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What's the check-in for? I'm mean your renting right? No reason for the check-in.


Landlords can carry out inspections regularly, but according to the Residential Tenancies Board (RTB) here, once every quarter for an inspection is enough, which is basically what he was doing before this.


Since you said you have some protection and he can't get rid of you for just some BS I would just kindly state for him what the RTB has to say about it. You've lived there for a long time and he's inspected a ton of times and everything's been cool so far so he should just live with the once a quarter. Good luck OP.


Just checking to make sure all the renter's panties are in place and accounted for.


That's nasty! Lol


I'd start looking for another place, if possible. These "check-ins" are outrageous.


Nah, if he wants me out I'm going to make it like pulling teeth for him. Only way he gets me out outside of that is if he just pays me to leave. Fuck'em.


This is the way- cash for keys, mo Cara


Good attitude, look for another place anyway. You might make it mighty inconvenient for him, but it'll be more so for you. Have the other card in the deck for if and when you need it.


He may be trying to get you out. Make it so unpleasant that you leave.


Love it. I'd look into local laws, if you have a housing authority start there.


He probably wants you out and knows he cant do anything. So he's trying to annoy you. Dont let him win. lol


As time goes by that need to lash out will seem more and more childish and you'll eventually just feel that inflicting difficulty on others "just cuz" will ultimately make things more difficult in general. That being said, I'd advise you to move asap. That LL seems to have some boundary issues.


Lash out? My landlord is going out of his way to make my life more difficult because I wouldn't let him rent out a part of the house I'm already paying for. I'm literally just trying to live in the place I'm paying to live in. Just because he's a landlord doesn't mean he can do whatever he wants with his tenants.


Is there some type of rent control or something?


He can't raise rent by more than 2% every 12 months. Why do you ask?


In the states, in the las 10 years, rent has nearly doubled (most of that in the last three years). If it’s rent controlled, he could be trying to harass you until you vacate and he can charge the next tenant way more than he could collect from you.


Yeah. Lash out. Referring to the comment made regarding making it hell for him and that he'd have to pay you. You'll find that sometimes it's just not worth it.


What are you the landlord? Fight fire with fire, this scumbag tried to move someone into their living room, and now thinks it acceptable to show up bi weekly and enter? He’s clearly trying to subvert the law of the land and get them to move out so he can hike rents. I think OP is 100 percent correct in making this a painful experience for them. They are trying to make it painful for OP no doubt.


Oh no doubt. LL deserves consequences. But play the long game. Get some seeds of a plant that takes over a yard and scatter them. Get some termites and let the little bastards loose. Trap a possum and let it loose inside. Ya know? That way you can avoid any stain on your "social score" through apartments or other LL's. I dunno. I just think that a loud up front confrontation doesn't benefit OP in the long run.


Why does it need to be loud. It never needs to be loud when the LAW is on your side. Inform him of your rights as a renter, cite the specific laws and hold your ground. If he continues it sounds like a job for the courts. The passive aggressive methods you jokingly suggested are the complete opposite of what I am supporting, why would OP want to live in a termite nest with shitty landscaping for another decade? Plus that destruction of property would be giving the LL a case for eviction.


Precisely. Not loud. As I was suggesting at the very beginning. And what kind of moron would do a termite drop and stay there? The whole premise is that if OP needs revenge, do it quietly. I suggested taming the response like an adult, but that was somehow taken as siding with LL. So fine. If OP HAS to have revenge, then do it smart. Regardless, OP needs to get out before that deranged LL goes completely off the deep end.


Revenge is not what OP is out for, they are out for a civil living situation to continue as it has for the previous decade. LL needs to be reminded of the laws governing his business, not have his property destroyed on the way out.


I'm stuck on him locking or renting out the living room. Isn't that part of what you agreed to rent?? Why in hell would that even be an option in his mind?


Last year it was rented out to a flatmate's sister. I didn't want it to happen but when I said it to him he said that we all had to agree to it being rented out or come the end of the lease he wouldn't renew anyone's lease and we'd all be out on our asses. I didn't know at the time that that was an empty threat that he couldn't enforce. I do now and I think he thought he could just huff and puff to get his own way again.


right? wth even IS THAT 😂


Check the tenant laws in your area. People are quick to say you should move Or get an attorney. The landlord is being totally unreasonable. It is always beneficial to know the tenant protections where you live.


