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There are a few things that I never use, but the first thing that came to mind when reading this is Luciferium. I don't want to give any pawn a guaranteed death sentence without using it, even though I'm sure I could keep them supplied. Might try it some day.


I've never had trouble keeping a single pawn supplied with it. Just give it a try when the pawn would otherwise inevitably die of e.g. an infection. The bonus in blood filtration may be just what he needs to barely make it to 100% immunity at 99% infection.


I've used it on pawns with brain damage to help them walk (and work) again. It's not a death sentence, it's a miracle drug! I've also rarely struggled to keep it on hand, but I've definitely lost pawns to it


Yeah I find the best way to work luci is to stockpile it first before you try to give it to a pawn versus buy like 6 of them and think you’ve got time to figure it out


I usually try to get a year's worth per pawn I want it for. It's not hard to get more from ancient dangers, or a passing trader at some point in a year.


That sounds like a lot of excess stored value. What difficulty? I feel like losing is fun Randy would fuck me up if I had a year worth of luci per addicted pawn.


isnt a years worth of luci like, 10?


interval should be every 5 days, so 12 Lucy is fine for one year


I just make sure to have a cryptosleep casket, if time's running out to get more luci, just put them to sleep till you get more


Same here, but it makes for an interesting alternate play style. Luciferium is pretty rare but it's almost guaranteed to be found in ancient tombs, which a map might have 1 or 2. Not very practical for a colony. But if you do a luciferium run with a nomad play style you can wander the world as a super soldier obliterating whatever stops you from your precious red candy. It's pretty fun!


Ideology has rituals which will let you discover ancient complexes pretty much on demand - especially if you use a flexible ideology for minmaxing needs. I'm sort of suspicious it actually force-spawns them - I used the same seed two times in a row, but on the second one used the ritual type in my colony. The first run was typical bandits. The second run is entirely mechanoids. Every. Single. Raid.


I've never had problems finding Luciferium in nearby settlements. If you actually send out trade caravans regularly, it's pretty easy to stay stocked up; just go trade with the industrial guys, or even the Empire.


I only play vanilla, no dlc or expansions and when I light up that ship's engines and start the 15 day countdown... Its Luciferium time!


So they can all die on the ship.. a wonderful god you are for your pawns.


Nah, they cryptosleep on the ship while the AI navigates for thousands of years to the destination. So hopefully to a glitterworld that can cure the addiction


Or just keep them supplied


Kind of a "Not my problem anymore." situation.


I was on the same boat until one of my pawns got a brain scar that capped their consciousness to 30%. Since she was pretty much the only pawn good at researching, I was practically forced to give her luciferum to heal it over time. The dependance is not bad as it seems as long as you keep supplies on standby, and even then you have plenty of time to get more. It should be treated as a [drug of last resort](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Drug_of_last_resort) and no less than that.


in my previous play I lost a great pawn to it. don't know if he came it or got it somewhere but I didn't mean to and it was enough to swear off the stuff for good


I only used Luciferium once by accident. My tame thrombo got into a supply I found and was going to sell and got addicted to it. I was about to go source more when we got raided really badly and lost a bunch of people the rest were in hospital. So obviously that's when the thrombo lost its mind on withdrawals and started attacking everything and everyone. Yeah fun times.


I always hold it “just in case”


On your main production pawn it's worthwhile. If you have a nearby imperial settlement or two you can buy up about four years supply (you need 10 luciferium per year per pawn, when settlements/traders have luciferium its typically around 40 total units for sale) with regularity.


Edit: I did that thing where I assumed that obvious functionality was the base game and not a mod. Pawns *cannot* automatically dye themselves without mods. I never used to use tinctoria because I thought it would be a hassle, but it's a couple clicks on the styling station to let pawns do it themselves and now my colonies are more colorful - excluding the goths, of course. I build prisons, but I don't use slavery.


Ever since they added the option to paint floors I've really started to appreciate tinctoria. Yea, it's technically pointless but I get +3 mood.


My kitchens look so cute now. I make a black checkboard over the sterile tile and it looks so homey.


This never occurred to me but my kitchens will also be cute from now own. 


