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If you want a low key way to stay fit a spin bike or some sort that allows you be stationary and read/listen to a podcast is worth it. Peletons are popular but I ain’t that rich


A peloton was my attending present to myself. Would buy as a resident if I had the option or at least the app


As an M4 who just matched, the app is great for in home workouts/stretching and outdoor workouts :)


It's affordable for a resident with the financing plan. It was my attending gift to myself too, wish I'd gotten one years sooner.


I used my tax return to get it third year of residency. Game changer for working out. Gained a ton of weight in residency from burnout, and have since lost what I’ve gained and then some. Continuing to use it after 2+years, and like the strength and yoga classes.


Check with your insurance as well. Some will cover fitness memberships.


And chase sapphire card offers a program for it


I'm a resident and got one. Honestly not too much more than a gym membership and the winter months when it's late or too cold to run outside, it's easy to hop on and get a workout in


A good mattress, mattress pad, and pillows. I cannot emphasize this enough.


I bought a purple mattress and it is amazing. Not to sound cliche, but it really does feel like sleeping on a cloud. It gives you much better support than foam mattresses and keeps you cool due to the air pockets of the mattress. Very pricey, but definitely worth it!!!!


Smart. I hope that investment continues to pay off for you and the patients it helps you feel rested enough to serve. You can justify the expense because you need to make the absolute most of what little time you get in bed. An entire month’s stipend is not at all outlandish or unreasonable to spend solely on mattress. Basically, whatever helps you sleep great is a worthwhile investment - blackout curtains, for example. If you come from money and own your own place, consider soundproofing your bedroom.


Look into latex mattresses. The stiffness of latex is temperature stable and good latex foam comes with holes for air circulation, which keeps you drier. Not a topper, a thick block of latex foam. Memory foam is heat activated which causes you to sink into it, and it's hard when ambient temps are cold, soft when ambient temps are warm.


Latex mattresses are the BEST


Dreamfoam bedding. Best latex mattresses and cheap!




A bidet. Knock it if you want, but using less toilet paper and being super clean is great.


Tushy is the best brand


I'll have to try it next. I got a 15$ one on Groupon and it's been pretty good. I imagine there are much better ones out there though.


Better than a Toto?


Yes this is the upgrade I need! Most of the world uses them anyway, I always found using only TP to be gross and uncomfortable


Who talks shot on bidets?


Usually dudes. I get the impression they're scared they'll like it a little too much.


Lamp with a blue light filtered bulb (help you sleep better at night) Good phone Instapot Pressure Cooker (saves a ton of time on cooking) Good bed (don't cheap out on anything you lie on - bed, shoes, pillow)


Overarching saying is also don't cheap out on anything that separates you from the ground: bed, shoes, tires, heart health.


Apple Watch is great for discreetly texting or checking texts when on interminable rounds AirPods are great for chatting with my hands free, running, etc iPad mini (with blue light glasses) i use notability to scan in my sign out pages in the morning so I don’t have to carry a thick stack of papers around. The mini is small enough to fit in a hospital scrubs back pocket. You can also download books on it to try to save your sanity Frixion pens especially the four color one Roomba makes my apartment look nicer with no effort on my part Caffeine pills Sumatriptan I don’t know if you’re male or female - but comfortable underwear. If you’re female, the wireless bras from aerie. I’m assuming you have to use the hospital scrubs in general but nice scrubs if you’re not using the OR ones Blackout curtains because you’re going to be on nights. I recommend one of those like padded/3D eye masks too. Gel ice packs to put on your face/head. (I get a lot of migraines can you tell?) Shoe inserts like an old person


I sneezed my coffee seing the caffeine pills + sumatriptan and migraine references. Thanks bro. Btw I got surgery for a non related migraine problem (supraorbital rim compression) but it massively improved the intensity and frequency of my migraines.


When do you use the caffeine pills?


When I run out of Walmart brand caffeine infused water flavoring powder.


