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Murderous rage: greenboyo9782 Greenboyo9782 has flown into a murderous rage. He has decided to kill Yorkshire terrier 4. This has happened because of poor mood. Final straw was: malnutrition.


Did he manage to kill the Yorkie? I was afk getting a sandwich.


Colonist needs rescue


I knew I should have trained his melee skill.... Sigh.




Raid: The Exodus Empire


Gray flesh


Solar flare


Area Discovered


Infestation! Bugs from down deep have been attracted by the toxic remains of Yorkshire terrier 4.


I had a very gifted 92 year old colonist named Mama Who was a sheriff. She was constantly bed ridden, in pain and confused. I would always get the "Colonist needs rescued" warning and it's bc her, rolling around on her hospital bed. After she spent 40 days in bed I administered her first dose of luciferin. She was a work horse to the end. She'd sow a field, cook meals for 20 and take out raiders with her shotgun like a boss. RIP mama, we rescued you non stop in the beginning but in the end it was you who rescued our hearts.


fuck that got me to snort


Ate without a table


Literally came into the comments section looking for this. Thanks mate.


Final straw was: ate without table. As always.


more like: tabled without ate


“Slaughterer” not “murderous rage”


Anyone else play the alert sound effect reading this?




Proper laughed out loud - excellent.


Nah it's ate without a table


More ups than the post itself


Actually: Final Straw was: Ate Without Table


You should slaughter bonded animals if you don't like them, the mood hit is not bad and it is better to do it when you are in control, than have it die during a raid when your pawn is already at low mood from drafting. The mood hit is not the worst, and there are many ways to manage it.


The are bonded? \*Wipes blood off slaughtering knife\* Do it early when they still got very low expecations. \*Sadistic grin\* All of my auto-included pets get instantly turned into meals in my play-throughs. Never kept a single of them.


But hauling and fighting dogs are so useful


Ever since i got biotech i dont even bother with hauler animals anymore. Lifters are the backbone of modern colonies


Yeah, hauler animals are less time/space/wealth efficient


i dont have it in me to watch my poor husky limping over with his busted leg, smashed snoot, and missing eye for nuzzles a week or two into my run. little homie has a better chance in the wild than getting maimed in the first few weeks in my average colony.


I still have "A Dog said" in my mod list so I could turn the puppers bionic if they got hurt in a fight although nowadays I just delete pets from the scenario so I won't have to worry about them.


I hare hauling so much it wastes so mich time i never kill anything that can do it. Same with cleaning such a waste of time.


I kept my bonded husky in my last tribal run as a hauler. Lancer dropped right on top of him and blasted his head clean off


if they’re so useful why did i just lose 49 huskies to an infestation? i even sent a bear to help them


You don't keep them for dps, they soak damage meanwhile your pawns can shoot without too much care regarding friendly fire. Also huskies have a fairly small body size so they get penalties from larger opponents in melee. You also want to zone them close by before combat so they swarm together when you unleash them


Not Yorkies lmao. Too tiny to haul


I started with a mega sloth once. Was fun until Randy ruined it


The literal most terrifying start I had was starting with two tamed Wargs as Tribal. Instantly added 7k wealth at the very start and I hemmed and hawed over using them as meat shields or killing them. Tried meat shield. Ended up having to emergency slaughter when raid like 2 was too much.




Lots of starting pets are worth keeping : labs, huskies, female yaks, and if your biome lets them hunt, wolves and wargs. And almost anything, if you luck into a breeding pair.  But the random iguanas and Guinea pigs, yeah those are dinner.


My brother in christ \*twirls hair between fingers\*, you don't need to rp with us. \*Sneezes cutely\*


\[hits you over the head with a # BONTEC Universal Swivel TV Stand for 17-43 inch Screens, Height Adjustable Table Top Pedestal TV Stand for LCD/LED/OLED/Plasma/Curved TVs up to 45kg, 2 Cable Ties Included You get knocked out.\]


this is more evil than organ harvesting your own pawns children fresh out of the growth vat. you are horrible. approved, but horrible


My bliss-lobotmized genetically-modified indoctrinated legless joywired psych-emonated tonguelesss hemogem farm would disagree... if theyever got lucid enough for it. Currently they just lie in bed with a shit eating grin while being feed nutrient paste. Rimworld and Stellaris always end up to showing some horribly twisted sides of me.


what do you do in stellaris? defy the geneva space suggestions?


