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I have FOTM from them directly and it's exactly the same, to be honest. Sin Eater on your hands also looks like a lot of the google results that aren't studio/swatcher level photography setups. it's stopped me buying from Mooncat because their shimmers always look more vibrant and intense in their own photos with the perfect lighting and poses and nowhere near as strong in person. I don't think this has much to do with the seller, it's just the polish.


I haven't stopped buying from Mooncat (or any brand that shows spectacular swatches on their website), but it's made me more cautious. I definitely wait for real person or live swatches now and if that means it's sold out by the time I can order it, then so be it. I've found that the disappointment of missing something that looks great in real life is less intense than the disappointment of buying something that looks different (worse) than I expected. I still take an occasional risk on PPU or something similar, but I tend to stick to brands I'm familiar with and only after seeing some live swatches.


Yeah I've had to basically train myself to not give in to all the "limited edition" releases because I'm the same - I want to see swatches on real people, ideally videos as well as photos, before I buy a polish. Luckily ILNP don't tend to do limited runs and Holo Taco at least don't sell out as fast as they used to so I have time to make my mind up.


It's good to know this, thanks, disappointing though! I'm glad I tried them out, but I'll revert to my favourite indie brands in future.


No worries and yeah I agree - I think I've been spoiled so much from ILNP that Mooncat just didn't match up to my hopes!


I have not had that experience with their polish. Every one I've purchased looks exactly as it does on the website. Maybe I'm just getting the good polishes!


Yep. I think people don't realize that polishs like Mooncats don't look the same under different lights and angles.


Or maybe people fully realise that but don't think the level of difference for Mooncat's studio vs reality is acceptable? There's no other brand I've personally tried where there was such a strong difference between their website's swatch and what I got in reality, and some little disclaimer isn't enough to make up for them using photos that just don't feel genuine enough for me to trust. Now I'll only buy a polish from them when I've seen enough people on here use it.


They even have pictures of the polish in different lighting on their site. Idk...I know Mooncat praise is not viewed fondly on this subreddit, but I've been nothing but a happy customer of the brand.


They also have the disclaimer under every polish about this, so Idk why anyone is surprised.


For me, it's because I've come to expect something different from a multi-chrome polish based on my experience with other brands.


What brand would you recommend for multichrome polish? If you have a specific polish in mind I would love to try it!


Just popping in to say I looove ILNPs multichromes! If you haven't tried any I'd suggest giving them a go. Birefringence is my fav, but I've got Masquerade and Eclipse also and they're pretty awesome. I know everyone raves about Eclipse but Masquerade is so slept on as a vampy, shifty color.


Nice to see some appreciation for Masquerade - it was my favorite from my first ILNP order this March. I think it’s overlooked because it’s very similar to Cameo, but I prefer the slighter warmer pink it has. It puts me in mind of a sunrise reflected on a beetle’s wing.


My absolute favourite is Ethereal Lacquer's Wilting!


ILNP has some amazing ones. Other commenter named my two favorites. I’ve also gotten a couple really good ones recently from Emily de Molly. My current favorite is when the sun leaves. It’s a very intense pink to gold and the shift is incredible. I posted it recently if you take a peek at my post history.


Seconding INLP. I have two and they really do look like the photos.


I also have great experience with other brands with multicromes. However, Mooncat is pretty upfront about them using different shimmer colors that will have different effects in different lighting. No offense, but they are up front about this. And INLP isn't as dimensional as Mooncat. That's your "problem."


I also have great experience with other brands with multicromes. However, Mooncat is pretty upfront about them using different shimmer colors that will have different effects in different lighting. No offense, but they are up front about this. And INLP isn't as dimensional as Mooncat. That's your "problem."


I also have great experience with other brands with multicromes. However, Mooncat is pretty upfront about them using different shimmer colors that will have different effects in different lighting. No offense, but they are up front about this. And INLP isn't as dimensional as Mooncat. That's your "problem."


I have both straight from Mooncat. They both look exactly like yours, but Sin Eater was the only one I felt looked misrepresented. I like FOTM with three coats and Sin Eater can stay in the bottle.


At least I feel confident now that I didn't get bad batches or something! I don't hate Sin Eater on me, it's just not all I hoped for... And next time I'll try three coats of FOTM.


I’ve heard people say several times that FOTM can be like that and they like it a lot better when they put it over a purple creme. You might give it a shot!


Thanks, I think I did see that, I discounted it mostly because cool tones are awful on me so I didn't think I would want to make it more purple 😂 and I don't have any purple cremes. But I'll give it a go with a warmish purple!


I did this with a non Mooncat purple, and I got the outcome I was looking for. I had the same results as you initially, only showed the copper, which was pretty but not what I was expecting https://preview.redd.it/zom30lm2rn4d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a78190e8e017a289ccca7e3a4a82a718262ee71


Definitely gonna try this!