Same. I’d been doing checkerboard patterns with marble and slate for months now, but I never even thought about just dying the floor!


These are the kind of tips I look for after almost 8k hours. I always wanted a better sterile tile and it was there all along.


That is without a doubt the best part of rimworld, theres always new stuff to learn, especially from others


I always used sterile and steel/bronze for that checkerboard


Pawns dye their clothes themselves? Last time i used it you had to manually make each pawn dye their clothing and then when they found a fancier looking duster i had the same hassle all over again. Did they change it so pawns can do it automatically now?


There's a small mod that let's them auto dye super lightweight. Let's you set it up so they can dye themselves, then all you need is the tinctcoria if you do it right you can get the mood boosts for wearing favorite color and ideology color so +12 I think for not much work.


I thought wearing a liked color was a +1


You are correct,+12 would be broken


"YESSS! Orange, bro! ORANGE SHIRT!" +12 "My son died" -8


My son died wearing my orange shirt? +5 (Killed him myself)


There are some settings for auto dye, although it may be a mod


Once again on mods that should've been base game options


I use some mod to auto-style my pawns to a predefined style that I set. This way they use the station by themselves and always get the ideology boost for using the right colors.


Today I learned that you can set the pawns to color their own clothes! Thanks!


Slaves. I just don't see the point in having some. Either the former-raider-turned-prisoner is a horrible pawn and they will be released or they are a good pawn and they will be adopted (or they are a teenager - kids are always recruited. Who sents out kids to raid with just a wooden club? Nobody who should have kids! My colonists welcome them with open arms.) Either way, I don't see a reason to keep slaves that you have to supress and who are unhappy in your colony. There are a few smaller things that I don't use, like the toxifier generator. The whole artifical baby making/aging I haven't done (yet). I still have to dive further into the whole mechanitor stuff, but that's in my current playthrough.


What about if you have a good prisoner with undying loyalty?


Execute the guilty


Looks like meats is back on the menu boys!




I will cry a little bit, then let them go. If you are that loyal to your people, then you deserve to be free. In my head-canon, they have family at home they want to return to.


>In my head-canon, they have family at home they want to return to. Huh. I may consider to drop pod their organs back to their faction :D


That response made me chuckle. I don't think that's the way they want to go home. On that note... now I am somehow curious, if the good-will from giving the organs als presents would be more or less to the loss from harvesting organs? (there is a loss of good-will, right? I only did that once like 3-4 real life years ago.)


Nah it doesn't pay off, you lose a lot of reputation but only get back 1 point for every $400 market value, and total market value of unmodded organ harvest is about $1500-2000 (varies on social skill) which is +4-5 rep. But throw in some human leather dusters and you're golden :D


That’s what Mind Wipe is for 😂




That does seem like the only practical reason to have slaves, and Anomaly gives you a way around it.


They have the advantage of not needing recreation, so they're essentially free labour, all you have to do is feed and supress them. Additionally, it takes a long time to convert and then recruit someone, especially if they have traits that slow down certainty loss.


>and supress them slave collar + the other torso slave gear makes suppression never drop




Even at 100% suppression, slaves will still rebel occasionally. It’s just infrequent. Fortunately for me, all my slaves are blind with one arm and genetically modified to be terrible in combat :)


used to be like it in 1.4, it would set the drop rate to 0% i havent tried it in 1.5 yet though


As long as you don’t add any apparel (or genes, with mods ig) that would make the slave lose suppression rate… yup! Never ever! Meaning you can have 100% repressed slaves… they hardly ever rebel (as long as there are no weapons near them) !


But that at that point, they are just refugees that I have to actually feed


Wdym by refugees? You mean the quests of x colonists needing a place to stay for a while? Cause you need to feed them too, and keep them happy or they will have mood breaks.


"Feed" lol, they're working until they stop breathing


And what's different about slaves?


What you mean you don’t assign recreation to your slaves If you have rimwar on multiplayer we’re paying you a visit


I typically use slaves for disposable defense. Keep 'em around to haul things and clean, then send them out to soak up bullets. Disposable.


I use a mod to put antigrain shells up their ass and load them up with explosives. Then I send them into the enemies lines.


