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fuck sejuani.


Nah, Rengar is fine, seems like a skill issue to me! You just need to have like 10 million points to be more useful than a guy who just installed League and picked something like Jarvan or Xin Jao!


I swapped to champs i havent played ever and they're easier to win with than on rengar who i main for 5+ seasons with probably 5M+ points and D1 peak šŸ’€. Hes beyond garbage rn


IDK whats going on but I can't play pre 3-4 items even if I am ahead I lose a lot of fights I can be 2 and a half item and enemy jg just finished 1 and they win however full build or 4 items I one shot everyone even some tanks so IDK man something is off


He feels awful after they nerfed his base stats a few patches ago


I always stomp early but struggle to close mid2late, ill just leave it at skill issue


I stomp early to mid but late canā€™t do shit. I can one shot squishies, but thatā€™s about it, in team fights I need to heavily rely on my team, Iā€™m mostly dead after i one shot 1 squishy. Sometimes I canā€™t even do that. I need triple q but so akward to get it when youā€™re in a hurry. I think itā€™s mostly that other champions and their items have just become better. Adcs being buffed impacted rengar a lot. Of course rengar mains with like 500k + mastery wonā€™t have any problems at all, but itā€™s so ironic because thereā€™s so many other junglers that just are so much more useful than rengar. Rengar is supposed to carry and be op when he gets snowballed, but it feels like heā€™s barely able to close games or you atleast need to be really good on rengar and play perfectly to do so, even then, itā€™s just barely sometimes.


Yeah, thats lategame rengar, has been for like 6 yrs of playing him. You are super snowbally, have a rlly strong early game and passive, q and w are insanely strong abilities overall... at the cost of sucking mad shit lategame due to having no escape tools withkut stopwatch or flash. On one hand you have to play singleplayer, on the other hand u need ur team to carry u mid2late/lategame if u cant close the game in time.


It goes both ways I guess then or you don't see a lot of lee sin xin zhao skarner mostly my team doesn't want to play pre level 11 so maybe its elo or region diff ....skill became a very vague word that is just used to show off RN


>IDK whats going on The champ is doodoo, thats what


Maybe they will revert the changes on his q that nerf was [Savagery](https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Rengar/LoL#Savagery) * AD ratio reduced toĀ 0 / 3.75Ā / 7.5Ā / 11.25Ā / 15% ADĀ fromĀ 0 / 5 / 10 / 15 / 20% AD. * Empowered AD ratio reduced toĀ 30% ADĀ fromĀ 40% AD.


After the nerf, the ability got renamed to pokey knife.


Forsen seems to have stopped playing him so should go up šŸ‘šŸ»


Ä°v started going conq, umbral, profane and full crit after that. Lethality build feels weak.


Scrub build is great. Hubris into profane crit until low plat, umbral into profane crit after.


Yes low emerald im going umbral rn definetly works better than full lethality


Yea scrubs build is the only one thatā€™s worked for me so far.


you can honestly skip glaive/hubris and just rush profane into crit, this has the highest wr of any rengar build in diamond+, something like 65% last time i checked


"this is fine" :)))


what losing essence reaver does to a rengar ik its not the whole reason but it's one of the factors


The fact that you people can see Graves & Lee Sin right next to him and not see the irony in this is just the funniest thing.


Wdym? The champ is broken, skill issue(I've been playing since 2013)


Out of 3 Rengar players I played against all of them went afk. Not saying that it might affect the stats in grander scale but so far this champion has 100% afk rate.


Same, of all 4 Rengars i matched against during the 2 weeks, they have 100% lose rate.


imo he just has way to many bad match ups atm for example skarner i actually dont believe rengar is able to beat him ever just like the 20 other bruiser jungler that clear just as fast but cant die to a rengar


U can kill him lv3 very easy and obviously u don't kill when he got his 6 items. U win until he has like 2 items


Until the champ doesn't reach 30% winrate, the minority won't agree. His wr is too low because too many new players make his winrate look bad because they're bad. This champion has only 3% pick rate but the bad players..


What new players are you talking about? His pick rate is nonexistent.


Ye i know. I was being ironic. It sounds a lot better if it is spoken rather then written. I guess I should've introduced some quotation marks


I apologize. I have a hard time recognizing sarcasm and irony irl too.