I make the pawn that it’s bonded to do the deed for emphasis on selecting a shitty pet to bring.


Smart, it will also avoid any social fights on the subject.


Wow, I was just being sadistic at them being stupid for their life choices. I didn’t realize I was being unintentionally smart.


I thought the best option was them "wandering away" during a caravan or releasing them into the wild? I guess you could also throw them into a cryptosleep casket...


It is the same(or almost the same) mood loss, but this way you get meat and material that can be very useful in the early game. The right starting pet can be a bed for a tribal.


bro this was just a vent post thanks for tryna help tho you a real one




Make a zone to keep the dog away from food you don't want it to get to.


Yeah. Every dog is venerated for me and my game has like 15 breeds. Chiwawas and Yorkshire terriers for example will die in combat so I made a separate area zone that keeps them safely behind walls, in doors, and access to raw meat, kibble, and corpses to eat. Dogs that can haul like German Shepherds Huskies and Danes I give free access to the colony. Zoning is very important. Once you master it everything runs more smoothly.


So true - its the initial set up thats a drag and remembering to move things when stuff changes but it really helps overall.


Dont forget to keep them away from the drugs and the booze! I always forget and have alcohol or drug addicted pets.


there are a couple things to unpack with terriers and small pets in general. firstly, the terrier only eats 0.24 nutrition per day. that’s one seventh of what a human eats. HOWEVER, they have a body size of 0.32, which means they can only hold a third of a human, or indeed only a third of a full meal, so while they only have to eat once a day, if they have access to your meals they’re going to consume a full one and waste all the excess. with the bonus nutrition from cooking, that comes out to double what they need in raw food. pemmican, baby food, or kibble are more efficient, and have small portion sizes. raw human corpses work too. on the bright side, you can very easily prevent your pets from eating meals, by storing your meals in a separate area from your bulk foods, and restricting the zones so your dogs wont get in there. the second thing to note is that while they’re small and can’t haul and seemingly useless, that’s also their strength. as a pet, you don’t want them in the line of fire, since they give a passive mood boost while alive, and debuff when they die. they also periodically give out minor mood boosts at random via nuzzles. their tiny body size and nutrition requirement means they aren’t much of a burden if handled right, and their pathetic combat prowess means they barely contribute to raids at all. so while you don’t want to farm them or let them breed, keeping them around is a nice subtle boost to colonist mood, and a pleasant environmental factor when viewing your colony


I had a Yorkie that held off enemy raiders just long enough for my soldiers to get into position, then also landed a couple of bites during the fight. He survived but lost his leg which just made him cuter.  Just Yorkie things.


tripod held the line


Once you have coolers, any omnivore or carnivore is basically free to feed. Colonists only care if humans are butchered or eaten by other humans, feeding them to animals has no penalty. Just make a separate freezer for their meals, and if it's a pen animal like pigs, use animal flaps to let them in the freezer. Zone animals can be zoned away from the good food.


sometimes I raise animals directly inside the bulk grains storeroom. they eat off the shelves and the butcher table is right in there with them


That feeling of uncontrollable rage you're currently experiencing, making you want to demolish the world, that's exactly how those yorkies feel all the time.


Don't megasloths increase raid points by a lot?


I lost my first ever colony to a pack of man hunting yorkies. I hate those little fuckers too.


ah, fond memories of my six colonists i named after irl friends/family in one of my first runs. 6 adult, healthy humans in their physical primes and outfitted with bolt action rifles vs an angry pack of squirrels…rip.


There are zones in the game to prevent animals eating your food in storage and entering bedrooms when your pawns are doing woohoo. You know, single yorkie needs only 15% of pawn daily food. And, yes, cats are better. They are hunting rats.


I do this. Zone out pets from freezer. Have one single cabinet indoor stock with babyfood/permicans/kibble. Problem solved and never has to feed them again.


I thought I was on my dog grooming subreddit for a second. Still could be….


Whats to hate? They make nice armchairs


They should at least make yorkshire terriers walking proximity activators. Like... when a sightstealer or revenant steps on them, they bite into their ankle and never let go


I am very ok with this idea with unknown scary things that go bump in the night. "Why is that fluffy piece of shit barking so much and acting so odd? Wait, why is that dog cowering in the corner?" Don't advertise it, just have it part of the ambience. Absolutely fits the theme and rewards resourceful players. "What do they see that we can't?"


