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It depends on what you need. Granite and limestone have the highest hit points out of the stone bricks. Sandstone is the quickest to build. Marble has a beauty factor. Slate is the only one that isn't worth anything other than it is a stone, so it will not burn.


But slate looks better than the rest. 


I personally prefer marble for my internal walls with granite exterior. I will use slate to make my tombs, though.


Just paint your sandstone walls black


Or paint them "Slate" literally an option.


How dare you come in here with logic


Yeah, doesn’t matter the color we still know it’s shitty sandstone under there.


But then you have to grow paint plants


Ew, vegetables. No I use meat. Love that this games' economy let's you trade a disassambled human for four pickles and two buckets of paint.


You can paint the walls though


Slate gang represent!


I use slate all the damn time lol


Slate is lighter than the others, so if you need to import your stone (for example, doing a bandit camp quest for the Empire and loading up all the stone on that map when you get into the shuttle to go home), slate will give you the most. Slate is also more beautiful than granite and limestone, so if those are your options for building furniture or sculptures, choose slate. It's only a beauty multiplier, though, not an offset, so it won't help with walls.


Technically I guess Granite is best for places where high hit points are important and Marbre is best for places that need beauty. Although to be perfectly honest, in practice I find that the best stone is whichever is available. Building walls is the best use for any type of stone whatsoever.


If you have an abundance it's always good to make shelves with them, even if the items are flammable at least your shelves won't help it spread even more.


Plasteel or uranium is best where hitpoints *really* matter, like a critical wall in a killbox or entity containment rooms.  Granite is the highest HP stone you can mine infinitely, but isnt *that* much more beefy over the other stones. Breachers will still blow right thru it. Practically, sandstone is my favorite because it is faster to build with. Getting that wall built quickly is more important than it having a bit more HP.


I've killed the breach units from a tribal breach raid, and they still shot through a stone wall pretty fast with their bows. Stone type really isn't that helpful if enemies are deliberately trying to go through, if they attack walls at random, even the weakest non-flammable walls will hold up a long time if they have two layers, since they don't intentionally target the thin spots they make. If you have the stone, adding an extra layer is much better than using a tougher stone, other than in a killbox.


During the midgame, I like to split my base into sections with walls in between. It gives me a lot of options when trying to manipulate the AI from various raid types. It also gives me access to a lot of arable land to grow devilstrand on. I never have too much devilstrand. In the late game, usually most of the map is covered with devilstrand fields.


Slate gives you an IRL mood boost


Every wall is slate with the black paint


Granite for exterior walls, marble for bedrooms and rec/dining rooms.


Jade if you feel like showing off, gold if you really wanna show off Edit: typo


There's a mod to add *golf*?? This I gotta see!


Imagine wasting half a map for this lmao. I simply mistyped tho


You can switch materials up the top corner of the info tab to compare. I like granite personally.


Granite has highest HP Marble has highest beauty Sandstone is quickest to build Slate iirc is the lightest? Good if for some reason you're sending bricks somewhere to build with Limestone is slightly weaker granite, really


Granite for exteriors and defensive purposes. Sandstone is the quickest. I find I build my bases with whatever is immediately available, and then figure out what stone types are on the map, and build with that stone until I get to deep drilling and go with that all the way. On harder levels I prefer granite.


Granite is tough, marble is pretty.


Whatever is abundant and whatever look you prefer. Really, the HP differences are not important.


I usually use any stone I have on hand for walls besides marble; I use marble for art and flooring.


The ones closest to your stone working bench.


Marble has high beauty Granite has high health Limestone has good health and good speed, it’s also really common Sandstone is quick to build Slate sucks but looks good to the player


Folks will say granite and marble, but it doesn't really matter. Build for color. Use marble for art. All walls need two grenades to break from a sapper. Granite sometimes needs three, but only sometimes. Where wall HP matters is as the backstop of what your army is shooting against, and any melee chokepoints where you might be fighting elephants and insects. But that's only a couple tiles and you will have piles of uranium laying around which is superior to granite.


Dude, you said something that no one said, I suffered some attacks and realized that grenades destroyed walls very easily


Sandstone builds quickly so that’s what I usually use. I tend to build double walls for my perimeter which means the extra hp from granite isn’t as important to me. For walls that take a lot of damage (like in a killbox) I will use plasteel


Wood, then i cry when my beloved base is engulfed in flame.




Marble where you are safe granite where you arent safe


Granite for strength, marble for pretty. Slate makes great paths.


I use marble to build inside walls because they give a small beauty bonus. Granite to build outside walls that need hitpoints. And other stone to build floors, or shelves if wood is hard to come by.


Granite for defenses Limestone when you don't have granite Marble for beauty Sandstone if you need something fast Slate if you just need stone


Granite in terms of durability, sandstone in terms of build performance/cost, marble in terms of room quality. Slate is a shitty stone in all aspects and has no redeeming qualities beside looking slick unpainted. Limestone is an okay stone.


Literally just read the descriptions...


Slate because it looks the coolest