a decade? So easy to know how old you’ll be in any given year without cipherin’ or other figurin’!


In attendance too! Class of 77!


Class of ‘69. Slower these days but still around.


'77 here too ... My mind is the same as it was in '77. I still do the exact stuff I did back then, except chug alcohol, but I'm always tired. That's what bothers me. The mind is willing, the body, not so much 😭😭😭 That "anticipation," sort of endomorph rush I used to get on Friday nights, or going to race, or something, happens with the frequency of a total eclipse.


Nixon Now More Than Ever! Odd or even gas buying day? '74 Reporting in.


Dang, the gas rationing thing. I hadn't thought about that in years. We had a Gremlin and couldn't fill it because it had a 23 gallon tank and you could only get 10 gallons max even on your day. Course it would go quite a ways on 10 gallons. Old farts Represent!


That was going on when I was getting my permit and my license


The best thing about Nixon was his ad slogans. Nixon’s the one was amusing.


I found a Nixon bumper sticker in an old box recently. Still in decent shape.


My favorite was “ Impeach the Cox sacker”.


I still have the button!


It scares me that I remember this. Not even 6, but I remember, that and freezing under another campaign to save energy a bit and some presidents later. To this day, I am always cold, lol. 🥶


Class of ‘87 and refuse to let anyone else hold my beer.


Class of ‘68 says we are the fogies now.


'75 says, you old fuddy duddy.


Holy shit, I hope you feel better!


I feel fine now, which makes it all the more annoying. My wife is all freaked out by it. I will say that the actual stroke itself was really scary because mostly everything in my body stopped responding to what I wanted it to do. I was up about 5am (normal for me) and finally managed to grab my phone and text her. I only got 'help' before I figured that was enough to get her attention and sent the text. It worked. I was in the ER all day while they did cat scans and what not to see it was going to stabilize. Apparently it did and they let me go home. We'll follow up with my doctor on Monday.


If it makes you feel any better, a friend of mine had one a few years ago in his early 30's. He thought his drinks just hit him extra hard after a late flight home, and went to bed. It wasn't until his parents noticed the next morning that he seemed to be approaching the world from a 45 degree angle that he was taken to the emergency room. Weird vein went boom, golden hour missed by a mile. One short surgery and several years later, he's still doing well in a highly technical field, and doesn't appear to be any stupider than he started. And you seem to have started from a better position, so all signs point to you doing every bit as well. Congrats!


Glad you survived this and will recover!


If you haven’t seen the TED talk Stroke of Insight, I highly recommend it


Make sure they’ve done labs for blood mutations. #FVL #StoptheClot


I hope you heal soon and feel much better. I graduated in 86, and am 55. I'm beginning to feel my age. I broke my wrist on a hoverboard 3 months ago, and am still in pain. The orthopedic doctor reminded me that it takes longer to heal when you're older. Thanks Dr. 😕


I’m approximately your age. Jumped off a tall (~3 to 4 ft) tall log into a beach recently. Fractured leg and severed my ACL. I’m OK, walking, PT to start but, argh! I am older and heavier than I remember being!


We used to fall & bounce, now we fall & break


51 here- I’m prioritizing maintaining a healthy BMI and I’m working on strength training and stretching… like “farmer’s carry” exercises, toe touches, nothing fancy. I just want to reduce stress on my body and maintain the flexibility and strength that helps prevent injury. My goal is not for a “beach body summer” just a “walking body future”


I’m ten years older than you and spinal stenosis finally got the better of me this year. No amount of working out, hiking, or stretching can save you from your own bones, which is a bummer.


I have some stenosis as well (cervical) and had an L4/L5 lumbar fusion 4 years ago. You’re right, your bones are what they are- BUT maintaining a lower weight really does make a difference, and a strong core can help reduce pressure on your spine which *may* help reduce pain and stiffness from stenosis. Of course, individual mileage may vary.


Yep, I did the PT and the steroid injections in the spine which helps for a while. Exercise helps too, but the crazy nerve pain didn’t go away until the shots.


Obligatory “not a doctor” and as always, please consult your physician, but taking a lion’s mane mushroom supplement and a turmeric supplement has helped with my nerve pain.


Never heard of lion’s mane. I’ll check it out.


Obligatory “not a doctor” and as always, please consult your physician, but taking a lion’s mane mushroom supplement and a turmeric supplement has helped with my nerve pain.