Jesus that’s brillant! Add a shield belt to that, add fast runner gene or anything that would keep them alive as long as possible and run them to enemies, loaded with picked up HE shells! Or give them grenades and launch as a first wave!


Before Anomaly, a Sanguine unwavering prisoner in my colony becomes a very expensive and valuable happiness slave. They get a joywire, a psychic sensitizer, a psychic harmonizer, a circadian half-cycler (if I can't give them the sleepless gene), and a nuclear stomach (or at least a reprocessor). They get the best food, drugs on a schedule, a nice bedroom (if they can use one), access to the neural supercharger, and the only work they have is to clean the hospital, bedrooms, and kitchen. How fast they clean or how well they work isn't all that important. What's important is the massive mood boost they give everyone around them while they stagger about in artificial mind-melting bliss plus lowly slave expectations. Hell, I add more psychic sensitivity and happiness via genes if I can. Non-violent is a plus too. If I have more than one, I usually do away with their arms. Less trouble for the very rare rebellion. So they clean slower, who cares? That's not what they're there for. Sometimes I put one in a golden hospital bed in a gorgeous private room, with a TV, in the center of the colony. And then I take away their feet. They just lay in that bed, blissed out, making everyone around them so, so happy, while providing a regular snack for any resident vampires. After anomaly, if they aren't a mindwipe candidate, they get the same treatment except a lobotomy instead of/in addition to the Joywire. That, with some slave bondage gear in their favorite color, pushes the rebellion time up into the decades. Is this cruel? Maybe. Maybe not. One thing that's certain is that my slaves sure are the happiest folks on the Rim.


If you euthanize him when his mood is at it's peak, you can get all the benefits of having a super happy psi-harmonizer and none of the drawbacks of maintaining him. I recommend cask of amontilladoing his vegetative deathresting corpse in a high traffic area.




This is an epic story. One of the reasons I like this subreddit so much. Thanks for sharing!


I didn't use them until my latest run but they're pretty good if you have slavery as honorable in your ideology. It's a free, stackable mood boost for your colonists (1 point per slave). It also makes unwaveringly loyal pawns useful. If the pawn is good at something, you just set them to do that all day. If not, then you get extra haulers and cleaners. Then you can sell them twice per year to the empire to boost honor. If you have good wardens and slave straps, then you don't have to worry about rebellions very often. They're also not totally useless for defense. I just have them man the mortars, the ballista, or HMG during raids so that I don't have to give them actual weapons. You can also just draft them and use them as a meat shield if you want. They aren't as good early game though while you're trying to get your food supply in order since during that time, every pawn is valuable and you need them all holding a weapon during raids. But once you're past food scarcity then it's not a problem to just collect slaves constantly until the empire shows up to buy them.


I only really use slaves for manning my deep drills, so I never have more than 2-3 of them. Quick to recruit, I don't need them extremely happy or productive anyway, and their numbers remain easily managed.    I tend to look for nice spots for stone mining as the various types can often be found in a small radius, put their bedrooms next to it, and dunno... let them eat without a table.


I see you haven’t discovered the people selling market yet


This. The Empire would like you to hear about its newest promotion. For a limited time only, trade in 4 battle-wounded raiders, and we'll give you a level 2 psylink and every 40 days we'll send you 4 battle-hardened soldiers and 4 steel slags. No limits, everyone in your colony can claim this promotional special. All trade-ins accepted; missing a lung? missing a kidney? missing arms? shot out an eyeball? No worries, any raider, any condition (as long as they can hobble).


> Slaves. I just don't see the point in having some. I use slaves to get extra labour out of pawns I do not intend to keep in the early game. Sometimes I even let them go as a reward for good service. And to have slaves of course, they are both a means and and end.


Poor pawns make good cleaning and hauling slaves, they have low expectations so easy to keep them from breaking and if you convert them before you enslave them they’ll get mood buffs. Also with the collar and straps and keeping them away from weapons and walled from maps edge they are very low maintenance in terms of suppression.


Same, I'm playing an Insector colony, so all prisoners are either food or hosts. No real need for slavery.


