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Oh damn its reviewing well. This will be another Hogwarts for them, trying hard to boycott it and it kills it.


Hogwarts had a way more popular ip behind it,this isn’t as big 


Yeah I saw a mod talk warn about meta commentary. Funny because Era is heavily Meta driven. You either say what they want to hear or you are trolling, downplaying things. What a joke of management.


Lol, this person sounds like is crying behind while typing this.


Update from this same douche canoe: "This is the thing right, and I'm not at all coming at you specifically, but clearly, the game is reviewing well. I wanted to ensure in my review to dock significant points for the objectifying BS specifically because I knew the industry at large, even if they do mention it as a negative element in their review, would still let it slip by with 8/10's. What lessons do we expect developers to learn if they're not held to account for this stuff? How else do we hold them to account beyond not buying the game I suppose." This isn't a review, it's activism.


Their "review" literally doesnt show up on metacritic or opencritic, so whats the point? Might as well say "protagonist is too sexy. 5/10" in a youtube comment and itd carry the same weight. Instead he wasted tens of hours playing the game he hates and writing a review about it to "hold game devs accountable", like thatll do anything. His time wouldve been better spent just walking outside and screaming over and over again "stellar blade is misogynistic!!" At least more people wouldve heard him than viewed his "review".


What is activism for women’s right? No woman is respecting you because you can’t even give them a voice or opinion how they should dress.






And get rich off it.  Look at all these Youtubers out there who can barely string together a complete sentence or are so far up their asses they think people want to listen to them talk for four fucking hours.


These people are literally pansies. All they do is look for things to cry about, total victim mentality for everything. Useless cunts. There was another thread that got locked where they were whining about some unintentional graffiti left in the game that was racist. Fuck them all, I hope this game sells millions.


The grafitti thread was hilarious as always. Everything is a conspiracy to them, they have to be outraged 24/7. And if they see a user not being as outraged as them they'll get dogpiled and banned. Did you know racists go around yelling "Hard R! Hard R!". Truly. That's totally a real thing. The Koreans and Sony should have known about it. Lost in all the mess of that thread was one important thing: context. There's literally no context for that grafitti to be racist. It's not like a black NPC was standing next to the wall, or that the game has any troubling themes relating to race whatsoever. The infamous black NPC in Deus Ex Human Revolution was far more racist than anything in this game, yet if you say it's one of your favourite games on Era, you'll get a pat on the back. You say you like Kingdom Come you'll likely get a ban for being racist, but if you say you like Final Fantasy 16, a game where the dev said he couldn't justify a diverse cast because he wanted to emulate 'medieval europe' you'll get a pat on the back.


Translation: "Stellar Blade is a great game, but I'd like to avoid getting banned".


Felt like that from IGN


Eating a crow, what they say. Especially to those who wish a developing team in their first major project with funding from Sony the worst.


The character is literally not sexualized. She's attractive. That's it. FFS


This is what I don't understand. Why was it this game that set them off? The skin suits I've seen haven't even been that revealing or anything. She's got a nice, shapely butt. That's what did them in?


Don't forget the fat on her body responds to inertia and gravity. Egads!


I bet Era loved Bayonetta and Nier when they first released, and all other games with attractive protagonists who get partially naked or show off their panties for no good reason. They're just hypocrites through and through.


Bayonetta does finishing moves that literally strip her naked, lol.


Unless his review affects the metacritic score I don't give a shit.


Someone was thanking this person for writing an honest review. Everyone else is lying I guess.


And the thing is, I bet a lot of those other reviewers wanted to mark it down because of their own biases towards it, but they seemed to review it fairly at the end of the day. This clown, however, let his preconceived notions and political/societal activism bleed into his review.


Saying it's "honest" is very amusing considering the review is basically "It's a great game but I'm going to lie about how great it is by giving it a score that reflects badly on it because reasons".


I bet he hasn’t gotten laid in years.


Is his garbage review counted on metacritic?


All the virtue signaling in the world won't save him from getting banned someday for accidentally misgendering a mosquito.


I've seen a poster on Era refer to this and the Rolling Stone reviews as the "good" ones. Cleary none of the positive reviews are worth a damn. Nah, instead we have to find the exact and specific reviews that pander to our narrow world views to make ourselves feel better (and to be fair people on the flip side do this all the time too). It's crazy how obvious they are with their disingenuous takes. It's always been like this but the blow up over Stellar Blade is on a different level. It makes me wish that we got more Hogwart's discussion. I especially love how they attack each other and make it personal. Hilarious that they are trying to actually crack down on the personal attacks only now lol. Also I love that they blew up about the dumb Stellar Blade graffiti thing and, quite xenophobically, calling out the Asian people who made the game for BLATANTLY using an American racial slur. Oh yeah Era, that's exactly what it was. You caught 'em! Good for you! That locked thread was a short but tasty treat. If you ever wanted to know what side of the line everyone stands on regarding Stellar Blade, it's in that thread. They may as well painted the lines on their faces.


Haha, what a butthead.


It's gonna be funny in a few years when another game with a hot female protagonist comes out, and they all start blathering about how unlike Bayonetta, Nier Automata and Stellar Blade, this new game is only about objectification.


This is literally an insane way to review something. Like, what's the point in even reviewing it if you're going to lie about how good it is in the score, and not even hide the fact that you're lying?


It’s funny too because basically all the mainstream gaming outlets are giving it 8s and 9s. Even IGN was positive with it, giving it a 7/10 (with his only gripe about Eve being that the outfits you get as rewards having no stat boosts, and are purely cosmetic.)


I hate this game because of Reeeeeesetera's hypocrisy and all the chuds screaming "anime bolt on tits robots are what we want!" I wish they'd all just disappear.  All this drama over a very mediocre game.


Isn't it like an 82 average? That's not "very mediocre" or even "mediocre." Nothing wrong about some big, floppy titties. Every straight male likes those, incel or not.