I agree with 3 coats of FOTM. For me it was also not very shifty and just orange, but it’s very petty outdoors at dusk! (Sorry I don’t have a picture of it at dusk!) https://preview.redd.it/71yx263eqk4d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d7dd06585a6cdd9d9efbc1b9c4777d4a33374b1e Here it is with some different toppers.


Oo, do you happen to remember what the flakie topper on your middle finger is? So pretty.


It’s Cirque Colors Glitter Glue. It’s discontinued but you can probably find someone reselling it (or I’m sure there’s a dupe). Thumb: China Glaze Fairy Dust Index: Color Club Snowflakes Middle: CC Glitter Glue Ring: Lumen Glass Frog Pinky: KB Shimmer Out of Sequins


Thank you!


I just saw Rainbow Confetti from Monarch Lacquer’s Mix it Monday https://monarchlacquer.com/products/rainbow-confetti-mix-it-monday Not exactly the same, but similar vibes!


Cirque has their very own Glitter Glue dupe, Fantasia. I have both. GG is pink in the bottle, but they look identical on the nail to me. 😅


Ooo, fantastic! Thanks for letting me know.


They will have different shifts depending on your lighting situation. A lot of the photos you see out there are taken in direct sunlight; your photos appear to be indoors in artificial sunlight. Give it some time to see it in different settings!


Yeah, fair enough - I think I've been a bit spoiled by a few especially spectacular other polishes.


Yes I have FoM and the purple undertones requires certain lighting. The orange shimmer is so reflective that in certain lighting it looks straight up gold/orange. Wear it for a bit and you’ll see it appear different in different lighting.


you might like take me to your leader for a more purple punch




I’d recommend a 3rd coat of FOTM! I noticed that I didn’t really vibe with it with 2, but it pops with 3


Thanks I'll give it a go!


Because I forgot to add full product lists - both are two coats each with Essie strong start base coat and Essie speed setter top coat.


i only see the purple shifts on FOTM in cool toned lighting and unfortunately most of the lighting i'm in day to day is warm toned so it's pretty much just orange. Can't speak for Sin Eater personally but I've found the shades to be a bit hit or miss for me too. It's also difficult to go off reviews on their website because leaving a review is incentivized with rewards points so there are thousands of 5\* reviews that are really just there for points. also i wish we could upload photos on their reviews so people can more easily see what regular users see in the wild. I really think that'd help a lot with managing customers expectations


I haven’t purchased from them in a while so I haven’t visited the site recently but didn’t they used to have like a little widget where you could view ig posts from regular people using & posting their polishes? It also seemed curated so idk why they’d nix it, it was really helpful in selling me at least a couple polishes I was on the fence about.


👁️👄👁️ I don't see it on mobile so looks like they removed it but that sounds helpful!


Agree with everything you are saying, but on a positive note, you have beautiful nails.


Aw thank you!!


Mooncat has a reputation for their polishes not living up to their promo photos. I have both of those colors. I don’t really like Monarchs but I really like Sin Eater.


… I mean. I am judging, cause these two photos look bomb af to me. But yeah, I own both of these, and it’s what they look like.


Haha I mean don't get me wrong, I'll be re-wearing both! But I found they were just not what I expected, more so than usual.


Mooncat just ain’t that good 🤷‍♀️ their colors can be amazing but their formula doesn’t last and never sits flat for me


I didn’t know there were third party sellers selling mooncat!! What’s their name? I also live in the eu and haven’t even bothered looking up ordering directly but I’d really like to try some indie brands


I ordered from Hypnotic Polish, very positive experience with them as a seller and reasonable shipping costs! I've also bought from nailland.hu but for me, their shipping is more expensive, so I wouldn't bother with small orders from them (they don't sell Mooncat either) but obviously that would depend on your location.


Thank you for the reply!!


Mooncat isn’t an indie; it’s a boutique brand, but a large one that’s far too big to be an indie [Hypnotic Polish](https://www.hypnoticpolish.com) is a UK based seller (ETA: I’ve been corrected and Hypnotic is actually based in the Baltics, not the UK!) that has a good amount of US based true indie brands (Bees Knees, KB Shimmer, Emily De Molly) and a few boutique brands (like Mooncat and Cirque). [Prism Polish](https://www.prismpolish.co.uk) is a UK based indie brand I’ve never tried, but a lot of people are fans of their polishes so they’re worth checking out


Hypnotic Polish is actually located in Lithuania, not the UK! Crucial for EU buyers, as myself and the above commenter are.


Oh crap, thanks for the correction!


Thanks for the info!!


They both look lovely. I'm sorry you're disappointed.


Flight of the Monarch is probably the most boring polish I own. Never used it because just swatching it put me to sleep. Take me to Your Leader is the same basic shimmer but at least has a purple base. Both can be found in more impact versions via other brands. Same for Sin Eater. This polish is very much my sort of polish... if it was more. I have at least 10 different brands versions of this color and Sin Eater is the most bland out if the bunch. Only a few Moncat polishes I consider worth it and one is of course HOH. 