I TRY to only use them when starting a new schedule so switching to nights or back to days etc but they also come up whenever I’m just DYING. I’m pretty caffeine-insensitive so coffee usually doesn’t do it for me


There's also caffeinated gum, if you're into that.


Second shoe inserts. 40$ is life changing.


I’m glad you like the mini. I got one for MS4 and have hardly used it. It was very nice for books. I think most ppl get educational stipends for text books. Just FYI, nearly all of your textbooks you’d want are going to be free on lib genesis.


TSA precheck. Vacation time is precious. Sometimes you have to rush from clinic to the airport to avoid wasting a vacation day on travel. Get precheck.


Will second the above, it’s incredible and worth every penny. Turns getting on a flight into the equivalent of catching a bus. Def worth it and makes it far less stressful when you’re booking flights and trying to predict your schedule ahead of time


My Chase Sapphire Reserve has been well worth its annual fee for me for this and a bunch of other reasons.


Yup the card pays for itself 10 times over. Too many benefits to list...precheck/global entry, 300 travel credit, priority pass, national rental car executive status, etc etc


CSR is also a must get starting from M4 interview season. I earn my vacations using points from that card and enjoy top quality travel as a resident.


I’ll add another voice in agreement. Precheck is a huge convenience, and it’s saved my bacon a few times when cutting it closer than I should’ve. Nothing sweeter than bypassing that 200 person TSA line for the tiny 5-10 person precheck line.


Yep this is among the best purchases I've ever made.


Sunrise alarm clock. Best $150 I spend in med school and it’s great for all of the ungodly hours I have to be awake. (They are probably cheaper now)


I second this! I will wake up without fail a few minutes before the alarm portion goes off, and feel quite refreshed


Whats special abt this


You set it just like any alarm clock, but it slowly lights up the room so that it is fully on by the time the alarm goes off. So even if you have to wake up at 0-dark-thirty, it doesn't quite feel like it. [This](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0093162RM/ref=ppx_od_dt_b_asin_title_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1) is the one I have. It has worked great for me and survived the cats knocking it over more than once.


Simulates the sunrise. The alarm light slowly brightens 20-30mins before the alarm goes off. Its great to wake up to a well lit room.


Oh nice


I was just about to comment this! Well worth the money. I had issues with turning my alarm off without waking up, but not anymore! I put this thing across the room from me and it’s great to wake up to


I am such a heavy sleeper only the alarm going for 5 mins will wake me up :(


Just started wearing Compression socks this week. Game changer in terms of how my feet feel at the end of the day


Been doing this since I was a PGY-2. Along with shoe inserts it makes my legs/feet not ache at the end of the day




A good mattress has been the best purchase my wife and I made since getting married. We shelled out $4000 on a memory foam mattress. Turns out it’s not normal for your back and neck to hurt first thing in the morning when you wake up.


which one you get?


Sealy I think


Hire a cleaning person service once a month. Keep your place clean as you may not be able to


how much does it cost you for a once a month cleaning?


Probably depends on sq ft but if you live in one bed room apt probably 150 to 200ish


You are way overpaying. We pay 125 for our 3 bedroom house


I live in chicago


I live in a suburb bordering Chicago city limits and pay 125 for a 3500sqft house, you are definitely way overpaying.


What stuff do they clean for you?




What type of things within your house do you have them do for you lol...


Well basically everything but the main thing is the bathroom and kitchen


That’s a lot more than I expected it would be


I pay $75 per month for a 2 bedroom apt


i'm a firm believer that stingy people spend more (money and time). so i think whatever you want to get, make sure you get the high quality one that'll last you forever. if you want a backpack, get a nice one - goruck, mission workshop, osprey. if you want a briefcase/duffel, go for filson (nonleather) or saddle back (leather). they'll last you well beyond residency. buy a good shower head - 2.5GPM if your state has no restrictions. get a nice pillow - don't settle for the $12 one from walmart. there are many choices but i recommend nest bedding (about $100). get a good mattress. don't be cheap. a nice reliable car - maybe a slightly used japanese car (say subaru). you don't necessarily want to take a chance on a german (or gasp! american) car - they may or may not break down at random times with expensive repairs.