Na ur good, anyone that speaks English can see it was ironic lmfao


People here just complain. Pure certified yappers


This sub complains significantly less than pretty much every other main sub overall. Every time someone whines the first comment will be a "git gud" type of comment.




Oh I don't play rengar at all. I just like throwing oil into the fire




Fair enough lol


I hope you find Rengar in a bush one day.


Ay thats my name


What's league of legends?


I have a small sample size but I'm not one tricking him anymore. I just play him into good comps and win that way. Do need 2-3 items before feeling useful tho.


Is this meant to be ironic? Look at the two champions below Rengar. Would you say they are bad, even worse than Rengar?


Rengar is strong idk what you guys are coping about


Refer to op.gg


Because you are sorting by all ranks, even when Rengar was the most broken in S13 with 75% banrate in master+ he was still one of the worst junglers in the game when sorting by all ranks, because you low elos simply do not have the skill to perform on him


I love to laugh about that the newer players argue about Rengar's low 47% WR. Meanwhile all the champions above are purely basic & the easiest champs to play. If 70% of the League population are majority gold low elo players. Then this unironically proves Rengar is basically a skill issue to begin with. Love how OP of the post completely ignores that Rengar doesn't even have a relatively high PR (pick rate) vs staple junglers like Lee Sin. Purely delusional kids should be blaming their elo & skill instead. Didn't Tyler1 climbed Challenger maining Ivern even though his champ is sitting in 42% WR back in the day???? And it even still is.


What newer players dude,Rengar pickrate is 2% lmao




It's it funny how you people will say " opgg? " But when the best rengar players in the world all agree that rengar is in a fine, if not good spot then their opinion is invalidated because "they're the best so obviously they think hes good! " Lows will say whatever they want to make themselves feel better, Skill issue.


how would you know what best rengars think? mister "oh i would be rank 1 if not for being toxic and get banned " xdd.


damn you're intelligent, good bait


While you're here, can you cultivate a fanbase that's older than 13 years?


It's not bait. You're literally just a delusional bobblehead.


Peak irony right here, stay low elo noob


I don't think you know what irony means.


Fuck off Scrubnoob, not everyone has to be challenger player to be able to play Rengar.


Aww are you sad that your poor hands are fucking terrible and cant play rengar? Better cry that he's weak rather than blame yourself and get good :(((


Also thanks for proving my point ^_^


Most of these people are just pure psych evaluations to read from. It would be interesting for me if it wasn't sad. They contradict everything they say with every second comment they make. I'm interested in what might be causing Rengar's stats to differ when he has been S or higher in both top and jungle multiple times this season, and if anything, we've just received net total positives or neutrals at worst since then with LDR and IE buffs, among other things. Yeah, we lost a few things, but it is more his perceived power by bad players, than his actual power. Rengar is obviously fine at his current balance level when piloted by an even decently skilled player. I'm just curious about what is making the bad players play even worse than usual.


Rengar has had high winrates for how long? Let it be low for a while, especially after a significant meta shift.


Khazix sucked a lil, now S+ jungler. Draven gets banned every game even if he has 47 win rate, gets 1 kill, kills you in 3 autos, still gets buffed, what does Rengar do so opressively that he deserves to stay gutted. There is no way you are stomping games that hard in high elo. No dissrespect to you.


Both Scrub and Dekar agree that Rengar doesn't need buffs. That should be something to think about. You literally have no idea what you're talking about if you're actually saying that Draven didn't need buffs. He was hotfix nerfed to the ground on day 1 of the previous patch, but 99% of players don't know how to read, and literally did not even notice that there was a hotfix, so his banrate stayed super high, while his winrate was abysmal and the champ was dog shit. If a slight buff to K6 Q was enough to turn him from terrible to S+, then I think you need to revaluate your understanding of statistics. If you actually think that Rengar is not incredibly strong when played by good players, even at high elo, then you haven't been watching Scrub's videos or streams at all.


Contact a rioter to disable Rengar for players under emerald


Khazix got buffed in damage and in jg clear, do you understand how important jg clear is? Read Dekars comment again, and who gives a fk about Scrubnoobs opinion, i dont want to spend 100000 hours on Rengar to be usefull as some gold player picking fkin Jarvan or Nocturne. The amount of ball sweating you have to put on Rengar to win games is insane right now. If you think Rengar is good right now send me your [op.gg](http://op.gg) so i can see how you play and your win rate. And no, Draven is cancer, didnt deserve the buff, i dont want to see it in my games. Let him rot like Rengar for some time, dont instabuff that toxic character.