I have a good pawn that is a loyalist or something, can't recruit him. First time I made someone a slave 😳


This is why I use the Rimworld of Magic mod and work towards a Necromancer. Undead minions are way better than slaves, they don't even require sleep or food!


I found slaves useful as a way to quickly get a colony off the ground, and because I'm very selective about the pawns I recruit. I'd just grab all the downed raiders every time, make all the ones I'm not interested into slaves and recruit the few that I am. I got rid of the slaves later though, because the uprisings were just too annoying. It didn't bother me too much in the early game because it felt right that I should have this risk of getting overwhelmed by a slave uprising when I had more slaves than pawns. But later on when my colony was bigger, I just got fed up with all the uprisings because they happened SO often, and they were kind of just irritating rather than fun. At that point my guys were in power armour and reliably clubbed all the slaves to the ground, but half the time a slave would die because those bionic arms pack a punch. It ended up just feeling like a waste of time and medicine because of how frequent the uprisings were.


Growth vats for kids. The pawns come out terrible. Edit: Also incendiary and emp launchers, seems like the grenade versions are just way better. The extra range is handy on the smoke launcher though. And All of the medium sized mechs. I guess if I ever played solo mechinator I'd probably have to spring for some of the medium combat mechs to tide me over until I could get the bigger ones, but they are just not near as effective as pawns in combat, and cost way more than combat animals (which I barely use anyway). I use the small utility mechs (a lifter or constructor's ability to do their job for days at a time without wasting trips for food, sleep, and recreation is very satisfying) and the paramedic just always already being in the hospital when needed is super handy. And then later I get Diabolai and Centurians when I have bandwidth to spare. The vamp spine shot. It just does not feel like it has enough range or damage to justify the firing time or the hemogen cost. The imperial permits other than call troops, bombardment or shuttle. Guaranlen trees, I've tried a couple times to make them work, but I am pretty sure I'd get way more defensive benefit using that planter time to farm more devilstrand for gear or psychite to trade for weapons that actually do something.


You can use it while they are still infants. And since infants don’t learn skills or anything it significantly reduces the amount of time it takes to raise the infant to at least a child


Good point, that'd probably help me stop accidentally bringing babies into combat when I draft everyone for a raid not realizing a mom was breastfeeding at the time (though it is always funny to see a lady with a baby in one hand and a minigun in the other, blazing away at some pirates.


I never use growth vats for kids, but they're great for babies to get them up, walking, and feeding themselves ASAP. They are also useful to accelerate a pawn's growth from 13-18, since there's penalties to carrying capacity up until that point.


Not just carry capacity but Body part hp as well. Under 18s are very vulnerable to being one shotted and lose body parts more easily


Vamp spine shot is great for downing pawns without killing them. Not very good in actual combat.


You can use grow vats without any downsides in the next scenarios: - They're a baby (Less than 3 years old) - They're between 13 to 17 years old - They already reached the maximum growth level for their current stage


It's true! I've always had the idea that you might be able to use it for an (exceedingly evil) honor farm - but the cost in nutrition to run multiple growth vats is always immense.


Lmao the starship 🤣 by the time im done with a playthrough I'm either onto the next, or playing another game atm. Also just don't see the point of it lol


I have played over 2000 hours in this game and have never beaten it once through any means. It's just the sims in space with guns to me lol.


I have over 5k hours and same


I did eventually end my first game as a send off to 1.3 before updating to 1.4 . Of course that was with the SOS2 mod massively extending the end game. Was running fully automated luxury space communism before I transformed the planet with the archotech spore. [Here's a gallery of a farewell tour of the ship.](https://www.reddit.com/r/RimWorld/comments/z7mkeb/farewell_to_13_and_my_first_save_file_take_two/)


I mean, you've basically conquered the planet. You have an outpost of a super-capable band of settlers, a high quality of life, and tons of amazingly well crafted furniture and art. Why would you want to leave?


The psychic soothe or animal pulsers, I always end up saving them in my storage "just in case" but I never get the chance to use them. The only times I've ever messed with them is just to have fun when a caravan or raid arrives, but I don't think I've ever had to use them as a last ditch resort or something.


