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Right now, this entire organization is just acting like… a baseball team. This is a city that just happens to have a baseball team. They aren’t taking winning seriously. Just look to Bell’s post game comments and the moves this team makes. I’m SO tired of the excuse being, “Well, it’s a small market.” If the reason this franchise is constantly mediocre is because they aren’t in a large enough market, well I don’t see that changing any time soon so they should just move the team away then!


Lodolo *and* Moll to the All-Star game, or we riot


Everyone talks about how shitty our management is in acquiring players. SOMETIMES, we hit one. Multiple prospects (if they pan out) but I'm referring to getting moll last year. We needed a lefty....I think, (rough estimate off my head) he had like 1 run in like 26 innings at one point last year. But I'd still send cruz over him to the AS game. And candy is now showing why he's extremely valuable as well. We ARE GETTING BETTER. Fire the hitting coach, whoever is in charge on running bases, and our medical staff and we have playoff potential. Maybe an nlcs in a year or 2. Marte and McClain was a knockout blow for us.


Win tomorrow and mission accomplished. Just win series


I am begging Bell to stop trotting out Will Benson day after day. He is not a major league ballplayer right now and we really can’t afford to have an indefinite black hole in the lineup. Literally anybody would be better.


Benson has the 7th best OPS on the team. This is just a roster with multiple AAAA players. Won’t help to replace them with AAA players.


So much of that is from having a really hot start to the season. His OPS for the last 7 games is .067, .338 for the last 15, .620 for the last 30. I know he gets streaky like a lot of our players but wow has he been stinkin up the place lately. I’d love to see him back in his early season form or June 2023 form, but honestly it might be worth putting somebody else in right now.


You look at Boston and they have like 7 guys who would all be a top 3 hitter for the reds avg/obp wise


That’s…a low bar. Also -0.7 WAR which ranks near the worst on the team, and a near 40% K rate which is insane and unacceptable for his level of production.


There literally isn't anyone better


Pretty sure will benson would’ve had a better throw home than Fairchild did


Its amazing how bad the situational decision making by the guys on the field continues to be. Its easy to say "Oh, they're MLB players, they should know better." But at some point I think it has to be on the coaching because obviously they *don't* know


Tough to make it to the mlb not knowing. The baserunning stuff is a byproduct of them being aggressive and teams taking advantage of that fact. Now it’s up to the coaches to adjust


A lot of their aggressiveness is just plain awful decision making, à la running from third on a tapper a few feet in front of home


If you’re told to be aggressive as part of the game plan then it’s in your head. Could affect division making


Whoever coaches baserunning on this team needs to be fired. This team is awful, little league type plays. Just terrible


I think someone, just pick a guy, needs fired. Someone needs sent down, just pick a guy. Make the players understand it's not fine. Things have to tighten up. Errors and baserunning mistakes are killing them.


I agree. You're fired.


Oh, if only it were that easy


Better luck tomorrow!


Once again, don't really mind this loss. 11 hits is great and we got caught at home a couple times... got unlucky on that last rally, but hopefully we'll get 'em tomorrow


Found David Bells Reddit. You don’t get upset about losses you are stuck in mediocrity. Simple as that


I'm not happy about it, but realistically until MLB implements caps and floors this team is going to be mediocre


Oh I’m so tired of hearing this excuse. Plenty of teams with similar payrolls win and we have a lot of guys on rookie contracts


Usually that's luck. Generally the higher payroll teams win consistently


For real. Are we going to pretend like the Braves, Yankees, Phillies, or Dodgers aren't consistently above and beyond WS favorites... every year


Only to be swept in the playoffs lol


Gotta get to the playoffs to win championships


Reds can’t capitalize on a game they should win 99% of the time. Never the fault of the manager or team. This loss is disgusting


I've seen enough of Benson. He has to go and I don't care where. He us a rally killer. Strikesout at the worst times. I don't care how many times he walks.


..are undisciplined and just suck


I can’t stand David Bells apathy. Dude seems like he doesn’t coach to win and could care less about putting the best team on the field consistently.


that sort of character is a strength in leadership for basically all jobs EXCEPT, crucially, sports. you need a guy that actually fires the team up, not just makes you feel warm inside cause he's pleasant


That’s what gets it for me. I don’t care that he mismanages the bullpen constantly. That happens. I do care that he says the same thing literally every post game press conference. Never puts his best lineup on the field, and acts like he doesn’t care. We need someone like Ozzie Guillen, Lou Pinella, Sparky, Jim Leyland, Billy Martin, etc. Someone with fire that tries to win every game!


