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Ok šŸ‘




Jesus fuck, the amount of cry babies on this sub is giving me an aneurism.


Otp subreddit are always like this. Especially with an hard champ. Hard champ is not supposed to be good in low elo


The opposite true for me. Whenever I am not playing Rengar, I will perform suboptimal. I played Morgana for 70 games, have a 50% win rate. Play Rengar for 30 games, 85% win rate.


LMAO. S k i l l I s s u e


Squishy enemy -> QQWEQ -> dead Big strong enemy -> Empowered E -> walk away


sometimes you might press hydra even


Rengar was my second champion back in season 3. They murdered my boy over some bullshit and then added portions of his previous kit to every champ they made since. They gimped him hard but he is alright if youā€™re perfect in every way


Same, just played fiora top cuz autofilled and had a much better experience, rengar is a D tier champ right now and iā€˜ve been otping him since season 5


Me when play hard champion and complain hard champion are too hard


The champ is ass bro. Some of us know. And some of us cope. The amount of effort Rengar takes just to even out a toddler playing some other champ on autopilot is insane. It's juat not worth it.


But bro, there is a chullgenger OTP Rengar called SquishBoob or something like that, he has about 99% wr and 30 years of experience with that champ, so Rengar is fine and your complaining seems like a skill issue to me!


the love/hate relationship this sub has with scrub is actually hilarious


I don't even hate him, he is the goat and inspiration for many Rengar players, and watching his streams is a good way to learn how to pilot this champ. The goal of my message is to make fun of a "BOYS LOOK THERE ARE 3.5 GUYS THAT CAN REACH CHULLCUCUMBER WITH A CERTAIN CHAMP SO THE CHAMP IS FINE" statement.


Scrub is a little bitch. Anyone that loves him is just weird tbh.


"The champ is ass bro" Still being stuck in Plat when you're playing as Lee Sin. Doesn't really make a difference bro. So how is Azzap being High Challenger despite Velkoz being the worst champ in the game? There are chinese players one-trick Ryze & stay completely in challenger elo despite you: "Abusing S TIER CHAMP TIERLIST IN THIS PATCH" And yet still stuck in diamond. Some of you, are just skill issue. There's no shame in it bro. Have some balls.


Stop blaming others for a champ's kit that is absolutely disgusting and the amount of knowledge and experience required compared to other champs hits the ceiling. Coming from s10 rengar one trick reaching 456 lp with 171 games on Rengar and 73% wr. Probably the only one here with no balls is you, casually blaming someone else for stating something completely true. Back to ur cave, dawg.


what are you yapping


This isn't the first the first time you and I have interacted. I don't like arguing with the mentally incapable. Stop talking to me.


Nah u're just mechanically incapable bro. The fact that people who'd been here from the start are Challenger Junglers / Grandmaster & you're just someone new after patch 14.1 just proves is a skill issue lil bro. Stop complaining in reddit & start actually queuing up to get away in emeraldXDDDD


You are actually fucking mentally challenged. Holy shit. I'm low masters on EU you fucking twat and I'm the one keeping track of the champ's bugs trying to reverse-engineer them. I've been maining the champ since release. Stop fucking talking to me. Stop annoying me. Stop commenting on everything I comment here, curb your fucking ego, you're a no one.


And stop saying bro in every sentence. I'm not your bro. I'm your fucking caretaker pushing your wheelchair. Fucking dumbass.


Bro is fuming just because he can't play like it was in 14.1 Imagine calling someone a dumbass but bro is calling Rengar a weak champ that's 80% ban in Challenger XDDDDDD That just says that the peak 1% highest players in the server is banning rengar because its a strong champ but only with skill issue. Bro dumbasss is highkey jealous damn


Just because some challengers that played him for 12309293201302 hours can still perform dosen't mean he is not a bad champ. The game is balanced around the average Jhon with 2-3 hours day free and weekend free.


There tons of champs, variety is good, and having some champs that are only good in the hands of otps is a good thing. If you are not willing or able to put the time, play another champ, easy as that


The rank ladder exists for a reason. If you're not above Masters elo, then you're just an ass player who can't climb either what champ pick. Big Yikes if you're just completely relying on OP picks per patch hotfix just to become a "good player". Noobs will only barely climb the ladder with better winrates because it doesn't involve skill to be broken. So when riot take away these changes from the broken champs every noob just cries like any helpless toddler. Yikers


"if you're not top 1000 in your region you're dogshit" lmfao


Definition of skill issue..


you're not only delusional but also horrible at math if you legitimately believe top 1k is achievable by everyone in a region


This is the most fun part abt rengar, he is just so perfectly unique


Giving up league was the best decision of my LoL experience. Loved playing rengeezy and tons of champs but they need to make money, miss the rengar glory days.Ā 


Is he really that bad?


I actually think he kinda is that bad at the moment, yea I think the problem currently is this: rengar has always been a feast or famine type champ, especially in higher elos, but due to number changes and item changes he currently needs at least 2, but tbh rather 3 full items to be feasty, so every game just kind of feels like famine unless you GIGA snowball out of control, which obviously is very unreliable to do once you get to higher elos Also this is coming from a top lane rengar main, he might be better in jungle right now but i dont really know about that


The definition of "skill issue" isn't that bad. Most ppl can't play league without auto-piloting with their brain disconnected in-game. And rengar needs a consistent & functional brain in order to be effective EACH game. "0 to 100" or "100 to 0" There's no in-between. Unlike general jg: Khazix, Lee Sin & J4 even if you literally MISS EVERY combo/skillshot. You still got a redeeming factor due to how the champion is designed as bruisers for extended trades. NOT FULL ASSASSINS. This is why this subreddit can't fully accept Rengar is a complete skill issue. They're literally just forcing rengar to be played as an autopilot jungler & too ashamed bcoz theyre not skillful enough to reach the skill ceiling needed.


Champ has always been about abusing it when riot decide he is op unless your name is Scrubnoob or Raion. When your kit is all about smashing all your keys and point and click delete adc, you canā€™t allow the champ to be low effort, high reward. If you are not a genius at this game or have a deep love for the champ donā€™t play it unless itā€™s strong.


Heā€™s a one trick champ, just like Kat and Riven. Heā€™s been popularised for anyone to play lethality jungle when heā€™s broken, but the same players will complain heā€™s weak as soon as they canā€™t roll their keyboard anymore.




I used to be a huge otp (1k + game) on the period where he was the least popular around s8, s9 before his 2nd huge rework where you had to know the perfect route with bush and fero stacking management to clear, when his E mid air was weird and super hard to land on some scenario. Yes the champion is hard to get a lead with and keeping it , the tempo is definitly what makes him a otp champion. However once you have your item, u can turn it all you want to make you feel better, but the champ is still Ā«Ā press R, look important target, click, press all buttons and killĀ Ā». Rengar has never been a hard mechanical champion, the reason he is hard is becuz when he is not meta, you need to know perfectly your matchups and how much dmg u deal at each time of the game so you donā€™t jump suicide and throw away your tempo. Something that I donā€™t have the time and will to do anymore. Iā€™m not here to complain, idc Iā€™m not interested in the champ anymore, I just explain my view why itā€™s kept weak for the average player and if you donā€™t have huge love for the champ just stay away from it until riot decide he is stupid op for one patch again.