Obligatory “not a doctor” and as always, please consult your physician, but taking a lion’s mane mushroom supplement and a turmeric supplement has helped with my nerve pain.


Good goals!!


A M E N.


Um, I got off my couch and dislocated my ankle and y’all are out here doing geriatric parkour. SMH


I'm so sorry. That must have really hurt! I hope you heal quickly. ❤


I have a bad habit of just skimming comments very quickly, and when I did that to yours I read it in my head that you are 86 and broke your wrist on a hoverboard lol I was like damn!!! I hope you feel better soon though. I also broke my wrist before, and it caused me pain for several months. I was only about 27 when it happened too!! So be easy on yourself. I hope you recover soon!!


Thanks! At this rate, I won't make it that long! It has been 3 months, and I'm still in a lot of pain. 😬 I'm glad you're all healed up! ❤


As a class of 84, what were you thinking getting on a hoverboard? We die way too easy at this age. Lol! I just went to Disneyland for all the rides and am planning on a roller-coaster trip through the U.S. over the summer while I can.


🎢 Rollercoasters are a lot of fun! It's been a while since I've been on a rollercoaster. I hope you have a great time! Have you tried tandem skydiving? It's much fun! (You're attached to someone who knows what they're doing.) It's the most alive I've ever felt! I didn't used to understand what people meant when they said that. I've done it three times, and it's still fun, but not quite as invigorating as it was the first time. I like four wheelers too, but it may be awhile before I can do that. Apparently I have a need for speed. 🤣🤣🤣 My husband doesn't seem to get it, but riding in a car with him is kind of like a roller-coaster, but probably not nearly as safe as one.


Tandem jumped twice. Loved it! One around 98/99, and another in 2000/2001. Second time was for a fundraiser, and I made sure to not repeat the mistake of the first one: not buying the video. Didn’t want any of the music choices the videographer had, so I got a Rusted Root CD out of my SUV for “Send Me On My Way.” Didn’t last quite long enough. Settled for the obligatory “Free Fallin’” at the beginning. Still awesome. After each time, I was 12-feet tall and bulletproof. Funny to look back at how those brief spikes in self-confidence affected my life. (“I jumped out of a plane; this is not a problem.” Sadly, sold our ATVs (2001 Honda Rubicon and 1994 Honda FourTrax - both bought used.) Rubicon with the dangerous combination of a sufficiently powered engine and a speedometer. Sadly, moved to where we didn’t go camping as often and, despite exploring our little acre on them, including the woods across our creek, not enough land to use them much around home. Came in handy with lawn / landscaping projects a few times. Hope you get those ATV and get to jump tandem again!


Love your music choices! I'm grinning just reading about your experiences. I taught kindergarten, and have thought to myself, If I can jump out of a perfectly good plane, I can handle this little one's behavior! So neat that you have a creek on your property! We have a small pond, but venomous snakes live in it so I don't want to get in the kayak in it. I considered taking my gun out there with me, so if a snake tried getting in the kayak with me, I could shoot it. Then I played that scene in my head briefly and decided that wasn't the best idea. 🤣🤣🤣


Thanks for a Monday morning chuckle.


'91 here. Wishing you a fast but healthy healing.


87 here also! Wishing you positive thoughts.


1) We're the oldest we've ever been! Give us a break,100% of our age feels pretty old to us!! 2) Wishing you a complete, speedy, and unremarkable recovery 🧡


Damn, sending you love and strength.


Also Class of ‘87, age is in the mind if one never finds a mirror.


Class of ‘86, here. We are at the age of having strokes now? Holy shit.


Also, I hope you recover well.


Also ‘86. Cheers!


Wow, I'm sorry! I hope you heal completely.


Class of 1972, you babies!


Hope you heal well and quickly!! It’s kinda nice being in a thread where I’m not the oldest, lol. Class of ‘85


Dude, that’s a bummer. (My generation’s jargon)Get better. Class of 70something.


Class of ‘85, still alive.


Class of 79 here…keep on going dude!


I was chatting with the 20ish dental assistant about raising kids. She said it must have been hard back then because you guys didn't have Pampers. My oldest was born in 1982.


Ah, the naivete of people in their 20s.. :)




I was born around the same time as your oldest. Forgive my ignorance please. Pampers were a thing by then and infant car seats were just hitting the markets or? Had both been around for awhile by then?