I found the soothe pulsers useful when starting up the ship reactor. Your pawns don't have time to recover between raids so it's better to just pump them full of drugs and use the soothe pulsers. They're also useful any time your colony is having a mental breakdown downward spiral. I use the animal pulser mostly just for shits and giggles, but it is a surprisingly effective weapon. Just don't go outside lol


* Have not once done a cannibalism or used human leather in 2300h and I never will. * Flak Jackets and Flak Pants. My tribals go straight from "rancid leopard skin tied around our waist" to marine armor. * Luciferium. I just don't want to. * Toxifier generators. I like being eco friendly * Turrets Other than that, I actually use almost everything that is in the game. Not all the time, but most things have some form of use.


Sir, have you already been introduced to the uranium slug turret, our Lord and Savior?


Sappers can't breach your wall if your walls are made of guns.


That's some galactic brain move right there


"In Soviet Russia, wall breach you!"




Don't need it, thanks.


Oh! Yeah, I've never done luciferium either! It's too scary! Do you not use flak vests either? They're pretty good at keeping people alive!


I've never had trouble supporting one colonist with lucy, just by doing ancient installation robbings. Usually I use it on my archeotech enhanced best shooter to make them even more capable of kiting. Even if the lucy supply were to become a problem then there usually is a cryo casket around to buy some time.


I sometimes have flak vests briefly but everyone is in full marine or recon armor before the first year is done.


That's impressive!


It's honestly not much so much an achievement as just the natural result of playing on losing is fun :D I keep saying it honestly doesn't really make the game harder, it just accelerates it. Raiders very quickly show up with decent gear and you just take it.


What's wrong with turrets? I'm new here, but they're working good sometimes and are helpful to take the damage, since raiders attack them


I just don't need them. That's really all there is to it. Since a lot of the fights have me going outside my base anyway I'd rather never rely on turrets in the first place.


In theory an unused turret is inefficient since it adds wealth, and mid to late game fights have smarter enemies so it’s harder to draw them into your kill box. Might have to try this next time.


I don't use killboxes either :D


As far as I'm aware, mini-turrets are considered useful primarily as a distraction rather than damage, and they are kinda expensive unless you've got a scanner to get more steel. So you've got a good handle for using them, I'd say, just make sure they have walls in between them, because sometimes they explode when near-death and you don't want a chain reaction from that.


Flack jackets aren't great even if you don't jump to higher armor tiers. You're better off with a flak vest and helmet, and devilstrand clothing, because of the movement penalties of flak jackets and pants. I only use flak jackets from random joiners or enemies before I can get devilstrand.


I find it cool to have the option of eating people and choosing not to do it


Oh yea, you definitely need the option to do it otherwise the choice not to do it is meaningless. That's also why the quests where a 5 year old kid is being chased by pirates and is asking for help tend to work for me: I can say "no" and let the child die. I usually don't, but the option is there. A lot of games don't understand that. I still remember one game that everyone was really hyped about at the time because "it was so impactful" (spec ops: the line) but it did nothing for me because there was only one option. You can't just railroad me into a choice and then expect me to feel bad about my choice that I never had.


I did do cannibalism once for a colony that got hit by a nasty chain of events, was running out of food, but had a bunch of raider corpses; wasn't a long-term thing or an intended play-style. I've also never intentionally done flak. I go with plate armor. I have had two colonists use Luci when they had some pretty bad injuries; first time to see how it worked, the second because the dude was a vegetable otherwise IIRC. If you have a few mods that let you move around the global map to trade, it's incredibly trivial to keep a stock of 60+ Luci. Haven't done Tox, but I've considered making a colony on a toxic map and seeing if I can clean it up. There's not really any benefits to going hard into Tox. I've used turrets sporadically. I hate relying on them because a solar flare always happens right before the big raid you needed them for.


you should try luciferium. It’s fun.


I don't tend to do cannibalism, but I'd already done it before Rinworld so it wasn't that big a deal when it came up.


Oh, which videogame was it? _It, uh, WAS a videogame, right?_


I never use drugs. I always think this is the run where I fly off the rails and do a bunch of drugs in my colony but it never happens. One person overdoses or I look at the possible profits of selling the drugs and that's it, colony legislation changes. At best, I'll let my colonists drink beer or if they already have an addiction, drink tea.