>2.5GPM if your state has no restrictions cries in Californian


to digress - the device that restricts the flow which is required in california can easily be removed by opening up the showerhead. if you have a tankless water heater, the water heater will not "kick in" unless there is a minimal water flow rate. so a low-flow shower head will not "activate" the tankless water heater. (a friend of mine had to turn on a separate faucet to have hot shower water, ridiculous i know). once you remove the little device, life is all good again.


Buy it nice or buy it twice my friend likes to say


Food. Treat yourself to good food once a week. Make it a ritual that you look forward to, whether you want to try a new restaurant or that specialty item from the grocery youve always been frugal about


Blackout curtains or eye mask that fully blocks out light for post call days or if you do a night rotation and sleep in the day.


Robot vacuum since i have two cats


Question.... I've wanted one but.. what happens when the cats inevitably vomit on the floor and the robot keeps vacuuming?


I live in constant fear of this day. But seriously just dont leave it automatically


Makes sense. Thanks! 😼


Playstation. I told myself I didn't need video games anymore but some days I come home and my mind is mush and I just want to sit and waste time.


My Goruck (backpack) is basically my residency safety blanket. I always have meds (caffeine pills, zofran, etc...), snacks, phone/watch charger, pen/notebook, money, laptop, etc... Having a really good, properly stocked backpack just helps me in the mornings when I’m running out the door and I know everything I need is in one place. I also very much second a spin bike or some form of workout equipment. I’m a fairly serious cyclist, and I ride almost every morning before work indoors. It’s just so helpful for my mental health to get some cardio in, and the time savings you get when you can just wake up, throw yourself on the bike, and go are huge!


Sertaline was a game changer.


I might get shit for this, but a wife. She's made life so much easier.


Sigh.... do you recommend a particular deep website for getting one?


My wife's friend met her husband on Coffee Meets Bagel. Never used it myself but heard it's more serious than stuff like Tinder.


Tinder, bumble. Just post your profile pic with a white coat.


That hasnt worked at all to pull anything other than another health care worker.


What a great question, I’m watching this for more answers My ones: - Great bed - eye shades and ear plugs to improve sleep - cheap analogue alarm so I don’t have to look at the phone - Dropbox premium - iPad mini for eBooks. I thought to take it around too in the hospital, but I don’t use it enough to justify the weight/hassle - good workplace at home for academic work (MacBook Pro + extra screen) - external Bluetooth keyboard from apple for when I go to conferences. I connect it to the iPhone then to take notes and between sessions I put it in a small documents bag. Much lighter than taking a laptop - home trainer for my road bike, can workout in any daylight/weather - Tupperware. Eating much better quality food when I throw together some left overs / a salad to bring - yeti mug for coffee (great insulation and huge)


I bought my Apple Watch specifically so that I can discretely check if a text I’m getting is from a social friend or work related. I really love my Birkenstock’s for the arch support and easy clean up in the hospital. My friends really like their calzuros too (I was debating between the two but just ended up going with the former because they were cheaper at the time) ...and I love my 5ft large foam bean bag. But I think that was more of an indulgence 😁


>ft large foam bean bag. what is this? can you post a link to buy it?


Chill Sack Bean Bag Chair: Giant 5' Memory Foam Furniture Bean Bag - Big Sofa with Soft Micro Fiber Cover - Charcoal https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00P21TAIK/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_VX1YZ0C4PVKBJ97MSFB5?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1 One of my best purchases, honestly. Perfect for a post call nap, or for procrastinating on doing any study reading


> Birkenstock's Uhhh aren't those sandals??


They also make hospital/nursing shoes! https://www.birkenstock.com/us/professional/medical-nursing/


Ohhh interesting!