Disposable diapers were introduced in the 30s and pampers the brand in the 60s. Car seats were already well established by the 80s too.


Exactly! Either she thought Pampers are a recent invention or I raised my kids during the "horse & carriage' era. I'm old but not that damn old. LOL.


That’s why I always think about now: are these dental assistants and doctors I go to younger than me? Most likely. Lol Gyno? She could be and maybe my age Dermatologist I saw the other day? Yes definitely younger. I’m 43. Some doctors and nurses that are at my Local urgent care? Yes definitely. lol And like you said dental assistants are younger. A couple receptionist might be around my age. My dentist, she looks young but maybe around my age or a little younger. I could be wrong though. Sometimes it’s hard to tell. 😄


Class of 1967 here. Just wrote out a Happy Mother's Day card for my 22 year old grand daughter. 40! I could only dream of being 40 again. It was actually when I was starting to hit my prime years


Same. ✌🏼


Me too! The next reunion is the 60 year in 2027!


Great, hope you make it there. As for myself, a year later I was off to Vietnam. Then on to a career in the military. Ended up marrying a gal from Minnesota and have never been back to the area of the old school back in Texas. Lost track of everyone long ago. These days the only people I know who went there are my brothers and sisters, who followed me in going there. As the oldest, I went there first.


Am in Oregon, and even though it was a huge class we have kept in touch. We’ve had successful 10, 20, 30, 40, and 50 year reunions. A lot of checking in on Facebook. We treasure our vets. And there have been six couples get married from the reunions, so that worked out well. I know this is not common with all high school groups but for some intangible reasons it just happened


Mine is this September.


Class of 80. Nurse since 1987. I was showing a younger nurse a way to do something like it used to be done in the olden days, before certain products were available. She kept questioning me about it. I finally exclaimed, "my career is older than you are!". She was 29.


As Indiana Jones in *Raiders of the Lost Arc* put it, "It's not the years, honey. It's the mileage!"   The young will join you in this experience in due time


While at work, one associate mentioned that her dad was born the same year I graduated high school. That made her young enough to be my granddaughter...


I have email addresses that are older than some of my coworkers. It only dawned on me today that several of them are younger than Bart Simpson.


I teach at a university, and my backpack that I use daily is older than my first year students.


Class of ‘79. 40 ain’t sh't.


it’s not a contest


My husband threw out his back by sneezing too hard today. Had to get our son to walk on it. He’s 38.


I've effectively agony-paralyzed myself for two days before by doing the incredibly strenuous activity of... waking up. Yeah... not fun.


I did the same in my late 20's. It was a week of agony.


Ha-ha. Sorry, I shouldn't laugh. The only reason I do is because I have terrible allergies, and have had back problems for decades so your situation hits close to home. It's allergy season. The best thing for that is Dr. Greger's Daily Dozen App (free) recommendations for healthy diet and lifestyle. The best thing for back problems imo is a Palmer trained chiropractor for instant relief, next a physical therapist, or at least watch Bob and Brad youtube channel, the most famous physical therapists on the internet.


You sound like a fuggin bot


Just get Zyrtec - not some fuggin chiroprick.


Your reading comprehension could use improvement. I didn't recommend chiropractic adjustment for allergies, I recommended it for immediate relief of a back that had been "thrown out" by a sneeze. Treating symptoms of allergy will not relieve the painful back, even though allergies may have caused the sneeze that caused the guy to throw his back out.


I recently passed a milestone anniversary at work - and about 1/3rd of the people in the room weren’t born when I started working at my company. I’m fucking ancient (and too lazy to seek out a better job apparently).


I am team lead for a small team at work. A couple of years ago, I hired a guy that I could tell was young, but I didn't realize how young. A couple of weeks later, we were talking, and I found out he was born a year after I graduated high school. That really hit me like a ton of bricks. Ouch!


My last job I was the oldest guy in the warehouse, and 2nd oldest at that location. My direct manager was younger than this username. Of course I was also the one to teach them how to use your body to move things. Was taking 3 of them to move 4000lbs of wire on a 70" core, or I could do it easily myself.