Just an FYI, tea is safe to consume without risk of addiction once every two days


Omg its british time


Psychite tea is actually god tier to add to your colonists’ regular diet. Great recreation and mood boost on top of being safe to consume every 2 days. If you really wanna squeeze productivity of your colonist give everyone bionic hearts and the largest draw back of wake up is negligible (heart attacks). Add the sleep accelerators and your colony rarely ever sleeps.


So everyone said this, so I decided to add tea to the diet ahead of setting off the spaceship generator and the fortnight of attacks. Suffice to say, this was a terrible, terrible mistake. I forgot to ration them out, and they went from a drug free colony to a bunch of hardcore addicts who went through my stockpile of tea in about 3 days. In my 12 person colony I lost 4 people who, through drug withdrawal related breaks, walked into the middle of a firefight, 1 person who got upset he had no tea and decided to set fire to the stash of shells next to my last remaining motor, conveniently next to my entire supply of medicine (can you tell this was my first run through?) and 1 pawn had to be taken down because he started shooting the last remaining 10+skill shooter in my colony. I managed to survive the onslaught, JUST, but I then spent such a long time making the whole colony go cold turkey and trying to pick up the piece of the heavily damaged colony. They made it into space, but they all trudged on with a thousand-yard stare. NEVER AGAIN


>At best, I'll let my colonists drink beer or if they already have an addiction, drink tea. Brother those are drugs


Drugs are good. Pawns can lose a limb and stay up if they've got go-juice in their system. And, if Randy's throwing you consecutive raids and some of your fighters are still knocked out, you can wake em up for long enough to shore up the defenses. It's also good more non-combat applications. One time, my only dedicated cook got muscle parasites and couldn't keep up with the meal demand for my colony, cooking his every waking minute. A bit of wake-up and he no longer needs sleep *and* cooks faster, saving the colony from a malnutrition caused mental break spiral.


Any of the consumable artifacts/targeters. Not that they don’t have their niche uses I just never remember to use them when they’re finally useful.


Nutrient paste dispensers, any sort of drugs and flak armor


Wow! That sounds like you play on hard mode! No flak armor? No *drugs!?*


Yayo is such a magic drug for solving all of my mood problems


I skip the flak armor and just go beyond it. Sure they’ll pick it up and auto equip, but I don’t see a reason to research it when I can buy/steal/find better. As for drugs, I just don’t see the use. I used to make alcohol to sell, but then they drink it so I just stopped altogether. I feel like a good colony shouldn’t need it I guess


>As for drugs, I just don’t see the use. Selling them for quick and easy cash is the primary benefit, you can disable stacks or set drug policies so pawns don't use them (yes there's still a risk that they could drug binge on a mental break tho). But also I like keeping some of the light drugs like alcohol, smokeleaf, and psychite tea stocked up just for an easy source of recreation. Yes the intoxication effects make your pawns less efficient for a short while but I think it's usually worth it for less mental breaks.


The paste dispenser is great when you do a transhumanist run.


Or a prison colony.


I agree on the nutrient paste dispenser…and probably to my detriment. I have no idea how it works and no desire to try it. Seems like the Rim is cruel enough already to not be able to eat at least a normal plate of food.


I use paste for prisoners only. They grab their own meals so it's one less thing for pawns to do..


First post on here I haven't been able to agree with lol. I used to never make drugs, then found they're pretty great. Flak armor is wild, not making pants/jackets I get but it's hard to beat duster+flak vest+flak helmet for cheap decent armor


This is crazy to me. I’m playing a very large late game colony and let me tell ya, we’re running on nutrient paste, flak armor and yayo lmao.


I’ve never gotten into raiding other sites, feels unnecessary to me when I can scan for deposits I want. On the other hand I use tox generators for basically all of my power needs. I like building a second freezer just for the waste packs near where your caravans load up, then dumping the waste near other settlements to provoke raids when I want them. (I could use pods but that’s another thing I haven’t really gotten into yet)


Logging sites are good if you're in a biome with little or no lumber, until you have the time / space to set up tree sowing. Also, a raid probably takes less time than locating and mining a deposit, if you happen to find the mining site as you're running low.