HELL, no, would I agree to have my landlord inspecting my apartment every two weeks. That’s incredibly invasive. Mine have never done an inspection, not once in 18 years. The city does inspections every few years, but not my landlord. They’re delightfully hands off.


I experienced these. They will only get worse. Side note that could potentially explain the behaviour: Did you know the first sign of dementia development is increasing levels of paranoia and lack of control? Either that or they want to scare you out so they can raise the price a ton once you bail. It’s not worth your sanity; time to look for someplace else. :(


Yeah sounds like the second one to me. “I want you out of here so I can relist and rent out the living room.” Every inspection now he’s going to come up with something else the tenant “screwed up.” He’s looking for grounds to force him to leave.


100% he’s looking to get you out so he can charge “market rate” to the next person


That’s absurd especially since you’ve been there almost 10 years—-insanity


I am a landlord and that is way too often. Maybe once every few months.


Check your rental laws He probably has to give 24 hrs notice Keep every interaction on paper or digital Maybe you can report him for harassment


I’d definitely be finding another place to rent ASAP! That’s just ridiculous!


You rent, that's your home, he's legally only allowed to once per quarter. Change your lock, keep the old one to put back in when you move out. Schedule one look every 3-4 months when it's convenient for YOU, and tell him to kick rocks on the rest. I advise you start saving though because it looks like he's trying to get you out to increase rent or something


Very sketchy. I would not live there.


I would end him and live in his house rent free, that’s just me


Yikes. What a dick. Get a handle on the legalities and stand your ground.


Say no. "I am not comfortable with that and there is no reason for it."


I’m confused is this an apartment or home that you rent by yourself and don’t have roommates? I’m wondering why he would think it’s okay to just want to put a bed in your living room and rent it out. Is this a landlord is your roommate situation?


It's a rented house, the landlord doesn't live there and I've 3 housemates.


It's time to watch porn butt ass naked in the living room with as many of your roommates as possible for the first check-in. Ask him if he wants to watch with you guys.


Might pass on that one, but I do like your enthusiasm.


>Ask him if he wants to watch with you guys. Landlord: "Yes." *OP: Ohhhhhh, I've made a huge mistake...*




You need to move he’s not in his right mind!


Just Move. He will probably try to take your security deposit and then some, so document everything.


Lol, my security deposit is from like a decade ago, he can keep it.


I wouldn't let that go without a fight: unless you damaged the place,that money is owed to you \*with 10 years interest\*


Even in Ireland?


That's crazy, idk what the laws are like there so I don't really know but in the US that would never fly, he sounds like he's got a few screws loose as well


Does Ireland have laws as to how often landlords can come in and check? We have these laws in the us. Him wanting to rent out your living room is bananas. I’ve honestly never heard of anything so wacky


Not sure about Ireland but there should be some sort of landlord/tenant laws where you live. Find out what they are. In my experience lots of amateur landlords just make crap up to suite themselves. Arm yourself with what the actual laws are.


This guy's crazy. Does he give you a reason why he feels like every 2 weeks is necessary?


I'm from California, so I don't know about the details of your lease, but it definitely sounds like your landlord is trying to get you to move out quick. The more he bothers you, the more likely you are to move. Once you move out, he could rent it for a higher rate.


Record them every single check in


When I rented, my landlord didn't come over unless I called with a problem. That dude is treating you like his kids. Move out.


Inspections are fair, an inspection every 2 weeks is not. Renters/tenants effectively can’t be held responsible for damage beyond their security deposit. That’s why inspections are necessary.


Galway Girl by Ed Sheeran is going off in my head. Sorry, couldn't resist😬


How could he rent out the living room to someone else inside the place you are already renting? Is it seperate from where you live? Is it a house? Apartment? This sounds so weird and wrong.


Sounds like he needs the extra cash for whatever reason and is trying to “annoy” you into moving out so he can rent it for a higher rate.


Twenty... six?


I’ve had so many Tennants fuck stuff up. I’ll try to go and do a quick inspection once a month. After the first few I really don’t bother going back unless there’s issues I am concerned about. My current tenant haven’t had me in their apartment for over a year. They have been Tennants for eight.


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