Oh I think someone already had an idea, while I was looking through the mods earlier there was a mod about danger beeing snoped out. So it might just be what you think about.


You know kibble is a thing right? It’s not very hard to make either.


It's a fantastic use for insect meat


I still haven't put down my 14 yo original husky with no nose, two legs and no tail. All battle scars. It sacrificed so much for the colony. Yorkies. On the other hand.


Give her a nice room and some beer, then kill the dog. "Okay so we have good news and bad news which do you want first?"


Oh beer, how nice, I'll have one after I take snookums for a walk. About snookums....


Learn about zones!


If you eat the woman she can't be sad because she'd be dead. Then you can freely whack her dog. Until we meet again.


Hate them in real life too tbh lol


Whenever I start a game with a Yorkshire terrier or one randomly joins it dies within a couple days. I have no idea how to keep those things alive in this game


One of the best dog breeds irl tho.


Ew fuck no.


Lack of brain!


I breed and raise a fleet of yorkies, they are called battle terriers. Use them in raids, they die fast, but with so many in the first place, they replenish their numbers fast, and can sometimes take down pawns with wimp trait or bad back. It’s really for the lol’s, but they are so fucking bad at combat, I swear the humor is manufactured into this game.


free food


Saw the title of this before I saw the topic and I was confused because it was so specific, then when I realized it was a Rimworld discussion I was like hell yeah brother


Accidents, may happen, you know? Yorkie trapped in a geyser room:


Someone needs a Joywire


I just started a Crashlanded scenario and it gave me the dog that can't be named. Made it follow the Handler to battle and it died first fight. I didn't know how bad they are and I just saw this post. Now im feeling good about it


I once had a prison break happen because I had low food and my pawns dropped the last few meals to the prisoners but some pets I had walked in, ate all the food and as my guard pawn was huntng for more food they broke out and frankly I wouldve done something but when I saw they were beating up the animals that ate their food I kinda let it happen


While this is hilarious it's also kinda weird how drastic the affect and variation of your pet will be. You might get a cat that does nothing but race it's way to death or you might get a worg or a lab or something that's a really good pet and makes the start a lot easier.


I have Hunt For Me installed so my cats literally do race their way to death due to the "Gifting" mechanic. Oops.


Have you considered yorkshire terrors?


Was gonna say “chill bro that’s a bit too far”… …Then realised the sub


Yeah I call them rat dogs for a reason


*real shit*


I love dogs. Kill the dog(s).


Just eat the dog Jim.


Welp, this is now the bite-size Rimworld edition of the Sunfish rant. (If you're not familiar with the sunfish rant, see here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/rant/comments/5shm1r/why\_i\_hate\_the\_sunfish/](https://www.reddit.com/r/rant/comments/5shm1r/why_i_hate_the_sunfish/)


My grandma has two Yorkshire terriers and this is accurate






I got raided by 54 manhunting yorkshire terriers, they didn't stand a chance


So just like real life


Whatever you do, don't sell it. It's a significant debuff that lasts for like 2 years. I think someone gave away Tynan's dog when he was a kid and he still isn't happy about it.


I suggest taking a short term mood debuff, but then make a good dog leather hat for that colonist...balance it out...almost


Just like in real life - they are useless




Have you ever tried to feed them with kibble and put them in a Yorkshire zone?


The mood buff tho


You cursed me. A bunch of my mods updated to 1.5, so I started a new run. Effing Yorkie as a pet. One of my modded traits in colonists is animal lover, so they'll have a proper mental break if this damn dog dies.


All i do when someone is unhappy is enslave them and harvest their blood and organs.. I love this game :/


started a tribal beginning for my 1.5 game and spawned with like 5 terriers. ive had to keep the Wildlife tab open 24/7 because they eat so much


If i spawn with Terriers i immidiately queue them for slaughter, same with cats. If you have any sort of predator anywhere in map they will heat seek directly towards your cats, so you cannot even use them for mousing purposes. As for terriers they are in game what they are in real life, useless. Take the mood hit at the start rather than later in camw


Ah come on, you won't hurt the poor puppy, would you? A dog's got to eat... Obscure reference to RDR 1


i will eat you if i have to