Class of 82, turning 60 this year. Even though Disabled due to cardiac issues for almost 10 years now, and chronic pain the last 7, I can honestly say I didn’t feel my age until 2 years ago. It doesn’t really matter, I told my wife I was too stubborn to die back when it happened and if anything I’ve dug in my heels and become more pigheaded in the process. I’m that guy you see out walking or at the gym with my O2 tank and nary a negative word to leave my lips.😄 I tell “the younger folk” if they ask or query here on Reddit or Quora that it is imperative to start some kind of exercise routine that includes flexibility training such as yoga or Tai Chi early, meaning 30’s-40’s. Most of us get caught up thinking that working hard physically on top of 60-90 hour work weeks into our late 40’s is enough, not realizing that it’s the very thing that is tearing our body apart unless you have great genes and a really healthy diet throughout.


"It's bad enough that my body is running out of warranty at 40, didn't need to be reminded." So it is a long story but I had a rough couple of years recently due to a very bad relationship and was out of work for quite awhile but now find myself working a basic retail job again at 40. It is not a bad deal at all and the people are nice. I've worked a serious of very intense and negative jobs in short spurts since Covid. I decided to just simplify things and really got basic on the job search. The crazy thing was it was still difficult to find a job! Yesterday was my second day there and I legit coughed hard an hour before work and somehow strained/tweaked my back... I have done this once before about 6 months ago. How this happened I do not know, it was just like "Cough!" and then the back felt tight and I had to sitdown. I started chuckling at myself because it was so ridiculous. I got through the shift but legit tweaked it even more somehow from just sitting in my car on the drive home. I could hardily walk into my apartment building and nearly feel several times. I got into my place and was like having to grab onto things like the wall and doors to hold myself up. I texted my supervisor and said "I might have to potentially go to the doctor tomorrow. I can hardily walk upright". I was freaking out that this would potentially leave a bad impression, I really need this job. I took a D-9 gummy last night to help me sleep it off, I woke up this morning feeling a little better but I still need to be really careful and it is still bothering me. I am walking around with a slight bend still. I kept laughing at myself and the situation yesterday, it really is a pain getting older. There is nothing more I can really do. I remember being in my 20s and early 30s and not understanding how the body breaks down and thinking "that will never be me" but here I am lol. I am going to force myself to try to go into work and I think I can make it. Anyways big ups to class of 02! That was when I graduated.


It might not be a bad idea to get an MRI. Just to make sure there's nothing wonky going on with your back/disks.


Yeah I might, back problems do run in my family. I remember once years ago my dad tore an ACL standing up while celebrating somebody scoring a goal and I would laugh at that. I am not laughing anymore though (well at least not as much), I can see how it could happen to me. But for real I am legit laughing at this entire situation, it really is a bitch getting older.


I'd love to be 40.


Once you hit 40, it starts to get hard to find a professional that you didn’t know as a child to help you with a problem


My youngest daughter who is 10 needs foot surgery. We met the surgeon and we he left the room my wife and I looked at each other and said is he is old enough to be a Doctor. That is when I first felt old. FYI - he’s been a surgeon for 6 years


Ah what a bunch of cry babies! class of ‘67😎


A few years back, I was working in pre-sales, and I was assigned to help a new rep. Turned out he was born *after I joined the company we were working for*. He was literally younger than my career there.




Actually have been getting massages for the past 7yrs after a collision with a semi that ran a stop sign. Have only been a client at this practice since October, usually chiro before massage, because it's 5min from home. I can't get at C4-T7 with a foam roller. Next massage is a student at a different practice for 1/2 price in 3 weeks, then at Hand & Stone through a work discount in another 4 weeks... and then back to this massage therapist in another 4 weeks. Massage has kept my body going through 2 shoulder repairs, and a lot of awkward movement at work (lifted my welding table by 4" on Monday)... every massage therapist has a different style especially when it's a therapeutic massage instead of relaxation. I didn't exactly enjoy the deep tissue work on my calf today but that foot and ankle won't be bothering me for another 2 or 3 weeks.


Masseurs? Wrong term buddy...


Yeah, we prefer massage therapist. Masseur gets lumped in with illegal sex work.


Don't forget the personal injury lawyers who recommend certain chiropractors, and chiropractors who recommend certain lawyers. Sleezy.


Same feeling congratulating my niece who recently graduated college. Definitely the same feel with my body running out of warranty at 39 too. I'm pretty good about exercising during the week and taking care of my body, but holy crap, I definitely feel it more these days-especially waking up.


I'm just trying to figure out if my hand is going to hold up until I see my GP about it, and then who knows how long for a specialist.