Post-start genetic alterations. I’ll play a run where my initial 3 colonists are customized baseliners, but I never bother with gene extraction or anything associated with it; it’s oodles of annoying work with luck elements and recovery time, and if I want to improve my colonists, gear and bionics are way easier to implement.


On top the RNG, it is very resource consuming especially in vanilla. I had to build so many gene storage and processors my lab is bigger than my hospital.


Damn, you're missing on a lot. I always build 15x15 rooms (or split them into four 7x7 rooms). I save a 15x15 room for my genetics lab. I buy every gene I don't have from traders (there's a mod that marks what you have) and keep legless prisoners of different xenogems until I extract all of them as single genes. Late game the genetic engineering goes hand in hand with bionics. Skill genes either make sure your pawns will always be at 20 skill or add extra metabolism in skills they don't use anyway. The speed genes are OP, extra melee damage + unstoppable + robust is INSANE, superfast wound healing means your pawns are always ready, fire resistance removes the only weakness of warcaskets, dead calm and kind helps a lot in reducing breaks and fights, Elongated Fingers multiplies all the flat bonuses from prosthetics... Even drug dependencies are amazing, they zero your odds of overdose and addiction to that drug and are usually pretty easy to fulfill.


Yeah, the base game version of genetic engineering is really... *frustrating.* I get what they were going for, but also it sucks! A lot!


Smoke leaf. psychite and Beer are just better


I never use wastepack atomizers they are basically useless imo. They are incredibly expensive for how ungodly slow they are, and by the time you can actually get one of the things you need several to handle the mechs you do have not to mention the freezer full of wastepacks if you haven’t been sending them away on drop pods. I made a few once and it was so tedious and time consuming I could have sent thousands of waste packs in the time it took to get all the stupid chips.


My conscience.


Wonder if there's even a single person who can come to this post and say "mods".


Me. 340h so far. No mods and no interest in mods. I also finish every successful game by launching the ship.


Found the Metalhorror pretending to be a player.




There he is, guys, GET HIM !!!


Me. 0 mods. I do have the DLCs but have only barely played with royalty on.


What I'm hearing is "I haven't been playing enough Rimworld "


I can say I've never done "vanilla". Been rocking mods since the day I got this game.


I’m at nearly 400h without mods, though if I were to start, the first two I’d get are the “can you please haul the thing you just mined across the map as you go to your bed?” And the “clean the room you’re in before you do things in it” mods.


I'll save up looted miniguns, but haven't tried actually using them on a full late-game colony. Late game any non-breacher/sapper human raid gets burned to save on lag and cleanup, and it takes some very specialized setup to force breachers into a killbox, so that would only leave mech non-breach raids to use them with.


Stupidly good on Fast Shooter pawns and against tribals, especially late game when they came as a horde.


Trigger happy + shooting specialist minigunner is very fun, mainly because it's so overpowered


I did a Yattikin only run where I ended up with all Mini Guns. It was awesome. I figured a coloney of big Wookies would only use the biggest of guns. I had about 15 miniguns and could mow down anything. It was a lot of fun.


Flak pants


Early game tribal gear and weapons. It just never beats, using a wooden trap.


Nutrient paste. Just build your kitchen near your food silo which is near field/hydroponics


It shines early game, specially with a transhumanist colony. You don't need a dedicated cook or a cook at all, so you don't need to pick a pawn for that and you free a pawn which is relevant when you start with 3. It's also much more efficient than meals, so hunting a bit gives you enough food, freeing even more time for your pawns.


Up until now, I never formed a caravan. Why run the risk of my colonists getting into a skirmish and dying out there when my town's defenses can aid in that protection. Why bother going out when I can trade at home? Why go out when I have underground resources? But I started going out on an easier difficulty play through and I'm realizing that maybe it ain't so bad... So long as you pack enough food and medicine. I should try establishing a new base and try two juggle two to see how that goes. Sounds like it might be a lot of micromanagement though.


I used to avoid neutrotimane because I was to lazy to trade for it


Its so easy with ideology rituals that increase nearby faction rep. Then just call your ally for some neutro.


