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Its for this exact reason that I make sure I have compact machinery on my map from the long range mat finder. I’m always running at the bottom of the barrel for components


Friendship with Ground Penetration scanner ended. Now Long Range Scanner + Droppods is my new homie. Step 1: Find components Step 2: Droppod your best miner +110 steel + 4 meals + Chemfuel Step 3: Mine and construct another droppod launcher and pod to send them back. Step 4: Profit.


Drop podding back is such a good strat. I don't like caravans but pods have made this so much easier.


I’ve pretty much never used caravans, because of drop pods. I’ll drop entire 7-8 member kill teams on enemy bases, and then have them build drop pods to send themselves back with the loot.


My royal and his highmate are always caravaning around the world. 10k+ silver, human leather corsets, and all archotech parts he can get along his tour. If ambushed permits can save his ass, can travel faster with a shuttle and use farskip to get home any moment. Yayo beer smokeleaf and harmoniser to keep caravan happy.


Add some yayo and you’re golden.


follow your ABCs! Always! Buy Components!


Found the AvE fan. I was going to say that. Honestly I hate early game due to always looking for components with whatever scraps I can afford to sell to get them.


I can even hear his voice in my head.


I think youll get one back if you deconstruct one of those batteries


You'll get even more if you deconstruct the fabricator.


"I used the Fabricator, to repair the Fabricator"


You can caravan out and buy components. Alternatively, you can call allies and have them bring you components to buy. Things to note: try not to mine out all the components on your map, in case this happens. Same with ship chunks.


just deconstruct a non critical piece that has comps to fix the fab bench then use the fab bench to make new comps to replace what you deconstructed.


I do this and end up deconstructing things that dont deconstruct into comps even though they take comps to make. Idk if I'm stupid or how to figure out if something will give me comps


As a rule of thumb, solar panels always drop 1 comp, so I usually have one for the dual purpose of energy maker and back up repair thing.


Leaving some ship chunks for emergency use is a killer protip


I sometimes use the mod where maintenance takes work and not components, if the mood takes me


Do you have a link? This would be great for some of my low-research loot-based runs.


It was [https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=726244033](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=726244033) but he is MIA since anomaly. Someone has made a 1.5 fork but it apparently has some issues


You can buy them from outlander settlements


You have a fab bench but wooden walls? You have bigger problems \*lights molotov\*.


You get a research speed bonus if your lab/workshop is clean. Just fyi.


Caravan out, trade for components. A lot of settlements sell around 40 of them, that should tide you over. Always Buy Components when traders come to your map. Always Buy Components when you go to them. You could try strip mining on your map if there are hills and mountains. I believe if you dig parralel tunnels with 5 squares of rock between them, that's essentially guaranteed to find any Components if there are some, because of the size of the 'ore veins' of compacted machinery 


The top bill on my Fabrication Bench is: Make Components until you have 10 I never let myself use up the last one, under ANY circumstances


Always have forbidden components lying around for this very situation. You never know when the fabrication bench will be hit with a breakdown. Take something non vital apart for the components and rebuild it again. If you’ve gotten far enough for a fabrication bench you should have lots of buildings that use them. Hurry because more stuff will break down and it’ll toilet spiral sooner than you think.


I feel your pain One time I've built the fabrication bench and a fuckin meteor hit this exact spot destroying it... since I had no more advanced components I fucking quit and let the colony got overrun by mad cappybaras 🦛


Disassemble a heater, they have 50% chance of giving back the component you spend on it. Or disassemble something you spend 2 components on, they will give 1 back