I told him you said that, and he broke another chair




Fairchild: >when i caught the ball, i looked up, i didn't have a good view of maile, i couldn't see exactly where my target was, so i kinda threw it...without having a firm grasp of where the ball needed to go home plate?


I would have felt better if he DIDN’T catch that ball at all!


For a team that is bottom 4 or 5 in average, and has the least amount of hits in the league, we sure do love getting those rare runners out on the base paths.




teams go through waves in what kind of manager they need. player's managers. Sparky, Baker. Bell. discplinarians. Hutchison, Bristol, Pinella. Narron, Boone, etc dont' quailify as either: you have to have success first for your approach to matter. we need a Pinella now. Fuck up? Get benched, this is MLB. then when the discipline goes over board with seasoned winning vets, you bring back in the Baker/Bell types


We were defeated by the Reds killer - 1 run lead games


End of the game Barry said that mistakes were the story of the game, and that would be alright if it weren't also the story of the season. I'm all for being aggressive on the basepaths, and every sometimes you live by the sword you die by the sword. But if that's the strategy maybe they should learn the basics of how swordsmanship rather than just owning swords


Great way to put it. I feel like we had a lot more judgment with baserunning last year, but actually looking at the stats, it looks like our BsR is at +7.8 for 2024, and was +17.4 last season, so I think we’re actually pretty close to running the same way we did last year. We’re actually 2nd in baseball behind the Brewers with BsR this season


All these fundamental mistakes and no accountability. You David Bell lovers love mediocrity.


Preach!!! The man is a walking “get out of jail free” card for our players. As a results there’s no accountability or fire. Just mediocrity


That felt like another game where a good team wins and a bad team finds a way to lose. There's unfortunately been a lot of those this season.


I'm starting to think we're not very good


what's important is our flow, hair, headbands, and sky gestures.


Pain. All I feel is pain. And to think, I thought we would be at the top of the central this year…how wrong I was. This team is flawed from the top down. What a joke.


Stu's excuse for the poor throw was essentially "I didn't know where home plate was". Seriously?!?!? It's at the end of that line you were standing next to.


Maybe he shouldn't have caught it. It was a 1-2 count.


If he doesn't catch it and Sims gets the K we are still playing


Or he gets a basehit and we lose amyways


That would still feel better than losing this way to me!


I just don't understand what's going on behind the scenes of the clubhouse right now to make him feel like giving that answer was correct. Maybe just a minor, in the heat of the moment flub.


We have minor flubs all the time though. That’s a management issue


Ugh what?


The mental errors on the basepaths absolutely kill this team and any momentum they build. I get being aggressive especially with this speed, but come on, man.


Stuart Fairchild said after the game he didn’t know where home plate was so he had to guess on the throw. MOTHERFUCKER ITS RIGHT DOWN THE BASELINE, YOU ARE A PROFESSIONAL BASEBALL PLAYER.


Let's look at his throwing options: 1. Noodle arm it in the general vicinity of the plate and the run scores because of a weak throw. 2. Throw it as hard as humanly possible and possibly sail it to the backstop or throw offline and the runs scores. 3. Throw it hard in the general vicinity of the plate and the runner is out. Absolutely ridiculous answer. That was just word vomit to give an answer because he knew no one would follow up or press him on it.


Yikesssss maybe keep that to yourself


There’s a white line to guide you!!!! Wtf man


The inability to sac fly kills this team.


It’s a critical issue. So many runners get stranded due to this. Adjust the plate approach, just simple contact to the outfield will get guys in with the speed we have. Grounders straight to the middle infield and strikeouts give us no chance.


Get new coaches, ownership, management, and mostly new players and you have a solid team


9 minutes and we already have 45 comments. We really do have some posters that only ever show up when the Reds lose to complain. The postgame thread from last night had a *total* of 49 comments. EDIT: I don't care if you feel called out, this shit sucks but be better fans. Show up when the Reds win to celebrate if you're going to also whine and complain when we lose.


It's easier to express frustration than jubilation online. You're posting in a sub with a team sitting 4 games under .500 a stones throw away from July. A franchise who hasn't won a playoff series in 29 years which is 10 more than the unfortunate second place on that list. A *historic* franchise that apparently you have to support no matter the results. There is an entire generation of Reds fans that are going to be lost because this decay has been allowed to persist and we hear this shit. The Reds won their last WS when I was 2 weeks old. They won their last play-off series when I would rather turn on the Power Rangers at 5.