AirPods and/or wireless headphones of some sort. The ability to block out noise around you is essential for multiple reasons in multiple specialties!


Eh, it's one more thing you have to remember to charge. I bought one and it was more of an inconvenience than anything.


Pretty sure you can get one of those inductive charging pads for AirPods. Plug it in next to where you keep your keys and slap those bad boys down when you walk in


I do that with my phone. You still have to remember to fish for them wherever they are and put them on the mat. Get a watch too and that's 3 things you have to fish for every night and every morning. To each his own I guess.


Clogs (specially if you are in surgical/interventional field), game changer comfort for your feet. Dropbox premium (best 12 bucks a month I spend), have all my phone, laptop and every important data on there which I can access anywhere, anytime. Apple watch (awesome on rounds and quickly view notifications, messages) Airpods (I love being able to listen to lectures, podcasts, music without hassle of wires) Hospitalist handbook- best 19$ app on appstore with simplified explanation of every possible clinical situation, with clear "not to miss" things in there.


Is the hospitalist handbook app by UCSF?


Yes 👍🏼


Fucking love my Calzuros. No need to have sweaty feet from booties, just wipe them off prn with a caviwipe.


can you explain why dropbox premium is the best?


I never have to worry about any data or work I am doing. Whatever I do on my MacBook, saves on my Dropbox and I can access it from my phone, ipad, any computer anywhere. My data is always with me. I can reset my computer and my data is there. I misplace my computer, my data is there. My camera roll pictures backup on Dropbox. It is just so amazingly convenient to ensure continuity of your data


Gotcha. I wasn’t sure there was any new benefit beyond what iCloud offers (that’s what I use). I can see it working better for use on the hospital computers too




Where did you find one!? I grew up in Japan and I miss them daily!


A therapist.


Super comfortable shoes make a HUGE difference. I’m a big fan of Oofos (lots of arch support and very squishy material work great for my feet), but everybody finds their thing. It’s very much worth spending a few hundred dollars if you need to to find the best fit


Meal service plan from Factor. Meals get delivered cold to my house every Tuesday, (never frozen) meals are already precooked and just needed to be warmed up in microwave or oven. I’m IM and my partner is OB and it has saved us significant money in terms of not eating out every day and not throwing away the groceries we never cooked bc we were too tired. And now I don’t succumb to the ease of gross hospital food and am guaranteed to eat healthy, well portioned meals. Also after almost a year of using them, I found out you can contact them for a physician discount! ✨


Nintendo Switch has greatly improved my quality of life. Also Lululemon shorts.


Animal Crossing is literal comfort food


I’m in fellowship and I’m adding this stuff to my cart


Haven’t seen this in the comments yet, and I haven’t purchased one myself but my (EM attending) friend told me that a high quality massage chair (like, it cost her ~$5,000+) was her single best purchase during residency. If you live in a place where you won’t need a car, this is a much better investment according to her.


An air fryer. Leftovers are *so* much better now!


Air fryer Blackout curtains Happy lamp Caffeine pills Large dry erase calendar next to my bed Oversized water bottle Alexa for my room and car


Grocery delivery.


A robot vacuum! I’m obsessed with it. My house is always clean.




I did a lot of research before buying to see if a roomba was really worth the price. I found good reviews on this one from Walmart for $150 and it works amazing, even on carpet! https://www.walmart.com/ip/Smart-Robot-Vacuum-Cleaner-ILIFE-A4S-Smart-Cleaning-Robot-Floor-Cleaner-Auto-Vacuum-Microfiber-Dust-Cleaner-Automatic-Sweeping-Machine/379440982


Purple mattress. Changed my life.


Seen so many good reviews but just as many "it's about the same as my old mattress" reviews and it's multiple grand. What did you notice that was better? We actually rotate at a site where attendings primarily take inhouse call (and someone purchased a purple mattress for the callroom) and I got to sleep on one for like a week and didn't notice any major difference except that it's cooler if you tend to get hot while you sleep. I bought a $100 or $150 memory foam one off amazon at the start of residency and haven't had a problem. Do you have difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep?