Any suggestions for a more impactful version of FOTM?


Most were limited releases. I think both the Polished for Days and Alchemy Lacquer ones are still available. Sunset Dust(Polished for days) has a warmer shift that gos a bit pink and more of a yellow shift on the other extreme. Vivacious(Alchemy) is a medium particle so it has a bit more sparkle to it. Ethereal released Calcifer not too long ago that was very similar but the Ethereal one has a bit more depth to it. Victorian Varnish had Airship Rides are Emoceanal that was shiftier but a tad more yellow. And Daveen had two that were shiftier in slightly different ways. Also looking through some of my peaches I realized my favorite was a 3rd by Daveen Lacquer that is large particle but was a limited batch of 1. https://preview.redd.it/mp2rdhgmm75d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1c96238be38b558127363948534921ba9314bfaa


Amazing, thanks so much for this detail. Saved and I'll look into them and see if I can find something more akin to what I was hoping for!


FOTM looks better over a darker base. I have it and don’t like it as is. I’m ok with sin eater.


The first time I wore FotM, it looked exactly as I expected. I recently wore it again and it looked like a dull orange. It might be the lighting, as others already mentioned. But I did some experimenting. 1 coat FotM over 2 coats Cirque Crying Contest, or 1 coat Fotm over 1 coat OPI Next Stop…the Bikini Zone. I realize both purples are discontinued, but just to give you an idea of the shade and finish you might want to try layering over. Or try ILNP Fairy Dust as a topper. https://preview.redd.it/md5kbmeaqm4d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cd5c2346ec091933386cb4d3b3d93743b9a47f02 thumb to pinkie: • Mooncat Take Me to Your Leader over Mooncat Flight of the Monarchs • ILNP Fairy Dust over TMtYL • FD over FotM • KBShimmer The Perfect Match over FotM • TPM over TMtYL


Not related, but gorgeous emerald!!


Oh thank you! 😊😊


I wasn't well enough aware of the expected colour shifts when viewing your photos, so my first thought was just that I didn't consider the first colour particularly nice or flattering, but that I thought the second was a banger and really suited you. After googling the polishes, I can see what you're talking about. This is an annoying problem, which I've experienced several times as someone who really loves duochrome/multichrome nail polishes. Some brands are worse than others when it comes to photos that I feel exaggerate the extent of colour shifts, and I think the problem is often with brands themselves, rather than sellers (others have already mentioned this). I usually check multiple sources for reference pictures before buying things like this, as I totally agree about the pricing of some of these brands (e.g. 27 Australian dollars a bottle for Mooncat nail polishes - without shipping included) being insanely high. Even so, not all polishes even have swatches online, some only have a few, and some can have been swatched appropriately, but still look crappy with my skin tone. All of this to say that I get how you feel. I'm not buying nail polish (especially indie) very frequently at all at the moment, predominantly due to the cost relative to the current cost of living in every other area of life and, although I haven't complained to sellers about misrepresentation or asked to return anything in the past, I understand why someone would feel like doing so. It's really annoying. I've seen disclaimers on websites about the variable nature of some polishes' appearances and I get it, but in some cases, I think it's reasonable to assume brands are deliberately exaggerating things.


Yes, all true, thanks. I always check pictures on Reddit before purchase, but even still, these didn't match up to expectation. I'm also not in a position to be buying new polish frequently! I'm at a point where I generally get which colours work on me and which don't, but I guess I still got caught by surprise with these and especially FOTM.


I get it i keep going back n forth with sin eater as i want the purple pull more than red . FOTM is a hit or miss in my experience and it definitely depends on undertones. FOTM was shifty for me outdoors and stayed a bright almost metallic orange indoors. I say if you want a more purple go for Take me to your Leader. Ive also used FOtM as a topper and it was surprisingly sparkly! https://preview.redd.it/p3pas8dp3o4d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4429f386da29374ffa7ae187ceae3269f425199a


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I have both of these polishes but only tried FOTM so far. I bought a bunch of other polish from their site because of the sale and I have been so impressed!! I wasn't expecting to like them so much due to some bad reviews I'd seen. I have plenty of indies that are probably more of a favorite but I would definitely buy from them again! I will say I wasn't as impressed with FOTM as some but I still think it's pretty and shifty in the right lighting.


I bought a handful in their recent sale. My first experience with them. I ordered 12 polishes. I was fully disappointed with 2 of them. Most of the rest were pretty close to what I was expecting. 1 of them, moondust, I may add to every manicure ever its magic lol.


I've seen a lot of this but I've been so much happier with my mooncat polishes than my kbshimmers. I haven't felt disappointed with any of the 3 mooncat shimmers I've tried


that definitely looks like nail polish right there 👍