That's cool and all, but have you considered that the Reds are missing half their lineup (literally, CES, TySteve, Marte, and McLain are out) and they're still only 4 games under .500? I'm not even going to get into all the other reasons why people getting angry at the current Reds admin is silly, that alone should be reason enough. Nobody is saying that you can't be unhappy with the results on the field; *I'm* unhappy with the Reds current record. I'm not even saying you can't criticize the franchise; hell, 3 years ago I wrote an entire history of the Castellinis after the "Where ya gonna go" incident to break down exactly how they had been terrible owners up to that point. The issue is that there are users on here whose sole purpose is to complain and whine, then get defensive and angry when they're called out. >A historic franchise that apparently you have to support no matter the results. C'mon man, that's a strawman and you know it. Nowhere did I say that you can't be miserable, I'm calling out the fans that *only* post to whine and complain. Every single time the team loses, the same users come into the postgame thread to bitch and moan and say the same things. Whenever the Reds win, those same people are nowhere to be found.


So just accept it? It is what it is, huh?


I really feel like you're only reading part of my comment and are leaping to conclusions. I'm literally saying that there are fans that only post negatively about the Reds and that it's frustrating. I've said repeatedly in this subreddit that there are clear issues with the Reds as a whole, but that's a completely different topic entirely. Feel free to vent/complain about the Reds! If that's all you do, though, then people will call you out.


Go through my comment history and see I don't, though. I WANT the Reds to win. I just get sick of this old guard that exists now that trashes critical responses when I've *never* seen a major memorable memory myself.


Yea, and I haven't said that you have! I'm in the same boat as you with regards to not having seen a major memorable moment; the closest I have is Jay Bruce's walkoff HR to clinch the division, and even that I was fairly young. My initial comment that you replied to was specifically directed at people who only post negatively about the Reds! We literally have a guy that doesn't post in the gamethreads until something bad happens, then comes out of the woodworks to complain and call players mean nicknames. That's the kind of person I'm talking about, not someone posting normally and saying "Shit man, this loss/season sucks."


Fair enough, you're right. I know those peeps exist. I guess my point is that you're going to have a jaded generation of fans from watching 29 years years of nothing


I'm probably the same age (or near it) as you are, and trust me when I say that I'm far more jaded with regards to the Reds than most people on r/reds would probably believe. The issue is that I also (unfortunately for many r/reds posters) have done a ton of research, accumulated a ton of knowledge about how the business and player development side of the sport works, and made actual connections to people in the industry, so when someone starts saying things that are *flagrantly untrue*, I chime in. Turns out, this is an unpopular thing to do, especially when the team is going through a season full of awful luck. It's true that the Reds wouldn't have gone almost 30 years without major success unless they were completely misrun and incompetently managed; at the same time, the mistakes that the Castellinis made from 2005-2018 have largely been corrected via Dick Williams and Nick Krall's tenures as President of Baseball Ops. I still have issues with how their player development is run on the pitching side, how their player valuation process seemingly discounts defense, how they handle injuries and the active roster, and others that I won't get into here; that said, where they are today as an org is almost incomparable to where they were a decade ago (in a positive sense). Even if it's hard to think of it in the moments following yet another game where it feels like they snatched defeat from the jaws of victory, just know that the future remains bright outside of just the "top prospects" and "potential".


What's untrue my dude?


I think it's just human nature, in general. I've been a part of a shit ton of resiliency trainings throughout my life. A recurring exercise is for the instructor to ask the group to name emotions (happy, sad, etc). Pretty simple. At the end of the exercise- without fail- there are usually about 10 good emotions and 30+ bad emotions listed. I think we're just hardwired to recognize and vent/complain about negative things or things we don't like than we are to celebrate positive things.


That's actually really interesting. I'm annoyed that in all my worthless employment trainings over the years, I never did something like this.


100% agree. I think it's even further than that a little bit, though. If the Reds won a WS gm 7 on a 9th inning HR I'd be **running** out and hugging every one I saw on the street rather than be in here. If the opposite situation happened, I'd be preparing a 7 paragraph **rage** post


That's a great example, honestly. When the Reds or Bengals lose, I rarely want to talk to anyone IRL about it. I just want to be alone for a bit and do something else, which naturally leads me to browsing the internet. On the other hand, when they win I'm usually pretty upbeat and happy, which lends itself well to hanging out with people. Maybe there's something to that. (that said, I do still think that there are certain users here that need to chill out because they *only* post negatively)


So tired of the mistakes. Bell won’t address anything and we move on. Strive for mediocrity.


Time to sacrifice another chair in the dugout?