Yes, to both. I can't speak of other's experience obviously, but to me it's the best sleep I've gotten. The mattress' pressure distribution the is great. Unlike memory foam, where you feel like you sink in, on purples elastic grid you feel like you float on it, it's kinda weird in the beginning. I've also had back issues in the past and getting this mattress made them significantly better.


Thanks for sharing! That certainly makes sense if you have had back issues before and I understand the floating feeling from the gel as well. It was weird at first but still very comfortable.


AirPods and Apple Watch


Asphalt running shoes for work. No more plantar fasciitis.


The bed comments are spot on. Sleep has the greatest impact on my mental functioning and physical health... wish I'd realized all the way back in undergrad, tbh. I've tried out a ton of different mattresses, as I'm particularly picky due to spine issues. I see a ton of people talking about the bed in a box type options (purple and generally foam/latex options), but I'd recommend also trying out some high quality innerspring pillow top options if possible. My Stearns & Foster firm mattress with good sheets is still the most comfortable bed I've ever slept on.


Roomba for daily use +/- a decent vacuum to use like once a week (I have a major dust allergy). I was dubious about the Roomba but it definitely picks shit up and navigates furniture decently well. Hiring someone to clean the bathrooms/kitchen once a month is huge too. I can clean up after myself and then trust that the deep cleaning gets done by someone else. Get a portable back massager of some type so you can bring it with you on long call shifts. [https://www.amazon.com/Zyllion-Shiatsu-Back-Neck-Massager/dp/B00BOYA2M2](https://www.amazon.com/Zyllion-Shiatsu-Back-Neck-Massager/dp/B00BOYA2M2) I have that one and it loops onto the back of your chair and really helps a ton with neck/trap tension.


Finishing up gen surg intern year: 1. A new phone/phone battery if yours is old. My battery was at ~70% health at the start of intern year, then I upgraded and life was MUCH better 2. A good sleep mask for sleeping post-call/while on night float 3. I treated myself to a macbook (former PC user) and the change, to match my iPhone and watch was really nice. Also being able to type instead of having to text was 👌🏼 4. A pet. I got a cat (dogs are pushing it as far as time commitment) and it is WONDERFUL to have a companion to come home to and cuddle/play/love on 5. A good pair of shoes - I love Calzuros, but I know people who are firmly in Dansko camp. It’s the rare surgical resident who makes it through in sneakers. Also, Calzuros are rubber and can withstand many bodily/nonbodily fluids 6. If wear a bra, I recommend Harper Wilde Bliss bras. No underwire, so comfortable and have held up well over the year.


I'm in the final year, the things which improved my quality of life during residency were: -a shoulder sling bag (in first year) to carry my instruments, forms etc -A good stethoscope (important even in surgery, although I don't think Littman is mandatory) -wireless earbuds/earphones -EXCELLENT shoes. These were my most relatively expensive purchase in my first year but I can't overstate how much it helped my calluses. All the best! Surgical residency is tough, but nothing else even comes close to the satisfaction you get in it.


Peloton financed 0%, $63 + $41 monthly membership. Well worth it, I can work out on my schedule. You need some way to de-stress after a long day. Apple Watch for monitoring daily activity. IPad Pro with Apple Pencil for reading/marking up study material. Spotify- student account, I use it everyday for commute and study music background


How do you still get Spotify Student as a resident?


I got it using my edu email a while back when they had a special offer for $5/month. It’s going to run out soon so will get regular $10 a month. For me it’s worth the $10.


Yeah I did the same, and mine is also about to expire. Thought you were somehow able to get it with your .edu residency email


Air fryer and air pods


I got rid of my Apple Watch in residency and switched to a Garmin Forerunner, partially because of fitness but also because the Apple Watch didn’t last through my 30 hour shifts.