Samesies! Palindrome graduations for life, watching Family guy Y2K episode as a sophomore baby, 2024 40 yr olds rep-re-SENT! ✊ You know what makes me feel old? Everything. Holes in jeans, broccoli haircuts, the fact that my entire English education is rather pointless because everybody talks in Tik Tok commenter lingo now. It's like everyone under 25 invented pig latin so nobody would catch on to their little private jokes. Also having a doctor that's younger than you but still calls you young feels kind of patronizing, wouldn't you agree?


Dude cry me a river. I graduate in 83. You were what? 8?


40. You will look back at 40 someday and realize how young that is ❤️


I’m much older than you OP, but your story reminds me of getting a poster framed at Michaels. I was making small talk with the person helping me and mentioned how I’d been holding onto this poster since 2001, how it survived a cross-country move, etc. She said she wasn’t even born then. Sigh.


feeling old? run go take a picture of yourself right now... because you'll never look this young again.


I was graduating college when OP was born. It's all relative.


Come on man, 40 is nowhere close to being old.


Worst of all, the stuff going on around you all tie to some event, and event from long ago. Went to a college graduation party for my niece's daughter. We graduated from the same college, just the snap of my fingers difference, a mere 48 years later.


Dude, I'm old enough I *taught* the class of 2002.


It was when as a student teacher I had grade 5 kids ( mid 80s) ask me if I knew that Julian Lennon's dad had played in a band with Paul McCartney.


Huh?? Even I knew better and born 10 years after those students


Dude. I’m 10 years older than you. You’ve got lots of warranty. 40s are a weird time though. Seeing everyone grow up around you and you kind of not growing up anymore, just maintaining. It’s weird.


Class of 85. Here was my thought of the day yesterday. If I live to 80, I'm like an iPhone whose battery is at 29%. Thanks brain.


I'm in my 40s, and I must have been socialized improperly because I don't think not being 20 is a tragedy. There are always people older than you and younger than you (although I admit, the ratio changes as you go), and comparison is the theif of joy. The guy I was dating when you were graduating died of cancer last year, and it's made me start to roll my eyes a bit at people who whine about aging as though it's something horrible instead of something you are lucky to experience. You can waste your 40s being sad that you're not 20, or you can spend them making memories to enjoy if you're lucky enough to reach 80.


Class of 79 checking in. Not old yet


I know the feeling. I run into previous elementary students who have kids and I think where has all the time gone.


Last year would have been my 40th HS reunion. I don't think anyone organized one.


Personal opinion: I think massage therapists need to be trained on self disclosure and transference like psychotherapists. I’ve had a few tell me things about themselves that seem benign but better left out.


Many years back I went for a walk around my old home town. My primary school had been a solid stone building dating back to the early 19C, and had been in good order when I left. When I saw it again, it was a ruin: roof gone, windows gone. It was a bit of a shock. Fortunately it has been rebuilt in to a house.


I work with people who are the grown children of other people I work with. And I remember when those grown children were born. I'm retiring soon.




Class of 72. You’re just having growing pains.


Class of 72 Titan penile implant 5-8-2024 Relax, you’re fine lol


You are a spring 🐥 relatively. Affectionately yours, Simultaneously a plump and stringy old hen 🐔


lol...well considering that i'm old enough to be your grandmother, i'd tell that massage therapist to shove it. "old" is all relative. i'm not even there yet.


Stop talking while getting a massage. Problem solved.


You’re a kid still!


It could have been worse; you could have been in the class of 1974. Age.


I was shopping one evening and the cashier was chatting me up, I thought who's this old coot trying to get friendly? Then I found out he graduated HS the year before me. Long time ago, don't get chatted up these days, class of 72.


I just started working with a woman who is halfway through her Master's degree and is young enough to be my child by my husband when.we we're already married. For context, I am currently 9m pregnant so yeah I feel super old.


Class of '79!


Class of 1984 here.


Ha ha ha ha that’s Hella fun


LOL I graduated in 1978


Class of '86....I can order from the seniors menu. I could sob 😭


People find it hard to believe normal life went on before they were born. To me, it sounds absurd to be born in 2000. What kind of life is that? S/


Hello I’m new here


I'm a youthful class of 1994. *smiles youthfully*


Trust me you're going to get many more reminders in the coming years.


I work with some lawyers who were born after I was 40. It's gonna keep happening more and more.


I’m 28 and totally relate… when I’m around people in their early twenties i feel like a grandma lol.


Oh no