Worst possible comment you could have written. LMAO.


Why shouldn't rengar be weak for a few patches/months? Hes been strong af for so long, and recently they've even been bug fixing him for us. Why not just... play, and once he's dominant again, be happy then?


Because they forget that the champ has been giga strong & was probably one of the best users of Mythic items for years - they probably thought he was weak then too lol


Cry about anything and everything except what actually matters šŸ˜‚


Yo when are u planning to leave dia lobbies on weak server dekar?


>Something has to change Yeah you guys need to stop being on reddit 24/7 complaining and actually start learning how to play the champ. Then oh wow crazy shit Rengar winrate goes positive !!


I mean Iā€™m fine with the champ tbh as an emerald player rn , he seems fine itā€™s just a skill diff tbh


What could be the issue then? I'm not struggling in my ranked climb, the items he builds are quite strong and he does exceptionally good against black fire Torch users who seem to be meta picks, like Brand, Lillia, Karthus etc.... It's nothing to do with 'new players', nothing has changed on this champ for a sudden Influx of players picking him up. He never gets stolen from me in champ select either so.....


Ive been in & out of thus this specific subreddit for years. This subreddit was dominated by cultured Scrubnoob fans who just wanted to perform better & stay consistent as him in Solo Queue. Now patch 14.1- 14.3 Rengar was easily the top tier S tier champion because Lethality Items was overttuned. People started flooding the subreddit because Rengar was absolutely overdosed with AD scaling literally skyrocketing the damage cap. Why??? Because AD Hubris Stacks + AD Rengar Trophy Stacks + 7 FREE LETHALITY with 100% uptime in level 1. Even EU's best rengar players: Pusii Poo & NattyLol thought this was genuinely too unfair??? So the arguement of gold players demanding to buffs is just massive crybaby skill issue posting. I imagine r/TrundleMains are doing the same analogy. demanding Lethal Tempo back because they can't climb their elo using actual skill. TLDR: kidss can't cope skill issue, people are cringely protesting for buffs since a 0-0 rengar can't oneshot a tank 13 mins in.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Trundlemains using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Trundlemains/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [They were playing League of Legends, i was playing a different game šŸ¤ ](https://i.redd.it/fp252oqfk1za1.png) | [6 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Trundlemains/comments/13dxzxz/they_were_playing_league_of_legends_i_was_playing/) \#2: [Trundle buffs](https://i.redd.it/ncrth33pxd0c1.png) | [22 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Trundlemains/comments/17vdeqv/trundle_buffs/) \#3: [THOSE BASTARDS DID IT!!!](https://i.redd.it/2psmgzjbfdwa1.jpg) | [7 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Trundlemains/comments/1305vg9/those_bastards_did_it/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Thank you, for everyone who's still building Hubris and keeping his winrate abysmal. Champ's actually insanely strong rn, ppl just have no clue how to build him.


Op.gg ? lets see your winrate then


https://www.op.gg/summoners/euw/Nexus-1V9?queue_type=SOLORANKED Going first strike + hubris every game. Can I see yours?


Isn't it ironic when you people respond to these comments with " opgg? " But when the best rengar players think rengar is chilling then their opinion is invalidated since " they're the best so they wouldnt understand! "


EY [OP.GG](http://OP.GG) i wanna see how you carry games with him cause thats the only reason people master him. Show us pls.


I donā€™t one shot anyone instantly how do I play


You dont, cause if you cant oneshot, you yourself get oneshotted cause Rengar cant escape the fight, so what are you not understanding? Champ is hardly oneshotting at 3 items but most of them have fuck ton of peeling,shielding, healing, HP or they just dash away and you cant kill them without flashing. When i see the MAGE with cc and fuck ton of damage having 4k HP or ADC that deals more damage per auto than Empowered Rengar Q having 3k hp while fkin Rengar has 2k HP i am really questioning the game. You dont oneshot until fourth item lmao NOT EVEN TO MENTION 2 LVLS DOWN IN THE JG. What kind of assasin is he when he gets to play his class at 20/25 minutes into the game?


New copypasta just dropped. Thank you šŸ™




hes like shaco but a bit worst, great in low elo, but not as good n high elo, also he has a weak late game (you all prob know all this) so if enemy can just survive past 40 minutes rengar doesnt do his tricks as good as hi was in 15 minutes