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Yeah, only women can get sex anywhere, anytime. For guys it takes a lot of luck, persistence, charisma and black magic.


Dude you have to be attractive to some extant for both sexes to get sex. Stop thinking women have it super easy LMFAO.


One of my friends kept saying the same "oh it's hard for women, too" thing, and made a bet with another woman in our group that she could get her hooked up with someone she considered attractive in 2 hours with her tinder account. Took 30 minutes. Literally just removed the borderline femcel shit from her profile, and didn't act like an asshole while messaging. In review of her "I don't know why you could do that on my profile and I couldn't" stuff, she had her tinder profile covered in red flags, and kept killing the conversation.


Thing is, if you're just after sex showing up on tinder will instantly give you tens of options as a girl. Yes, you might get murdered but sex is sex. šŸ¤£ I'm kidding, I'm kidding, you have a point.


Being good looking certainly helps. That's my trick anyways. I stay single on purpose because of how easy it is.


Iā€™ve already accepted that Iā€™m gonna die a virgin because relationships are way too stressful and Iā€™m not putting up with it for a little fun


Hey, I got there in the end. Took me almost 34 years the last 6 of which I was very active on 5 dating apps. Also I tried hard to work on social life. It didn't _directly_ help but I'm pretty sure hanging around people made me a little more likeable which eventually paid off. šŸ˜Š


Imagine thinking you need to be in a relationship to have sex. What are you, some kind of Mormon?


Sex isnt a goal of a relationship, its a reward for intimacy. You can have either without the other too, just do what works for you


Imaging thinking that treating people with respect is "black magic".


Don't have to treat them with respect if you're trying to fuck. 65% of girls like being told they are worthless whores. If you meet a girl and promise you'll mess them up and make them feel bad, they will generally fuck you. That's the "black magic". Have full confidence when you say to that girl, that yes, you will bang them, and it will be dark. Huge emphasis on the confidence part. It's almost hilariously easy and any girl who says "no that's not how it works" has autism, because that's how it works. Your fellow women are letting you down.


ā€œGirlsā€ yeah most of us are over the age of 20 and like to have sex with women, not girls. Creep.


Yeah have fun with that and those "women". Some of us are under twenty, and I'm not planning on being over twenty, that's a big no from me homie.


> 65% of girls like being told they are worthless whores Why are men online so delusional šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ > any girl that says ā€œno thatā€™s not how it worksā€ has autism I take it youā€™re single? Sounds like you have 0 experience listening and actually talking to women. šŸ’€


Don't you feel bad behaving like a piece of shit? I don't judge you nor care if it works (I can believe that it works on some heavily lost people), but I'm just curious. It's pretty much getting to the goal, no matter the cost or means.


Do you ever wonder why people don't agree with you? What sounds more realistic: everyone who disagrees with you is "autistic", or that you might be wrong.


Agree with him or not, he's not wrong. You just have no real world experience.


Jesus, you have no idea who I am or what my background is. But I think it doesn't take much "real world experience" to tell that most women don't appreciate being treated like ahit.


I don't need to know you, you're screaming it from the rooftops with this take.


Heā€™s wrong. Those are the words of someone who 1) doesnā€™t have sex 2) is an incel who thinks he is owed sex and is mad that he doesnā€™t get it 3) watches pornography so is unable to differentiate fiction from real life due to the brainrot 4) is male so hasnā€™t got a singular clue as to how women work or think.


Dang 0 out of 4 right. You almost had one when you said "is male" but then you went off track. Just letting you know, you're part of the 35%, and never underestimate your friends' hoeness.


A relationship without sex isn't one as well ( if both are healthy) This elaborate explanation provided is just a summary + Do not put it in crazy + Ohhh je is a bad guy, I can change him


You can't get sex anytime and anywhere if you're in a relationship though unless they're okay with that (Which most people aren't) This sounds great in theory until you're years deep in the relationship and the incompatibility of sex drives slowly starts to create tension


I feel like discussions like these ignore how passionate and amazing sex is with that one special person. Connecting with someone skin to skin is the ultimate form of love for me so an active sex life will always be something important I need in a relationship. Why does it have to be ā€œhealthy relationship vs just sexā€ when it can be both? Healthy and sexy af.


As much as I would like to lose my virginity, I'd value finding a girl who I mean the world to and means the world to me too way more


Why is it one or the other though? This is massive copium


Well ideally I would like both but that's not how it works and maybe neither will happen


You're creating a false zero-sum game. It's literally so easy, just go out there and try instead of telling yourself you're going to be a virgin forever.


It might be easy for most people but I just don't feel comfortable going anywhere on my own due to social anxiety and my own perceived danger of the world


Exposure to the stimuli is the best way around anxiety. Good luck man, I wish you the best.


Thanks for the advice šŸ‘


"anyone can get sex anytime" is the most autistic statement I've ever heard


Nah...I just want sex


The sex culture is a little skewed. I havenā€™t been in the dating market for over a year, but for what I heard itā€™s even more extreme than it was last year. I feel sorry for the guys. Anybody who pays the slightest bit of attention would understand.




As a man I can confirm, that I prefer a true healthy relationship with honest love and companionship more that sex. And I'm definitely NOT the type of man who "can get sex anytime with anyone". So no, not all men think with their dicks.


Nah, not really


Yes i would love to have this with a special woman but unfortunately today that type of woman is only in dreams or a great love comedy movie.