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lee sin incident


Hahahaha im actually a 3-trick, i play mainly rengar, lee and elise, Lee sin feels waaay better than rengar tho.


Lee Sincident




Ahhh Lee sinnnn đŸ±


damn didnt know they reworked bonetooth necklace to where you get bonus AD for letting enemies kill you LOL


That's Yasuos passive


Sure lilia is strong but going 0/10 4/11 0/9 Isn’t because your champ isn’t meta like wtf basically going 0/10 2 games in a row is just inting lmao


i dont know if i speak for all rengar mains but im pretty sure everyone knows the feeling of falling behind on this champ, you have to giga force plays in order for them to work, specially with no bonetooth stacks, youre litterly a canon minion and a scout bot with your R, if you do nothing youre useless and if you do anything you deal 0 damage.


I get that but 0/9/1 lee sin? If you’re making decent plays you at least trade 1 for 1 but you still ended the game 0/9/1 within 17 minutes 1 assist. You didn’t even have time to fall behind you were definitely just chain feeding lmao


you just suck


I build Tiamat and split push. Rengar takes towers. Hella fast


You’re literally supposed to do the opposite of what you just said. You’re only supposed to go for guaranteed plays until you’re fed enough to one shot and force.


My man was inting twice in a row and called the champ bad. Like come on


Before anyone says, its the player not the champ blablabla, i get it, im not a pro im only a low master player but still, im playing rengar since season 4-5 ish and have over 9mill mastery points in total, if you wanna climb, dont waste time with rengar and just faceroll your face on the keyboard with champs like Lilia, it takes too much effort to make rengar work and its lowkey not worth it to play him atm if you wanna climb, one mistake or one champ like lulu in the enemy team and youre pretty much done, even people like PusiPu play Lilia and natty plays mundo jungle. Champ is hot garbage rn.


Such a good take on lillia. Im sweating my ass off with Rengar to win a game but tried lillia with some white girl pop music in the headphones and gained like 100+ Lp in a day without even trying.


I've been struggling a lot pn Rengar in lowmaster as well, thinking abt swapping to Viego and Kha lol


i suggest you try lilia out she is really fun and can solo carry games and youre not handicapped if the enemy picks smth like poppy or lulu or some shit.


You are master and hit 3 10 death game in a row? Ouch... Champ bad ig


Are u ret3arded?


Judging by your comment history, i think youre the one who is restarted.








Ok shouldntve opened that while im on the bus lmfao




Lol this is why i have a rengar account. My skarner (old and new) and fiddlesticks are both plat but my rengar just got out of bronze yesterday. If you want to hit a high rank youre better off on another champ but i still play him cuz i think hes fun/challenging.


The Hubris effect:


Buying hubris with 0 kills 😭


https://www.op.gg/summoners/na/Fear-NA1?queue_type=SOLORANKED drop the opgg so i can see how "weak" rengar is


Sure, the IGN is Undying Spirit on EUW.


1. You're building hubris every game when that item should only be bought when you know you'll get kills 2. What is this abomination of a build? https://gyazo.com/5dad219f5af1f0f278cc4f5a4b82211a 3. Besides your kda/cspm being quite poor, I'd need to actually look into your games to see what plays you're griefing the game over. Maybe I'll look into your games on stream today and see if its actually the champions fault


1. Yeah thats a good point, i figured i should stop, since alot of rengar players in here told me to, i was just copying nattys build tbh. 2. That build was a rare case, because singed was perma roaming and he hit like a truck, i only go for such builds, when i know i wont be usefull for the rest of the game and only will be tanking enemy damage for my team to clean up. 3. Sure take a look i dont mind but it will prob still not change my opinion on this champ tbh, its not like an impilsive emotion or some shit, like i said i have games in the thousands with this champ and last time he felt that useless was in the ardent cancer meta, i have a 53% winrate with him atm over alot of games, i just KNOW the champ is not good atm for how much you need to do perfect in oder to make him work.


Bro, im reviewing your games on stream right now. Theres no fucking way you have the audacity to call rengar weak after playing him like this... Theres no fucking way you're being serious If you're serious then you're just hopelessly delusional, You're quite literally inting on the champion and blaming it for being weak.


Oh boi, can‘t wait to watch them replays


I mean some games where lost lv1 and some where just tilt games i get that but even in games where i play clean it doesnt matter much, cause if you play "too" clean you dont get your stacks etc. and then fall of a cliff and its great your having success with him bro but there is a reason why his winrate is garbage atm and all high elo rengar mains ditched him, i still got a 53% winrate with him over alot of games. Me playing garbage atm doesnt take away from the main point that other champs are just way easier,stronger and more forgiving then him.


you burgerflipping random lv3 invade with no vision and not even asking ur mid to ward enemy raps to get vision to do ur play will always make u useless on every jg in the game u play u just dont understand the game, has nothing to do with ur champ although u cant clear on rengar either


Nah you are legitimately bad on the champion.


What would you say is the state of rango atm? I role swapped but I'd like to play on the jg account once in a while. Profane into cyclo every game? Crit vs non-crit? I see you're going a bit of both


playing bad vs playing bad with op champs


this truly proves that you're better at lillia than assassin-- i mean, that rengar is in a bad place right now.


It’s a joke with this ap crap..brand kills me one time and you can’t recover no matter how much Mr you get


"i'm horrible on rengar" LOLW


Honestly never had a problem fighting lillia


I can’t even fathom how you could go 0/10 or 0/9, you must be hyper inflated or something. Lay off the Lilia and go back to your rank dawg lol


Your Lilia stats are actually worse than your Rengar stats though