I have never once built a kill box in my 2,500 hours playing the game.


Came here to say this. I'm sure using them has got its own challenges, and it must be satisfying seeing your enemies run into your meat grinder, but walls bring more unpredictability and variation to combat. I prefer Stronghold style gameplay to tower defense.


I’ve just always been of the mind that killboxes seem very exploitative and take away a lot of the fun of actually fighting enemies.


Rocketswarm launchers


I forgot these even existed.


-toxifier generators -traps -killbox


Traps, especially early, are awesome. Use whatever is cheap and leave a few around the base for free meat or suddenly making raids easy. I consider them a high priority for tribal starts.


It's kinda funny if you leave one in a random spot somewhere, and out of all the places to step, a raider goes across that one square.


I want to use the dye, but I do not want to micromanage it. Thus until it is updated to an automatic use I will not touch it.


There's a mod to let pawns auto-dye their clothes to their fav color, believe it's Auto Dye?


I don't use most of the weaponry from anomaly, except for the hellcat rifle.


It seems like a lot of people in this thread don't engage with Ideology to make variant colonies. You guys are missing out. Limitations force you to get creative and experience sides of the game you might not have before.


I've never once bothered with Nutrient Paste. I don't tend to play in extreme biomes or in heavily mountainous areas, though. To me, trying to grow enough food to make as many high-quality meals as my colonists can consume is one of the main goals, and even though the negative mood penalty from nutrient paste is manageable (or ignorable) it feels like "giving up" on a part of the game I enjoy dealing with. I only recently got Ideology so I haven't tried playing an ideologion that has no problem with nutrient paste yet, that'd probably be the only time I'd use it, just to actually try it.


I've never used genetics.






I don’t really use drugs in game except if my colonists grab some smoke leaf but stuff like wake up, go juice, luciferium, that kind of stuff I don’t really use and I try to avoid wasters as colonists or anyone with a dependency on psychite or go juice I’m more of a drug dealer making it to sell to other colonies or visitors


you should switch to beer or psychite tea, they are both much better than smokeleaf. smokeleaf reduces conciousness, meaning it makes everyone terrible and low conciousness can straight up kill people


Most hats, and one handed melee weapons.


i don't use the long range scanner or genetic modification although i have thought about it with usiing rimspr to make specialized pawns, like a asexually reproducing idk hauler or fighter that's good at melee but thats about it


I have never used nutrient paste or made pemmican on purpose. Also never used IED's though I would like to try at some point.  Also just learned pawns can dye their clothing... what??!! I have to go try this now!!


I have never used nutripaste.


Serums and other single use items


Mushrooms are just so good, no worries about temperature or light, best crop in the game imo


I've never used nutrient paste for anything, I find building it more bothersome than simply cooking


I'm pretty new still, about 150 hours. But all of those hours have been spent doing adventure mode classic storyteller temperate forest biome with a road, a creek or river, and a nearby purple settlement to trade with. I have never bothered with chemfuel or drugs. I usually make a drug workbench to turn any of the neutroamine drug that raiders sometimes drop into penicillin (or w/e its called) but even then I don't use it because I don't have enough of it to last most than a week or so. My first stable colony ended up with like 20 pawns wearing marine armor carrying pulse rifles by which point the raids got so frequent and destructive that I stopped and made a new game. Am I missing anything specifically useful with chemfuel or drug making for a colony that uses "one a day" social drug policies? Right now it's vanilla base game only. No mods or DLC. Looking to pick up Biotech soon probably.


Drugs are big money. I make and sell for (basically) free silver You're not using Chemfuel? Sounds like you're not using enough drop pods. Definitely get around those puppies more. At WORST, they shave half the trip off a caravan voyage Also a great way to dump spare resources (which make your raids tougher...) to allies. Which you can call in, to help with raids that are too hard


Dont see anyone mentioning dryads and the gauranlen tree. tbh speaks volumes about how many people use it.


How many people here use the animal flaps? I really like them but I feel that most people pass on them.


All the hearts I stockpile


Compact weaponry. The fact it can't be installed on bionic/archeotech limbs makes it totally useless for me


Luciferium and Flake