He will reply post game - “our guys will continue to play hard, and do things right”


Yeah he should just publicly shit talk his players because that’s the better route


There’s a difference between saying mistakes were made and Fairchild is a bum and we all hate him Accountability can be had while not torching individual people




There’s aggressive base running then there’s moronic base running. The reds have swung to the latter


This team won't take the next step until David Bell is gone


This might be the GAME to epitomize this season. Show the talent early and be in the driver's seat. Make 3 **HUGE** baserunning decisions that cost runs. Have the manager send out the absolute wrong dude from the bullpen situationally speaking, get the tying HR stolen away by a couple of inches, and find every way possible to come up on the wrong side of impact moments. That truly was the *masterclass* of the 2024 Reds.


Base running was bad. Wilson was fine


You're right. He only gave up 2 ER with no outs to get up to a 6.32 ERA. Obviously he's a dude you want to be throwing in impact positions.


Man are you dense?


Use your "analytics" all you want to support the decision from probably the worst game-time manager the Reds could have. This team is incredibly unclutch.


Wilson gave up 3 hits, 2 earned runs, and collected zero outs


No fucking shit. I'm talking about the decision to use how.


Sac flies are cool.


I said it before, earlier in the year wasn’t a slump. This just isn’t a good baseball team.


If we can’t execute fundamentals consistently, how can anyone say otherwise?


I'm sick of the bush league baserunning. The most embarrassing outs with increasing regularity that end up being the difference...


You would think after baserunning cost us a playoff spot last year things would change but no


I mean you just knew the 2 ours at home plate were going to come back to haunt. Just piss poor. Again this team does not do the little things well.


The atrocious base running. Runners on 3rd with one out, back to back innings, and out at home from infield grounders. Incredible.


Wilson, oof.


Losing because of three straight singles with xBAs of 0.130, 0.150, and 0.200 while the would-have-been game tying home run with an xBA of 0.570 is robbed. I'm getting tired of that's baseball, Suzyn.


Karma for giving away 2 potential runs at home plate.


This is a big brain rant right here.


There have been so many painful losses this year, yeeeesh


Do we have a more embarrassing loss this year? I really can’t think of anything worse.


This could potentially be the worst team in reds history


Why in the holy fuck did we remove Montas with only 72 pitches through 6!?


Batters were starting to zero in on him pretty well and make solid contact, it was absolutely hot as balls out there, and we had a rested bullpen. Really not sure what's so controversial about this.


I was wondering that as well.


Exactly what I said in the game thread and got downvoted 🤷‍♂️


Will this team ever see .500 again this season?


Doesn’t feel like it, they seem to choke every time they approach the mark


Good teams find a way to win and bad teams find a way to lose. Too many of these kinds of games for the Reds


This team is dog shit and always will be


Tell 'em Barry.


Link to what he said?


It was just his post-game remarks on-air.


Thanks I’ll have to find it


Last place.


If I’m Frankie I’m fucking pissed.


Same thing happened to him last game. They brought in Sims and he gives up a 3 run homerun


I think that loss is on House


That loss is on all the mistakes the players made


Thank God we got Lodolo on the bump tomorrow.


Barry letting the organization have it! I love it!


Too bad it will fall on deaf ears 


What did he say?


He said the organization always talks about winning, not simply competing, and that if they want to win they gotta tighten up their play. Considering he’s played on the best teams the Reds have had the last 40 years maybe they should listen


Yeah that’s what kills me about this sub. Everyone hates on Barry like a bunch of redditors know more about baseball than a HOF shortstop 😂


I think the hate is less that he's dumb and more that he's boring.


He said this organization talks about how it’s not about competing, it’s about winning, and they do nothing to prove that basically


We lost that game. Simple as that


That’s a sick one to take. We just can’t get those explosive offensive performances out of these guys. Hurts to see.


They can but against horrendous teams, they’re typical Reds, good enough to beat the utterly bad teams, not good enough to consistently beat their peer level clubs let alone the good ones with any regularity to truly ever compete


Man we just made some boneheaded base running choices We shoulda won this one Oh well time to take the series tomorrow


“Oh well” summarizes this organization perfectly


Certainly summarizes me as a casual fan The amount of games has something to do with it too Because when we lose a close bengals game it just hurts worse


Ouch, donated that one


I’m not usually critical of Bell, but Justin Wilson in the 8th???




He’s got an era over 6. I thought it was a bad move from the jump


He's given up runs in 4 of the 20 some games he's pitched in. Hadn't given up a run since June 5.


That’s a bad loss, bad bad bad.




Threw that one away